The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 44: Bashu (Wugui Dao)


Gu Po, also known as Grass Ghost Po, True Gu Po, is the collective name for some local women in Xiangzhou who are good at using Gu. They are passed down from women to men.

In the early years, the road economy was not developed, and the Gu woman was a professional doctor and Feng Shui master in Shili Baxiang.

Later, the mind opened up, and the young people in the village went to the city to develop. Although the middle-aged and elderly people who stayed behind rarely needed the Gu woman, they still respected her very much.

No, in the early morning, when I encountered such a strange thing as a red-skinned frog in a ridge set with scales, the first thing I thought of was to invite Gu Granny to see it.

The village chief and other old people were surrounded by an eighty-ninety-year-old lady. The folds on her face overlapped and drooped, like the loose skin of a mangy dog, while her eyes were blind and covered with a white veil. Very paradoxical.

The field ridge is crowded with people from all over the world to watch the fun. After all, the red-skinned frogs kill each other and the corpses of the frogs are all over the place. It is bizarre. soothing the hearts of the people.

While the crowd was making a commotion, they heard Gu Granny say, "Outlanders and walking corpses are avoided."

It's easy for outsiders to avoid it, but what does this walking corpse mean? What does it mean to die without being a zombie

The onlookers were full of discussions.

The village chief asked everyone's doubts, and Gu Gu explained: "The Treatise on Febrile Diseases says that if a person has a diseased pulse, he will live, and if a pulse is not diseased, he will die. The condition is serious, and even if he can run and jump, he is not far from death. They all say that 'the pulse patient is not sick, and it is called the walking corpse'.

As soon as these words came out, a dozen people were immediately picked out, and they were watched from a distance, not allowed to approach, so as not to collide.

He Gui was also among them. He walked 20 to 30 meters away from the ridge and watched, and suddenly heard someone say, "I took a video, do you want to watch the red-skinned frogs killing each other?"

Satisfying the curiosity of gossip is a human instinct. Everyone present regretted not being able to watch the 'red-skinned frogs that kill each other' at close range. When they heard a video, they immediately gathered around and expressed their desire to watch it. It is best to send the video to them. .

"What species is the red-skinned frog?"

"I went to the county to participate in an exposition some time ago, and I saw that they introduced a kind of frog that is a specialty of the island country. The skin is orange-red. It may be this orange-red frog."

"That's not our native frog, what's this called, what kind of invasive?"

"No matter what kind of invasion it is, I just want to see what frogs kill each other. I heard that there was an anecdote in Qian Province, where tens of thousands of frogs devoured each other. reason."

"I sent you your cell phone, but who hasn't received it?" asked a foreigner from the same village who had the video in hand, "He Gui, did you receive it?"

"I don't need it." He Gui replied reflexively, subconsciously aiming at the video that was playing on his mobile phone. Instantly, the blood flowed backwards, the whole body was cold, and the scalp was numb, and in the case of a hot day, a cold sweat broke out.

Although the video is less than three minutes, the red-skinned frogs in the field are as dense as fish scales, and the blood is extremely dazzling. What is even more terrifying is that all the frogs attack like crazy. It swallowed another frog raw without noticing it.

This scene is bizarre enough, but it is not over yet. The frogs of the same species are swallowed raw, their abdomens are high, and they are still crawling to the opposite frog that is still wriggling in two, and swallows it raw with its big mouth.

Then the next one, the next one, suddenly exploded with a 'boom', blood splashing everywhere, this frog burst its body due to overeating, but its upper body was still squirming, its mouth opened and closed, and it seemed to be ready to continue swallowing.

He Gui finally knew where the dense half of the frogs in the video came from. He felt horrified and felt that the behavior of the red-skinned frogs was too strange.

He was a little restless.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the dozen or so people who shared the video with each other were not satisfied. They discussed going through the Ghost Bamboo Forest, hiding inside and watching Gu Granny deal with the red-skinned frog, and filming the video by the way.

The middle-aged man who originally shot the video said that weird and evil videos are very popular on the Internet now, with high clicks and traffic. The weirder the video, the more rewards you can get. I heard that the last video earned 100 million US dollars.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was heartbroken.

"He Gui, are you going?"

He Gui stared at the Ghost Bamboo Forest with a pale face. The amazingly green bamboo forest was very broad. The bamboo on the periphery was as thick as the mouth of a big bowl, the branches were criss-crossed, the bamboo leaves were huge, blocking the sky and the sun, and the outermost bamboo Dry hanging nylon bag.

This is the custom in the village. Dead cats and dogs are not buried in the soil. The bodies are hidden in nylon bags, which are tied tightly and hung in the bamboo forest.

But He Gui knew that those air-dried and old nylon bags not only contained the corpses of dead cats and dogs, but also the bones of live cats and dogs and babies. That was a custom at least 20 years ago. The village was closed and the concept was outdated. ashamed.

There were times when I came back from plowing the fields late, the sky was moonless and starless, and the mountains were dark. He Gui hurried around the bamboo forest with a flashlight, and he could see the faint blue ghost fire in the bamboo forest from a distance.

After the popularization of science, people already know that the ghost fire is actually a phosphorus fire, but He Gui knows that in the bamboo forest, besides the ghost fire, there are several black shadows of different heights standing quietly outside the bamboo forest, and you can even hear the hoeing of the ground. sound.

He Gui didn't dare to look at it every time, ran home in a hurry, didn't talk to anyone, and deliberately forgot and secretly convinced himself that all sneaking was superstition.

Now stimulated by the red-skinned frog, he instantly remembered his fear of the Ghost Bamboo Forest.

If he really felt that the Ghost Bamboo Forest was a superstition, he would not stay away from the Ghost Bamboo Forest every time.

"He Gui, are you going?" the companion urged.

He Gui was in a trance: "No... I can't go."

His brain is full of scenes of red-skinned frogs swallowing the same kind. The bursting red-skinned frog eats numbly, and is swallowed by another same kind... Over and over again, the killing is never-ending, the horror is that only hearing in the video The footsteps of fellow villagers.

So many frogs, not a single croak!

But He Gui seemed to hear their shrill and painful howls.

He Gui wanted to stop his fellow villagers from entering the bamboo forest, but he couldn't speak, and his whole body trembled until he couldn't bear the fear of the extreme cold, and turned around and fled home. More than a dozen people from the same village behind him looked at He Gui who had fled in confusion, and laughed at him for being too timid, and watching the video made him go crazy.

A dozen people walked towards the Ghost Bamboo Forest in a mighty manner. As soon as they arrived outside the bamboo forest, they looked up and saw dozens of nylon bags, and couldn't help but stop.

"Why are you standing still? Let's go."

No one left.

The person who opened the mouth encouraged himself in his heart and took a heroic stride. The next moment, the mouth of a nylon bag above his head suddenly broke, and Bai Sensen's corpse fell off, hitting him right on top of his head, and there was even a hand like a chicken claw. Bones hang in front of his eyes, nodding his nose.

The man rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Mom sells batches! It's haunted!"


A group of people turned and ran away like crazy, no one cared about the fainted.

When everyone was gone, the fainted man got up, patted the dust on his body as if nothing had happened, and slipped into the Ghost Bamboo Forest.

As he drilled into it, he said, "So many people squeezed in to shoot videos and share traffic. Do you think I'm stupid? Make money and don't monopolize it. That's the Mother of God, not me."

He went deep into the bamboo forest, laughing at the dozens of nylon bags outside to scare away, a group of soft eggs, but there was nothing inside, it is estimated that any evil bamboo forest is made up to scare people.

The man raised his mobile phone to shoot, but did not find hundreds of nylon bags crowded together on top of his head, which was eerie.

The words were divided into two parts. As soon as the Gu woman on the other side reached the field ridge, she waved her hand and walked out, refusing to step any further, and said to the village chief: "It's best to have someone put a rope around it, no matter how wide or far the ground is, as long as you see a A red-skinned frog, even if there is only one red-skinned frog in an acre of land, must be enclosed, so that people from ten miles and eight villages are not allowed to enter.

Also, this matter has to be blocked and cannot be spread. "

The village chief asked nervously, "Is the problem serious?"

Gu Granny trembled: "Call the police. Report it to the county and ask them to contact the ghost Gu clan. The ghost Gu clan will handle this matter."

Hearing the words, the village chief felt a thud in his heart, as if a big rock had been smashed into it, it was heavy.

He is eighty-ninth this year, and in a few months it will be his ninetieth birthday. After living for so long, I have never been farther than the county in my life, but I have seen more bizarre things than some characters of the same age who have traveled far and wide.

The reason is that their location is located on the border of Qianchuan and Sichuan, surrounded by mountains and mountains. It has been an excellent place for feng shui since ancient times. It is no exaggeration to say that an ancient tomb can be dug up within 100 meters. The tomb of a certain prince and general.

Once there are many ancient tombs, there will be a lot of corresponding strange and evil things.

Of course, the village chief was not thinking about this, but the ghost Gu clan.

The Ghost Gu tribe was originally called the Wugui tribe, which can be traced back to the Xia and Shang dynasties. They once served as prophets and priests in the ancient Bashu kingdom. After that, they experienced many national turmoils.

Destruction and restoration of the country, the shadow of the participation of the witches and ghosts can always be seen.

And in the political changes and the torrent of the times, the witches and ghosts are not united.

People are not the same, and the two qi are divided, and the Wugui people originally practiced the way of witches and ghosts, and later they were divided into the way of witches and ghosts.

The ghost way went astray and made waves in the Bashu area, using magic tricks and witchcraft to harm the people, making the people of the two places miserable, until Zhang Daoling, the patriarch of Tianshifu, went into the ghost way alone, found the way of witchcraft, and learned the two. The Taoist method, after transformation, creates the Taoist Tao and destroys the ghost Tao.

Therefore, during the Han and Jin Dynasties, Zhang Daoling's celestial masters were mostly called 'Ghost Dao', and their disciples were mostly called 'Ghost Soldiers'.

The ghost way was destroyed, leaving behind the people who practiced the witch way and were at peace.

At the right time, the dynasty set off the calamity of the witches and guinea pigs. At that time, people were all soldiers, and they couldn't avoid the magic of witches and ghosts. This clan simply changed its name to the ghost gu clan and hid in the mountains to escape from the world.

It was not until the last century that the agency came to the door, and the Ghost Gu family accepted the invitation and became one of the board members.

After joining the institution, the Tianshi Mansion contacted the ghost Gu clan, the latter sent their clansmen to the Tianshi Mansion to study ghost ways every year, and the former also exchanged Gu techniques with the ghost Gu clan.

Now both sides are showing a thriving gesture.

And Gu Granny is a chance to practice Ghost Dao Gu technique, not an orthodox ghost Gu clan.

When encountering some unsolvable things, you have to ask the ghost Gu clan to take action.

The village chief remembered that the last time the Gu mother asked the ghost Gu clan to take action, it was still dealing with a major incident in a king's tomb.

He sighed quietly. He was so old that he had forgotten the bloody storm decades ago. Even the Ghost Bamboo Forest at the head of the village was the tail of the king's tomb that had not been cleaned up.

The village chief shouted to his eldest son: "Aaron, you can go back to the village and call the county police. Just follow the facts."

By the way, what is that king's tomb called

The village chief thought: Oh, I remembered.

Tomb of King Mu.

Yaochi's mother leaned against the window to open, and Huang Zhu's song was moving and mourning. The Eight Horses traveled 30,000 li a day, and King Mu did not come back for anything.

The legend of Emperor Mu and the Queen Mother of the West was also the most popular quyi drama in Shili Baxiang back then.


Capital Special Operations Department.

Lin Shanyuan, the head of the data analysis department, and Li Shanshui, the deputy head of the data analysis department, surrounded Zhang Weitu, the head of the investigation department and the special attack department, in the office. The elites immediately set off to investigate the Queen Mother of the West and her ghost country."

Zhang Weitu put his hands together, looked up at the two of them, pursed his lips and smiled, the two dimples on his cheeks made him, a middle-aged man, look very innocent.

Lin Shanyuan and Li Shanshui tensed their bodies imperceptibly, waiting for Zhang Weitu.

This person is shameless, can't be treated as usual, a lot of age often make innocent appearance of pursing lips and revealing dimples without shame, really... very irritating!

Zhang Weitu: "Why?"

Li Shanshui threw down a stack of materials: "The report written by the head of the Xinhai City investigation team has conclusive evidence that the golden tombs and Shinto pillars in the Sihai Grottoes, the golden coffins in the central library and the old building of Li's family all have indirect or direct connections with the Queen Mother of the West. The relationship. For details, you can see the report."

Zhang Weitu stretched out his index finger and pushed away the document: "I don't want to read it."

"..." Li Shanshui took a deep breath.

Lin Shanyuan held her tight fist and persuaded: "Calm down, he is in his 60s and 70s this year, and he is not far from death. Let's wait for a few years, just wait for him to die."

Li Shanshui pressed her heart: "You are right." She breathed gently and said to Zhang Weitu, "You don't want to read it, I'll read it to you."

Zhang Weitu shrugged, "Please."

Li Shanshui: "Let me directly say the point. The golden tombs of the Sihai Grottoes, the Shinto pillars, and the female corpses and children with seven orifices sealed with lime in the tomb-suppressing beasts are all for the purpose of sealing the Huangquan of the underground reservoir.

Including the rock burials in the deep lake, those corpses were not the kingdom created by Huang Quan, but came from another strange creature.

It's not right to say that, it should not be dismissed as weird, but should be called a world-destroying god - the Queen Mother of the West. "

Hearing this, Zhang Weitu finally showed some interest.

Seeing this, both Li Shanshui and Lin Shanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Zhang Weitu was interested.

As long as Zhang Weitu is interested, he will deal with this strange incident, use his authority to list it in the front row, and dispatch the elites of the investigation department and the special attack department to investigate the matter.

"The Queen Mother of the West and Huang Quan have a competitive relationship. Huang Quan is not safe and controllable, but restricted and trapped, so there was a riot last time. I propose to raise the hazard level of the restricted area of the Sihai Grottoes, strengthen security prevention and control, and do a good job of evacuating urban residents at any time. Work, while hydrogen bombs are on standby."

In addition, Li Shanshui did not propose other measures, because the University of Missouri campus is located in Xinhai City, and there are also legendary bosses Li Daoyi and Shichahai.

"Secondly, we should focus on the Queen Mother of the West. While eradicating the Queen Mother of the West, we need to prevent and control Huang Quan to take the opportunity to counterattack. In addition, from the recent bizarre incidents in Xinhai City, it can be found that the Queen Mother of the West is very ambitious, and it is likely that she was very ambitious as early as two years ago. It was laid out thousands of years ago.

The first child to be sacrificed to the Shinto Pillars of the Sihai Grottoes was during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Shen Dao Pillar recorded text: Prophet wise words, look forward to report, Jade Pool Jade Liquid saves the world, Golden Boy and Jade Girl go to Longtan. Yaochi and Longtan collectively refer to the residence of the Queen Mother of the West. The meaning is clear. The two sentences of prophet and Zongmu have the same meaning. They repeatedly emphasize that to tame the people and deceive the people at that time, they must sacrifice the golden boy and jade girl to let the Queen Mother of the West drop the jade liquid of Yaochi to save them.

Moreover, the record used 'Golden Boy and Jade Girl Going to Longtan'. The prophet at that time brainwashed the people and sacrificed their children to send them to the sky to enjoy happiness. So everyone scrambled to get this honor, but they were actually sealed in the pillar with lime, similar to driving a pile. "

Lin Shanyuan handed his wife a glass of water to moisten her throat.

Li Shanshui drank the water and continued: "It is mentioned in the text on the pillars of the divine way that the prophet and Zongmu are the same person. The prophet understands well, it is his identity, and Zongmu is his place of origin. A Zongmu who worked for the Queen Mother of the West, when the prophet.

Zongmu, ancient books, documents and unearthed cultural relics have traces of their infestation, basically concentrated before the Han Dynasty, and the most active in the Xia and Shang periods. Ancient Shu bronze mask with vertical eyes, in "Huayang Guozhi", it is said that the silkworms of the king of Shu have vertical eyes, so the sarcophagus is also used as a tomb for vertical eyes.

In "Shan Hai Jing", there is a country, also known as the ghost country, in the north of @negative corpse. But we can also understand it as three eyes, the third eye is erect, like Erlang God.

In addition, Sichuan, Gan, and Tibet all have very obvious three-eye worship, and at that time the civilization of Shu was the center. It is difficult to say that this is just a coincidence.

Similarly, "Chu Ci? Big Move" and "Chu Ci? Soul Calling" also mention the connection between the ghost country and the Zongmu people.

Youdu Ghost Country, north of Kunlun, is in the Kunlun region of the sea. And we Chinese people know that even if we don't need to read the literature, the Queen Mother of the West lives in Kunlun. "

The long series of analysis does not stop, and the amount of information explodes. It is estimated that ordinary people have to listen to it four or five times to grasp the key points, but Zhang Weitu only listened to it once and grasped a few key points.

"1. The prophet is from Zongmu, and both Zongmu and the ancient kingdom of Shu are from the ghost country. 2. Zongmu is a ghost of the Queen Mother of the West, so the Queen Mother of the West rules the ghost country. 3. The Queen Mother of the West is coming, and the Queen Mother of the West wants to destroy mankind. 4. The Queen Mother of the West It was planned a thousand years ago."

Li Shanshui: "Yes."

"Then," Zhang Weitu said, "it's my turn to ask questions, 1. What is the plan of the Queen Mother of the West? Apart from the ultimate goal, can you deduce her plan? 2. Through the sentence 'The ghost country is coming', the vertical eye is People of the Ghost Country, it is too hasty to deduce the relationship between Zongmu and the Queen Mother of the West."

"I'll answer." Lin Shanyuan said: "We can't deduce her plan temporarily, but as long as we find the entrance to the ghost country, we may be able to deduce her overall plan based on this. Secondly, "Han Shu? Ai Di Ji", four years In the first month, February, and March, the ministers of the people were alarmed, rushing to and fro, passing the decree, and worshipping the Queen Mother of the West.

Here it is pointed out that the main planner who planned more than 1,000 people to pass on the plan, promote terrorist speeches, and force brainwashing people to believe in the Queen Mother of the West is Zongmu Ren. "

Zhang Weitu knocked on the table: "It sounds like everything happened in the land of Shu, and even the experts around Li Zhenzhong are traitors of the Ghost Gu clan, so you think the entrance to the Ghost Kingdom might be in... Bashu? Qianchuan?"

Lin Shanyuan: "In Kunlun, everything is possible."

The Kunlun in his mouth is not the Kunlun of today, but the domestic Kunlun recorded in the Xia and Shang dynasties.

Zhang Weitu thought thoughtfully: "I will consider it."


Xinhai City? Michigan University Gymnasium.

"Speed! Strength! Do you know what the combination of strength and strength is?" Shi Chahai shouted on the high platform with a broadcast: "Dear children, have your brains been eaten by zombies? Speed + strength = body I can't solve such a simple arithmetic problem of 1+1=2, why don't I go back to kindergarten and do it again."

Accompanied by Shi Chahai's ridicule, and the sound of his flip-flops, it kept reverberating in the gymnasium, becoming a lingering nightmare for all the students.

Yu Wen was in a lot of pain: "A fool will be fooling around, but you tell me why 1+1=2, why can't it be equal to 3, can't be equal to 1? I think it's equal to 1."

He spread out his ten fingers, and the fist face was covered in scars, all wounds from brute force blows.

It has been five weeks since Shichahai asked them to leave their fist marks on the steel scale weighing 1000 jin, and a total of 37 classes have been taken. The problem is that no one can leave a fist mark on the scale, so Shichahai Start the mode of devil teacher + hell training.

Every morning at 5 o'clock, the weight-bearing lap is the basic exercise. Shichahai also said that he did not ask them to run a lap around Xinhai City because he was afraid of delaying the morning class.

"Dog Day's Immortal Shovel." Huang Jiang was expressionless.

Cen Jin and the others turned their heads to look at her, and they all expressed their surprise that Huang Jiang swears swearing. The main thing is that she feels like a well-bred young lady. The sudden swearing at this moment has to be tortured by Shichahai.

Shi Chahai shook his feet and said, "Dear little kids, don't say I bullied you, I'll give you a chance to prove that you're not a baby without breastfeeding. Come on, do you see the steel plate behind you? It's a special steel plate, The organization has just made it, and it is going to be used to deal with weirdness, you just need to penetrate the steel plate, three chances, you can work in groups."

Someone raised their hand and asked, "Director, what level of weirdness is this steel plate used for?"

"Don't worry, it's just a danger level."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Fortunately, it was not a high-risk level, but they heard Shi Chahai add: "Level 5 danger, hahaha... I am sometimes moved by my abundant fatherly love."

"… "

What's the difference between level 5 danger and level 1 high risk? !

Shit fatherly love!

Wang Lingxian commented: "Even if I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I'm sure the tenth director is very capable."

Totem: "Indeed."

Yu Wen asked in a muffled voice, "How do you know?"

Cen Jin was also curious.

Wang Lingxian: "It's not easy not to be killed."

Totem: "That's right."

Cen Jin thought to himself, why don't the two of you sing and sell tickets together

Totem: "The five of us are hitting the same position, and the force is aimed at the same point, and we should be able to penetrate. We line up, the order is Huang Jiang, Cen Jin, Yu Wen, me, Wang Lingxian. In the second round, I, Wang Lingxian, Yu Wen, Cen Jin, Huang Jiang. The third round of Huang Jiang, Yu Wen, Wang Lingxian, I, Cen Jin."

Cen Jin thanked him for calling the wrong name: "I can do it."

Looking at his ranking, it should be an arrangement based on everyone's usual training results, first light and then heavy, and then heavy and then light, but he didn't quite understand why he was arranged in the third round.

After thinking about it, Cen Jin didn't ask, there was nothing worth asking.

Yu Wen said: "No problem.

Wang Lingxian lazily said, "At will."

On the other hand, Huang Jiang looked down at the phone and didn't respond. He didn't look up until he called her: "You can arrange it."

Yu Wen: "What are you looking at?"

Huang Jiang put away his mobile phone: "As for the sacrifice, my sister gave me time to go back and make incense before mid-June. I checked the time, and it happened that the Dragon Boat Festival was on holiday, and I had already booked the air ticket in advance."

Yu Wen: "Isn't it next week?"

Yellow Ginger: "Yeah."

Yu Wen: "What is the Ghost Gu clan like? What are the sacrifices in your family?"

Wang Lingxian raised her eyelids and said, "Isn't there a video from last year on the forum?"

Yu Wen sighed: "It's more interesting to see it in person. Having said that, the ghosts and gu clan hold grand sacrifices every year in July and a half, and the Tianshi Mansion will also hold a super grand puja, and Tibetan secrets, so there are many festivals to go to. already."

The three places correspond to the three people in the group.

"I'm envious." Yu Wen said.

Wang Lingxian: "It's not interesting. If you are interested, I will take you to participate next year."

Um? Cen Jin thought slowly, not interested.

Totem: "I can take you there too."

Huang Jiang blinked: "Cousin said, if you are interested, you can come too."

Yu Wen: "Really?! I'm going, I'm going!"

Wang Lingxian and Totem did not express their opinions and showed no interest.

"The Dragon Boat Festival holiday should arrange papers." Huang Jiang said: "Do you know the tomb of King Mu?"

Both Wang Lingxian and Totem were a little interested: "It seems to be a princely tomb dug up thirty-five years ago. It has not been announced to the public, but it is recorded in the institutional archives. It is a fourth-level living restricted area."

Huang Jiang shook the phone: "Cousin Wu Lan said that something happened over there recently, and it is likely that they need to go to the tomb. I asked if you are interested, and she will reserve a place for you."

Wang and Tu looked at each other, pondered for a few seconds, and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go."

Cen Jin was surprised that Wu Lan and Huang Jiang were cousins, but considering that they were both ghosts, it was normal for them to have a relationship.

"What about you? Classmate Huang."

Cen Jin lowered his eyes: "I have to work."

"That's it, but we have to do group work. Your previous weekly test performance was not very good. Except for the first time, your score was not high. It would be dangerous to get a low score this time."

Cen Jin thought indifferently, otherwise he would quit the group, or even quit the gymnastics class.

The university he attended before was isolated because he often refused class group activities. It didn't matter in itself. After all, he had to work part-time to save tuition and living expenses. Moreover, there is relatively little teamwork in the class. Even if there is an arrangement, he will complete his share, but not with others.

Even so, there is still the blame for dragging down the team.

Obviously the others didn't cooperate well either.

However, Huang Jiang and the others are different. This is a truly talented team, and his drag will be very annoying, so if possible, he should withdraw on his own initiative.

Cen Jin, who was thinking of this place, suddenly heard Huang Jiang say, "My family is very busy with sacrifices, and there is a shortage of people in various positions. Most of them are temporary workers. Would you like to come? The salary is okay, I think."


Wang Lingxian snapped her fingers: "I usually need to hire a luggage porter, Huang Mao, do you want to do it?"

Cen Jin: "You guys have a job for me out of nothing?"

Huang Jiang and Wang Lingxian looked back with inexplicable glances when they heard the words: "No, don't be sentimental."

Cen Jin: "…"

After a while, Cen Jin smiled lightly, and asked what he cared about most: "By the way, how much is the salary?"

Huang Jiang: "I asked my cousin... Eight hundred a day, six hours."


"I don't know." Wang Lingxian pulled the hair on her forehead in a handsome posture.

Yu Wen: "As soon as his part-time job was posted on the forum, it was immediately robbed. The post was not stuck. You have to use gigabit traffic to get it. As for the salary, there are more or less, the highest is to help Daxian walk his golden retriever. One hour at a time, five thousand. At least two or three thousand."

Huang Mao's funeral was suddenly full of energy, and he felt that there was another village in the dark, and he lost sesame seeds to pick up watermelons, and his life was full of hope.

"Da Xian, I have had a good relationship with animals since I was a child."