The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 253: The Book of the Dead (7) (□□De sister...)


Cen Jin tilted his head and said softly, "It sounds like I have absolutely no chance of escaping."

Death God Hela: "I guess your highly activated brain has rehearsed countless ways of self-help and anti-kill. No matter which way, the result is that the path I provided is the best solution."

"Really?" Cen Jin was noncommittal, and suddenly said, "Can you tell me the reason for your encirclement and suppression of fate?"

Hela: "Sorry, personal privacy, no notice."

"Is that so... Then can you tell me, which role do you play on the ghost ship?" Cen Jin said, "Ivan is destiny, what about you? Which role are you? He spoke to me, and I didn't notice anything wrong."

Hela smiled: "What do you mean, don't you want to say that you found out about Ivan when you were on the ghost ship?"

Cen Jin nodded: "I didn't care at first, but after surviving and replaying, I found that the timing of his appearance was very coincidental."

Even so, Hela was still puzzled: "Why do you want to know which role I play? I don't think the answer can save you."

Cen Jin: "Curious. The only question I was curious about before I died. You don't want to answer the first one, don't you like me asking the second one?"

Hela looked at Cen Jin suspiciously, thought about it, and recognized his curiosity: "The role I play is called Noren."

"It's actually him?" Cen Jin was shocked.

Noren was the host of Fantastic Night and an accomplice of Mrs. Liedman and others. He died in the box and ended in a sloppy way, unlike the other three who eventually turned into monsters.

"I thought he was killed by an accomplice."

"The drama I want to see has been finished, and there is no need to stay."

"You said that you are the mastermind behind the ghost ship, why is fate there? Why did you choose me as the parasitic container? Did fate choose me first, and then you?"

"You have too many questions." Hela, the god of death, stared down at the gray-white floor, and the ground trembled slightly: "Your friend is here."

Layers of steel plates can't block Cen Jin's sight. His scarlet eyes can easily 'see' Ding Baiqing and then the tentacles of the mechanical jellyfish move quickly towards this side, so clearly he can even see the anxiety, irritability and anger in Ding Baiqing's eyes.

Hela, the god of death, flicked her index finger, and a slender metal tube came to life, like a giant python attacking Ding Baiqing, and the next moment, it was slammed away by another 'live' metal tube, wiping out sparks and slamming at the same time. bang.

Hela, the god of death, moved his eyes and looked at Cen Jin who was doing it: "Can you adapt and control the power of disorder so quickly? You really have talent."

"If you dare to touch him, I will dare to kill you."

Cen Jin looked at him, his eyes cold, full of threats, as if Hela dared to touch Ding Baiqing, he dared to fight him to the end.

Hela was stunned for a while, and when she returned to her senses, she was not worried, but she did not attack. She only said: "He will not die, he just needs to be calm. I don't want extra troubles."

"It's time." Hela opened the glass cabin and motioned Cen Jin to enter: "Under normal circumstances, your body can't handle the brain area that has been developed to the extreme, and the powerful spirit will directly melt and decompose your body, so that your The body disintegrated into dust invisible to the naked eye in an instant.

To be more precise, your body can support up to 10% of the activation of the brain field, and the brain field can only support up to 20% of the activation of the progress.

The body is destroyed, the brain continues to survive, more than 20%, the end is the same as the decomposed body, but your current brain is activated to 50%, the strength is close to the intermediate god, it is because of the fate paper, my ability... that is what you humans say The mental pollution of , and the world tree - these buffs together can make your brain domain successfully activate to 50%, lasting for thirty minutes.

More than 30 minutes, you will break down in one second. "

This is the main reason why Hela is not worried about Cen Jin's counter-kill.

Cen Jin entered the glass cabin and stood side by side with Ivan.

When Hela was about to close the cabin door, knowing that the cabin door could not block his vision, he subconsciously shouted: "Wait."

Hela: "What?"

Following Cen Jin's line of sight, she glanced at Ding Baiqing, who was being entangled by countless flexible iron pipes, and couldn't help raising the corners of her lips: "The only advantage of you humans that I can treat as an equal is love. To be able to die for another, to live for another, and to bring another from the dead, is as important as ours." >

/> Cen Jin raised his eyes: "Resurrection from the dead?"

Hela chuckled: "Don't think about it."

After he said that, he closed the cabin door, and the liquids in the other glass cabins poured into the glass cabin where Cen Jin and Ivan were, drowning Cen Jin's eyes, ears, nose, and nose until they collapsed.

Ivan's body melted and decomposed little by little right in front of Cen Jin's eyes, forming blisters, which eventually melted into liquid, penetrated into Cen Jin's pores and seven orifices, and flowed into his blood vessels, bones, and cells, and manipulated them. his brain.

The body, which was broken and repaired continuously, was invaded and scrambled by another unknown force. In a moment, a large area of festering and damaged organs appeared, revealing the bones, eyeballs and half of the beating brain.

Hela, who was staring at Cen Jin's changes in the cabin, was beating fast, the black rimmed pupils in her silver-white eyes suddenly expanded, the air swayed visibly, and the dust scattered in the air swayed outwards, forming a The transparent arc-shaped aperture expands in all directions with the mechanical jellyfish as the center.

At this moment, natural elements such as wind, snow, fog, air, etc., have become the medium for transmitting information, and the will of Hela, the god of death, has been announced to the public.

First, the citizens of Nibelungen, and then the humans scattered in the other eight kingdoms, as if hearing the order of the king who ruled them, they all turned towards the direction of the mechanical jellyfish, kneeled on the ground, raised their heads, cut open their chests, and dug out Heart, hold it in both hands, hold it high above the head, and dedicate it to the gods.

Crystal icicles suddenly condensed in the air, pierced through the heart like a sharp sword, plunged into the ground, and were dyed red by the hot blood.

With the belief of blood, heart and life maintenance, weaving it into the strongest cage in the world and even in the universe, densely covering the edge of the World Tree, and actually turning the World Tree, which was the residence of the Nordic gods in ancient times, into a place where fate is imprisoned. Heaven Prison Hell.

Cen Jin's eyeballs rolled wildly, his body with bare bones was about to move, the liquid was bubbling, like hot boiling water, there was a hissing sound, a bang, all the glass cabins exploded, and the wiring sparked, like a bad radio signal reception. The hissing sound gradually converged into a complete and eccentric note.

After a while, the note was replaced by the familiar human language.

"Seal the coffin...? You actually... strangle me!"

Hela, the god of death, was motionless, but there was no excitement on his face, but a deep sadness overflowing like rain, and said in a deep voice, "If you hadn't attacked first, I would never have killed you."

"Hahahaha... Your heart tells me that you never believe what you say!"

"You misunderstand me too deeply."

"Misunderstanding? De... At that time, all beings didn't know you, even Odin, the head of the gods, thought you were gentle and steady... But you can't hide from me, we are inseparable and inseparable, you can't hide from me."

The sadness in the eyes of Hela, the god of death, has not been reduced by half, like a widow who is immersed in mourning.

"... Ragnarok has me pushing it, but you are the mastermind."

"The gods are above, and fate is the culprit that caused the Ragnarok. You have always been crazy, cruel and uncertain. The gods fear you and try to hunt you. You escaped from Olympus and settled in the World Tree, but fueled the flames. Wasn't you the one who caused the fate of Ragnarok?"

"It's what I did... I will admit... Hissing, sizzling... But who is the mastermind behind the mad dog that destroyed the World Tree?"

The liquid in the glass cabin boiled violently, and Cen Jin's body melted much faster than the repair speed. During the dialogue with Hela, the god of death, first the skin sac was decomposed, then the muscle tissue, blood vessels and nerves, then the organs, brain, etc., and finally the rest A pair of white bones.

Cen Jin's consciousness was slumbering, on the verge of collapsing, the fate parasitic in his body was also captured, and he was about to fall into a permanent slumber.

Only a sigh of fate taunting remains in the air—

"My dearest..."

"Sister De."

At the same time, Huang Mao, who was watching the memory, and Ding Baiqing, who opened the closed metal door of the mechanical jellyfish with bloody hands, raised their heads. One looked at Hela, the god of death, through the memory, and the other looked at Cen Jin, who looked miserable through Hela, the god of death.

"Cen Jin...?"

[□□ Sister De?]

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