The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 255: Tome of the Dead (9) (Timeline Now...)


Ding Baiqing stared at the palm of his hand and remained silent. The world withered and extinguished visibly to the naked eye. The thick black mist invaded the mechanical jellyfish, and the only boat was dissolved in the endless darkness.

Cen Jin's perspective was shrouded in darkness. The next moment, a dazzling light scorched his eyelids. He suddenly opened his eyes. The paused picture seemed to be pressed by the play button, and the bustling breath of life penetrated into his ears from all directions.

What I saw in front of my eyes were high-rise buildings, heavy traffic, rubbing shoulders on the sidewalk, and it was very lively. It seemed that today was a very special festival.

Cen Jin turned his head to look at the window, the expression of the reflection was dazed, where he came from, where he went, and he was in the crowd, but there was no familiar face, his memory was blank, and he was at a loss.

The passers-by beside him passed him by, or walked side by side with friends, or with his lover, whispered, and glanced at Cen Jin's position without changing, because they could not see this person.

Cen Jin is like a ghost, wandering aimlessly on the streets of the city. He came to a beach. Behind him were tall buildings, surrounded by lively people, and in the night sky in front of him, fireworks suddenly bloomed.

The countdown on TV counts down to a happy new year. Humanity has entered the millennium, with a happy smile on his face and a vision for the future. No one knows what happened in 1999 or what will happen in the future. what direction.

There was a huge shadow crawling on the sea, which was especially conspicuous under the fireworks, but humans could not see it. Cen Jin flew over, lost his shoes, rushed into the crowd with bare feet and kept beckoning, telling everyone to run quickly, there are monsters in the sea!

But no one can hear him or see him, and he lives forever in the future one second in the human timeline.

Cen Jin shouted until his throat was swollen, and when he looked back, the shadows crawling on the sea had already dived into the bottom of the sea, and the humans on the shore were unaware of it.

He suddenly froze in place, looking at the sea with a bewildered face and murmured why no one heard him.

Cen Jin tried to find someone to strike up a conversation with, but he tried every means to be ignored. He lives among billions of human beings, but he is so lonely that only one person knows his existence, and that person is himself.

Loneliness will drive a person crazy, memory, cognition and personality will be blurred. Cen Jin wanders in the world and gradually becomes silent. The ignorance that is more terrifying than marginalization makes him even distort his self-knowledge.

Until one rainy night, he was watching the anime playing in the window at the corner of Hong Kong City. The protagonist was brilliant, but he told him that there was a supporting role in the corner without a face, only simple lines.

Of course, that was an abbreviated approach by animation producers to save pen and ink, but Cen Jin suddenly resonated with him at that moment, and suddenly realized that because he is a supporting role, he will be constantly marginalized.

Isn't he just a passerby who has been marginalized to the point where he doesn't even have simple lines

A real passerby can never be seen by the audience.

The rain is getting heavier and more and more pedestrians are sheltering from the rain under the eaves. Black and red umbrellas are spread out, crowding the streets and intersections. Cen Jin gave up the position of the window and stared intently at the big raindrops. Pedestrians come and go in a hurry.

A man came with a big black umbrella. Behind him, there was a student girl who was sheltering from the rain, exclaiming repeatedly. Cen Jin listened indifferently, to the effect that the person was good-looking, like a professional coser.

The man walked to the front, the leather shoes stepped on the stagnant water, and the crystal water splashed.

Cen Jin looked up and saw that under the big black umbrella, he was tall and long, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, wearing a black suit, his fingers were holding the handle of the umbrella, his knuckles were distinct, the white jade bamboo knots displayed in the glass cabinet of the Unreasonable Museum had distinct and fair joints. , glowing with a lustrous luster, very similar to his hands.

The long hair is braided on the side of the shoulders, the outline is deep, and it is beautiful like a gorgeous doll made with great effort. The eyes are especially beautiful, they are actually silver-white, and the pupils are more unique, they should be wearing beauty contact lenses.

He lowered his eyes, glanced over, his eyes were cold, and he took it back after only staying for a second.

So far away, no more than that.

Cen Jin held his breath, clutched his chest, followed involuntarily, and lost someone at the corner. The dense black umbrellas were like the ocean, and they could miss each other in the blink of an eye.

The torrential rain poured, and there were fewer pedestrians on the road. Only Cen Jin walked slowly and continued his lonely journey.

Time flies by in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, several years have passed. Cen Jin wandered to Xinhai City and used to find a corner to stand blankly. Suddenly, a wandering artist came by the roadside, carrying a well-maintained guitar for a while. Playing without a hitch, the voice is low and full of storytelling.

The strings trembled, and the mellow voice hummed in a low voice, like a storyteller who pushed open the door and walked out of the depths of the flowers, telling the story of the friendship.

"Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is blue and green..."

Cen Jin looked up and saw a lot of passersby stopped beside the singer, listening intently to his singing.

"The evening wind blows the willow flute, and the setting sun is outside the mountain."

Just in time, the sunset glows all over, the setting sun dyes half of the sky red, the scene blends, and the pedestrians feel melancholy.

Cen Jin tilted his head, his face was expressionless, his eyes did not fluctuate, he focused his attention on passing cars, changing traffic lights, a daisy blooming in a flower shop not far away, and a little further away, tired birds passed by. The building fell toward the long river, and suddenly it went straight up into the sky, and it disappeared into a row of dense forests by the river.

The colorful sunset changed its form. Some people stopped and took a photo with their mobile phones. Some people set up professional photography to take pictures of the magnificent natural scenery.

"Am I bad at playing?"

A figure suddenly blocked Cen Jin's sight, with blond hair and green eyes, carrying a guitar, and smilingly looking at the corner.

Cen Jin thought for a while, moved away, and continued to observe the world in a boring way.

The figure was leaning against the wall, his shoulders almost touched his shoulders, and his posture was comfortable and relaxed, as if he met an old friend on the street, so he chatted one after another.

If there is beer and cigarettes, it is estimated that they can hang on their shoulders until late at night.

"I have released a record, which is very popular. When I was about to explode, the company wanted me to form a team and bring some scraps. Of course, I am not discriminating against them for not having musical talent, but they are a group of walking dead without musical souls. Not like you."

Cen Jin thought, who is he calling

"You really love music, and I won't refuse to team up with you."

Glancing at him, he didn't hold his cell phone, and he didn't have a bluetooth headset attached to his ear. I understood, he was talking to himself, he was a weirdo.

Cen Jin thought indifferently.

"That's why I rejected the company's request for bundling, tore up the contract, lost my fortune, ran away in anger, and became my wandering artist." He smiled as if thinking of something fun.

"At the crossroad ahead, go 100 meters to the left and there is a square where a musical fountain is built. There is an anecdote about the fountain. The boss of Party A has a whim and requires that the musical fountain must be intelligent. If someone shouts from the left, it will be higher than a certain If you are on the right frequency, the playing music will automatically play back, and if you stand on the right, it will fast-forward and skip to the section one minute later.

If you stand in the middle and shout, the music will play as usual. "

It sounds amazing, Cen Jin thought, maybe he can go there to sleep at night.

"But the architect couldn't do it, and it took a lot of money to make a voice-activated song cutting model. There are some discrepancies, but to a certain extent, it can be considered to meet the requirements of Party A."

The man chuckled, looking back, his eyes were like emeralds without impurities: "Are you still ignoring me?"

Cen Jin stared at him blankly, widened his eyes for a while: "You, can you see me?"


Cen Jin was disappointed to hear that.

"But I can feel your presence, and if I'm lucky, I can also hear your voice. It took a lot of time and energy to find you, but I found it."

"Why, looking for me?"

After not talking to anyone for a long time, Cen Jin's language organization ability has seriously deteriorated, and his speech is intermittent. Fortunately, his thinking logic is not broken.

"There are three reasons. One is that someone is looking for you, and if they can't find you, they will smash my home and use my head as a ball. The second is related to the first. If he loses control, my sister will get her wish. If she is proud, I will Oops. The third..."

"Three, what is it?"

"I want to help my friends."

"… friend?"

"You don't remember, and you don't have to remember."

He stretched out his hand and Void grabbed Cen Jin's wrist.

Cen Jin lowered his head, his pupils trembled, his breathing was lightest and smallest, and he carefully paid attention to the touch of his wrist. How long has it been since he touched others

I don't know, I don't remember the time, the time is chaotic, day and night are not divided, and he is confused. He thought he would be lonely and lonely until he died.

"what are you?"

Should it be said to be the savior of the prophecy? Under the premise that the brain does not have any concept, it can be so sensitive, using 'what' to refer to him, like describing something, subconsciously excludes him from the human race.

"Fortunately, the timeline is not far away from now, otherwise I really can't help it."

"I will pull you back to the current timeline, since he made too much noise, there are a lot of things staring at you, so you have to be disciplined and don't be as arrogant as before.

Anyway, the time line on your body is quite messy. You have been to the 'past', and you have been to the 'future', so you can go back to the 'present' as a child and grow up again. "

"As a child, it's best not to have memory, anyway, one day you will know all the truth."

Through Cen Jin's pupils, Huang Mao looked at the blond man through time and space, the musicians who used to travel with them on the ghost ship and ghost train. When they performed at the music festival in 2021, Ding Baiqing took out seven musical instruments, Each one corresponds to the team members in 1999 and later legendary bosses, but only one of them has no owner.

Ding Baiqing said that the man lived in Huadu, was blond and blue-eyed, was a musician, and was their friend—

The man's soft blonde hair shone brightly and said with a smile, "Go back, I'm annoying him."


In the Norse gods, representing 'now', the most gentle and kind-hearted god of fate, Veldani.

Cen Jin vaguely remembered that Pat said a few words when he sent him back to the 'now' timeline, and then completely fell into darkness.


Cen Jin suddenly jumped out of the sea like a man who had been drowning for a long time, took a deep breath, looked around, and found that it was still a thick fog, and instantly understood that he had come out of his past memories.

He remembered everything, remembered everything, and finally knew where to find Ding Baiqing in the torrent of time.

Baidu-degree-search-, the fastest chase, the fastest update

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