The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 262: Fanwai 2 - very honored


Norwegian sea, clear sky.

A few soft white clouds floated in the blue sky, and the tip of the seagull's wings swept across the clouds, as if pulling out a wisp of misty clouds, the sun was dazzling, dispelling the dark clouds and dense fog.

A golden city wall invisible to the naked eye shrouds the earth, that is Qiangwu Shanhai Kunlun.

Until the natural destruction of the earth, the Kunlun Mountains and Seas will return to its original form of strong martial arts.

In the vast universe, the Lone Star Earth has become the only Noah's Ark. All things grow, free and savage, and they no longer have to be monitored. They are worried that they will suddenly die in the hands of the will of the universe at some point.

The sea is like a mirror, and a small sailboat is gently supported. The horizontal masts on the white sails, Ding Baiqing and Cen Jin sit side by side, the breeze blows through the hair on the temples, and the water vapor washes and beats his face lightly.

With a thud, Gu Tong jumped into the sea and jumped out of the sea suddenly, holding a sea fish much larger than her in his arms, Li Manyun and An Ping who were on the side of the boat shouted and laughed, beckoning the two to come down and play together.

Li Manyun is hijie, a little turtle-haired, Anping Xijing does not like to move, and refuses the invitation of complaining boy, but the enthusiastic black briquettes yank off his clothes, open his hands and rush forward: "I'm coming!"

With a bang, he slammed into the complaining boy, scaring away the big fish that he finally caught, so angry that the complaining boy jumped up to fight.

Doom knights and ghosts were leisurely fishing, while witches looked around trying to find the figure of the mermaid. They liked to study strange creatures. The residents of Kusinara gathered together to weave fishing nets, chat, or meditate and recite scriptures, while watching the children who jumped into the sea to play, so that no one would be left behind.

Cen Jin propped his cheeks, his eyes filled with a smile that was about to overflow, and turned his head to look at Ding Baiqing: "Go back to your senses."

Ding Yiqing's stagnant pupils moved, his eyes floated to Cen Jin, staring at him for a long time before sighing, "Welcome back, I miss you very much."

Cen Jin was stunned, knowing that Ding Yiqing was greeting the past 'Cen Jin', the 'Cen Jin' who was trapped in time, and the present him. The tip sank into Ding Baiqing's chest: "The end of time is one step away from you forever."

Ding Yiqing was suddenly in a trance, the scene in front of him instantly changed into the trajectory of the stars, and then returned to reality in an instant, staring at Cen Jin.

Cen Jin said with a smile: "I took a lot of effort to squeeze out the blank to write this rule, I hope you are safe."

How easy it is to say, who knows how difficult he was facing at that time

A grain of sand alone faces the vast desert, a drop of water fights against all corners of the world alone, and it is not as difficult as Cen Jin, a small human being against the universe. While he is fighting and defending with all his heart, he also has his mind to write the rules of peace for Ding Baiqing.

From then on, the rules of praying for Ding Yiqing's safe and long life will go hand in hand with the rules of fighting the God of Creation to destroy the world.

"I am very honored." Ding Baiqing smiled softly, with tenderness flowing in his eyes.

Ding Baiqing held Cen Jin's hand beside him, squeezed it between his fingers, and clasped his fingers tightly. Just in time, a wisp of sea breeze blew his hair, and a seagull swirled down and stopped at the edge of the mast to comb his feathers. .

"Do you know how I cheated on the God of Creation?"

"tell me the story."

The gentle wind is gentle, the sea breeze is strong under the warm sun, and it seems that they can taste the salty and bitter taste of the sea when they open their mouths to speak, but this cannot stop their enthusiasm for chatting.

Above the mast, the seagulls pecked their feathers, and the two were very close to each other, chatting in a whisper, and under the sails, a crowd of strange and active people was unceasingly active.

"…Let the earth's timeline enter eternity and become the 'Death'. The timeline of all things on earth remains unchanged. The God of Creation is checked and balanced by the rules left by Samuel and the legendary witch, and energy can be recovered until all things on earth naturally perish."

Ding Baiqing pondered, and chuckled softly: "How does your brain grow? It's more perfect than what I originally thought."

"I also feel that my brain and my person are incomparably perfect."

Cen Jin shook his head, triumphantly.

At the same time as he regained his memory, his personality gradually changed back to his proud and confident side.

"The six powerful weapons have destroyed the three, and the remaining three may have to wait until the earth and all things naturally perish before they can be used again."

"Make the best use of it, but if you leave it, it will be distributed unevenly, and it will not be safe to put it in anyone's hands. Even if the Kunlun Mountains and Seas are gone, that cosmic rule will also expose the other world that originally existed on Earth. It is estimated that it will be gods and weirdness in the future. A new world mixed with humans."

"I'm busy."

"I'm a student, and the busyness of adults has nothing to do with me."

"Li Daoyi and their memories will also come back."


"Twenty years ago, you graduated long ago."

"… "

After a moment of silence, Cen Jin proposed in a solemn tone, "How about we travel around the world first and then go back?"

Ding Yiqing: "I won't express my position, you can do whatever you want."

Cen Jin bowed his head in a clever way, and said to the gothic man who was at the helm below: "Turn the direction, let's explore the mysterious sea!"

The gothic man was shirtless and didn't look back: "Understood."

The stern of the ship stirred up layers of waves, the bow turned its direction, and headed in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean against the light and sea wind. The army far away on the coastline was ready to meet Cen Jin's ship, but the other party turned around halfway, and quickly issued an order. Command to go to sea.

"Come after that ship!"

"Don't mess with Cen Jin - tie it back to me too!"

The roar drifted away with the sea breeze, and the sailboat had already moved away quickly under the impetus provided by a group of strange things in the water.

Until the warship caught up, there was no trace of the sailboat in the vast sea.

Seabirds hovered on the edge of the cliff, the waves beat against the dark rocks, smashed the stones, and the stones rolled down. A figure stood above the reef and looked at the smaller and smaller boats in the center of the sea. A man lying on a huge rock.

The two were wet and had just climbed up from the sea.

"Won't you freeze to death?" Pat asked, crouching down.

□□De panted, thought for a while before saying, "Cold."

She spread out her palm and stared at the beam of sunlight held in her palm: "I felt cold and warm, smelled the breath of the sea breeze, tasted the taste of sea water, it was wonderful, it was a real feeling of being alive."

"Very comfortable, right."

After a little silence, Dade sighed strangely: "If at the moment of my birth, I could smell the aroma, taste the five flavors, feel the warmth and warmth, maybe I would fall in love with everything in the world like you do."

Pat basked in the sun lazily: "Have you become a human?"

□□German: "Maybe."

Pat: "Human life is short, are you willing?"

□□De: "What can I do if I'm not willing? Can I resist the destiny that even the God of Creation can't resist? Fate..." She chuckled: "Even the God of Creation fell into the pit he dug, I Only then did I understand the impermanence of destiny.”

She suddenly made a 'hiss' and raised her arm. There was a ferocious wound there, which was not healed for a long time. The skin was soaked white by the sea water, and the pain became more and more severe.

□□De was terrified to find that the skin around the wound was rapidly aging: "What's going on?"

Pat jumped off the reef, grabbed Ded's arm and looked at it for a moment. He tried to heal to no avail. He gently lowered Ded's arm and said, "You are aging, Sister Ded."

□□De was stunned, not only becoming a fragile human being, but also aging at a faster rate

Pat: "I can't save you, and I won't ask Cen Jin to save you." He looked up, with sincere sadness and guilt in his eyes: "I'm sorry."

What □□De has done is unacceptable to the world. He should have died in the thick fog long ago. Pat will save her at the critical moment, but he will not force the destiny to leave □□De.

"The earth has become an island, but it repels you, does not allow you to draw energy, and you will age and die."

□□De intends to destroy the earth and all living beings that grow here, and will naturally be repelled to death.

Being calculated, Ding Yiqing and Cen Jin, who have suffered for many years, are even less interested in being a living Bodhisattva, and the outcome of virtue is doomed.

De slumped back on the reef, looked up at the sky, and blinked: "If you succeed, you will live, if you fail, you will die. I should have died in the thick fog. Now every minute and second of my life is more money, you don't have to do it for me. Sad, let alone feel guilty."

She has been working hard for tens of thousands of years, from calculating the doomsday of the gods to planning to escape the control of the universe, dragging the ancient gods and all beings to pave the way for her ambitions, she has been mentally prepared for a long time.

The chessboard of destiny is Cen Jin (human beings) and the god of creation, the gods and the will of the universe. She is just a chess piece trying to defect, and the probability of losing is very high.

Whether it is the God of Creation who wins, or the humans (the gods) who win, death is her destiny.

"I should apologize to you." Dade held Pat's hand and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry."

Pat hugged Dade and remained silent.

"I've always had a question I'd like to know the answer to."

"Maybe I can help you out."

□ □ The trend of German aging spreads to the whole body, and the exposed skin is covered with layers of folds.

"Does the sunset smell?"


"Don't lie to me... What does it taste like?"

"It's almost sunset, you can taste it yourself."

"… it is good."

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a group of dolphins swim in groups in the distance, jumping out of the water to sing from time to time, the setting sun sprinkles the sea, and the waves are bright for thousands of miles, which is magnificent and magnificent.

Old to death, D. D. was lying in Pat's arms, the magnificent sunset in his eyes gradually extinguished: "It's the smell of warmth..."

The last ray of afterglow fell into the sea water, annihilated with a chirp, and night fell. On the cliffs and rocks, the blond man embraced the aging corpse in his arms, hugged it horizontally, and threw it into the sea.

"Good night, Sister De."

On the twilight of the Atlantic Ocean, a sailboat sailed quietly and silently, and there was a huge and mighty steel ship next to it. The deck of the ship was a strange group of people looking up at the stars.

The sailboat was too small to fit in too many strange things. In the end, Noah's Ark was sacrificed for the strange rest, while Cen Jin and Ding Baiqing stayed in the sailboat. The cabin windows were dimly lit, and the whispers inside could not be heard.

Grievous and other children lie in the cabin peeking at the sailboat, and they are driven back to sleep by the adults, protesting that they are weird and don’t need sleep at all, but the protest is ineffective, and they are ruthlessly suppressed by the more powerful adults, and they are aggrieved. lamp.

"Good night, good sleep."

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