The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 35: Yeyoushen (3) (You are Yeyoushen...)


Cen Jin squatted until his legs were numb, so he had to come out and take two steps.

While waiting for Ma Jin to go down, Cen Jin looked at the room. It was different from the cage-like room on the third floor. It was a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms. The furniture was complete but messy. Floors, large objects such as beds and wardrobes are piled up by the door.

There was a pit in the middle of the iron door, there were many scratches on it, and an axe was embedded in the door, and the lock inside was hanging loosely, and the door was half open, and there were many chaotic footprints at the door.

"It looks like the people who originally lived in this room were suddenly attacked and pushed all the heavy objects in the room to the door to try to block the intrusion." Cen Jin lit the door with the light of his mobile phone and observed carefully: "There is no inhumane Scratches, all the hasty footprints inside the door are adult-sized, three in total... No, four footprints, and a child. There are four people living in this house, a family of four

On the other hand, there was only one footprint at the door, about 44 yards and a height of 1.8 meters. He chased and killed the family of four in this room for some unknown reason. The axe chopped, kicked, and hit the body. The lock in the door was obviously knocked open. At that time, the door was still blocked by heavy objects such as beds and cabinets... Can it be pushed by human power? "

Cen Jin stood outside the door, put the bone cutter back into his backpack, then grabbed the axe and pulled it out with force. He found that the sharp axe and the handle were covered with dried blood, confirming the murder of the family of four in this room. Others have been killed before this.

"Ordinary people don't hit the iron door so hard, especially when there are so many heavy objects behind the door, and the furniture in the room is messy but no bloodstains are seen. If it is cleaned up afterwards, there is no reason to see other people's footprints."

Cen Jin is sure that the murderer outside the door is not an ordinary person, and may not be a person anymore.

"Speaking of which, it's easy to think of that classic horror movie," Cen Jin said to himself.

The classic horror scenes such as twins and the axe splitting the door in the hotel corridor of that movie are outdated now, but they were born decades ago and are constantly being used for reference.

Furthermore, just watching the movie may not feel much, only by being there can you realize how terrifying the urgent panic of being forced into a desperate situation and the countdown of life is countdown, but Cen Jin thinks that the pursuit is relentless. It's the scariest, which means you don't have time to rest, you have to keep running because if you stop, you die.

The urgency, the exhaustion of despair, and the imminent danger of death continually torment the fragile psyche, until it breaks down, gives up on itself, and ends with its head cut off.

So the question is, who is it, and why is it chasing and killing the family of four in this house with an axe? What is the identity of the family of four in the house? what's the result? Killed or rescued

Is there something on the second floor that even a white coat is afraid of

Cen Jin returned to the house with an axe and continued to search for information. He found a family photo. There were five people in the photo, three men and two women. The two adult men were middle-aged and young, and there was a teenager, a woman and a girl. It's a family of five.

On the back of the photo is written 'Ms. Chang Li, please take the photo in early November 2013, Zhao Guanghao's family is safe and happy', the host is Zhao Guanghao, the photographer is a woman named Chang Li, the shooting time is in early November 2013, It means that Zhao Guanghao's family is still alive at this time.

Cen Jin remembered that Dr. Davies accepted an invitation to live in the old building in the spring of 2014. Maybe Zhao Guanghao's family of five was murdered in the draft, so he quickly turned over the draft and saw 'two' on page 13 of the draft. words such as 'loud', 'murder' and 'ghosting'.

"The summer of 2018 was hot and humid.

In the four years since I came to the old building, the iron door of the elevator on the second floor, which has never been opened, was finally opened this morning, and the mercenaries took out two bodies from inside. The bodies were transported to the sixth floor, and Mr. Li Zhenzhong asked my teacher to dissect them.

My teacher is seventy-five years old and has been working in the old building for ten years, but he recently resigned. What kind of creature is Guanyin', so I clearly reject the teacher's persuasion. "

"The teacher rejected Mr. Li Zhenzhong's request, and the autopsy work fell to me.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I stood in the operating room on the sixth floor, looking at the two corpses on the operating table, both of which were familiar and well-known, because I often saw them patrolling at the middle and back door of the third floor.

Yes, they are mercenaries responsible for the security of the old building.

To differentiate, I label them A and B. A died of rupture of the gallbladder, in simple terms, it is scared to death, scared to death. He had many traumatic injuries, and even if he wasn't scared to death, he would have died from excessive blood loss.

B was killed by gunshots.

I heard from the nurse that the two secretly purchased a batch of green plants and kept them on the second floor (of course I can understand the feeling that if you don't see green plants all year round, you will collapse), they sneaked to the second floor in the middle of the night to watch the green plants. First. The other mercenaries went down to stop him, but were resisted and had to shoot and kill B.

The anatomical object specified by Mr. Li is B, and A is only incidental. "

The draft of this chapter is equivalent to a realistic diary. There is no drawing, so it takes a little time to read it. Cen Jin simply squatted down and looked at it.

"It took an hour and a half to dissect B. There are some problems with liver function and stomach, which should be the reason for drinking too much alcohol all year round. Other than that, everything is normal. Because B suddenly went crazy, I think it was a brain problem, so I sawed him open. Skull and was horrified to find that he had no frontal lobes!

Do not! It's not that there is no frontal lobe, but a mass of black matter has replaced the frontal lobe!

When I regained my senses, I tried to pick up the black mass but found it was wriggling. It was an unknown living creature!

No matter how terrifying the disease and how terrifying the patient is, I am as usual, but I am terrified by this black living creature.

Fortunately, it didn't stay active for long and died soon after.

I am sure that this is a new type of parasite. It parasites the location of the frontal lobe of the human brain. It eats the frontal lobe and abolishes the frontal lobe. People who lose the frontal lobe either become silent or become more manic, which can explain why B suddenly goes crazy. Attack armor. "

New parasite? parasitic

Cen Jin pondered the word, and felt that it had the same meaning as demon possession. In the final analysis, the parasitic human body survived by absorbing the life of the host.

"Because of excessive fright, I strayed into the women's bathroom in a trance, and I was hiding in the cubicle, and heard the nurses gather to discuss the death of A and B. They came three or four years earlier than me, and I heard that they were family members.

As for whose family members, I don't know.

They said that there was a massacre on the second floor, and since then, the second floor has become a restricted area, and strangers are not allowed to approach.

It turned out that before me, Li Zhenzhong didn't value doctors. The teacher was just a surgical assistant in the building. The people who were really valued were a group of biologists who studied the reproduction and evolution of species.

The second floor is their residence. The strange thing is that these biologists seem to be screened before being hired. They are based on family units, and most couples are hired together in the same occupation. Therefore, the second floor is different from the room structure on the third floor, and the blocked seventh floor used to be the work place of biologists.

I also know that our usual experimental organisms are shipped from the seventh floor. It turns out that 'Guanyin' is not an alien species, but the research results of the previous batch of biologists

No, modern biological technology will never breed a new species of humanoid, at least 'Guanyin Mu' is a new species that has not been disclosed.

They said that the perpetrators of the massacre were the grown sons of each family, young and strong, stronger than their parents and younger siblings who were biologists, so they could easily kill the whole family.

After killing their families, the surviving youths did not put down their weapons, as if they had been turned on by the bloodthirsty switch, raised their butcher knives to their peers on the floor, and killed each other until the last person. The axe chopped off his own head.

After dissecting their bodies, they found that the frontal lobes were empty and a black parasite curled up.

Since then, the second floor has become a restricted area, and all the biologists and their families in the building died overnight, and the bodies were promptly disposed of.

A few months later, Li Zhenzhong reused teachers and hired talented surgeons, and I was among them.

I was amazed how close my arrival was to the events of the Holocaust.

If I knew about the Holocaust, would I still accept the teacher's invitation

I don't know the answer right now, and I don't want to think about it.

The nurses continued to say that although the second floor was blocked, the matter was not over. Some people took the elevator during the full moon, and obviously did not press the second floor, but the elevator would stop on the second floor. The iron door that was locked was wide open at this time. If you go out out of curiosity, you will see countless black ghosts standing in the silent corridor, motionless.

If you are seen by a ghost, you will never be able to get rid of it.

Having said that, someone came in and scolded them and drove them away, and the restroom was terribly quiet all of a sudden. I saw the lady who chased away the nurse stopped in front of me and knocked on the cubicle door and said 'Come out Dr. Davis, I see you're going the wrong way'.

I came out embarrassed and thanked the lady for her help.

This lady is the head nurse and has lived in the old building for a long time.

I saw the nameplate on her chest and wrote down her name: Chang Li.

When I asked her about the massacre on the second floor, the lady stared at me for a long time and said meaningfully: [Those murderers lived in the old building with their parents when they were about eleven or twelve years old. ]

I pondered for a moment, and my whole body became cold in an instant. "

About the realistic diary on the second floor so far, scrolling down is an anatomical map after half a year, there is no written record, but there are three sentences recorded on the fifteenth page, and the amount of information is sufficient:

"Li Zhenzhong is a blasphemous lunatic."

"Three members of the Li clan died, and the bodies were sent to the morgue on the third floor. Li Zhenzhong said that the day of the blood moon was the day of the resurrection of the deceased."

"Chang Li found me and begged me to save her three children."

Next to it is an upside-down cross, followed by a bloody bull cut in half.

The upside-down cross means the devil is coming, and the bull that is cut in half hanging behind the cross is a bit like a horror painting of "Portrait Surrounded by Beef Slices". The bull, which was cut in half, looked gloomy and distorted, full of anger and mania, like being trapped in a cage and unable to break free. Every day, he was tortured by the terror in the abyss and became increasingly frantic.

Davis originally believed in Christianity. He believed that Li Zhenzhong was a devil. The environment in which he lived was like a prison. He was tortured mentally and psychologically. He wanted to escape but couldn't escape, because his teacher died the night before leaving the old building.

When he digs out more and more secrets and touches the truth, he is close to death.

Cen Jin turned back to read what Ms. Chang Li said. The culprits of the massacre on the second floor were those young people who had been trapped in the old building for eight years. , in the old building full of screaming and bloody repression, and he has never left, even studying and reading in the old building, so how to shape the three views, isn't it all up to Li Zhenzhong to decide

Li Zhenzhong wanted to do something to this group of people, it was easy.

That night of massacre, struggling, screaming, and howling, no one heard or stopped such a big movement. It was not until the 'Gu King' appeared that the mercenaries arrived late. Wasn't it intentional

The killing of all biologists was the elimination planned by Li Zhenzhong, but is there a relationship between ghosts and black parasites

Is the white coat on the third floor afraid of the second floor because of ghosts or black parasites

Li Zhenzhong eliminated biologists and chose surgeons, which should have changed the scientific research project.

Cen Jin scrutinized: "From the draft records of Dr. Davis, we can know that the biological scientific research project of Laolou at the beginning was a bizarre reproduction and evolution. Eighth floor.

The seventh floor was a biologist's research institute at that time, and there were many people coming and going, and it was unlikely that the precious mother would be stored. Therefore, it was inferred that the eighth floor or above, and the tenth floor was the place where Li Manyun's mother was imprisoned, which was also very suspicious.

According to the purpose of the first scientific research project, catalyzing the evolution of forty second-hand Guanyin statues is not the focus, it is just an experimental product. Going back to the source, the main planner of this scientific research experiment should be Mr. Gao Ren, who has always been hidden, and Li Zhenzhong is just an assistant.

However, at the end of 2013, all the biologists were killed, the experimental projects were changed, and the status of the two was exchanged. Li Zhenzhong turned his back on the guest, and maybe he succeeded in expelling the master. For his own possession, another group of surgeons was hired to build the sixth floor into a new scientific research institute, and the group of enthusiastic doctors were required to study experimental subjects.

By dissecting new species, deciphering them... or rather, deciphering bizarre biological codes. "

Cen Jin was stunned. After reasoning to this point, he had to sigh that Li Zhenzhong was a hero. He was absolutely ruthless and ruthless. He not only dared to imprison the strange as an experimental body, but also expelled the 'superior' who was likely to be a god's dog, and took a mysterious god. The parent body in the plan is appropriated.

Li Zhenzhong can be regarded as the hero of the world.

It is a pity that he is an ambitious devil, his heart is not right, his behavior is wrong, and he will be attacked by thunder sooner or later.

Li Zhenzhong wanted to crack the bizarre biological code, and kept the Li clansmen in captivity as experimental subjects. The purpose was clear and clear. He guessed that he wanted to become weird, and he knew that the conditions for human beings to be polluted and become weird were extremely harsh. He happened to have ready-made Experimental body, just grab it and study it yourself.

However, this scientific research project should also fail, because the third floor of the doctor's residence has become a monster's lair in the real world. Dr. Davis died in room 3035 and was polluted into a monster "pregnant mother" with a towering belly.

Cen Jin speculated that the reason for the failure of the second scientific research project might have something to do with Chang Li.

Chang Li found Davis to help save her child, and Davis, who was condemned by conscience, should agree.

They may have planned a rebellion, which was suppressed, and the time could not be determined. Davis' draft only recorded it to late December 2020, which was exactly when Chang Li's triplets died.

It would be nice to find text or video records from late December last year to this year.

Cen Jin suddenly paused, a flash of light flashed in his mind, remembering what Ding Yqing said that a 'demon' is possessed in the belly of a human being, and can be human after breaking out of the shell, while a human is hidden in the belly of the 'demon', and can emerge out of the shell. for 'demon'.

Is it possible that Li Zhenyu only knew the former at the beginning, so he took a detour in the middle, but after Chang Li and Davis rebelled, he got an opportunity and accidentally knew the latter, so in the real world, he no longer hired a surgeon to continue the second A scientific research project, through captivity and observation of monsters on the third floor, to find a strange law of safe pollution.

He emphasized that on the day of the blood moon, the dead will be resurrected.

So tonight's blood moon is the day when Li Zhenzhong is ready to accept the pollution and become weird!

The old building in the real world is already a monster lair, Li Zhenzhong is alienated, and the lair must be violent!

There are still so many living people in the old building, and the nest is violent. Except for the extraordinary, others have no ability to protect themselves, and they will surely die. He learned that he would cry.

But how to get out of this inner world in the first place

Cen Jin got up, dragged the axe around the room, entered the bedroom, entered the study, scanned the phone on the desk, opened the closet that had not been moved out and blocked the door, and found two sets of blood-stained white coats and Anti-virus and hood.

Thinking of the group of nurses in white lab coats upstairs, after thinking for a moment, Cen Jinzhao's blood-stained white lab coat and anti-virus hood stretched out his sinful right hand.

Putting on a white coat, putting on a protective hood, and holding a large axe, Cen Jin stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at himself, as if he was a perverted demon doctor.

The second floor is dangerous and it is not advisable to stay for a long time. There are groups of white coats on the third floor, and there are countless monsters on the fourth floor and above. Cen Jin will definitely not be able to defeat them.

If you can't beat it, then join the big family.

Cen Jin dragged the big axe, turned around and decided to go back to the red umbrella, and then returned to the real world to notify the agency to save people quickly.

When he turned around, the dust-covered phone beside the table suddenly rang. Cen Jin was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat. He raised the axe reflexively and wanted to chop it down. The strong wind whipped up a thick layer of dust on the table. Dang away, fortunately, he recovered in time to stop the phone and save the phone.

There is no one in the world, who made this call

At this time, the second floor has been blocked for at least five years. Who else can I call

Cen Jin stared at the phone and didn't move, but he didn't expect the phone to ring perseveringly, as if he knew there was someone next to him, and he wouldn't give up if he didn't answer.

Cen Jin picked up the phone, put it aside, the ringing stopped abruptly, the phone was right and it was deadly quiet, but he knew that there was something listening, and each other was waiting for the other to break the peace.

He went through all the people or 'things' he might call in his mind, but he couldn't find the right one. Could it be Huo Xiaoting? Or Li Manyun

The time passed quickly when thinking about it. Five minutes passed quickly. Cen Jin felt that the time was delayed. When he thought about leaving first, he said, "Hello?"

His voice was as clear as spring water hitting a stone, sounding like a boy in his twenties.

Cen Jin is full of question marks: Who is this

He continued to speak: "I will call you according to the phone number you left, and you will tell us how to kill ghosts?"

Cen Jin almost blurted out what bullshit you were talking about, but he stopped in time and kept the silence that a hermit expert should have.

The people on the other end of the phone were breathing heavily because of his silence, and their emotions were fluctuating, but they tried to suppress them. From what he said, they could be guessed that they were being chased by ghosts on the second floor.

Um? Wait, they're on the second floor too? And it was the number he left, and he told him how to kill ghosts

Oh, I got it.

Cen Jin's face under the anti-virus hood slowly showed an indescribable smile. The inner world he was in was earlier than the real world, and it had a certain influence on the real world.

Whatever clues he leaves here now, it can be synchronized to the real world.

But he can't go too far, after all, Li Zhenzhong is also in the old building.

The last time Dr. Davis' draft and Chang Li's photo were recorded was at the end of December 2020, so he was probably three or four months before the real world at this time.

The time is not far away, and it is too late to do more, so I can only leave some inconspicuous and irrelevant tips.

"I believe that you are the messenger of justice. You are in Caoying and your heart is in Han. Even if you are polluted into an ugly and terrifying appearance, you are still dedicated to human beings and seek the well-being of human beings. I believe that you do not belong to the old bizarre camp, you keep it. Human consciousness, a third-party camp dedicated to seeking common ground while reserving differences and peaceful evolution, also believes in what you said about the Blood Moon Riot—I give my sincere trust, and I hope you will live up to our sincere trust."

These words are sincere and reasonable, if Cen Jin is a pure human being, maybe he would have believed his nonsense.

"Please tell us how to kill ghosts?"

Cen Jin lowered his voice and asked, "What's your name?"

"Wang Lingxian."

Very good, I don't know.

Cen Jin, who was determined to get by with his college career, would see the latest red post if he opened the school forum earlier, about the introduction of two geniuses that Huaxia dug from the main school, one of them is Wang Lingxian.

"who I am?"

"How do I know you are—" Wang Lingxian remembered the terrifying sound of the axe mopping the floor in the empty room, and how he had just broken through the circle of dark shadows, and saw the photos of them pinned to the wall and worshiped day and night. And the three big characters suddenly flashed: "You are the god of night wandering!"

… what

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes, I am." Cen Jin regained his senses and accepted the new identity and image without changing his color. "I am a new and strange polluted, wandering nocturnal god who patrols at night and supervises the good and evil of the world."

Wang Lingxian: "..." That photo is clearly a murderer, a pervert.

Cen Jin knows how to transmit the secrets of the inner world to the real world.

"It doesn't matter how you kill the ghost. Next, I'm going to tell you the truth about the monster room in the old building."

Cen Jin's words were concise, and he quickly told Wang Lingxian all the information about the old building. Of course, the problems that were not solved were blurred. Anyway, the amount of information was huge enough. If the other party couldn't figure it out, let him check it himself.

"... Anyway, that's it, you must find Li Zhenzhong, he should hide on the eighth or ninth floor, and the forty second-hand Guanyin statues may be hidden on the tenth floor. I can't go out in person, the living people in the building will teach you to go. save."

And he hid his merits and fame, and continued to be a salted fish mourning critic.