The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 256: Small loop...)


The World Tree collapsed as early as the Ragnarok time. The World Tree that Cen Jin and others entered in 1999 was a scale model created by Fate based on the original World Tree, when they hunted and killed the God of Fate who controls the 'future'. Destroyed again.

Covered in dense fog, surging waves, low thunderclouds, lightning and thunder, two zig-zag lightnings fell from time to time, splitting the dark deep sea. Cen Jin held the compass given to him by Osiris and stepped on the sea water and rocks. Entering the thick fog, until his feet stepped on the soft ground, he was the only one who came to land.

Relying on the compass to guide the way, carefully avoiding the turbulent time and space, after walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally arrived at Nibelungen, and followed the memory to the location of the mechanical jellyfish. , and saw a piece of gray-white steel hanging in the air.

About two square meters, it is particularly strong, and has not been swallowed by the dense fog.

Cen stepped on the gray-white iron block before, and a layer of transparent water waves swayed under his feet. The space turned around in an instant, the scene in front of him changed, and he looked down and saw the figure of Ding Baiqing in front of him.

"... Is it Ding Baiqing's memory?"

Cen Jin hurriedly followed Ding Baiqing who was walking fast. The thick fog rushed over and drowned him. When he broke through the fog and looked around, he found Ding Baiqing appearing behind him and talking to someone.

From his point of view, he could vaguely see Ding Baiqing's profile, as if he was arguing with others excitedly.

Ding Baiqing was wearing a black cloth, a long robe with narrow sleeves, freehand and romantic, with long hair scattered, a little messy, staring at the void, opening his hands to gesture something, when Cen Jin approached, he could hear his hoarse voice saying: "There is still one person left. ."

When the opposite side didn't know what to say, Ding Yiqing showed a trace of confusion on his face, and then he regained his composure and said: "His name is Cen Jin, you can check it out. The outstanding students who graduated a few years ago have completed several difficult tasks. The teacher, the officer who handed over the task, and the companions, they all know it, and there are file records, you can find it if you look for it..."

Cen Jin continued to move forward, stretched out his hand, touched the cloth on Ding Baiqing's body, and heard an indifferent reply in his ear: "I have already asked about the name and information you provided, and it has been confirmed that there is no Chinese man like you said. Do extraordinary work.

Including the names of teachers, officers, and companions you mentioned, I have asked, and they all said that there is no one named Cen Jin in my memory. "

"You have asked many times, and I have been in a state of cognitive confusion since I came back from Northern Europe two years ago. It may be mentally polluted, affect memory, create something out of nothing, and fabricate a sexual fantasy object... It is recommended that you do a full physical examination, especially It is to do several items of brain domain, mental detection and psychological evaluation.

Your state is not very good, first put down the task at hand and go to rest... "

He saw that there was an investigator from the head office in front of Ding Baiqing while drawing on the cardboard, and glanced at Ding Baiqing: "What are you wearing—is it related to the mission?"

Ding Baiqing didn't answer, staring blankly at the fingertips.

The investigators couldn't bear it, but they were accustomed to the situation. Every year, extraordinary people couldn't bear the pressure or went crazy or committed suicide. Ding Baiqing's mood was relatively stable, but it was just an illusion of one more person.

"I signed up for you, and I will send you the date and location of the treatment. You can go and see—" The investigator looked up and shrugged when he saw that the person had left, and wentssips about the case on the forum in his spare time. People follow the thread, and it sinks very quickly.

Boss Long asked Ding Baiqing to go to the bar, Wu Yujie and the others were also there and waved to Ding Baiqing.

The ball of light flickered, and there were hot beauties on both sides of the stage who continued to dance pole dancing in place of the macho class. The rock band in the middle played a vibrato to detonate the lively atmosphere of the bar.

Boss Long looked at Ding Baiqing's clothes, his face was ugly, and he took a big gulp of rye beer: "Damn, you haven't woken up from the hallucination?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Yujie kicked her calf: "Ri, your father, don't mention your mother."

Boss Long clicked his tongue: "Can I go back and fix the old problem of spraying dirty? Don't interrupt. Old Ding, you still insist on finding someone who doesn't exist? That person's name... What's his name?"

Wu Yujie: "Cen Jin."

Boss Long: "Anyway, no matter what the name is, I'm pretty sure that there is no such person in the world, that is, the same name, the same surname and the same gender, and it is not someone you imagined. You said he was our companion, but we remember it clearly, in our memory no such person."

Li Daoyi: "You said that our brains were attacked and we were forced to forget a certain person, but the traces of the past and the existence of this person are absolutely impossible to be easily erased. To put it back ten thousand steps, even if he exists If traces are really erased, there should also be traces of erasure, it is impossible for computers to remove bugs and viruses without traces, let alone remove the existence of a person?"

Ding Baiqing didn't speak, and fiddled with the ugly silver jewelry on his wrist.

Wu Yujie's eyes were sharp, and she couldn't help sighing when she saw the silver ornament: "It's ugly."

Ding Baiqing paused and raised his eyes: "Can you see it?"

Wu Yujie: "I shouldn't be blind."

Then I heard Boss Long exclaim: "When did you wear a soft red rope? There is also a silver ornament hanging on it, which is too ugly."

Li Daoyi and Jiang Baipingcuo glanced at them, and couldn't help but sighed that silver jewelry was special, Wu Yujie felt strange, and couldn't tell.

Ding Baiqing rubbed the silver ornaments, looked at Wu Yujie, Boss Long and others with inquiring eyes, and suddenly asked Boss Long, "What's the name of the person I'm looking for?"

Boss Long was stunned, "Who remembers?"

Ding Baiqing: "Tell me."

Boss Long: "Surname, Huang."

Ding Baiqing asked Li Daoyi and Jiang Bai Puntsuo: "Do you still remember?"

The two of them looked at each other and shook their heads to indicate that they didn't remember. I'm sorry they didn't take it to heart.

Wu Yujie was at a loss: "Didn't you say it just now? It's called Cen Jin, right?"

Ding Baiqing lowered his eyes, laughed, and murmured: "You can overcome the false."

Cen Jin was stunned for a moment, remembering that this sentence was the fate paper that Wu Yujie got in his hand. The previous sentence was about sinking into a fantasy world, but the next sentence was delusional, so this is what Wu Yujie and Wu Lanneng, who inherited her inheritance, will always remember his name. the reason

Ding Yiqing: "My memory is not wrong, it's you who is wrong. The whole world is wrong, and the timeline is wrong. I have to find a way to find him. He is alone and will be lonely."

When Cen Jin heard this, his heart ached.

Wu Yujie and the others looked at each other and drank silently, but they didn't know how to solve Ding Yiqing.

As companions, they should believe in Ding Baiqing, but as a sound person, they can't find someone in Ding Baiqing's mouth after rummaging through their memories.

For this reason, they also use permission to browse the files - there can be no problem with everyone's memory, except for Ding Baiqing.

As a result, they couldn't believe Ding Baiqing's fantasies. As Ding Baiqing said, it was too outrageous. Who could erase all traces of a person's existence in the world, including all related human memories.

Wu Yujie cautiously said, "If this person really exists, can you describe what he looks like?"

As soon as she said the words, she watched Ding Baiqing's expression solidify a little bit with her own eyes, making her unable to bear to look at it again, she always felt that her nose would be sore after watching it for a few more seconds, and she would be infected by the torrent of despair.

Ding Yiqing lost his soul: "I can't tell."

He grabbed the red rope and silver ornaments, his voice restrained: "I remember Cen Jin, I remember we were lovers, his hobbies, character, I remember all his face and his smile, but I can't tell."

The wrong timeline should have erased the memory of Cen Jin in his mind. I don't know what went wrong. Ding Baiqing left the World Tree and still remembered Cen Jin.

The logic of the world tells him that there is no one person, and the memory in his brain knows that there is a certain person, so he must rely on his personal will to fight against the logic of the whole world.

Just like the logic in the brains of some people in the world and the logic of the normal world are contradictory and distorted. If they cannot distinguish clearly, they are regarded as mental patients. Their logic is wrong, their blurted words are fallacies, and their memory is disordered. The characters in the fantasy do not exist.

So someone kept emphasizing to Ding Yiqing: Cen Jin does not exist, there is no person you are looking for in the world. Your brain is sick, you are not normal.

Under such repeated torture, Ding Yiqing is bound to go crazy.

Boss Long and others tacitly raised the topic and talked about where to go in the future.

Wu Yujie said, "I plan to return to the Ghost Gu clan to succeed the patriarch, and I won't be able to do any more missions with you in the short term."

Li Daoyi: "I plan to work hard in the direction of the director of the head office, and I may not lead people out."

Boss Long: "I'll go back to southern Yunnan to find out if there is a dragon."

Jiang Baipingcuo: "The central government appoints the living Buddha's document, and I am elected."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Li Daoyi and others congratulated.

After a while, there was silence.

Everyone has plans for the future. It is inevitable that the team that has been together for many years will be separated.

Knowing that parting ways are inevitable, but I didn't expect it to happen suddenly, or it was unacceptable.

"What about you?" Boss Long picked up a can of dark beer: "Old Ding."

"Me?" Ding Yiqing tilted his head and thought for a while: "Continue looking for someone."

Wu Yujie: "What should I do if I can't find it?"

"I will find it!" Ding Baiqing's voice increased sharply.

Several people were stunned.

Ding Baiqing's voice became quieter, and his eyes flickered to the silver ornament on his wrist: "I will find it."

Cen Jin's throat seemed to be blocked, and he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't snort a single sound. He grabbed Ding Baiqing's sleeve, pinched the corner, and pinched it tightly. When he lowered his eyes and looked up, the scene in front of him changed again. .

Ding Yiqing often went back to the dense fog of the World Tree to find Cen Jin, who was missing here. He was teased several times by German, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse, and gradually he could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

Sometimes when he is in a normal state, he will write down the memories of him and Cen Jin, and occasionally record some interesting things.

When the spirit can't bear it anymore and collapses, he will rush into the thick fog to wreak havoc, taking the opportunity to invade his brain and try to snatch this useful body.

But for some reason, D'De did not go too far.

He took Ding Baiqing back to the time and space seven or eight thousand years ago when he was in a bad mood, and accidentally got involved in the chaos of the gods. At that time, the Hebrew mythology system had not yet been born, and the splendor of the Sumerian gods was still there. There is residual heat.

Human beings are the weakest and inferior species, precarious, and are often involved in the wars of the gods and die.

Ding Baiqing lived in Sumerian civilization. From slave to commoner, he rose to the position of priest like a rocket. During this period, he met a fat man and promoted him to his side. Instead, he was betrayed by the fat man and expelled from the land where the Sumerian gods lived. .

The fat man betrayed Ding Baiqing and became a priest of the Sumerian temple, changing his name to: Samuel.

Ding Paiqing went into exile in the Mediterranean Sea, sat in meditation with the Egyptian gods, raced with the Greek gods, lived in the temple of Osiris, the god of the underworld, and became a guest of Zeus, the god of the gods... However, the friction between the gods around the world is becoming more and more intense, big and small. The war happened from time to time, and finally a war of undeath broke out at a certain moment.

Samuel betrayed the Sumerian gods, colluded with the Greek gods and the Norse gods to destroy the Sumerian god system and divided the treasure house of the gods.

After that, Samuel used Ding Baiqing to provoke the relationship between the three god systems of Greece, Northern Europe and Egypt. The gods in the northern hemisphere were almost eliminated, Samuel was seriously injured, and Ding Baiqing devoured the two major systems of gods when he ran wild, and survived extremely During the painful period of physical and mental tempering, he became the supreme god by leaps and bounds.

Although Cen Jin was able to outline Ding Baiqing's past based on other people's words, but what he saw with his own eyes was still very emotional and shocking.

When fate 'past' and 'future' quarreled, the 'future' accused Mr. De raising a mad dog, probably referring to Ding Baiqing.

Cen Jin tried to clarify the timeline, fate, the relationship between Ding Baiqing and himself, but the information at the moment was too complicated to clarify.

Before the fall of the Sumerian gods, it was prophesied that there would be a savior for mankind, and the savior would kill Samuel.

Samuel was afraid of the prophecy and seriously injured, so he lurked and developed the Hebrew mythology system. From time to time, he harassed the ancient Bharatana civilization and buried a few hidden piles.

Later, he accepted an olive branch from the Queen Mother of the West and joined forces with the ancient Bharata emperor Shitian to encircle Kunlun.

The whole Kunlun knew that Ding Yiqing was looking for a person named 'Cen Jin'. The Queen Mother of the West took advantage of this to deceive the mad dog that had bitten all over Kunlun into the urn. During the period, there was also moral assistance. He felt deeply that Ding Yiqing was uncontrollable, so Help the Queen Mother of the West to seal Ding Baiqing off Huangquan.

So far, the time line is consistent with the historical time line of Cen Jin's cognition.

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