The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 117: Purana (4)


Coordinated in the town of Weird, the investigation team, which has not had much rest so far, has finally deciphered the new psychic spell engraved on the ground.

Jiang Baipingcuo made a simple statement summary: "All the new psychic spells currently recorded in the archives belong to different sects and have the same spell foundation. Adding some minor modifications to this foundation can play the role of the new spell."

Zhang Weitu: "Similar to a foundation?"

"It is an unrenovated house. It is a complete house. Later, people only need to add various decorations and furniture to this house to change its use, or use it as housing, or as a hotel or restaurant." Jiang Bai Phuntsuo commented: "The person who invented the new psychic spell is undoubtedly a genius."

From Indra, the main god of an independent mythology system, to the extravagant and indulgent god Shitian, from the obscure magician three thousand years ago, to the Brahmin sage Shankara more than one thousand years ago, to the Brahmin elders today The elder of the academy, Shang Moruo, not only blended into the head office in a grand manner, but also held the supreme power of the army, politics and religion of a country.

How can such a character be simply described as a 'genius'

Jiang Baipingcuo observed Zhang Weitu's expression and understood it in his heart: "I can see that you have a lot of information."

Zhang Weitu: "What's the function of the new spell in Weizhen?"

Jiang Bai Phuntsok: "There are three new psychic spells superimposed. The first one is to summon Allahabad and find the longevity slurry left by the gods. The second one is to summon Kusinara, and the third one is incomplete and has been used many times. Modification, blind guess is to experiment with the new spell array, the purpose is to give new life.

In layman's terms, it is the resurrection of the dead. "

Before the rebellion of the Asura king (priest) of Pozhi, Jizhen was responsible for the search for the longevity serum and the experiment of the resurrection from the dead.

If Cen Jin was here, he would know why Kusinara's weirdness was able to maintain human reason and emotion. It is the third incomplete psychic new spell that is constantly being improved by experimentation, thus affecting the people and the strange in the town.

The effect of longevity serum and resurrection from the dead confirms what Zhou Man said 'one of the purposes of the magician', resurrecting Vishnu.

"If you are given a new psychic and new spell array now, how long will it take to analyze its effect?"

"It might take half an hour for a more complicated one. For a simple spell formation, it might take about ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll transmit a few pictures over, you can see what the role of this magic array is."

Zhang Weitu sent all the rune magic circles in King Mu's tomb and the new psychic magic circles that spread all over the port city and the South China Sea.

"How many do you call this?"

"There are two folders in total, from the magic arrays of the two areas."

Jiang Baipingcuo didn't reply. First, he looked at the new psychic spell in King Mu's tomb. After about ten minutes, he said, "It is also the magic circle used for resurrection. It has the function of preserving the corpse for thousands of years."

After a short pause, he added: "It also has the effect of plundering vitality to nourish the dead."

"What about Hong Kong City?"

"I need more time to think about it." Jiang Bai Puntuo frowned deeply, and half an hour passed quickly, his doubts deepened: "Are you sure this is the same magic formation in the same area?"

Zhang Weitu: "I'm sure I can't go wrong. It took the investigation team nearly two years to collect a complete magic array, and there are no gaps."

Jiang Baipingcuo said it was wrong, zoomed in on the photo and pointed out the problem: "The connection between the spell runes is wrong! The sea and land, the land and the eye, the rune between the eye and the eye is not this connection method at all!"

Zhang Weitu's expression changed, and his eyes were serious: "Are you sure there is no stitching error in the photos?"

Jiang Bai Phuntsok said very seriously: "Any photos cannot be connected, and there is no possibility of splicing errors. Only those who have a deep research on Buddhism and mantras can see the subtle gap between the magic circle and the rune, whether it is Buddhist scriptures or No mantra scriptures record the existence of new mantras, and there are almost no books on new mantras. In addition, Buddhism and Brahmanism are like fire and water, so few people can see the difference.

Unless you dabble in the two doctrinal classics at the same time, and you have learned something, it is possible to find problems. "

He sighed heavily: "I suspect that the sea area and the surface of the land are not the same magic circle."

Zhang Weitu: "Explain more clearly."

Jiang Baipingcuo: "There is a magic circle on the surface of the land, which seems to be the same as the sea magic circle, but is actually independent. You are right in its judgment. This part of the photo you took for me is only half of the magic array, and the other half has not been found, so I cannot judge its function.

There is also a magic circle, under the surface of the land and under the cement layer, the soil layer does not last for a long time, so I guess it is in the rock layer. "

Zhang Weitu closed his eyes: "How could it still have... effect? Can you infer it?"

Jiang Baipingcuo was silent for a moment, and then he first stated that he was not 100% sure, and then made a guess: "It is a sacrificial psychic new spell array—"

There was a loud clatter, Zhang Weitu's hair made a big movement, and then Li Shanshui and Lin Shanyuan, the leading couple in the data analysis department, asked as calmly as possible: "Sacrificial offerings refer to human sacrifices?"

"All living beings can be sacrificed."

"The purpose of the sacrifice?"

"I don't know very well, I need to be there to watch it in person, but in general, the purpose of sacrifice is to communicate with the gods of heaven and earth."

"I'll make arrangements immediately and send you to Hong Kong City."

Li Shanshui and Lin Shanyuan said at the same time, "I'll go too."

The order to arrange personnel and helicopters to go to the port city was quickly issued and implemented. At the same time, the port city government, the cities adjacent to the port city, and the province of Guangzhou all received instructions from the central government to assist the remaining millions of citizens in the city to evacuate quickly. The two routes of transportation were all activated, and the roads that were originally blocked were also opened, except that the sea route was ruled out due to the greater risk factors.

The mighty state machinery suddenly started up and running, racing against time but in an orderly manner.

At this time, in the harbor military area, artillery and fire roared, the sea trembled, and the ground was in a mess. Metal fragments could be seen everywhere, and the buildings in the middle and front were completely destroyed.

The remaining asuras dragged their bald wings from the bombing and resisted, stumbling into the tank group, and were caught by the boss who fell from the sky.

On the other side, Wu Yujie unleashed a big move, and the sword, light and sword energy formed a heavenly shroud to carry out brutal hunting. When the Gangsha dissipated, Kali was covered in blood and fell to the ground. The mechanical wings were destroyed, and only the shaft parts connected to the back were left. The whole body was full of dense wounds that were cut out, and some bones were deep.

Wu Yujie looked at Carrie who was struggling to get up, knelt down on one knee, her head was lowered, her face was covered by long hair, she seemed to be muttering something to herself, and only when she got closer did she hear what she said: "I am... a god, immortal. God of immortality, human arrogance and rebellion, in the name of the Lord God, I bring down the slaughter..."

Wu Yu's face was expressionless, and she raised her right hand. Although she understood that she was a woman who was brainwashed and persecuted under the patriarchal system, she couldn't show any sympathy at all. With such a big man, don't you have any judgment when it comes to harming innocent people? No guilt, no empathy

The answer is no, because she claims to be a god and stands on the opposite side of all living beings.

Falling down heavily, with a clicking sound, Wu Yujie cut off Carly's head mercilessly, and the blood sprayed all over the ground, seeping into the cement surface and soil layer with mottled sword marks, and was instantly sucked into the rock layer, becoming the center of a large-scale psychic new spell formation. one of the sacrificers.

When Wu Yujie put away her sword and was about to go to another battlefield in the military region, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and after finally restoring the calm sea surface, the turbulent roar suddenly erupted from the depths of the South China Sea. The shock brought by the whale rushing out of the sea was that the sea water exploded to a height of ten meters, and the sound surged straight into the sky, actually splitting the clouds into two!

You can see how terrifying things are in the depths of the sea.

But without waiting for Wu Yujie to respond, she heard the highest-level disaster siren from the rear of the military area resounding in the sky.

The disaster alert level of each stronghold in the port city was advanced, and air defense alarms were quickly sounded in various regions and districts. The rapid and sharp whistle sounded around the whole city, which brought a certain degree of panic. The traffic was smooth and the work with the city was well organized. No casualties were caused by such an unexpected disaster.

Wu Yujie ran to the rear of the military area, arrived at the disaster center at the same time as the boss, and asked, "What's going on?"

Under the masks of the prevention and control personnel, the terrified faces were unobstructed: "The body of the god of death... resurrected!"


At this time, the traveling investigation team could not care about internal strife, and had no time to investigate the missing Shangmoruo and Kali, as well as the punishment for their crimes in the port city. The top priority was the resurrected Vishnu.

Unlike the Queen Mother of the West, who has few beliefs and is relatively weak compared to many gods in China, Vishnu believers are one of the three main gods of Bharata, and there is even a saying that the three gods are one.

If the three gods are one, Vishnu is the most powerful deity that mankind has ever encountered, integrating creation, destruction and protection.

This is a big matter, and the global extraordinary is duty-bound.

No matter what the mind is or how far the factional struggle is divided, the head office still controls the biggest voice, and directly regards this matter as a global disaster level that is not the responsibility of one country.

Once it is determined that Vishnu harbors great malice towards mankind, the disaster level will be determined as a global disaster.

Legendary bosses from various countries received instructions from the head office and gathered in the special zone. Only after the disaster level was determined, they could intervene in the sudden disaster of Huaxia Port City.

The bridge connecting the special zone and the port city was crowded with vehicles, and the coast was crowded with people. Curiously watching the movement on the other side, a dozen drones circled back and forth in the sky, trying to monitor the special scene on the other side.

"Is it an earthquake?"

"Let's fight. I listened to the sound of artillery fire for several hours in the afternoon. The citizens of Hong Kong were evacuating. Millions of people were all evacuated to the mainland. Look at the sky, the helicopters went back and forth, and they didn't stop since the afternoon. "

"It's not a war, it's high-level weirdness." A young man in the crowd raised his mobile phone and said, "A Hong Kong city citizen posted a photo on the Internet in the afternoon and found a large number of water ghosts in the sea. It must be because of this incident that it made such a big fuss. movement."

"The extranet... Maybe it's a P-picture."

"It doesn't seem to be, the photo is trending."

Someone in the crowd said, "That... Do you guys pay attention to the large-scale live broadcast events of 'Crashing' on the Internet?"


After Sarutobi Riyue finished speaking, seeing Huang Mao staring blankly at the ground, his eyes squinted, his hands suddenly clenched into fists, and the sharp iron pieces scattered around quickly rushed towards Huang Mao, who was motionless.

Seeing this, Fujiro reminded: "Be careful!"

Cen Jin raised his eyes, waved his right hand, the hundreds of iron pieces stopped, and his five fingers slowly bent, and the iron pieces pointed at Sarutobi Riyue along the direction of his fingers. The latter panicked and desperately used extraordinary techniques. The obedient and obedient iron piece is not moving at the moment.

Sarutobi Riyue glared at Cen Jin, caught his eyes off guard, and was shocked, turned around and ran away in a conditioned reflex.

Cen Jin coldly watched her run 100 meters away, grabbed his fist, and stabbed the iron piece into Sarutobi Riyue in a blink of an eye. on the container.

not dead.

At this time, she was still trying to struggle, Cen Jin slowly walked towards her, the index finger and middle finger on the side of the body were parallel, and with a slight wave, the iron on the ground slammed into Sarutobi Riyue's wrist and shattered the electronic watch. , the happy bell announcing the elimination sounded, mixed with the reminder sound of other teams being eliminated, it was not unusual at all.

After Sarutobi Riyue screamed in horror, he said in horror: "You can't kill me! Cannibalism is prohibited in group competitions!"

Cen Jin stopped, expressionless: "You're right."

Then a layer of gravity film was compressed to cover Sarutobi Riyue's body. Facing her screaming question, Huang Mao just tilted his head slightly and said, "I won't kill you, but you have to pay for your actions."

Sarutobi Hiyuki couldn't understand what he was saying.

"There is a cloud in Buddhism, and cause and effect pay off." Huang Mao whispered: "You smashed it... If you wake up for something amazing, it depends on whether it will harm the city of Hong Kong and whether you can survive."

Then, Huang Mao looked back at Furiluo, and an iron piece floated up at his feet.

Furuo swallowed his saliva, quickly took off his electronic watch and smashed it with one foot: "I quit."

Cen Jin watched the back of Fu Riluo fleeing, his brows furrowed unconsciously, and there was always a strange feeling in his heart, but he was quickly attracted by the sound of the electronic watch: 'Congratulations to the first to sixth and eighth Being eliminated together with the ninth squad~~ A neat and tidy is the real family! '

He stopped in place for a moment, jumped to the highest container and looked at the sea and the port city. The magic formations on the rock layer were dense like cobwebs, and the runes were all lit up, and they seemed to be focused on the same location.

"God resurrected."

Cen Jin tilted his head and looked at Ding Baiqing: "Which one are you referring to?"

Ding Yiqing smiled at him: "Two."

Cen Jin's pupils trembled: "I ask you one thing, since we set foot in Hong Kong City, are you arranging the script along the way, or are you the creator of the new psychic spell?"

Ding Yiqing snorted and said, "How could you guess the creator of the new psychic spell?" He said, "Of course it wasn't the script I arranged, but I knew the other party's script followed."

Cen Jin: "After resurrecting the god, what does the other party want?"

Ding Baiqing's smile became deeper and deeper, even a little crazy: "It doesn't matter what he wants, the important thing is that the whole world will know one thing."

Cen Jin's back is cold.

"The gods are awake." The crazier Ding Baiqing's expression became, the softer his voice became: "Come on, let people take a look and see what the first thing the gods do when they wake up?"

Cen Jin wanted to retreat, staring at the black camera, as if seeing a flood and a beast, he stepped back a few steps, and couldn't help but want to run away.

呲呲... sting... It's the sound of electric currents, radios, electronic watches, and ship listening equipment of parked cars...

Invariably, there is a sound of starting up, this is the sound that Cen Jin can see and hear.

In every corner of the city that he can't hear or see, electronic devices in the window, TV broadcasts, even just talking dolls in shopping malls, empty residential buildings, TVs blaring...

They uniformly and faithfully convey the first thing Vishnu does when he wakes up—

呲呲... Cen Jin, come here.

God, called out a human name and advertised it widely.

Cen Jin sank into a bottomless panic, with Ding Baiqing's sigh close to his ear.

"I just wanted to see you."