The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 261: The age of man and gods...)


The time when the shadow shrouded the earth was silently cut, Wang Lingxian and the others suddenly found that the time had disappeared inexplicably and they had no memory, looked up at each other, opened the forum tacitly, and saw the latest news of the Norwegian Sea.

"Really solved?"

"Zhou Man prophesied that he was the savior of the world, and no matter how big the gods were, they couldn't be bigger than the destiny."

"What if the troublemaker happens to be the destiny itself?"

"It turns out that your assumption doesn't hold."

"Speaking of which, do you guys think of Ding Yiqing?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent again.

"I really forgot some time ago."

"Even our memories can be erased, I don't know what the identity of the gods this time is."

"You'll know when you look back and ask Huang Mao."

Wang Lingxian put away the phone, Yu Wen asked, "Don't play anymore?"

"I guess there will be a task coming down soon." Wang Lingxian shook the phone and said, "Didn't you get the latest news?"

Huang Jiang: "Isn't it all related to the latest situation in the Norwegian Sea?"

Wang Lingxian: "It's the latest news from the major Internet media outside. The presence of gods, the reappearance of miracles, and the lost civilization hidden in different dimensions are exposed to human beings at the same time."

"for example?"

"For example, the tower of Babel, Atlantis, the Hanging Gardens, the Mount of Olympus, and the well-known Kunlun Mountains and Seas... The super-civilization buildings formed by the collision of bronze machinery and the civilization of the gods have all lost the protection of different spaces. , floating in the sky above the location recorded in the historical data. Prehistoric civilizations of different sizes have appeared all over the world and countries, and human detectors have detected that these lost cities are inhabited by highly intelligent life, which is what we call strange and human literature records. God."

The other four suddenly felt their scalps numb and their hair horrified: "Without the isolation and protection of alien space, humans are exposed to a crowd of strange and gods, aren't they just walking livestock?"

"Have you sent troops to protect it?"

"The wolves, tigers and leopards invaded the human territory one after another, which is simply fatal."

"The headquarters and the governments of various countries have dispatched troops and superhuman teams to surround the suddenly appeared prehistoric civilization. The two sides waited for the change, and there was no fire negotiation. I estimate that the human side hopes for a peaceful solution... If it can be resolved peacefully, we can't afford it. "

As soon as the voice fell, the five people received a text message on their mobile phones, and the instructions from the Huaxia Agency Branch immediately rushed to the mountains in Gansu and Chuan to deal with the huge and exquisite bronze city that appeared out of thin air on the mountains.

The five of them went back to their respective dormitories to pack up their luggage without hesitation, and quickly set off with the main force. At a transfer station in Gansu, they met Boss Long, Jiang Baipingcuo and others who were leading the team, and they went with them.

At the same time, Zhang Weitu, Wu Yujie, and Li Daoyi, who are representatives of China, held a global video conference. Mao Xiong and Bald Eagle Kingdom had abundant weapons and talents. They proposed to be tough and snatch the gods (weird) bronze city. The mechanical and theological civilization of the gods promotes human development.

Other countries did not hesitate to reject the proposals of the two countries. The usual meetings to argue with each other is to deter the two countries from their arrogance. Anyway, they are on the same front as each other. The current situation is hell-level and difficult. The military force and talent reserves are far less than the two countries. I can't afford it.

Another war, they will directly destroy the country.

After expressing their willingness to oppose, the countries looked to the representatives of China. Once the most powerful country spoke out, Mao Xiong and Bald Eagle would reconsider their proposal.

Wu Yujie played with her fingers, her eyes swept down, and she pondered for a moment before saying, "Humanity needs peace, can't stand the wear and tear, there will be no second chance to come back from the dead, and no one will sacrifice himself to protect mankind."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the representatives of the Bald Eagle and the Maoxiong were a bit unbearable.

One of the reasons why they advocate war is that at the time of the global trial, a large number of dead humans were resurrected. Thinking about this technology, you will not be afraid of death and war. Under the premise of being fearless, greed and ambition are rapidly expanding, and the gods are jealous. (Spooky) Advanced Civilization, Longevity, and Transcendence.

Wu Yujie's scheming was pierced by Wu Yujie, and the representatives of the two countries looked embarrassed and bowed their heads silently.

"The weirdness spreads all over the world, and the number is huge. Among them, there are gods. Although the camel is dead, it is bigger than a horse, and it is easy enough to solve the human army. If we really want to go to war, I am afraid that before the resurrection, human beings will be wiped out."

The representative of Mao Xiong: "Since there is no war, then talk about peace, the question is whether the other party is willing to live in peace with humans? Under the premise that the strength gap is infinite, who is willing to leave 'domestic animals' without eating and choose to be on an equal footing with them and share with them? resource?"

The representative of the bald eagle: "Humans and weirdness have been incompatible since ancient times, and they are in the relationship between the upper and lower levels of the food chain. Even in the ancient times when humans and gods coexisted, it was a hierarchical master-servant relationship. How many years have passed since human beings broke the feudal society's sovereignty, Are we going to go back to the slave society of 3,000 years ago and hand over the rights of our masters?"

"Even if Weird says they agree to coexist peacefully with humans, how can we guarantee that they won't attack humans on the side of the couch one day?"

"The cruel nature and past history have repeatedly told us that even the same species will have class conflicts due to differences in power and money, not to mention two different intelligent races with vastly different life spans, abilities, and physiques. "

I have to admit that the issues they have considered are also the source of concern and fear for all the people present.

Zhang Weitu: "As for the food chain, for strange and some gods, humans are indeed domestic animals, and they have experienced a long period of 'domestic animal' life. But after a long period of dormancy and counterattack, not only It has become a recognized Wisdom Species, and also has equal negotiation status and the ability to fight, especially after killing the gods such as the Queen Mother of the West, Samuel, Di Shitian, etc., it can be determined that in the eyes of the gods, human beings have already removed the 'domestic animals', '' slave' label."

"As for cannibalism... According to the survey, weirdness can also supplement energy by eating animals and low-intelligence peers to satisfy hunger, and there are many low-level weirdness in the depths of the gray fog on the edge of the earth and other worlds.

These low-level weirdness may come to the earth through the gap and hurt human beings. After all, the number of extraordinary people is small, so it is better to leave it to the weird hunting.

At the same time, we also found that the beliefs from the heart of humans can also meet the needs of strange upgrades and recharges... But it is related to religious belief, the relationship between humans and gods (weird), and the stability of order between humans and gods (weird), lawful rules, and also It needs to be formulated seriously and carefully. "

"I intend to involve human beings all over the world, develop together, and study how to make human beings gain longevity and strength, and cultivate more extraordinary people, even ordinary people without talent, or help them master power through the machinery and technology of prehistoric civilizations. "

The representatives of various countries and the members of the Council of the Headquarters looked at each other and remained silent. Listening to Zhang Weitu's eloquent and coherent conversation, Wu Yujie and Li Dao had the same look, and they knew that Huaxia had planned this for a long time.

Legend has it that Cen Jin, the savior of slaughtering the gods and killing the strange, has repeatedly shown that he can coexist peacefully with the strange and the gods as a human being. Has China, as Cen Jin's home country, invested in the new society and the new world long ago? Dimension sequence preparation

Therefore, it is possible to navigate the complex situation today with ease, and to put forward the most suitable plan at the moment with a normal expression.

"The hatred between humans and gods has been buried for thousands of years. Even if we accept peaceful coexistence, why should the arrogant gods agree?" Someone raised an objection.

Some people agreed: "If you have dealt with gods such as Xiwangmu, Di Shitian, and Samuel, you should understand that in the eyes of arrogant gods, human beings are like ants. We care about our own high status. Have you ever thought about how the gods laugh at them? , teasing us?"

Zhang Weitu raised his eyes: "There are humans who hate gods, and there are gods who hate humans. There are also humans who believe in gods, and there are gods who desperately protect humans, so we have to choose to win over gods who have a good impression of humans. Deter unfriendly gods, I think you all know how to do it."

No one knows more about winning people's hearts and excluding others than the group of politicians in front of them.

"The ancient Egyptian gods headed by Osiris, the god of death, the spirits of the gods headed by the descendants of Sumer, and the descendants of the Kunlun gods headed by Candle Dragon, have already expressed their attitudes, stand on the side of mankind, and human beings give faith, and they give blessings and longevity and mechanical technology to realize the future of peaceful coexistence.”

Wu Yujie said: "The world's gods and strangeness are headed by the six major gods, among which ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek and Norse mythology perished..."

At this moment, a phone call came in, Wu Yujie answered, listened to the latest information from the other side, nodded, hung up the phone, and showed a relaxed smile.

"Correct, there is no substantive extinction, but a special way to continue civilization. Samuel of ancient Hebrew is dead, but the knight of doom who belongs to this god is still alive, and there are descendants of the goddess of winter snow in ancient Greece. There are also gods of fate in northern Europe who have survived, and they have chosen to coexist peacefully without exception.

In addition to this, there is another surprise, that is, the descendants of the Sumerian gods and the spirits of the gods mentioned just now. Its disintegration nurtured the two major European gods, and indirectly affected the development of ancient Nordic and ancient Egyptian gods. Such an ancient and The great gods have left the seeds of civilization, and their descendants are full of goodwill towards mankind. "

Wu Yujie stood up, put her hands on the table, and looked down at the representatives, feeling quite oppressive: "Destiny chooses human beings, whether to witness the birth and take-off of a new era of mankind, or the devastated and endless war, everyone should know how to choose."

After a pause, she added, "I think you are all smart people."

There was silence.

Zhang Weitu said: "No matter what the result is, Huaxia refuses to start a war. Correspondingly, Huaxia will not fight for the results after the war."

The representative of the bald eagle country sneered: "We fought hard, you stand by, befriend the gods, get the achievements of advanced civilization from them, and surpass us without a single team?"

Zhang Weitu smiled: "You see that you also understand the benefits of not going to war."

The representative of the Bald Eagle Country choked and shut up angrily.

The representative of the hairy bear stared at the table intently, with a full beard covering his expression.

This big man with five big and three rough also looks careless and reckless on the outside, and he has no heart, but if he can actually negotiate as a representative of a country, there is no possibility of his heart being clean.

A small country is headed by a big country, and is reluctant to fight, especially against species that are a hundred and a thousand times stronger than itself. Just looking at it makes me fearful.

It is not reconciled to the harmony (the situation is clear at a glance, the human beings who are close to the six major gods are Cen Jin, and Cen Jin is from China, the establishment of the new world means that new resources are re-divided, and the dominant China will definitely take the lead), and I do not want to run away. Fight at the front and see the rise of the small country behind the buttocks.

The original intention of their main battle was actually to push Huaxia to fight in front, not that they really contributed money and resources.

In the Samuel incident a few months ago, Europe was the main battlefield, and European countries suffered the most.

So the outcome of the meeting is obvious.

Zhang Weitu made the final decision: "Countries sent representatives to the lost country, and the prehistoric civilization conveyed the will of mankind for peaceful coexistence. The specific details are now being discussed and finalized."

"Now entering the next discussion session: the construction of a new era of machines, humans and gods."

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