The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 257: Sending God (1) (Funeral of the Rabbit...)


The water of the Sihai Grottoes underground reservoir is clear, the bronze coffin is hung on the bronze platform, the coffin lid is carved with gorgeous and evil beauty faces, and the cliffs at the bottom of the lake behind the bronze pillars are neatly arranged with the corpses of human beings who died tragically.

Next to each bronze column, there are exquisite bronze palace lanterns, which last for thousands of years, illuminating the quiet lake bottom.

Cen Jin sat on the sturdy iron chain hanging the bronze coffin, stared at the bronze coffin thoughtfully, and dug out the Hongyan Book of Heaven and Ding Yiqing's diary from his backpack, wondering how to find Ding Yiqing

With such a huge world tree, what he saw, heard and encountered were all past memories. How could he find Ding Baiqing who was in the same time line from the past memories

Where is Ding Baqing Tibetan

Ding Baiqing designed this complete script with beginning and end. He should have expected that he would enter the World Tree again in order to save him, so there should be clues.

Hongyan Tianshu wrote Ding Baiqing's script and purpose, and he cooperated with the gods of the earth-about this point, the information from the chat with Zhulong before him did not match. Zhulong seems to be not very clear about the transaction between Ding Baiqing and the gods. He always It is thought that Ding Yiqing is not very clear about the relationship between the gods, fate and the will of the universe.

But it can be seen from Ding Yiqing's own timeline that he knows many secrets that even Torch Dragon doesn't know.

Cen Jin held his chin and muttered to himself: "If you want to be free, you must have a perfect body that can be parasitized by him, and Ding Baiqing is the chosen body.

Therefore, the body of Ding Baiqing, who changed his life and paid the price, must still be there, and was swept away by De... No, if he was swept away, he would have been parasitized at this moment. Ding Baiqing, who has been with Dex for thousands of years, would not have guessed it. , so when his consciousness is about to die, he must hide his body in a place where he can't find it. "

"...It's not right." Cen Jin immediately rejected it, flipping through the Hongyan Book of Heaven: "Desire is parasitic in Ding Baiqing's body, and Ding Baiqing can't hide it from him, so it should be hidden in a place where he can't go, not where he can't find it."

"Where would it be?"

"Be patient, calm down, don't worry too much, Zhulong is right, Ding Baiqing's body is completely cold, it's useless for me to worry now... Where is it? Where will it be?" Cen Jin looked up at the bronze coffin, as if some dust had fallen. , he knew that he was seeing the wrong eye, but he somehow had the illusion that he was with Ding Baiqing through a thousand years of desolation.

In Ding Yiqing's long time line, accompanying him through thousands of years of ban time can be considered to know each other.

"First of all, it's best to make everything clear about the time line between me, Ding Yiqing, and fate."

"Timeline, time line, it turned out to be so clear. Whether it is the three goddesses of fate, black briquettes and candle dragons, they all made it very clear. They repeatedly emphasized my time line and Ding Baiqing's time line. Fearing that changing the fate of the past timeline will destroy the future fate, it will not destroy it at all.”

Before, I couldn't figure out why Ding Yiqing went back to the past and became the supreme god, but the 'coffin seal' of Sihai Cave couldn't actually seal him, why didn't he wake up in 1999 and stop what fate did, and now I want to understand the reason.

Because in 1999, there was no Ding Baiqing who became the supreme god, only Ding Baiqing who was a human being.

Limited to the space of the earth, in the time line from front to back, it will generally not change. If there is no fate to intervene, the time line of Ding Baiqing and Cen Jin will not be different from ordinary people.

"To put it simply, the time line from the birth of the earth to its demise is likened to a big tree, with its branches pointing upward as a whole, and each leaf represents a species of all living beings. The process of , landing, and decay is the birth, aging, sickness and death of a species, and the timeline is irreversible.

Due to the influence of the past, present, and future of the God of Destiny, the timelines of me and Ding Baiqing were reversed. From the beginning to the end, there is only one time and space, only me and Ding Baiqing. "

He had guessed parallel time and space before, and the most outrageous thing was guessing the past and present. The truth is actually very simple, but the timelines on him and Ding Baiqing were messed up.

"The timeline of the tree is still moving forward, and there are two time-reversed and chaotic leaves in the lush canopy, which will not affect the overall timeline of the tree at all."

There is only one person from the beginning to the end, so from 1999 to 2021, there is no supreme god Ding Yiqing, only Ding Yiqing, who is an ordinary person who travels between the past and present timelines.

From 1999 to an unknown time period, Cen Jin wandered in the 'future' timeline, and there was no 'Cen Jin' in the 'present' timeline.

Until he was brought back to the time line of 0 years by Pat, and grew up safely as a child, the time line at this time appeared 'Cen Jin'.

By 2021, I met Ding Baiqing in the underground reservoir of Sihai Cave. The time lines on the two of them overlapped and matched the time line of the big tree (earth). The two leaves in time chaos returned to the time characteristic of 'from front to back'.

"Secondly, I need to understand that there is no concept of time in the nature of the world. 'Time' is a concept created by all beings on the earth to distinguish changes. For eternal life, it is not bound by time and has no time. concept."

Cen Jin quickly tapped the Hongyan Heavenly Book, and his brain worked fast, guessing the most essential truth of the earth based on some truths he glimpsed from the depths of the old gods, the new gods and the stars.

"Fate is driven by the eternal will of the universe, and it is not bound by the time line of the earth. The ancient gods were not bound by time, but they were deceived."

Cen Jin paused, raised his eyebrows, and had a weird expression: "Could it be that 'time' was deliberately created to deceive the ancient gods?"

Once the deceived ancient gods admit the concept of 'time', there will be birth, old age, sickness and death, doomsday and death. This is the first 'lie' woven by fate.

When a lie is admitted, it becomes the truth.

"Fate is only bound by its own timeline, Scalder is bound by the future, Der is bound by the past, and Pat's timeline matches the Earth's timeline."

"Whether Pat wants to be a profitable fisherman is still unknown. At least he didn't intervene in the Ragnarok of the Gods and the time line that caused Ding Baiqing's confusion. Both Zhulong and Hongyan Tianshu mentioned that the ancient gods Is a traitor, carrying away huge energy.

The will of the universe put such a pawn of fate on the earth, and found that the earth has the ability to cultivate the old local gods, so it used the old local gods to eradicate the ancient old gods outside the earth, but the energy did not return to the depths of the stars.

As a result, another group of new gods was born, annihilating the local old gods and inheriting the energy of the old gods.

At this time, it is only necessary for the new gods to kill each other to easily obtain energy, so there is the end of the gods known to mankind. "

The above summary is the origin and demise of the gods of the earth, the emergence of destiny, the task and the role it plays in the civilization of the gods.

If there is no accident, when the era of the new gods ends, the energy can be recovered, and the earth will no longer have gods, strange and extraordinary people. Unfortunately, variables still appear.

No one expected that fate would breed self-awareness and the ambition to betray the will of the universe. They wanted freedom.

It just so happens that they have the ability to be free, and the special timeline they are endowed with and the power of destiny under their full control prompt them to write the next script that belongs to them when the previous script is about to end.

While Fate was writing the second script, there was an interlude, the prophecy of the Sumerian gods.

The Sumerian gods can also see into the future timeline, so they made the prophecy that mankind will have a savior, saw the future of the decline of the gods, and of course also saw the hope of the continuation of the fire of the gods.

Therefore, when they perished, they quietly contacted other god systems to inform them of prophecies and plans, and only then did the major god systems give Ding Yiqing additional favor.

- Regarding this speculation, it was written in the Hongyan Heavenly Book. Ding Baiqing wrote it in Rune script, which he couldn't understand before, but after recovering his memory, Cen Jin understood it.

That is, when the gods were fighting, they were prompted by the Sumerian gods, and the gods who knew the truth contacted Ding Baiqing and forced their 'core' to Ding Baiqing.

What's interesting is that these 'nuclei' all come from the gods of the underworld in the major god systems. In short, the god of death stuffed the 'nucleus' full of their energy into Ding Baiqing.

Therefore, Samuel and Dundee almost devoured the Greek and Nordic gods Ding Baiqing, but in fact they only devoured the 'core' of the god of death, replacing them as the only god of death in the world.

Oh no, and the Egyptian god of the underworld, Osiris, is waiting outside the World Tree, and his Book of the Dead is also going to be reserved for Ding Baiqing.

After the episode is over, the plan to return to fate itself: fate also knows the prophecies of the Sumerian gods, who have the power of fate and can change the fate of small-scale events.

The essence of changing fate is to change the timeline, but their energy is not enough to support them to change the timeline on a large scale, and too much action will lead to doubts about the will of the universe.

The essence of Ding Baiqing's resurrection of human beings who died under the doomsday trial is to change their timeline back to the time before their accidental death. Without the accident, they can continue to live.

The short decades of human time line will not have a big impact on the earth time line. The theory of 'butterfly wings' does not apply to this rule of fate. Their movements and struggles are all beaten into the bottom of the river by the torrent of time. It seems that Doomed to never see the light of day.

In the future timeline, Scalder can not only see the future, but also has the prophecies of the Sumerian gods. Enveloped, a life sent to the future timeline.

But Scudder, who chose to betray, saw his own death, the future of being betrayed by his elder sister, sealed in a coffin and strangled. He knew the ambition of virtue, the obsession of Ding Baiqing, and the calculations of the will of the universe that the gods sought and the universe, so Sometimes crazy, sometimes manic.

From the only dialogue between him and Ding Yiqing, it can be seen that he has struggled and resisted, but he knows that fate cannot be overstepped.

As Scalder's eldest sister, Der used his gentleness and ability to restrain the violent Scalder and maintain the basic operation of his destiny. Driven by his ambition, he colluded with his willful sister while pretending to be unable to defeat his wayward sister. Samuel, the Queen Mother of the West, and others, eradicated old and new gods, deceived the will of the universe, and at the same time invaded Ding Baqing's body to gain freedom.

This is the real script.

Recovering the energy of the defectors according to the will of the universe, the destiny of self-consciousness, the gods who seek a chance for the continuation of civilization, and the three of them, Ding Baiqing, weave a script together.

Cen Jin was coerced into it and had to become the protagonist.

The protagonist script 21 years later is the paper of destiny and the prophecy of the Sumerian gods that I got in 1999. The real part of the description is not to choose one of the two, but to become the savior and then be forgotten, and to become the savior again, be affected by it. The world looks up, clothed in glory, and the stars are shining.

This is also the main reason why Ding Yiqing promised him to cooperate with the gods.

Fate played with Cen Jin, and Ding Baiqing forced fate to bow his head and put on a crown for Cen Jin, and bowed his head as a minister.

"Everything is arranged, but haven't you thought about yourself?"

Cen Jin looked at the bronze coffin and tried to open the bronze coffin countless times.

"I miss you, Ding Baiqing."

It was as if he had been with Ding Baiqing and had been sitting alone in Huangquan for thousands of years. The feeling of missing was about to poison his heart, and there was no way to keep it going.

Cen Jin floated in the air in front of the erected bronze coffin, reaching out to touch it, like diving into the water, except for layers of ripples.

After being stunned for a moment, Cen Jin held down his heart, bent down in discomfort, and leaned his forehead against the bronze coffin, as if leaning on Ding Baiqing's heart to comfort him.

"Where are you hiding?"

His eyes wandered, and for some reason, it fell to the Hongyan Book of Heaven, and Ding Baiqing jokingly flickered in his ears: "Would you like to read the Book of Hongyan Books?"

Ding Baiqing seems to value the Book of the Red Rock, which records the civilization history of the gods, and is also his mood diary. It is impossible to guarantee that there is no clue of his hiding place.

Thinking of this, Cen Jin flipped back and forth at the Hongyan Heavenly Book, and when he turned to the last page, just as he was about to flip it over, he found a thin piece of paper stuck to the inside of the cover.

"After attending the rabbit's funeral, my shoes and clothes were soiled by the fog, and I smelled a nasty stench. I was in a bad mood. But I was a little happier when I found some precious memories from the past."

The time was last summer.

Cen Jin blinked, remembering that before they went to Europe to carry out their mission, Ding Baiqing was dressed neatly and went out with a big black umbrella. When asked what he was going to do, he said that he went to attend the funeral of the rabbit.

I didn't think much about it at the time, and I wasn't interested. Now, it seems that it may not be an ordinary funeral.

Having said that, the word 'rabbit' is somewhat familiar, and it seems to have been mentioned in the book of heaven.

Cen Jin immediately turned back to the previous diary, checked word by word, and stopped at an annual diary written by Ding Baiqing after swallowing the core of the Greek god of death.

"They like rabbits, black, brown, red... Flocks of rabbits, stocked on both sides of the Styx, crouching on the banks of the river in a dense gazing at the dead souls crossing the river. If a dead soul accidentally falls into the river, they will One after another, they jumped into the river and ate the souls of the dead."

"The rabbits distributed in the River Styx are rabbits that are kept by the god of death. 'Them'? Do you need 'them' to complain about the Greek god of death? Unless not only the god of death in Greece likes rabbits, but gods of death in other god systems also have a special love for rabbits Bell, so the funeral of the rabbit refers to the tomb of the god of death?"

"Stained by the fog? There is also a disgusting stench, and it is said that it is a precious memory from the past... It's not that I am stinky, what else is more precious than the memory of being with me?"

"So to meet the three characteristics of 'fog', 'stench', and 'the past was with me' the tomb of the god of death, this place is only - "

Cen Jin looked in a certain direction: "The palace of the god of death Hela!"

Cen Jin took out the compass and ran quickly in the direction of Hela's Palace, the God of Death. When he stepped out of the Sihai Cave, he suddenly felt something, and looked back abruptly, only to see a sudden appearance at the bottom of the empty lake. A familiar cabin in the woods.

Next to the hut was 'Cen Jin' who had entered by mistake.

The heaven and the earth swayed and stopped for a moment. The heavy bronze coffin lid was pulled open, revealing Ding Baiqing's gorgeous and ghost-like face. Cen Jin suddenly saw Ding Baiqing who was missing him so much, his eyes warmed and tears fell.

The tear rolled into the chaotic torrent of time, swayed into the bronze coffin, and suddenly shattered the moment Ding Baiqing opened his eyes.

The picture was shattered in an instant, the sky was shaking, and the thick fog came in all directions like surging waves. Cen Jin's feet were unstable, and his body was torn by mixed energy. Rao Shi's body and spirit were almost unable to carry it. This storm, he knew that he was encountering the torrent of time in the madness.

Cen Jin ran furiously with all his feet, and the speed was lightning fast, shrinking as close as an inch away from the Nibelungen, and the space-time behind was caught in the time flood and quickly collapsed.

Running wildly to the position of the Palace of Death, God of Death, Hela, Cen Jin didn't brake in time, and fell into the abyss with one foot in the air. There was thick fog all around, and there were even human ladders made of iron figures that reached the entrance of the cave and extended to the bottom of the abyss.

here is…

The abyss beneath the Iron Throne

Cen Jin caught a glimpse of the iron figure going down, the more he looked like a rabbit-headed man. His heart beat faster and he fell faster. After some time, he finally fell to the area with the densest fog. Silver light, then ran towards that point of silver light.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed it, his hand was cold. Cen Jin looked down and saw an ugly silver ornament with chaotic lines lying quietly in the palm of his hand. He followed the familiar silver ornament and looked up.

Overjoyed, uncontrollable.

It was Ding Baiqing, whose face was as pale as paper and his clothes were as black as ink.

It was Ding Baiqing who was asleep, waiting for him to wake up.

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