The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 23: Clumsy (A+ or above)


Although the freshman exchange club died on the spot, Cen Jin's psychological quality has always been stable. He calmly accepted the principal's commendation and three thousand yuan reward. He humbly said to the microphone that he was not very skilled, and mainly depended on eloquence. Eloquence was mixed in the vegetable market for three months. You can set up a dragon gate array.

Then I talked about all of you here are the darlings of the sky, talents who only came out of the 1.6 billion people in the country, one in ten thousand, and the burden of protecting the family and the country still needs to be carried... Said it comfortably, I felt that the light called 'Glory' had already been sprinkled on the top of my head, and I can't wait to go into battle and kill the enemy now.

Originally, some people were still unconvinced that Huang Mao won the special prize by his lip service, but now they feel that he deserves his name. Besides, there are countless opportunities in the future, and there are still three years in the future. Who can represent the Chinese ace in the limelight is really uncertain .

What's more, according to Huang Mao's specialty, it is estimated that he should choose a negotiation major, but regardless of whether the University of Michigan, the institution or the official, the most important thing is the soldiers fighting on the front line.

It is not an opponent, but can speak again, that is one's own.

So everyone in the lecture hall gave Cen Jin a warm applause, and the big brothers in the back row said, "This boy Huang Mao is clever since he was a child."

"I just said that he is suitable for negotiation majors, and he will mix with us in the future."

"Are you sure we didn't hug our thighs?"

"… "

It turns out that the people in the back row are basically negotiators, and as we all know, the negotiation major at the University of Michigan is a paddling major.

Cen Jin smiled and stepped back from the podium, waiting for Li Daoyi to announce the end of the freshman exchange meeting.

There are two people next to them: "Hello, my name is Huang Jiang."

Red leather jacket: "Yu Wen. You are the one who led away a large number of white shadows in the underground river. You saved us."

Turmeric: "Thank you."

Several people around also gathered around to thank him, talking about how scary the day was, Kua Cen Jin was brave enough, and finally asked him how he escaped that day.

Cen had a speech this morning: "Those white shadows were only focused on eating and fighting with the hut. I swam to the river bank and ran out. In the end, I lost too much blood and fell into a coma, and was rescued by the examiner."

"It turns out that you are so courageous. By the way, have you ever thought about which major to choose?"


"It's not bad, it suits your strengths. But investigation and analysis majors and special operations majors are the key majors. After graduation, the assigned positions will be promoted the fastest, and the salary and salary will be the highest. It's just that the work is a little harder and it's easy to lose your life."

You call losing your life a bit harder at work

Cen Jin: "I'll take root in this major of negotiation. Are you two major majors?"

"Yes." They nodded.

At this time, Li Daoyi announced the end of the freshman exchange meeting, and he and the teaching assistant took the five sophomores to leave the venue first. Yu Wen and the others expressed their envy: "I heard that the brothers and sisters have started internships, dealt with strange incidents independently, and received The agency is particularly commended, and the investigation team and several well-known special attack teams have vacated places and are ready to grab them when they graduate."

"Don't be envious, we will have a chance in the future." Yu Wen shouted: "I'll invite everyone to dinner, and we will test our potential together in the afternoon!"

Everyone shouted and surrounded Yu Wen and walked out of the classroom.

Cen Jin didn't know much about institutions and the school's majors. It was a little hard to listen to them chatting. Just as he was about to leave the team quietly, Huang Jiang stopped him.

"Let's go together." Huang Jiang said: "Municipality is divided into two major departments: culture and major. Among them, the culture course is required for freshman year and optional for sophomore year. It is enough to have a solid foundation. If you choose negotiation major, culture course is compulsory for three years. Only by understanding foreign objects in detail can the negotiation work be done well. The second major is investigation and analysis and special operations. The former is responsible for investigating and recording strange and forbidden areas, analyzing their characteristics, weaknesses and levels, and assisting fighters to kill the strange.

In addition, there are specialties such as research and development of weapons and equipment, command of operations, and logistics supplies.

Generally speaking, after graduation, Mississippi students are assigned to work in various departments of the institution as needed, and they will be dismissed if they do not collect enough credits for graduation. In general, the University of Michigan is no different from other universities, except for the major majors. "

Cen Jin: "I see."

Huang Jiang: "Let's have dinner together. The morning exchange meeting is just a warm-up, and the potential test in the afternoon is the top priority." She pointed to the group of students in front of her and said, "They are exchanging information, trying to know the test method so as to have prepared, but potential is something that doesn’t require knowledge, it’s something a person has, and knowing the testing procedures can’t increase the potential.”

Cen Jin didn't know what to say, so he said 'oh'.

Huang Jiang glanced at him with surprise in his eyes. He couldn't tell whether Cen Jin really didn't care or pretended to be calm. Did he really come to mess around

Cen Jin had no expectations for the potential level. He joined the dinner army and had a full meal. At about two o'clock, he received a text message to go to the meeting place to participate in the potential test. After groping at noon, he had a general grasp of the school map.

The school is built near a subway station in Xinhai City, and across the road from the back door is the school's private hospital. It has a good reputation in Xinhai City, and the psychiatry is the most famous.

Compared with the reputation of the school hospital, the University of Michigan campus is not outstanding. After all, it is a three-level vocational school and has just opened a branch this year. Parents who do not know the inside information do not want to know about the third-class technical school. As a result, the University of Michigan campus is located in a new first-tier city with a population of 10 million. But the statement is not obvious.

The campus covers a large area, and the resources are matched against key universities, which is much better than the university Cen Jin studied before.

The meeting point is in the gymnasium. Students enter the venue in a long line, pick a cushion and sit down at random, with a one-meter gap between each person. Cen Jin took a seat in the back and sat down. Li Dao came out a little and asked him to come to the front row.

Cen Jin, who accepted the attention of the public, reluctantly shifted his position and came to the position facing Li Daoyi.

Li Daoyi paced up to him and asked, "Don't remember me?"

Cen Jin hesitated: "If I remember correctly, you are the principal."

Li Daoyi: "Seven Days Hotel, recruiting advertisements, signing contracts."

Cen Jin's eyes widened: "Is the person in charge of admissions you?!"

He originally went to a dilapidated hotel to meet the admissions officer at the address provided in the admissions advertisement. He signed a few messy contracts and then went to take the entrance exam. Unexpectedly, the admissions officer was Li Daoyi.

Li Daoyi stroked his neatly trimmed white beard with a smile and nodded, "It's a small advertisement posted by me. Strange events are frequent, and new worlds are coming. We need talents, so we distribute items marked with gods in advance, and children with high potential will be I can pick up these items. Cen Jin, I'm optimistic about you."

The implication, IWatchingYou, don't even think about paddling.

Cen Jin has a black face: "Is it your fault that the positioning watch can't send a distress signal?"

Li Daoyi: "The logistics department said that the batch of equipment for the freshman quiz was accidentally mixed with a miniature pinhole camera that looks like a positioning watch. There are fifty watches in a box, and you can actually choose it, which shows that you and I are destined."

"… "

Cen Jin was silent, and Li Daoyi walked back to the podium with his hands behind his back.

A 10-square-meter display screen on the podium released a huge piece of white paper. The white paper was densely packed with chaotic black threads. Li Daoyi asked everyone in the gym to focus on the projection screen for ten minutes, and he would stay there. Write down the longest impressions in your mind.

All do.

Cen Jin frowned. After staring for a long time, he found that his brain was a little painful, and his eyes were dizzy. Then a large white light flashed. In the white light, there was a white stone statue looming, and he walked forward involuntarily.

At a distance of five or six meters, I finally saw that the stone statue was a woman with a beautiful face. She was wearing a long white dress, a blue belt around her waist, a white scarf on her head, her hands folded and her expression sympathetic, and her whole body exuded holiness. Beautiful divine light.

Those who saw her couldn't help but want to lie in her arms and tell the grievances they encountered in the world, as if returning to the arms of their mothers. Even Cen Jin couldn't help but speed up, but just as his hand touched him When the stone statue's belt was held, he had a sudden headache and a splitting headache. He inadvertently raised his head and saw that the originally holy and pitiful face had become hideous and terrifying, his eyes were bleeding with tears, and his mouth was wide open to an incredible arc, like a bottomless black hole inside.


Cen Jin was frightened and woke up suddenly, and found that the time had passed for an hour, and he was sweating profusely, and the people around him were also drenched in cold sweat, but some expressions were painful, some expressions were happy and peaceful, and some had entered a state of fear. , struggling desperately with hands and feet, as if plagued by nightmares.

He quietly observed from the corner of his eye, and it seemed that he was the only one who woke up the fastest in the audience. The cameras placed in several corners of the museum were working. He knew that the fastest awakening was equal to the best performance and the potential was high. Cen Jin continued to gnash his teeth, his cheek muscles moved towards ferocious.

But he didn't know that the test was a live broadcast. The auditorium of the Special Operations Department in the capital was surrounded by Chinese generals, legendary leaders of institutions, etc., all of whom were staring at the test in the gym.

In fact, since the official knew of the existence of the agency, they have been secretly cultivating their own country's pre-war strength, and all aspects such as weapons and equipment, logistical supplies, and combat simulation can be completed efficiently. Collecting, cultivating, and thirsting for talents with high potential and young extraordinary.

Of course, this is not the only case in China. I believe that other major countries have already begun to reserve wartime talents, especially a major country where the main school is located.

This is the potential test of the third batch of freshmen. The first two batches of freshman potential tests have also attracted much attention. Unfortunately, only one freshman with potential A+ and Sequence 61 appeared.

Ye Shengying stood upright next to her boss and master Zhang Weitu, her eyes fixed on Huang Jiang in the display screen, and when she finally opened her eyes, she couldn't help but secretly said: Good! Worthy of potential A!

The head of the middle position whispered: "This girl should be the freshman with the highest potential. I don't know what the sequence will be."

Zhang Weitu said: "A low sequence does not mean that you are strong in combat, and a high sequence does not mean you will lose. If you can't use extraordinary techniques, what's the difference between you and a child with a dragon-slaying sword?"

Chief: "Our Huaxia District is one of the six mythological systems. The civilization has not been cut off, which means that it will be a hardest hit area... Lao Zhang, I am worried and need people too much. There are two ace cards among the sophomores, but among them One is still Chinese-American, and there is a risk of losing it at any time."

Zhang Weitu saw that the head was so worried that his hair was falling out, so he had to say a few words: "Li Daoyi predicts that some of the new students can break the records in Europe and America."

The chief was surprised: "Aren't you joking?"

Zhang Weitu nodded.

The chief was pleased and even said yes.

So the big bosses in the front row began to look for geniuses who could break records in Europe and America. Of course, Cen Jin, who was an excellent student, was not spared, but his facial expressions were so wonderful that he was stunned that no flaws could be seen.

At the scene of the gym, when he felt that the time was right, Cen Jin opened his eyes and patted his chest to express that it was too scary. After exchanging a few words of fear with the people next to him, he recorded the white stone statue of the woman on paper.

Half an hour later, everyone was awake, and the paper recording the hallucination was confiscated and put on stage. Li Dao looked around the hall and said, "This drawing was discovered last year in the 'Red Dance Shoes Incident'. A pagan sacrificed a living person. , painted with blood called 'The Universe in the Eyes of Terrible Mary'. The original painting is collected in the Vatican, but the photos have strong spiritual pollution. Ordinary people will see illusions when they look directly for three minutes, and you have the potential to become extraordinary people. people, so let you look straight for ten minutes."

Looking at the chaotic picture, Cen Jin recalled that the holy stone statue really resembled Mary in the church.

So the strange thing in the red shoes incident is Maria

Li Daoyi: "This test will actually test the time for you to get rid of the illusion, and the monitoring has already recorded it. Now, we will continue with the second test."

Check the checkpoint without giving students any chance to react, and quickly enter the second checkpoint.

White cloths fell on all sides of the gymnasium, and projection lights illuminated the gymnasium in black and white. All candidates were asked to stare at the white part to enter into meditation, and then picked out the two mixed decks of playing cards in front of them as required without hesitation.

Cen Jin's request was to draw a 7 of clubs on a black and gold background, an ace of hearts on a white background, and a king of spades on a white background. He didn't even have to meditate, and he could feel where the desired cards were at a glance at the chaotic playing cards.

He remembered that this was a popular sixth sense test program in the last century to train human extrasensory perception.

The so-called extraordinary is to train and develop the sixth, seventh and eighth senses in the human brain.

Although he had figured out the purpose of the school earlier, Cen Jin still entered into meditation like everyone else, opened his eyes slowly, and deliberately drew the wrong card. The six senses are stronger.

The teacher stepped down from the podium to record the poker cards drawn by the students. It was Cen Jinshi's turn to record the 7 of clubs on a white background, the A of hearts on a black and gold background, and the Q of diamonds on a white background. The accuracy rate is 56%, and the potential is C.

Cen Jin consciously fooled around, but Li Daoyi stopped beside him and commented: "Duanshui is well received."

Cen Jin silently showed the expression of the salted fish lying flat.

Li Daoyi: "..."

In the third level, as Cen Jin expected, the seventh sense of the assessment is the sense of time. The content of the assessment is simply one word 'dream'. The West has the interpretation of dreams, and the East has Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams. Dreams are directly related to the complex structure of the brain, and so far no one can Very clear explanation, most of them stay at the psychological level.

There is a well-known argument about dreams, that is, the first time you go to a place, it feels familiar, as if you have seen it in a dream. Li Daoyi said this example on the podium and proposed a novel explanation: precognition.

Extraordinary people have the ability to predict in dreams, the essence of which is time.

Knowing in advance, jumping from the time point beyond the present to a certain time point in the future, to realize the control of time, that is, the seventh sense: time.

Contrary to Cen Jin's expectations, Li Dao explained the relationship between dreams, foreknowledge and the seventh sense, but did not conduct the assessment, but said while patting the paper he had just collected: "Foreknowledge, there are many legendary documents left in the past and present. Records. Xu Fu prophesied the fall of Qin and the rise of Han, Edgar Cayce prophesied that a new faith would be born, and more than half of the prophecies of the Bible, Maya, and centuries were fulfilled... We call prophets prophets."

prophet? Cen Jin thought of the prophet mentioned in the Shinto Zhulu, and was noncommittal about it.

"Everyone, relax, the seventh sense test is over." Li Daoyi said.

As soon as this remark came out, the gym was in an uproar, and there was a lot of talk about when the test was done, but they didn't know at all.

And Cen Jin stared at the paper on the stage, and suddenly reacted, that was the test result of the seventh sense.

Li Daoyi: "The spatial sense of the eighth sense is still in the theoretical stage, so it will not be tested. The potential test results will be sent by text message two hours later, please remember to receive it. Next is the extraordinary technique test that you are most looking forward to. Everyone stand up!"

Everyone stood up with excitement on their faces.

Everyone in Li Daoyi lined up in two groups and entered the changing room from the passages on both sides of the gym. Every inch of the floor and wall tiles in the changing room are covered with special alloy materials, a surveillance camera is placed inside, and a silver-white safe stands quietly in the center.

Only put in one student at a time and stay in it for five minutes.

If the student faints, it means that his supernatural technique has been activated, and then you only need to ask the comparison sequence list to know which supernormal technique it is.

Capital Special Operations Department.

The big guys in the front row all know the principle of inspiring extraordinary techniques, but the people in the back row who have just been arranged do not know, such as the Great Wall of Guan in the capital who was transferred to the capital yesterday.

The only familiar person at the scene was the Ghost Car Special Attack Team, and Guan Great Wall moved over to ask.

Old Ghost: "The organization hunts the gods, divides their limbs into several pieces and locks them in boxes made of special alloys. We call them 'Death God'. The secret method uses the god of death to transform the brains of students, so that they can find control within the range of their abilities. The transcendent technique. The five minutes in a daze is when the student sees the 'ghost of death' in the brain, and the surveillance camera can't capture it."

Guan Great Wall understood, and felt that his worldview was shattered again.

At this time, Cen Jin, who was wearing the iconic yellow hair, entered the dressing room. The surveillance camera showed him standing there for five minutes. When the time was up, he turned and left, moving freely and staying awake, indicating that he did not activate the transcendent technique.

The big guys in the front row are inevitably a little disappointed. They included the special-born Huang Mao in the ranks of talents with high expectations. Fortunately, Yu Wen and Huang Jiang activated the extraordinary technique at one time, and waited for the sequence to be revealed.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when the test ended. Cen Jin walked out of the gym, and Li Daoyi was waiting at the exit.

Li Daoyi asked: "Didn't activate the transcendent technique?"

Cen Jin: "No."

Li Daoyi: "Don't you feel disappointed?"

Cen Jin: "I recognize my mediocrity one step ahead of others."

Li Daoyi smiled and said, "The cognition needs to be improved." After speaking, he waved his hand to the teaching assistant behind him: "Let him take you to the dormitory to settle down. Don't be late for class tomorrow."

Cen Jin thanked him and quickly slipped away behind the teaching assistant.

Watching Cen Jin's back, Li Daoyi stroked his beard and left the gym. He told the teaching assistant who was driving to remember to cut out all of Cen Jin's test data and surveillance cameras, and hand them over to him to keep them.

Teaching assistant: "You seem very optimistic about him?"

The principal has been paying close attention to Cen Jin since before the Sihai Grotto quiz, but Cen Jin is not as good as others except for his excellent performance in solving additional questions. Whether it is the potential test or the transcendent technique activation test, he is not good at all, not even at all. It is ridiculously bad, that is, the middle-level people who are very easy to be ignored in life. They are not good enough or bad enough. They are completely hidden in the sea of people and are often ignored.

The key is that he can't see the vigor of young people in Cen Jin.

Cen Jin is greedy for money, greedy for life and fear of death, and his eloquence can deceive even ghosts. After reading the information, I know that he has been involved in three teachings and nine streams since he was a child, and he has done all kinds of work. A unique personality, that is, being content with the status quo, being obliterated by others, not easy to get ahead, not looking forward to it, just wanting to live and live safely until old age.

To be honest, these types of people aren't troublesome, but they're also totally unpleasant.

Li Dao looked at the green scenery passing by the car window and said, "He has high potential and is smart."

"There is indeed intelligence, but the potential test is medium, at most C-level." The teaching assistant commented: "He looks too ordinary."

"So you can't look at the surface when you look at people." Li Daoyi said: "Some people are usually inconspicuous, but at critical moments, their brain circuits are very strange, and they can do miracles to turn things around."

The teaching assistant was silent for a moment, then said euphemistically, "You are biased."

Li Daoyi still laughed when he heard the words, his temper was particularly good, which was in line with his immortal appearance.

"He was hiding his clumsiness the whole time." He said in a low voice, "The detection was all seen through."

The teaching assistant was startled, he couldn't believe how he could hide his clumsiness in that situation? Moreover, he is hiding under the pressure of high-risk and strange mental pollution, so how high should Huang Mao's real potential be

He didn't know, Li Daoyi didn't know either, but he cut off the surveillance video of Cen Jin's detection part, and kept his records privately. The two archive records submitted to the Headquarters and the capital both rated Cen Jin's potential level. It's a moderate C, except that the latter's grade record has an extra line.

Capital Special Operations Department at 6pm.

The headmaster and Zhang Weitu respectively obtained a student file record with the same content:

[The first student of Huaxia District Branch: Cen Jin.

Specialization: Negotiation.

Potential level: C (suspected to be clumsy, true level A+ or above).

Supernatural: Unknown.]