The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 116: Purana (3)


The people in the small world of Zhoudao do not know that on the other side of the earth, in the days of peace, the world's upsurge has converged here.

After Cen Jin gave him a cold and mad look, he fell vertically, Ding Baiqing subconsciously grabbed his wrist, and released it in less than two seconds, watching him fall from a tall building and was caught by his companions.

Ding Baiqing covered the camera, and the live broadcast went black again, ignoring the crazy influx of audience.

The boss didn't have time to manage, so that the live broadcast room was squeezed into a short period of time. The administrator first noticed the live broadcast room, went in and checked and found a black screen. Thinking of buying a water army, he rudely locked the live broadcast room.

A group of spectators who came to hear the wind were kicked out of the room as soon as they felt the smell, and they almost used the keyboard to violently output.

But at this time, they were still restrained, thinking that the anchor had closed it themselves, so they poured into the live broadcast room of Lao Pang and his friends to ask when it would be open.

Lao Pang was a little stunned, he just said wait a while, then pondered for a while, was reminded by a friend that the live broadcast room was blocked, he was shocked, and quickly sent a private message to remind the house management, but no one read the news for a long time, and finally had to go to the battle to find the administrator to complain .

In this way, it takes some time.

On this side, Wu Lan and the others caught the exhausted Cen Jin and dragged him into the residential building to rest. Kong Jiawen quickly ran down with the medicine box, water and food to give them to them. There were others in the building with clean clothes and quilts to keep them warm.

Although they were a little afraid of the extraordinary performance of these young people, they could distinguish right from wrong. If it weren't for these young people, they and their families would have died.

Kong Jiawen ran up and down, showing diligence, until the six people changed into clean clothes and drank hot water, and then helped grandpa to come down to express their gratitude.

"Well, I want to ask if the island is still in danger?"

"Do you want to ask if the water ghouls in the sea will come up?" Totem was covered in bandages, shaking his head and said, "I guess not, it should be the last wave, and they have all been slaughtered."

Kong Jiawen was relieved.

Wu Lan: "Five o'clock... Will the storm continue until tomorrow?"

Kong Jiawen's grandfather said, "No. It will stop in half an hour."

"So fast?" Yu Wen looked at the violent storm outside and couldn't believe it would stop within half an hour.

"The weather at sea is changeable." Huang Jiang said, "Grandpa Kong used to be a fisherman and knows the topography of the island, but haven't found any water ghouls in the sea before?"

Grandpa Kong's ears are not very good. After repeated reminders by Kong Jiawen, he said tremblingly: "That is a water ghost! Our ancestors told us that we can't go out to sea in heavy rain, and there are water ghosts in the sea."

Huang Jiang noticed something wrong: "Did you know that there are water ghosts in the sea when you were young?"

Grandpa Kong nodded: "I have seen a corpse."

The others took a deep breath and realized that something was wrong.

The three-phase headquarters building has only been built on the island for more than ten years, and Grandpa Kong must be seventy or eighty years old. At least six or seventy years ago, there were water ghouls, so where did they come from

Wu Lan: "It's better to go back as soon as possible." She asked Grandpa Kong: "Do you have a boat?"

Kong Jiawen: "There is a fishing boat. If you want to go to sea, I can take you back. By the way, the signal is broken again."

Wu Lan thanked him, then sat down and looked at the rough sea, quietly waiting for the end of the storm with the others.

Of course, everyone was full of doubts, especially doubts about Huangmao's martial arts and transcendent techniques, but he was unconscious at the moment and couldn't ask.


Seaport Military District.

The Asuras hid in the clouds, revealing their upper bodies, like the heavenly soldiers in the murals, accompanied by thunder and lightning and torrential rain, the scene was no less than a hundred thousand soldiers approaching the city.

The Asuras shouted in unison, leaned their upper bodies back, raised their long spears high, and threw them forcefully at the military area, with a swishing sound like thousands of arrows being fired in unison, and the long spears fell over the military area, about to hit the military area. When it hit a building, it stopped abruptly and snapped at the waist, as if hitting a solid transparent film, and then the weapon was broken by the force attached to the film.

The long guns collided one after another, broke, and crashed and dropped metal rods. From a distance, it looked like a large number of mosquitoes inhaling high concentrations of pesticides had fallen.

When the intense firepower came to an end, the sea was covered with broken metal sticks.

The boss shook his flip-flops, grinned, bared his white teeth and said, "No more guns? Then it's my turn."

He stretched out his hands, the metal sticks on the sea trembled and rose to a height of three or four meters above the sea level. They threw them towards the thick clouds, Ben Yi Juechen, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the front.

The Asuras hurriedly retreated. Although their reaction speed was fast enough, they were still a step behind. The sound of the sharp metal stick plucking into the soft flesh was obscured by thunder and lightning, and it fell silently into the bottom of the sea. After a while, the body floated to the surface.

The Asuras who were still alive continued to attack, like eagles attacking their prey, one group dealt with the boss, the other group went to the depths of the base, the huge mechanical wings gliding down, and the wing tips rubbed the military base building, leaving a deep impression. scratches.

Asura, who flew over the high-rise building, turned over in the air and threw the long spear in his hand. The power was huge, no less than a cannonball, and when it landed, it exploded into a big pit.

At the same time, the anti-terrorist equipment in the military region was activated, and all kinds of hot weapons with huge lethality came on the field in turn. First, the 15-type tank of the king of land warfare. Keqiqi stopped in the front playground, lined up, and the gun barrels were adjusted and lifted. Gun. Mouth cold and ruthless to execute the order, the goal is to annihilate the enemy.

Regardless of loss, regardless of consequences.

Boom - BOOM! !

The explosion shook the sky, the violent cannon fire exploded in the air, the black and gold wings that shone with a dark light were smashed, the smoking metal feathers fell one after another, and the remnants, iron pieces and cannonball fragments were mixed and rolled. fall to the ground.

The war is heating up.

"Cross Sword Gang!"

"Cross Sword Demon!"

The cold and stern female voice is intertwined with the clanging golden sound, the silver-white sword, light and sword shadow smash the wind and rain, as if even the sound and the air can be smashed. Carly, who was flying through the air, grabbed the long spear, flew to a high altitude, and fell vertically. The spear pierced the air, rubbed sparks, and stabbed Wu Yujie between the eyebrows.

There was a loud sound, the aftertaste reverberated, the spear tip was in the middle of the blade, and the distance between Wu Yujie's eyebrows was no more than four or five centimeters.

Carly instantly opened her metal wings and opened it upwards to block the wind and rain, but she heard the sound of kaka, and the next moment the outermost black and gold feathers stood up and aimed at Wu Yujie, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da machine gun. fire, instantaneous sparks and water splashes at the same time Splashing, accompanied by the slashing, slashing and stabbing of the sword in the right hand so fast that only phantoms were left, the ping bells clapped in chaos, and countless black and gold feathers shot out in all directions.

"Sword Gang!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sword light was dazzling, severing Kali's continuous offensive, Wu Yujie slipped out of his attack range, the handle of the knife in his hand changed direction, and stabbed back without turning his head, the sound of cracking silk, the sharp blade entered the flesh, and pulled it out. .Go out, stand still, make a cross with the sword horizontally and vertically.

"Cross, Knife Gang Jiansha!"

As soon as Wu Yujie's voice fell, the ground rolled up a white airflow, forming a tornado shape, the rain was evaporated into water vapor, and there was a brief silence in time and space, and then the overwhelming sword, light and sword shadows were like turbulent currents, and the world was instantly filled with killing energy.

The war was fierce in the middle and front of the military area, and the back was calm. In the airtight basement, under heavy guards, a special alloy coffin was surrounded by strong lasers. 's body.

Vishnu, the body of death.

Asuras, gods and Brahmins fought endlessly for this, completely tearing up against China, institutions, and even the whole world, just for this body of death.

Judging from his beautiful face, deep facial features, and soft outline, there are some male and female appearances, his long hair is curled up to his waist, and his skin is firm and elastic.

The focus of the infrared monitoring was the body of the god of death, and he didn't notice the ground at all. Of course, even if he did, he wouldn't find anything, because the problem was underground.

Deep underground, under the cement layer and the soil layer, between the rock layer and the rock layer, the unnoticeable positions are full of runes, and a fist-sized deep red jade bead in the middle is emitting a shimmering shimmer.

Asuras and water ghouls, Asura kings and heavenly beings, their blood and resentment melted into the rain, which infiltrated the land and slowly flowed with the sea to the runes buried deep in the rock formations of the port city, forming countless small rivers, flowing to the same Convergence in one direction.


At six o'clock, after the rain, the dark clouds drifted away, the sea cleared up, and the setting sun dyed the sky and the sea red.

A line of sea and sky, sparkling, a fishing boat sailed across the bay and docked at the pier.

Wang Lingxian and the others went ashore. After Cen Jin rested and regained some physical strength, he stood on the shore and looked back at the island and the ocean under the magnificent sunset. It was peaceful and dreamy, and he could not see what a tense and cruel war had just broken out.

Kong Jiawen: "I'm going to the police station now, and we'll part." After a few seconds of silence, he asked nervously, "Can everyone take a group photo?"

It doesn't matter how many people Wang Lingxian has, Kong Jiawen immediately happily poses for the photo, especially standing next to Huang Mao, taking several pictures in succession, and parting with joy.

After walking all the way, I couldn't wait to open my phone to watch the photos, I was going to choose a good one and put it on my personal homepage, and then Kong Jiawen couldn't find the perfect yellow hair for a long time. Either the overexposure resulted in only the yellow hair on the whole body or the face was blocked by white light, and then Otherwise, the focal length is suddenly distorted, and the face cannot be photographed at all.

After looking at it for a long time, Kong Jiawen sighed: "What kind of world is this king of hiding from the camera? Is the God of Gamblers reborn? Huang Mao should be renamed Gao Jin."

He edited it and chose a photo of a full-body photo of yellow hair, but it was so blurry that he couldn't see it clearly. At first glance, he felt that he was a supernatural phenomenon that had entered by mistake and put it on ins. At the same time, he edited: [It's amazing that you can't imagine. experience.]

Seeing that he wasn't dead, fans quickly asked if the last photo was from P, whether the shadow in the sea was a fish or a monster, etc. No one saw him except for a suspicious comment that was dragged to the bottom.

This comment is: [… Violent Rabbit?]

At this time, the port was empty, and the ships were quietly docked at the port. The red, yellow, and blue containers on the dock were bright and bright, row upon row, like seven-color rainbow candy cubes poured out of a sugar bowl, and pushed them one by one into a neat and orderly appearance.

The six people walked from the port to the container terminal. They walked between the paths separated by the containers. The footsteps were clear. They stopped in the middle of the walk, took out their weapons, and said to the six directions, "Come out."

A slight sea breeze blew through the container's four vertical and eight horizontal paths, making a whining sound. >

r /> Other than that, there is no response.

Wu Lan smiled: "Have the courage to ambush, but not the courage to speak out? Amano Zongmi, Rudra, and others."

Subtle footsteps sounded, and the container with a height of about four or five meters was instantly filled with forty or fifty people. They were the remaining eight teams, and Amano Somiya and Rudra were at the forefront.

Looking around, Wang Lingxian said, "Wow, didn't all of you move in the retainer army to assist you this time?"

Except for Amano Somiya and Rudra, the other six team leaders looked embarrassed and carefully glanced at the target team and the lead Amano and Rudra. It was originally a ten-to-one unfair competition, but the two leaders were shameless. It is too shameless to mobilize retainers and troops.

Mobilizing the citizens of the whole city to provide them with the location information of the target team is a small strategy that is allowed during the game, but it has been repeatedly ordered by retainers to take action, and even if they win, they are embarrassed to go out and show off.

Some people understand that victory is impossible, and feel ashamed, but the teacher sternly demanded that they must win the game, so they had to temporarily cast aside their shame and run behind the two leaders.

Amano Soya: "Congratulations on getting the plan."

Wang Lingxian: "It won't be too late to congratulate you when we eliminate you all."

Amano Zongmi sneered, looking at the exhaustion of the six people, with an obscure expression: "You are indeed very powerful, you are indeed one of the most powerful teams in China, and even in the world."

In order to successfully intercept the plan in the hands of the totem team, Amano Zongya had set up an ambush around the pier, and at the same time observed the island from a distance. The whole process of the incident an hour ago was watched by several of them, which deeply shocked the six of them. At the same time as the strength of the team, they were afraid and glad that the group of water ghouls consumed their physical strength.

Amano Zongmi and Rudra have the same thoughts, they don't care why there are so many water ghouls near Zhoudao, and they don't care what the three-phase headquarters company does, plans or kills how many people.

In their eyes, nothing is more important than the honors and prizes brought by the victory of the game, and the place of the accident is not at home anyway.

"But appreciation is appreciation. In competitive competitions, the more important thing is the result."

As soon as Amano Zongmi's voice fell, Rudara next to him shouted sharply: "Disperse them! Solve them one by one! Furiluo, entangle Huangmao!"

Forty or fifty transcendents flew down immediately, their teams cooperated tacitly to besiege the target, launched an attack and dispersed them smoothly, the totem ran to the east, and Amano Zongya led people to chase and kill them.

Wang Lingxian and Wu Lan headed to the north and northwest respectively. Rudara led three teams to chase and kill them. The remaining four teams had three teams scattered to besiege Yu Wen and Huang Jiang. On the contrary, Huang Mao, the most important one, had only one team to deal with.

But this team is not ordinary. Everyone in it is drawn from each team and formed temporarily.

This is the countermeasure that Amano Zongmi and Rudra came up with, referring to the fable of Huaxia Tianji horse racing. After all, a team can not compete well, and the failure rate is too high, but the best team is specially dispatched to deal with Huang Mao, and I am afraid that other targets cannot be eliminated. .

So a sub-team was assigned to form a temporary team, with a total of eight people, and the captains were Fujira and Sarutobi Riyue.

Cen Jin fled to the southwest, where the containers were the most dense, and was soon surrounded by eight people. The two sides remained motionless. The cool sea breeze was blowing their hair and clothes. Lights up, accompanied by soothing music, and the figures of both sides are as fast as lightning.

The music is mixed with drum beats, from three or two rhythm to dense rhythm, like soldiers on the battlefield, to autumn wind sweeping leaves, fast and passionate, the fight between Cen Jin and the eight opponents is also from the beginning of the temptation to the attack of hands and feet, the rhythm. Follow the music almost all the way.

Whether it's a high-level fight, a burning bgm, or a pier under the sunset lights, the picture of mutual achievement is like an oil painting with excellent texture, and it is also like a gangster movie that swept the awards at the film festival.

The sudden scene made the audience stunned, and some audience members who came here because of the name but had not seen the scene of extreme violent aesthetics immediately commented: [I want to watch the live broadcast, not the movie.]

[Is it a gangster movie?]

[It's a Hong Kong city gangster movie in the 1990s. Visual color, picture composition and oriental fighting, as well as bgm coexisting with pride and grace... After all, which movie is this?]

Old Pang was still complaining for a second. The administrator's attitude was arrogant and rude. He violently beat the influx of spectators into a navy army. He had an ominous premonition in his heart. Logically speaking, the administrator should not be so indiscriminate. To the high-level hints, block the live broadcast room of the dark horse.

The appeal was invalid, and Lao Pang couldn't help but feel despair when he remembered that he had been with several buried geniuses in various fields before.

Looking at his live broadcast room full of cold sweat, those viewers who could not enter the 'violent rabbit' live broadcast room all flocked to his live broadcast room to ask questions. Even friends were a little anxious, and they ignored the anchors they liked.

"Old Pang, what's going on?" the friend asked behind his back.

Lao Pang shook his head bitterly, and then looked up to see a strange comment that suddenly flashed in his live broadcast room, what happened

His friend reminded him anxiously: "Look to your right! The live broadcast room on the right!"

Lao Pang looked back, his eyes widened in surprise, the live broadcast room of 'Violence Rabbit' is open? !

Then he quickly discovered that other people still couldn't enter the live broadcast room, and his friends also followed the live broadcast room, but they couldn't get in, and they would be unfollowed for no reason.

After several attempts, friends and viewers said to Lao Pang, "Only your live room is normal."

Lao Pang also wondered if he was the only one who was selected. Across the Internet, the ocean, the vast land area, and countless netizens, he was the only one who was selected.

What is the reason for the selection

Because he paid attention and paid attention to it from the first second he saw the violent rabbit. When he was the biggest dark horse, his heart was full of firm appreciation, as if he had an immortal belief. Was he selected because of this firmness

Who could have picked him with such precision

Who persistently captures the highlights of the protagonist of the camera and insists on publishing them

Maybe not people. Old Pang thought that only the gods could do it.

The protagonist staring at the camera is favored by the gods. He wants the whole world to worship the protagonist enthusiastically, and also wants people to see his preference for the protagonist, and he is the first believer selected by the gods for the protagonist.

Like Abraham, the first believer that God chose for Jesus, and thus received an enviable honor.

Countless thoughts flashed through Lao Pang's mind. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He pointed the camera at the live broadcast room of Violent Rabbit, and his eyes shone with excitement: "Audience friends, I will analyze the live broadcast room of 'Violence Rabbit' next."

The back of his hand slammed into the attacker's back, then squeezed his shoulders hard, and threw the opponent's body that instantly softened. Cen Jin faced the last two opponents alone, Sarutobi Riyue and Fuhira.

"My friend, I'm sorry, I really don't want to hurt you." Fujira said, while attacking fiercely, cooperated with Sarutobi Riyue to beat Cen Jin back step by step, he could only defend but not attack.

Cen Jin tried to use the extraordinary technique again, but his body was too tired to support his brain's overspending.

He tried his best to calmly observe the paths of the two of them, found a loophole, and took the initiative to face the attack of the two. He was slightly injured and successfully broke through the encirclement. When it was in danger, it was easy to turn around quickly during the fast running process. The sickle rubbed the container and made an ear-piercing sound. With a forceful swing, it smashed dozens of high-rise containers.

Shadows obscured the sky, the containers were piled high and crumbling, they were cut in half by a knife and collapsed immediately.

suffered! Cen Jin hurriedly dodged, but saw a cold light, and the container instantly shattered into dense pieces of iron, as if attracted by a magnetic force, and slammed over.

Cen Jin dodged and smashed while avoiding the iron pieces. The face was actually Sarutobi Riyue who was hiding behind countless iron pieces. He subconsciously lowered his waist to avoid the blow, waving his left hand, gravity and magnetic force entangled and fought, turning defeat into victory, manipulating the iron. Pianzha went to Sarutobi Riyue, but he didn't know that the rear was empty, and he was swept out by the swiftly flying Fuhiluo.

With a loud bang, his back fell heavily on the container, and his internal organs were in great pain, but Cen Jin didn't have time to feel the pain. Yin was pinched by the shoulders of Furiluo who suddenly fell in front of him, and the top of his head was a magnetically controlled sharp iron piece ready to be thrown. Sarutobi Sun and Moon came.

Cen Jin's pupils tightened, this iron piece seemed to be cut off, it could definitely cut him in half.

Sarutobi Hiyuki wants to kill him!

"Friend, thank you for the 3 points you gave me in the story."


Cen Jin looked at Fujirao, the latter blinked, and Sarutobi Riyue had already controlled the large piece of iron to slam down, and at this critical moment, Fujirao pulled him up with a smile, and then threw him hard. fly out.

With a loud bang, Cen Jin rolled over to the ground and ran away quickly, but he couldn't escape four or five meters and suddenly stopped, looked down at his chest, stretched out his hand, his face changed suddenly, and the necklace loaded with the longevity serum really disappeared.

He hurriedly turned around and saw Furiluo holding the droplet-shaped necklace in confusion. Noticing Cen Jin's eyes, he raised the necklace with an embarrassed smile, and just said 'I'm sorry, I'll pay you back', Sarutobi was angered. The sun and the moon cut off the pendant.

The water drop pendant fell to the ground, and the picture slowly played in Cen Jin's eyes, and the reflex had to force the brain to quickly rescue the water drop pendant.

But the brain tingled, slowed for a second.

The clanging sound, the landing is safe.

Not smashed. Cen Jin breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment was shattered by the actions of Sarutobi Riyue.

She controlled the iron piece that cut off the chain pendant to return in the middle, and cut off the water drop pendant neatly. The visible water foam and glass slag splashed and quickly penetrated into the surface cement layer.

Sarutobi Riyue also stepped on it and crushed it twice, and said with a gloomy expression: "I don't care what your relationship is in private, for me, the competition is the most important thing. If you can't keep the public and private, I will kill you! "

As if frightened, Fujiro shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "I'm sorry, sorry."

Cen Jin's temples jumped suddenly, his brain tingled again and again, his sixth sense fluctuated violently at this time, and he had never felt a violent heartbeat before, staring at the ground trying to find the drop of longevity serum, his pupils were shrinking and Switching back and forth between normal times, at a certain moment, he could clearly see the texture of the rock layer, which was the ancient Sanskrit that he was all too familiar with.

Layer upon layer, the ancient Sanskrit characters, which are endlessly sculpted by labor and manpower, cover the rock layer of the entire pier like a spider web, and even spread to farther and deeper places. The disappearing longevity slurry seems to be attracted by magnetic poles. The magnet, quickly integrated into the rune pattern and completely activated the huge new psychic spell array.

With the longevity slurry as the center, the crimson shimmer is like countless small snakes rushing in all directions, and there is no end to the mountain.