The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 31: Full moon phobia (4) (red umbrella)


A fence-type iron gate + anti-theft iron gate is installed at the north gate. Only the fence-type iron gate is closed, and the inside of the door is dark and cold.

Huo Xiaoting couldn't pull the iron door, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Manyun's number.

The next moment the bell came from the door, and a tall figure walked out of the darkness. The visitor wears a long black trench coat, white gloves, and high boots. The whole body is tightly wrapped, and only the corners of the white skirt are exposed when walking.

"Huo Xiaoting?"

The voice is a little hoarse, but can be heard as a female voice.

The woman took off her windbreaker and hood, revealing her beautiful face. Her face was as pale as paper, her eyes were blue and black, her cheeks were sunken, and her expression was gloomy, like a seriously ill patient suffering from pain.

Huo Xiaoting responded and called her Li Manyun.

Li Manyun stared at Cen Jin and asked, "Is he the master you said?"

Huo Xiaoting nodded: "If it wasn't for him, I'd be cold."

Li Manyun asked Cen Jin, "What is your job?"

Cen Jin: "Butcher."

Huo Xiaoting twitched the corners of his mouth, just about to explain that Huang Mao was joking, but Li Manyun opened the door without saying a word.

Li Manyun: "I heard that the butcher's blood is strong and the killing is heavy, and the ghosts and spirits of a butcher's knife are shocked, dare to ask your ancestors to kill pigs?"

Cen Jin: "I'm an orphan."

Li Manyun asked him to come in, "Shenzhen Guxing Town Yaoxie, good luck."

Cen Jin: "Miss Li has research on divination numerology?"

Li Manyun: "Call me by my full name, you're welcome, master. If you lived in the princess room of a luxury mansion in the middle of the mountain before the age of ten, and one day after the age of ten moved into a ghost-like building and lived in a coffin room, you must register when you enter and leave. As far as you can see, without a hint of green, you'll be as interested in the occult as I am."

After a pause, she continued: "A little research, take advantage of each family, not good at this."

In short, self-study miscellaneous studies, talk on paper, whoever believes in whoever is wrong.

Cen Jin: "You just came down from the tenth floor?"

Li Manyun: "My mother is locked in the room at the end of the tenth floor for recuperation. I go over to talk to her every morning. It's a blood moon at night, so we have to stay in our room and can't come out. Master, please take a look at night. My mother, tell her I'm fine, otherwise she'll be very worried about me, even dragging the sick body to look for me layer by layer until I'm sure I'm all right."

Cen Jin: "It's really a mother-daughter relationship."

Li Manyun: "Only my mother loves me in the world. By the way, Master, how do you know that I just came down from the tenth floor?"

Cen Jin pointed to the two keys hanging on her wrist and said, "When you opened the door, I saw that one of the keys was written on the fifth floor, and the other key was written on the tenth floor. I saw only the tenth floor window outside. No black film, but curtains of the same color. So I guess you live on the fifth floor and have been to the tenth floor."

The people of the Li clan are afraid of the moonlight. To be on the safe side, all the windows in their residences should be covered with black film, and only the same color curtains are installed on the tenth floor, indicating that the top floor is not a member of the Li clan who suffers from the fear of the moon.

Li Manyun praised: "Master is very observant and smart."

Cen Jin: "You are self-taught, and you are also smart. Taking care of your mother every day, filial piety is earth-shattering."

Li Manyun looked back at him, Cen Jin returned with a kind smile, the two chatted happily, and even the air was full of joy. Huo Xiaoting, who was left behind, looked at the two of them, feeling strange but couldn't tell. It was okay to listen to the conversation and even felt very polite.

She couldn't think of it for a long time, so she forgot the strange feeling and regarded it as an illusion caused by emotional tension.

The three walked through the dark corridor and came to the freight elevator at the west gate. In front of the freight elevator was a fence-style iron door with green paint faded. Li Manyun opened the iron door and let both Cen Jin and Huo Xiaoting enter the elevator. Then he stepped in and took the key from his other wrist to lock the iron door.

Seeing this, Cen Jin's eyes moved slightly.

Huo Xiaoting said: "People in the old building can't move out at will. They need to register to enter and exit. After obtaining permission, they will get the elevator key to which floor to go. Only with the key can the iron door blocking the elevator be opened."

Li Manyun turned around and said, "I only have three keys on me, which must be returned tomorrow. So you only have one night to investigate, and you can only go to the first, third, fifth and tenth floors at the same time. The third floor is open, and the elevator is not equipped with iron doors. , but the mercenaries are guarding there, and the morgue is also on the third floor. Anyway, you are here to investigate the cause of the phobia, and twenty-one corpses on the third floor are enough for you to squander."

Huo Xiaoting had a strange expression. Although he had known his cousin for more than ten years and talked many times, he still couldn't get used to her words every time.

A morgue was specially built in the building, and all 21 corpses that died in the past three years were kept in it. They were neither cremated nor buried. Saying the word 'splurge' as if the corpses had nothing to do with her, just a pile of stiff, rotting flesh.

how to say

Although they are familiar relatives, they still lose their sanity.

Cen Jin asked politely, "Can I do an autopsy?"

Huo Xiaoting sucked in a breath, Huang Mao, you are not a real butcher, have you forgotten

Li Manyun: "You can use it at will."

Huo Xiaoting rubbed her arms and was a little mad. Since she entered the old building, she began to be anxious, but the two familiar people always said things that made her deeply disturbed and aggravated her anxiety.

Li Manyun: "I'll take you to the third floor first."

Cen Jin: "The mercenaries will find out."

Li Manyun: "Today, the police came to investigate the case, and the mercenaries were staring at them. You took the opportunity to sneak into the morgue. At seven o'clock, the kitchen will deliver meals in turn, passing through the fourth floor to the tenth floor. If you want to go to other floors to inquire , you can hide it in the dining car, the mercenaries won't check the dining car, but the chef is a bit fierce."

Cen Jin: "Okay."

At this time, when the elevator reached the third floor, Li Manyun opened the iron door, pointed to the corner ahead and said, "Three meters to the left of the corner is the canteen. There is a passage to the back kitchen from the cooking window, and there is an iron door next to it. Open the iron door to enter. There is a narrow, half-meter-high dark passage that used to be the corridor for delivering vegetables, and you can go out to the morgue. The morgue is sandwiched between the south gate and the middle back door. It's like a hospital, a hotel reception, there are five or six mercenaries there, so you have to go through the abandoned food corridor into the morgue."

The old building is formed by splicing two residential buildings in the shape of '凵' on the side. Secondly, there are four gates in the east, west, north and south, living in the four corners of the two buildings.

There is an elevator not far from each door, the west door and the middle and rear doors are freight elevators, and the other four are passenger elevators.

The overall structure of the old building is a rectangle. According to Li Manyun, the corridors on all four sides were originally connected to each other. Later, iron gates were added and locked all the year round, leaving only the passage from the north gate to the west gate open.

So Li Manyun took them from the north gate to the west gate and took the freight elevator at the west gate.

Li Manyun: "Does Xiaoting want to go back to the fifth floor with me?"

Huo Xiaoting was hesitant. She used to go directly to the tenth floor to meet her aunt when she came to the old building. Li Manyun, who was also on the tenth floor, had never been to the fifth floor.

Logically speaking, she should choose to go back to the fifth floor with Li Manyun. After all, the inside of the house is always safer than the outside, but for some reason, she was suddenly afraid of her cousin's beautiful and gentle face.

"I'll be with the master and see my aunt later." Huo Xiaoting smiled embarrassingly.

Li Manyun stared at Huo Xiaoting, and put on his hood after a while: "Whatever you want. One more thing, I lost a red umbrella. I don't know who stole it, and it may have been thrown on which floor. If you see it, please Remember to bring it to me, I love that red umbrella."

What red umbrella? Why does Li Manyun still remember an inexplicable red umbrella in such a tense atmosphere? Why does she speak so strangely today

Was Li Manyun like this before

Can't remember.

Huo Xiaoting's temple was very painful, but when he tried to recall Li Manyun, he found that his memory about her was very vague. Before, he thought that his cousin and aunt were relatives, so he was not consciously close in words, but now he felt that Li Manyun in front of him was very strange.

Cen Jin: "I remember."

Li Manyun: "Thank you."

Cen Jin and Huo Xiaoting stepped out of the elevator, the old green fence-style iron door closed with a 'crack', the elevator door slowly closed in front of the two, Li Manyun raised his face, and said expressionlessly, "I wish you all the best of luck, Longevity is boundless, long happiness is not young."

Cen Jin turned back suddenly, but the elevator door was closed, and only Li Manyun's cold eyes were seen.

Huo Xiaoting approached Cen Jin and swallowed in horror: "Did you hear Li Manyun's last sentence? Longevity is infinite, Changle is Weiyang... It seems to have something to do with Taoism."

Huo Xiaoting, who majored in folklore, couldn't help but talk at length: "This sentence originated in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and Taoism flourished in the Western Han Dynasty, and it condensed the bliss of longevity often mentioned in Taoism, and the yearning and pursuit of Taoism by people of the time, into "eternal life without limit". , Changle Weiyang' This sentence is frequently engraved on tile heads, and it can still be seen in various Western Han buildings... I shouldn't be surprised, but why did Li Manyun say this? Or you Taoist masters have finished speaking There is a rule of ending with an auspicious sentence? Did she learn something messy to say this?"

Cen Jin: "Maybe." He looked at Huo Xiaoting: "It's you, Li Manyun isn't your cousin? You act stranger than me."

Huo Xiaoting frowned and said with difficulty: "I am unfamiliar with Li Manyun and familiar with my cousin, because my aunt always talks about her in front of me. I thought 'cousin' was a gentle, quiet, kind, poor girl who suffered from strange diseases. .And Li Zhenzhong does not allow our foreigners to go to other floors. I see Li Manyun on the tenth floor every time. She rarely speaks and is very polite. I have a good impression of her, so when she asked me for help, I sighed. Promise."

Cen Jin: "Understood."

Huo Xiaoting: "Is there something wrong with Li Manyun?"

Cen Jin: "I don't know. It's a bit strange to say it at the moment, but I don't think it's a problem."

Huo Xiaoting was surprised: "Is this a big problem?"

Cen Jin: "You should be alert to those who have been living as prisoners in this environment for more than ten years, and who are still mentally healthy."

Huo Xiaoting thought about it for a while, and said seriously: "You are right." She gritted her teeth and spat in disgust: "Li Zhenzhong is really sick!"

The sick person is not necessarily Li Zhenzhong. Cen Jin was thoughtful, walking briskly, observing the rooms and house numbers on both sides of the corridor.

Two freight elevators came out to face the fire doors, which were locked.

The freight elevator is a short corridor of three or four meters. The left corner leads to the canteen and a corridor connecting the north gate. The corridor on the right corner leads to the middle back door and the south gate. The morgue is located between the middle back gate and the south gate. between.

The position of the middle and rear doors is brightly lit, which contrasts sharply with the darkness of the promenades on both sides, like an island standing on the sea.

For Cen Jin, he felt that the metaphor of street lamps was more accurate.

It is the only light and attracts flies in the dark to gather there.

He looked back and landed on the closer rooms, on both sides of the promenade. The gold-gilded house numbers were 3035 and 3036. There was a small window the size of a palm on the closed black iron door.

Cen Jin stood on tiptoe and looked inside the window, it was pitch black, so he took out his mobile phone and turned on the light to search from the corner of the back room.

Huo Xiaoting pinched his throat and asked, "What's in it?"

Cen Jin's eyeballs shrank sharply as if they were scalded. He quickly turned off the light on his mobile phone, and pulled Huo Xiaoting to open the cafeteria door.

Boom! !

The front foot had just eaten in the dining hall, and the room behind the back foot made a loud noise, as if a heavy object smashed into the iron door. The huge movement quickly attracted the mercenaries guarding the middle and back door. A fully-armed mercenary wearing a gas mask came over, illuminated the surroundings with strong lights, and walked towards the cafeteria after a round of inspections.

The mercenary raised his hand, ready to push the door.

Behind the door are Cen Jin and Huo Xiaoting. Their hiding place allows them to clearly see the dark submachine gun in the arms of the mercenary outside the door. Cen Jin clenched the bone cutter and stared at the mercenary through the crack of the door. Throat.

It must be a deadly move, without giving the opponent any chance to react.

If Cen Jin, who had a good impression of the mercenaries because of the bear soldiers a minute ago, would not kill him, but he saw what was detained in the room just now, and the mercenaries obviously knew about it and still helped Zhou, he would never be merciful. .

Only these mercenaries are probably just as ruthless as they are weird. Regardless of their strength, hot weapons are also a big problem, and they are too close to the middle and back doors. A group of mercenaries can be recruited with just a few moves.

Cen Jin's palm was hot and wet, and he leaned forward.

Huo Xiaoting, who was behind him, knew that the situation was tense, so he tightly covered his mouth and said nothing.

At the critical moment, there was a loud noise outside the door, followed by the painful roar of the beast, causing a chain effect. All the things in the entire corridor began to wailing, the lights in the corridor turned on one after another, and the footsteps hurried.

The mercenary at the door cursed and turned to deal with the roar in the room.

Huo Xiaoting turned pale, and asked with trembling lips, "What did you see just now?"

Cen Jin lowered his eyes: "Monster cultivation dish."

Huo Xiaoting was instantly horrified, she didn't need to ask, she already had guesses in her heart, I am afraid that the old building was really like Cen Jin said, and it has become a monster room.

"Do you still go to the morgue?" Huo Xiaoting asked.

The situation far exceeded expectations, and her employment fee was only 50,000 yuan, which was not as good as a fraction of that of a mercenary. If Cen Jin was unwilling to investigate further, even if she only went to the tenth floor to visit her aunt, she would not blame Cen Jin for breaching the contract.


"Actually, it doesn't matter if you can't find out the cause. You don't need to refund. After visiting my aunt tonight, I'll find a professional—G?"

Cen Jin took out the gauze-wrapped western kitchen knife, hid it in his calf, clenched the cleaver tightly, stared at an inconspicuous iron door in the dining window of the canteen, and said, "Don't insult a worker who loves his job and works hard. Man. If I take your money, I will do my duty."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Huo Xiaoting lightly and walked towards the iron gate.

Huo Xiaoting stared at Cen Jin who was strutting high, and felt that he even had the words 'Worker Grandpa' written on his back, which made people awe.

There are only two lights in the cafeteria, and the lighting is not enough. It is quite dim but it is not obstructive. The chefs and other staff are all in the back kitchen, and there is no one to open the window. The two took the opportunity to touch the half-meter-high iron door. Cen Jin held the lock, asked Huo Xiaoting for a card, and pried the door two or three times.

Huo Xiaoting was stunned: "How many skills do you still have?"

Cen Jin climbed in and said without turning his head, "Worker's soul, don't ask about the skills of a worker."

Huo Xiaoting followed closely, the narrow passage was getting steeper and steeper, and her torn knees and palms made her not in the mood to speak.

Cen Jin crawled silently, and found that the passage was inclined, the angle was upward, and the second half was parallel to the ventilation duct.

Passing by the middle and back door, he deliberately stopped to observe the living room. There was an open space in the middle, with a few desks and fake potted plants. There were two rooms on the opposite side, which were written as an office and a lounge. It should be a meeting and replacement of mercenaries. equipment place.

There are six mercenaries in total, but looking at the desks, it is estimated that there are ten mercenaries guarding the middle and rear doors, the same as the number of mercenaries stationed at the middle and front doors.

But there are only six people tonight, and four people should be deployed to follow the police at the front door.

Fourteen top mercenaries were monitoring the police at the same time, even ignoring the monsters in the house, indicating that the people who came were not ordinary.

Cen Jin pondered, would it be what he thought

It was not an ordinary criminal policeman, but someone from an extra-staff special department.


Central front door meeting room.

Huang Jiang asked, "What time is it?"

Yu Wen took out his mobile phone and replied, "At 6:20, the sun is about to set. Tonight's blood moon, it is estimated that the outline of the moon can be seen now."

He looked back at the dark and dead corridor, unconsciously rubbing his numb back and said, "I was very flustered. As soon as I stepped into the old building, my heart began to beat faster, and the panic and ominous premonition always lingered in my heart, as if I was in the old building. The place is not a private residential building, but a lair where monsters hatch."

Huang Jiang: "My Ghost Eater is restless, there is something to fear here."

"It seems that the level of weirdness is not low." Yu Wen sighed: "We are lucky, the three buckets of dust accumulation files, just pick one, you can pick up weird events that are more difficult than expected."

Huang Jiang: "Can you get 'Li's Old Building' by just drawing?"

Yu Wen hesitated: "What do you mean?"

Huang Jiang's tone was indifferent: "As far as I know, the archives of the strange incident of 'Li's Old Building' were established around 2005. Li Zhenzhong dug up the copper coffin in 2004, the agency came a step later, the copper coffin was dissolved, and the investigation died before it could start. .

But neither the copper coffin nor the corpse in the copper coffin is important. The most important thing is the missing forty second-hand Guanyin statues inside.

The agency suspected it was a 'demon'.

The demon is cunning by nature, possessing the human body, and it does not move until it is born. Like parasites, it cannot be found without precise instrument detection. The agency wanted to thoroughly investigate Li Zhenzhong's family, but in the past few years, the showdown with the officials of various countries was in a sensitive period.

Later, he continued to track the 'Li's Old Building', but Li Zhenzhong had already built a high fence at this time. The walls were covered with white lime and a large number of magnets were buried in the cement ground, which completely isolated the magnetic field of Li's old building from the earth's magnetic field. It is in an extremely disordered state, and a top-notch security system is installed around it. It is guarded by mercenaries all year round. The organization has no legitimate name and is difficult to approach.

According to the data analysis of the investigation team, Li's old building may grow into a monster house. The forty second-hand Guanyin statue was about to burst out of its shell, and the agency was planning to find a famous person to investigate Li's old building. It happened that someone called the police, and they arranged it smoothly. Unexpectedly, they were bumped into by the brothers. They thought it was difficult, challenging and interesting, so they applied for an internship to watch the battle and investigate. "

Yu Wen couldn't believe it: "We are freshmen, and my brother is only a sophomore. How did this application pass?"

Huang Jiang: "Senior brother has been to the front line since his freshman year."

Yu Wenyi stemmed, and finally remembered that the two senior brothers were geniuses transferred from the main school. For next year's school competition and Huaxia talent reserve, the official took a lot of effort to grab the two from the Bald Eagle Country.

The potential of both of them is A+, and one of them ranks in the top 60 in the transcendent technique sequence, but I don't know which sequence is activated.

One of him and Huang Jiang are special attack operations majors, and the other is investigation and analysis major. There should be no overlap, but the early courses of the two professional courses overlap too much, and the two of them activate extraordinary skills at the same time. The class of the student will be divided into classes after the sophomore year.

Therefore, the two are still in the same class. They are in the same gymnastics class as the sophomore extraordinary, and Shichahai is the main teacher.

Therefore, the two were in the same group with two talented senior brothers, and Shichahai arranged a weekly test this morning. The content was to solve a strange incident or clear a strange one. Requirements: video as evidence, or detailed strange incidents (weird) Grade characteristics, etc., to complete a thousand-word weekly paper, which can be completed by a team of 4-6 people.

After the weekly test request came out, the two senior brothers proposed to keep the original group members unchanged to save trouble.

Huang and Yu have no objection.

The development after that was dizzying. Huang Jiang and Yu Wen were still thinking about where to find the strange incident. The brothers went directly to the special department of the new sea city, and happened to encounter the strange incident of 'Li's Old Building', so they The four of them are now participating in the investigation team as interns watching from the sidelines. They are in the living room inside the old building of Li's house. Instead of seeing Li Zhenzhong's face, they are entangled by a group of mercenaries.

"Wait, what about the brothers?" Yu Wen finally found that the investigation team was missing two people.

Yellow Ginger: "Slip away."

Yu Wen pupil trembled: "When?"

"..." Huang Jiang: "When we arrived at the Dry Shanshui Garden, the brothers found that there was no surveillance and jumped out of the car."

After a few seconds, she added: "Everyone in the investigation team knows, otherwise you think they can keep calm and deal with the group of mercenaries when they are blocked from the progress of the investigation?"

Yu Wen looked at the investigators of the special department sitting around the tea table. On the surface, it looked like a mercenary playing Tai Chi, but in fact, the investigator led the mercenary in a circle, so that they had no time to rest, and no chance to leave, to explore for the brothers. The old building buys time.

At the same time, Cen Jin and Huo Xiaoting entered the morgue.

What I can see is not the orderly morgue and the corpses covered with white cloth, but the neatly arranged glass jars, from large to small, from left to right, full of Fuer soaking human bodies and organs. Marin.

The large glass jar was two meters high and contained adult men and women. The middle glass jar is 1.5 meters high and contains underage boys and girls. The smallest glass jar is about half a meter high and contains a palm-sized baby, even the umbilical cord and placenta, as well as various human organs.

Huo Xiaoting was caught off guard and collided face-to-face with a pair of eyeballs in the glass jar. On the spot, her legs went weak and she almost screamed, revealing their identities and hiding places.

Cold sweat the size of a bean slid down her cheeks, and she said with trembling lips: "This is the twenty-one dead, twenty-one Li clan members who died in three years? I finally know why Li Manyun casually dismantled the twenty-one corpses. , dare they do it first. I don't know how many times they have been dissected, all the organs have been hollowed out, the skills are exquisite, and even the traces of surgical sutures can be clearly seen—"

While talking, he walked around to Huo Xiaoting, who was behind the glass jar soaking the adult body, and stopped abruptly, and then gasped in panic: "What kind of monster is this!"

When Cen Jin heard the words, he went to take a look. Although he had already guessed it, he was unavoidably surprised that the situation was beyond imagination.

However, I saw twenty-one corpses of different genders and ages with serious distortions. For example, at the last moment of his life, a middle-aged man in front of him was in extreme pain or saw something extremely terrifying. He could still hear his cries for help in the form of formalin.

Even so, looking at him from the front, this still belongs to the scope of a normal person.

If you go around and see the severely deformed back of the middle-aged man, you will be shocked, but see that there are three fist-sized pits growing on both sides of his back spine, and crab-like meat pliers grow out of the pits.

There are three pairs in total, the first two pairs are well-developed, such as adults with thick arms. The third pair of developmental deformities, an arthropod of the thumb, has a ping-pong ball-sized sarcoma at the end. If you look closely, you can see that the top of the sarcoma is slightly forked. If there is no accidental death, it should also grow into the first two pairs.

If the distortion of the first man is not particularly serious, then the triplets in the second glass jar are chaotic evil that makes people want to scream, and can't help but feel sick after watching it for a long time.

The feeling of horror comes from the inside, and it can easily achieve the effect of panic only by visual stimulation without stimulating the imagination of human beings about horror.

The triplets are about seven or eight-year-old conjoined children, with a head in the middle and two heads on both sides of the shoulders. They look like three-headed Nezha and three-faced Guanyin.

The faces of the three heads were quiet and serene, as if they were sleeping rather than dead, and even without looking at their bodies, it was absolutely impossible to imagine what happened to them during their lifetimes.

Their body is a bloated and huge meat ball. All six hands and six feet grow on the back. They do not grow on both sides of the spine like the first middle-aged man, but grow disorderly and savagely. A meatball has no spine.

To be precise, it has no bones.

I don't know if the bones were taken away or they didn't grow, the meat balls were soft and loose, there was a certain idea of soaking, and layers of meat flocs floated around the edges.

The innocent child's head and the swollen and fluffy meat ball are placed together, which is a strong visual stimulus in itself, not to mention that Cen Jin saw traces of surgical sutures at the junction of the child's head and the big meat ball.

However, no surgical marks were found on the sinister meat ball, which shows that the chaotic growth of hands and feet, and the strange structure without bones are natural.

This is a naturally strange body.

It is no wonder that the traces of human surgical experiments and the innate strangeness appear in this severely deformed corpse at the same time.

"I remember the faces of these three children. They are triplets, Li Zhenzhong's cousin, who used to run around in his aunt's room and be mischievous. He heard that he was ill last winter, jumped off the tenth floor and fell into flesh. , no matter how you break it, you can't break it."

Huo Xiaoting said in panic, "However, no matter how much you fall, you can't fall like this."

She went from being uneasy and panic to now, plus Cen Jin's occasional reminder, and she is not stupid, and there is a faint conjecture in her heart, until she sees the deformed Li clan in the morgue, the conjecture that has always been floating is finally heavy Landed, confirmed.

Huo Xiaoting didn't know who was the mastermind, how many familiar people were involved, how much truth Li Manyun knew, and whether or not aunt was using her. …”

Huo Xiaoting was stimulated, and her mental state seemed unstable, so she might as well stay outside.

So Cen Jin said, "Be careful."

Cen Jin wandered around the morgue for half an hour, then remembered that Huo Xiaoting hadn't come back since he went out. Thinking about whether something would happen to her, he went out to find her.

He hurriedly glanced at the dead corridor, where it was pitch-dark, and there were rooms where unknown monsters were being held on both sides. Huo Xiaoting didn't dare to enter, but Cen Jin turned around and was about to leave, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a sudden appearance in the center of the corridor from the corner of his eye. red umbrella.