The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 258: Sending God (2) (only for Ding Yiqing's selfishness...)


Cen Jin's fingertips touched Ding Baiqing's icy cheeks, and he thought in a trance that Ding Baiqing opened his eyes and stared at him with those treacherous and indifferent eyes.

But fantasies are fantasies after all, and now Ding Baiqing is still in a drowsiness, without sound or body temperature.

Cen Jin carried Ding Baiqing on his back, and when he looked back at the road, he was already covered in thick fog, the thick fog rolled violently, the fog was as thick as sea water, and he couldn't tell the way to leave.

The compass given to him by the god of the underworld, Osiris, floated into the air, and eight curled metal claws suddenly stretched out from the golden base. One of the extended claws pointed to the southeast. Cen Jin ran in that direction without hesitation.

The mist entangled his feet and hands like living things, and the clammy feeling penetrated deep into the bone marrow from the soles of his feet, but this was completely within the range that Cen Jin could bear. The real trouble was that the mist prevented Ding Baiqing from leaving.

For Mist, Ding Yiqing is a dead person, so he should stay in the country of death. Cen Jin took him away to provoke the rules of the country of death. They didn't kill Cen Jin in seconds because they were too weak.

The metal claws of the compass kept changing directions, guiding the way of life, and the thick fog in the land of death became thicker and more violent, turning into countless strange attacks on Cen Jin, and when it was scattered, it shrieked, attracting countless real strange people, heading for Come here.

Cen Jin tried to cover his spiritual realm to the area within a thousand miles, overlooking the dense fog, the high, middle and low levels were as dense as an ant colony, smelling the smell of meat, they came here one after another, and the scene was particularly spectacular.

The dense fog seemed to connect the gray fog in all the different dimensions of the earth. He remembered that there were many powerful and high-level weirdness in the gray fog. Although it was not a fear for him today, there were many ants that killed the elephants, not to mention that there was still time to flood. , Covetous people still have to be careful.

But can the dense fog that erodes the world tree and the gray fog of other dimensions communicate with each other

Different space, gray fog, world tree, dense fog, what's special about it

The ghost country abandoned by the Queen Mother of the West, the border of Kunlun Mountains and Seas, when the angel of terror is in another dimension, it will also carry gray fog, as well as the promised land of another dimension 'Canaan', Kusinara, the World Tree... the boundaries of all other dimensions They are all wrapped in gray fog, and the gray fog is full of irrational cruelty and weirdness. Is it just a coincidence

Cen Jin's ears can hear the strange whistling thousands of miles away, and he can also hear the accelerated beating of the heart in his chest. His brain is spinning at a high speed, analyzing the purpose of gods, destiny, human beings and the universe.

The purpose of each representative is known, and the fate, the universe, and the way of the gods to achieve their goals are known, so what about human beings

Destiny obtains freedom by robbing Ding Baiqing of the body, the universe deprives the gods of their energy through fate, and the gods obtain the opportunity to continue the fire through their cooperation with Ding Baiqing, so what is the result

Results are unknown.

The representative who decides the result is human beings, it is Ding Baiqing, the one who really decides whether the sword of Damocles is cut down is Cen Jin!

But what is he going to do? What should he do

He can guarantee to get ahead of fate, use the Book of the Dead to save Ding Baiqing and destroy Fate's plan, what about after that

Destiny is immortal, gods are immortal, the earth will always be a meal for people to slaughter.

A ray of skylight suddenly appeared in the thick fog ahead. Cen Jin was overjoyed and ran in the direction of the skylight, but when he was about to touch the skylight, he noticed that the metal claws of the compass were all curled up and stretched, and the movements were frequent and abnormal, and his pupils shrank. , make a quick decision and slide back quickly.

As soon as it moved, the sky light suddenly expanded, the thick fog and strangeness that touched the light quickly turned into powder, and a sculptural face appeared in the sky light, like a plaster cast, and the dull pupils turned left and right, looking for the target person Ding Baiqing.

Cen Jin hid in the thick fog, the route was winding, and he fled quickly, the sky was chasing after him, and the time flood became more and more intense.

Seeing that scene, Cen Jin couldn't help but shudder and pay more attention to the occasional flood of time.

At this time, the eight metal claws of the compass all pointed in the same direction. Cen Jin's heart beat faster, and when he looked up, he saw the thickest fog in front of him, rolling up countless swirling torrents, and thousands of tall and ferocious monsters. The strangeness came one after another to build a city wall, and the direction pointed by the metal claws of the compass was in a certain gap in the thick fog, and no deviation was allowed.

If one is not careful, both he and Ding Baiqing will be torn to shreds by being caught up in the torrent of time.

Cen Jin's heart was beating like a drum, he swallowed, staring intently at the direction pointed by the compass, the sky light approaching from behind.

Almost in an instant, Cen stepped into the thick fog, and the flood of time on both sides passed him by. It was as strange as an army of thousands of horses rushing down.

However, in an instant, the opportunity was missed, and Dade let out an angry roar.

Cen Jin stepped into the air with Ding Baiqing on his back and almost fell into the deck of the fishing boat. Osiris, the god of the underworld who had been paying attention to the changes in the World Tree, hurried over to ask how the situation was.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, De and the thick fog chased after him, dividing the heaven and the earth into two, one side was the dark night without the light of the sky, De's huge face was suspended in the sky, and behind him was a dense and strange, both terrifying angels , there are also mermaids, and there are all kinds of strange and strange things that have never been seen before.

Thousands of troops stand in layers, the darkness crosses the world tree to pollute the real world, the sea is visible to the naked eye, and it is dyed black and extends to the land.

On the other side was the small fishing boat where Cen Jin was. The clouds were hanging from the sea, and the sun was blazing in the sky. Out of biological instinct, the fish and birds turned around in a hurry and fled in groups.

Abnormalities in the restricted area were monitored by the authorities and were quickly communicated to countries, branch offices and headquarters.

Just after the catastrophe brought about by Samuel was resolved, the human beings who were still in the rebuilding stage were physically and mentally exhausted, but in just one year, the earth and human beings encountered several crises of extinction.

Sending away a god who was going to destroy the country on the front foot, and a god trying to destroy all mankind on the back foot, is there a god who is going to blow up the earth next time

When will this group of gods be expelled from the human kingdom forever

Cen Jin doesn't know the fear, exhaustion, and thirst of all human beings at the moment, but he feels it and agrees with it. The difference in strength is like two species with a natural gap, and there can never be peaceful coexistence.

□□De overlooked Cen Jin: "Give me - give Ding Baiqing to me, I can guarantee that the earth will be free from the surveillance of the universe forever, and human beings don't have to worry about being destroyed."

Cen Jin handed Ding Baiqing to Osiris and said in a low voice, "Please save him." Arranging Ding Baiqing's wrinkled sleeves as if he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder, he said without raising his head: "Unless the original Ding Baiqing is intact. Return the land, otherwise no conditions will impress me."

"If you've been to the World Tree, you should understand that the earth is only a drop in the ocean to the universe. The old gods outside the earth defected, and the earth took in, sheltered, and used loopholes in the rules to steal energy to derive local gods, which has long been tolerated by the universe.

Without my assistance, the Earth's recovery would have been an instant.

You are the savior, do you want to give up the trillions of creatures on the earth for a lover? "

"Your assistance?" Cen Jin whispered softly, standing in front of Osiris and Ding Baiqing, tilting his head to look at Dharma: "The universe needs to follow the rules of the universe, and it may be possible to destroy unimportant stars at will, but those who have the ability to create their own gods Earth, its particularity is by no means trash that can be destroyed at will."

"Then this shows one thing. The universe needs conditions to destroy the earth. You are a cosmic messenger. Of course, I believe that your threat is effective, so it is verified from the side that you know the conditions for the universe to destroy the earth, and there are channels for the universe to destroy the earth. know this condition."

"Everything must follow the rules, and the universe is no exception, so this condition for destroying the earth should be that the earth violates a certain rule."

"Is it right?"

"Only I know this rule. You are smart and know how to choose."

"You say I'm a smart person, why do you think I can't guess which rule I've violated?" Cen Jin looked at Dade with a blank expression: "You feel too good about yourself, that fate paper back then. Didn't you say I'm the savior

Since it is the savior, of course, including every disaster, every time. "

□□De's sculptural face can't make any expressions at all, but it can make people feel his extremely intense emotions at the moment, full of hatred and hatred: "I should have tried my best to kill you in the first place, so as to avoid future troubles!"

Cen Jin pulled his lips and smiled mockingly, his eyes were cold: "The ideal body in your mind should be me, but you can't grab Scalder, and you want to build the strongest cage to kill him, it's a pity that you are a Fate, knowing the trajectory of fate, inevitably falls into the cliché of trying to resist fate."

The Rubik's Cube floated up behind Cen Jin, Cen Jin stared at Osiris from the corner of his eyes, and his scarlet pupils reflected the sleeping Ding Baiqing: "Can we start?"

Osiris opened his palm, and there was a white light floating in the void, making people unable to look away.

If there is a heaven in the world, it should be as holy as this light.

"Book of the Dead?"

"Yes." Osiris nodded: "Everyone in the world thinks it is a book, and its actual form moves according to one's heart. It is a healing and holy light in my chest."

He covered the light on Ding Baiqing's heart, pressed the light ball with his palm, and sweat dripped from his forehead instantly, which was obviously particularly laborious.

"Help me fight for ten minutes. It can't be interrupted, not even once. Otherwise, the resurrection will be invalid, and the Book of the Dead will never work again."


As the voice fell, the Rubik's Cube turned into a sword and a sword, depicting gorgeous formation runes, hanging in the air behind Cen Jin.

Cen Jin slowly drew out his sword and said to Ding De: "The weight of billions of living beings is incomparable to the weight of Ding Yiqing. I have become a very selfish person. After reading Ding Yiqing's memories, I know what he did. Every choice is mine, how can I compare him with billions of creatures?"

"I can't." Cen Jin sighed softly, "I'll be selfish this time, just for Ding Yiqing."

Then even if there is no burial place, he will do his best to complete the task of 'savior'.

'Clang-clang-' Bing Ge hummed, pierced his eardrums, and the dark fog forced him to retreat one meter. Cen Jin floated in mid-air, and the metal feather blades flew out piece by piece, inlaid, and combined to form mechanical wings that were inserted into Cen Jin's shoulder blades. Holding the knife in one hand, hanging on the side, holding the sword in the other hand, the sword pointed at Wanjun: "Come to fight!"

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