The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 37: Mother (2) (Would you like to annex the inner world...)


The monster roared, raised the axe in a series of slashes, and Cen Jin turned around and ran.

A short blade is against a long soldier, and it is only the idiot who confronts the hard.

Cen Jin ran around the living room. The scattered furniture in the house now became the best obstacle to block the monster. The monster was blocked several times and became impatient. Without the frontal lobe, it is extremely easy to be manic, and the double axe rises and falls, smashing all the obstacles .

In an instant, the house was filled with dust, and the ground was a mess. The white lime fragments floated in the air, crushed into particles by the airflow rolled up by the swinging axe, and mixed with the dust and the blood-colored moonlight to form a hazy gray-red mist.

Cen Jin hides in the mist, closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, opens his eyes, and uses extraordinary techniques. His supersensory perception is stimulated, his visual processing ability is greatly improved, and the movement trajectory of the monster in the gray-red mist is clearly visible, like an infrared thermal image. The image on the display screen is very conspicuous.

He looked at the monster three meters in front of him, his eyes fell on its frontal lobe, and the living black worm devoured the severed companion and continued to circle steadily.

The monster couldn't find Cen Jin, and took the little ghost as the target of venting and walked towards it, just turning its back on Cen Jin.

When it started, Cen Jin shot out like a cannonball, his pupils suddenly expanded, and the powerful gravity suddenly pressed down on the monster's head and shoulders, and the skin as hard as copper and iron instantly appeared one after another terrifying concavity. pit.


The monster couldn't stand the overweight pressure, and knelt down on both knees, and the ground was knocked out with broken mesh lines. Cen Jin jumped on one knee and knelt on its back, his right hand was horizontal to his neck, and his left hand held a western kitchen knife at it. its frontal lobe.

The kitchen knife, which was also wrapped in a layer of gravity film compressed to the extreme, slashed sharply at the monster's throat. The gravity film crushed the monster's copper skin and iron bones. Sparks were wiped from the blue-gray skin, and then it broke open and was wiped by a sharp blade.

Insert a western kitchen knife into the frontal lobe and stir it clockwise, like a grinder to cut black worms into minced meat.

Cen Jin jumped down with a hunched back, and the monster fell to the ground with a bang, completely dead.

Looking up at the monster's corpse, Cen Jin's expression was indifferent, but he didn't have the madness that caused him to lose control when he used extraordinary techniques before. It was just a tingling pain in his temples, and his mental state was a little unstable but controllable.

Putting a gas mask on his backhand with a knife, Cen Jin turned his head to the other four ghosts, thinking about how to deal with them, but had no idea how much psychological shadow he caused to the ghosts.

The ghosts noticed Cen Jin's undisguised killing intent, and could not help shrinking into a ball in fear. The disabled big ghost gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know this lord... Do you want to annex this inner world?"

… Um

"You can talk?"

The big ghost, Zhao Guanghao nodded.

When the extrasensory perception was not activated just now, the movements of these ghosts were frame by frame, but now in Cen Jin's eyes, they were acting normally.

Cen Jin is interested: "What are you?"

Zhao Guanghao: "I don't know. After we die, we turn into white shadows, and after being killed many times, we turn into black shadows. We cannot leave the second floor, and when the moon is full, we will appear in the corridors of the real world and be chased by... The blood moon in the real world is chased and killed, and the full moon in the real world is chased and killed, the time will not overlap, and they will be killed at least twice a month."

His foggy face was ups and downs, like a wry smile: "But no matter how many times we are killed, we all remain sensible and know all the changes in the old building before and after death."

Cen Jin laughed: "Can't you leave the second floor?"

Zhao Guanghao thought he saw something, and said bravely: "It's not impossible, we can attach ourselves to living people, as long as we touch their heads, but we can't leave for too long, we have to go back to the second floor. We haven't hurt anyone, there are people It's none of our business to be scared crazy, we try not to go out, but we can't control it at all when the moon is full. Besides us on the second floor, there are—"

It really can't be said. After all, the murderer who killed their whole family was his own son, and it would be complicated for anyone else.

"The parasitic black worms in their frontal lobes love fresh human brains, and if a living person is found, they will die. We possess a living person to drive them away, and our intention is to save them."

Cen Jin: "What the hell is a black bug? Where did it come from?"

Zhao Guanghao sighed heavily, and Zhao's wife stepped forward: "Let me tell you, our husband and wife are biologists hired by Li Zhenzhong. At first, we were obsessed with studying the genetic chain of unknown creatures and ignored the education and growth of our eldest son. When we come back to our senses, The eldest son has been brainwashed and successfully deceived us with a clever performance.

It was not until the night of the massacre that we knew that Li Zhenzhong had been privately brainwashing and mind-controlling all the children of the biologists on the second floor, and even cut open their frontal lobes and put them into the black bugs to achieve complete control.

Those black worms are Gu worms. "

Cen Jin: "Where did Li Zhenzhong come from Gu worms?"

Zhao's wife: "A master hidden behind Li Zhenzhong, he instructed Li Zhenzhong to build the old building, hire biologists from all over the world, and turn the seventh floor into a scientific research institute for us to work on. He even provided the mother body, before we died. , only he can get close to the mother's body. Not long after Li Zhenzhong planned the massacre, he used the Gu King cultivated on the second floor to force the master to be killed on the fourth floor.

At that time, I was possessed by a mercenary, and when I heard Li Zhenzhong’s triumphant confession, I realized that the master was a ghost Gu Master who defected from Bashu Shengmiao, and what goddess was instructed to ask us to decipher the strange genetic code and overcome the strange reproductive problems.

Li Zhenzhong promised respectfully on the surface, but in fact he secretly recruited doctors when he hired a biologist. The laboratory was set up on the sixth floor, just below us. When we were too busy to take care of our children, we brainwashed a group of young soldiers, and later sent them to the sixth floor..."

Speaking of this, Zhao's wife choked and felt guilty.

Cen Jin asked, "During your experiments, did you find that those unknown creatures were polluted humans?"

Zhao's wife said excitedly: "I swear that if we had known that it was human, we would definitely expose this experiment that violated human relations! The genes of those polluted humans have been completely mutated, and they are very different from humans. We never thought that it would be so Humans! Even with the genetic mutation of nuclear radiation, the basic base pairs will not change. The base pairs of all animals and plants on the earth are the same, but that unknown creature has a brand new base pair that has never been discovered!

That's not a human being, not even a creature we know on Earth! "

After a pause, Zhao's wife was stunned: "How could we have thought that it was a polluted human being?"

Cen Jin squatted down and looked at them: "Where is King Gu?"


> Zhao Guanghao: "It is parasitic on Li Zhenzhong and is under his control. Li Zhenzhong is hiding in a very hidden place in the inner world. We don't know where he is, but we guess he is either on the eighth floor or the ninth floor."

Cen Jin: "Where's the tenth floor?"

"Impossible." Zhao Guanghao shook his head: "On the tenth floor, Guanyin's mother lives. She will not allow anyone, especially Li Zhenzhong, to hurt her mother. She and her mother are Li Zhenzhong's most feared opponents."


"you can say it this way."

"The mother is Li Manyun's mother?"

Zhao Guanghao was stunned: "Who is Li Manyun?"

Cen Jin frowned: "Li Zhenzhong's only daughter."

Zhao Guanghao: "Li Zhenzhong has no children at all!"

Cen Jin wondered, Zhao Guanghao lied or Huo Xiaoting lied

Zhao's wife suddenly said: "Li Zhen has a daughter, but I heard that she died of a fever when she was ten years old. She still has her room on the fifth floor. I heard that Mrs. Li went crazy because of her daughter's death."

Contrary to the information provided by Huo Xiaoting, if Zhao Guanghao and his wife did not lie, who was 'Li Manyun' he saw

Cen Jin threw the western kitchen knife one after another, watching Zhao Guanghao's family tremble, for fear that he would stab him unhappily.

No wonder they were afraid. Cen Jin dressed up too much like a pervert from a horror movie. The blood-colored white coat and gas mask were originally very classic horror elements.

Symbolizing the virus and death, he also has two knives left and right, killing strange things like cutting vegetables, who can't be afraid

In addition to being a ghost, Zhao Guanghao's family's thoughts were still alive. They were naturally afraid of Cen Jin. They thought it was a powerful and strange thing that they didn't know which building was polluted.

"Dare to ask eldest brother, which building are you from?" Zhao Guanghao asked carefully.

Cen Jin: "Is there anything weird on the first floor?"

Zhao Guanghao was stunned: "No."

Cen Jin: "I'm on the first floor."

Zhao Guanghao: "..."

Cen Jin added: "Wandering around at night on the first floor, just and kind, supervising the good and evil in the world, sowing the seeds of love & peace..."

Zhao Guanghao's family: "..." I don't know why I feel weird.

After Cen Jin introduced his personality in one breath, he asked the key point: "How to snatch this inner world?"

Zhao Guanghao: "Let the original owner of the world take the initiative to give it up, or you can replace it."

Cen Jin narrowed his eyes, why did he feel that Zhao Guanghao seemed to be chasing him and the original owner of the inner world, and it would be better to die if both sides suffered

Zhao Guanghao felt guilty.

"Who is the original owner of the inner world?"



Cen Jin: "If I inherit this inner world, you are all my tenants, right?"

Zhao Guanghao's family was a little stunned, but they nodded, just wondering why they were not human beings, could they still be called tenants

Seeing them nodding, Cen Jin smiled happily, the tenant is alright, and he will be the charterer in the future.

Cen Jin got up, stuffed the two knives back into his backpack, picked up two axes, put one into the study, told Zhao Guanghao and others not to touch it, then picked up the other, thinking about dragging the corpse of the Zhao family's eldest son and asking Zhao Guanghao : "Do you still want it?"

Zhao Guanghao and his wife were silent for a moment, then both shook their heads.

Since their eldest son was brainwashed and willing to become Li Zhenzhong's puppet, he led other peers to launch brutal massacres, and after he died, he launched massacres to feed them to black bugs, and they were no longer their children.


Cen Jin was in high spirits, thinking about the cost of food for the cabin in the woods.

Not only the Zhao family, but also the Li family, the Chen family, the Tang family... It's a perfect food warehouse, all killed and frozen, it can be fed for a long time, and he also works part-time as a library , the part-time fee is another deposit.

Life is full of hope.

Cen Jin happily picked up his axe and rushed out of Zhao's house, kicked open the door of the next room, facing the reddish moonlight projected from the window of the back room, and behind the floating pieces of white lime, the picture was very illusory.

At that time, the monster who was willing to be controlled by the black bug and poisoned his family countless times was holding his ax high. When he was about to land a fatal blow, he was interrupted by a loud noise. When he looked back, he saw the oncoming super gravity, followed by his throat and frontal lobe. There was pain everywhere, and the last scene in his eyes was a pervert in a blood-colored white coat + gas mask, dragging a blood-red axe.

Just like a terrifying killer.

Every time the eldest son of a certain family was chopped up, he would politely ask if he still wanted the corpse or not, and he would introduce himself by the way, emphasizing that he was a fair, kind, and brave nocturnal god.

God damn night wandering gods, ghosts don't believe it!

He is obviously a perverted madman who picks out weirdness to kill!

Although the ghosts on the second floor thanked him for his life-saving grace, they shivered when they saw the white coat + gas mask + blood-colored axe from the fear in their hearts.

Cen Jin started killing, and he became more and more proficient in the use of extraordinary techniques. He also adapted to the mental pressure caused by the opening of extrasensory perception at any time. The brain has been tempered to adapt to the pain of this intensity, and even only left a little nosebleed in the end.

When he got rid of the monster on the second floor and was about to go to the fifth floor, he saw that one of the households had a camera that had been dusted for many years and could be used for many years. The three words "Yiyoushen" were passed on to Zhao Guanghao, the head of Ghost Shadow.

He told him: "Keep it as a souvenir, don't forget me, and go back and recognize relatives according to this standard."

Cen Jin originally wanted to say 'recognize the landlord', but was a little worried that the ghosts would move overnight in arrears with the rent, so he replaced the word 'recognize the relative'.

"Okay, that's it."

Cen Jin picked up his backpack, waved goodbye to Zhao Guanghao and other ghosts in this perverted doctor's dress, and took the elevator to the fifth floor to meet Li Manyun for a while.