The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 264: Fanwai 4 - Thirty-year-old goal


The new era of machines, humans and gods has been in development for ten years, and it has begun to take shape. Machines have become a bridge for the establishment of friendship between humans and gods. Of course, different regions get along differently.

For example, although the Egyptian people live in harmony with the gods, they are still in awe and nurture them with their beliefs. The gods are merciful and have their own abilities to help the local weather and weather, and at the same time grant advanced technology and medical skills.

Mainly medical.

In addition, the pyramid under the Bermuda Triangle of the Atlantic Ocean was discovered, the civilization of the fourth era was studied, and a new medical model was developed by combining advanced medical techniques. Problems big and small, including accidentally contaminated humans.

The terrifying spiritual pollution still exists, but mechanical technology helps humans effectively isolate.

Humans love the power and mystery of gods, and even ugly and weird people have peculiar aesthetics to express their love. Of course, the most popular is mechanical technology like cyberpunk, while gods (weird) love human beliefs and food.

Humans' pursuit of food is never-ending, and they have even developed meat that is far superior to human beings and weird and delicious, rich in energy, not only providing enough energy, but also satisfying gods who have never pursued food before (weird) of taste buds.

Of course it's not completely peaceful, it's not that there are no gods (weird) resisting, stealing and eating humans. At this time, the help of the extraordinary team is needed.

The head office basically exists in name only, and each country and district has created an army of extraordinary people under the management of the state. Among them, Huaxia is the most powerful, has the most settled gods (weird), and has the most harmonious and friendly relationship.

Among them, Kunlun, Shanhai and Kunlun has become the coolest and most wanted bronze city in the world.

At this time, in the central area of Kunlun Bronze City, there was a wooden house built on a high-rise building.

From the house came the ups and downs of "three cards", "pass", "even pair" and "wang fried, paste", the last sentence is: "playing poker, do you think you are playing mahjong?"

"One more round."

"Stop playing."

"Can you eat?"

"Who cooks?"

"Not for takeout? Who cooks these days."

"Quickly pack up, put out the cigarette quickly, the child should go home on the weekend."

"Xiao Manyun is a junior or senior this year?"

"People are reading blogs."

"So fast?"


"What about the black briquettes, the resentful boy, and Anping?"

"The first two went to high school and Anping University."

"Time flies, and the years are not forgiving."

"I feel your mother... stretch out your hand! Did you steal a card?"

"Tsk. Wu Lan, your character is getting worse and worse. There are two faces, gentle and prudent to the outside world, as soon as you enter the door, you are a dead house."

"Lao Yu, believe it or not, I let ghost Gu bite you?"

"Huang Jiang, you take care of your sister."

"No time - Wang Lingxian, what are you hiding in your sleeves?"

"Death to the street, no one has a brand name."

"I have."

"Don't talk about Totem, are you counting cards? You win all the hands."

"Counting cards? Put it in my casino, thinking of a card counting person like you, your legs will be broken in minutes."


The door was kicked open, Cen Jin had dyed yellow hair, wore slippers and beach shorts, walked in with an overindulgent expression, carrying two large bags of takeaways in his hands, behind him were the grumpy boys and black briquettes who slipped in on mechanical skateboards, and Li Manyun, who was obediently riding in the air machine car.

The three little ones called 'uncle' and 'sister' obediently when they entered the door, only Cen Jin pulled his face, kicked the table and chairs, threw the takeaway on the table, turned around and said to the three little ones, "I'll cook you braised pork at night. , first eat some rice to satisfy your hunger."

"As for you, get out after eating."

The five of Totem immediately opened the takeout like a starving ghost, took out the box lunch and devoured it. After all, they didn't eat much after playing poker for two days.

"I finally got time to see you, so I just played cards for two days, so there's no need for a black face." Yu Wen said while eating.

Wu Lan devoured and remained elegant, and said slowly, "You're disturbing people's nightlife."

Wang Lingxian looked up and said, "Let's stay for two more days."

Turmeric poured half a bottle of homemade hot sauce and sweated profusely: "The face of jealousy is really ugly, and I want to disturb people's nightlife."

Wang Lingxian: "You're almost thirty, have the people in your clan urged you to go on a blind date?"

Huang Jiang: "Laugh to death." She raised her chin: "I still have a cousin."

'Cousin' Wu Lan: "As the patriarch of the ghost clan, it is my duty to improve the nation's economy and education, and my aunt has never been married, and most of the ghost girls who have served as ghosts have never been married, so you can't count on it. to me."

Huang Jiang muttered: "If I knew earlier, I would grab the patriarch's seat with you."

Wu Lan: "Anyway, you only have five of the three hundred and sixty-five days a year in the Hui clan, what are you afraid of?"

Huang Jiang is now traveling around the world with retired Li Daoyi, exploring lost civilizations, trying to find another Bermuda Pyramid. Last year, he brought a group of immature students. This year, he plans to leave Li Daoyi and lead the team to explore alone, which can be considered as completing what she said before. Thirty-year-old dream. >

br /> But Huang Jiang, who has a bright future ahead, sighed with a boxed lunch at this time: "The holographic image is too real to urge marriage, and I can't hang up the calls of the elders. I have searched all the reasons."

Wu Lan: "Pharaoh, how about you?"

Wang Lingxian's dream was to succeed Tianshi Mansion at the age of 40, but at the age of 30, he was still competing.

"Let's talk at forty."

The old god is there, as if he can marry a wife at forty, he will die of laughter.

Yu Wen: "The totem doesn't have to worry about being there. Living Buddhas can't get married."

The totem who has applied for the position of living Buddha in Samye Monastery nodded: "I'm not interested in love." He is really not interested, and he is born with few strings of love, so he is a good seed for cultivating Buddha.

With a jingle, the copper bell head cheerfully shouted, "Welcome home."

The door was opened, and the summer breeze came in. It was so cool that everyone let out a sigh of relief. Ding Baiqing stood at the door against the light, hung the big black umbrella in his hand to the porch, and lowered the curtain and did not close the door.

"You haven't left yet?"

Da Xia is dressed in a loose and plain robe, with a belt that pulls out a thin waist, and her long hair is tied up at will with silver ornaments. , go out to the city square and make a stop, be sure to be mistaken for the immortal who has been chosen by the gods of China for five thousand years.

It's just that the words don't give face, but everyone agrees and doesn't dare to choke.

Cen Jin was lying on the reclining chair with his eyes half closed, Ding Baiqing sat next to him, looked at the ice drink that was steaming on the table and said, "It's hard to drink." He likes drinking ice water and hates any sweet and greasy soda.

"Using you to evaluate?" Cen Jin opened his eyes, and the smell of medicine was strong as soon as he opened his mouth.

Oh~~ Wu Lan and the others stared at the two of them to watch the show, and Gu Tong, Li Manyun and Hei Bingqiu quietly opened the door to take a peek.

Ding Baiqing took Cen Jin's hand and squeezed it for a while, with a gentle tone: "I will go abroad to play in two days and explore a place called Ghost Swamp. I have applied for an exploration quota."

Huang Jiang, who was watching the show, was drooling with envy when he heard this: "Only ten places are opened every year... If I steal it, can I steal it?"

The other four shook their heads, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Cen Jin said coldly: "Back pain, don't go."

Ding Yiqing's tone became softer: "There are two days to rest."

Cen Jin stared at him, gnashing his teeth: "You lie to me, the sequelae of shit can't be controlled by yourself... It happens every year, if it wasn't for Zhulong's unintentional leaks, I would still believe it."

Mainly Ding Baiqing is a physical madman. When he was the craziest in the past, he would only calm down when facing Cen Jin, and he had died once. The ghost knows whether the resurrection of the Book of the Dead will bring sequelae.

As soon as Ding Yiqing said that, he believed it, and he endured it every time. Human medical skills made a qualitative leap before registering for him, and he was fooled every time.

Ding Paiqing said that he was wrong, but in fact he recalled it. At the same time, it was a pity that he had to give up this reason, and he would have to bother to find other reasons to deceive Cen Jin in order to enjoy himself.

Yellow Ginger pondered for a moment: "I feel that they contain too much yellow."

Wang Lingxian and the others had already lost interest in the conversation between the husband and wife. It was interesting to see their quarrel, and it would be fine to listen to them flirt. They quickly exposed the topic and chatted together.

"Speaking of which, the goals you set at the age of 20 have all been achieved," Wu Lan said suddenly.

Huang Jiang: "I became a doctoral supervisor of history last year." The goal was accomplished.

Yu Wen: "My team is a bit larger, and I will go here as soon as I complete the list." The goal is completed.

Totem: "I have applied for a position and I am working hard. If there is no accident, I can be a living Buddha at the age of 40." The goal is completed.

Wang Lingxian: "I have to go home next month and prepare to take over the test of being the head of the family."


"Mexico, Italian mafia, Chinatown boss? Street gun battle?" Yu Wen coveted: "I can, pull me into the group."

The totem index finger pointed to his chest: "Brother." It goes without saying.

"Mom's mental retardation." Wu Lan complained: "It can be considered to achieve the goal of thirty years old, what about you, Cen Jin?"

Cen Jin: "Let's live a life of eating and waiting for death, it has been achieved, don't disturb."

Huang Jiang said in unison, "What about you?"

They still don't know Wu Lan's dream at the age of 30. She didn't say it before. Everyone defaulted to being the patriarch of the ghost clan, but she was the young patriarch when she was a teenager, and the position of the patriarch was in her pocket. It's a dream.

Wu Lan smiled lightly, no matter how others tried to coax and cheat.

It wasn't until after 5 o'clock in the afternoon that Cen Jin cooked a pot of braised pork. Everyone gathered around. Li Manyun, who was very slim, was one step behind. He passed the sofa and heard the ringing of his phone. He picked it up and knew it was Wu Lan's phone.

Handing the phone to Wu Lan, seeing that Wu Lan accidentally pressed the reject button, she clicked on the phone book, caught a glimpse of the phone book full of numbers, and then heard Wu Lan's words on the balcony answering the phone, obviously coaxing Boy friend.

Li Manyun thought about it, and probably knew what Sister Wu Lan's dreams were at the age of 30, 40 and 80, and also understood why Sister Wu Lan would not be urged to marry.

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