The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 48: Tomb of King Mu (2) (frog eggs)


Yu Wen: "Notice that when you turned your head just now, everyone turned to the right?"

Huang Jiang: "The patients around them all sat up cross-legged."

Wang Lingxian: "Go down and have a look."

He Xingchun discouraged: "Maybe I'll be infected—"

Cen Jin jumped over him and got out of the car: "No. If air and physical contact are contagious, they should be stopped. It's almost school."

He Xingchun was suddenly quiet. The county town was not big. The middle school and primary school were very close to the Ghost Gu clan. Children would go home as soon as school was over, and the next two days were national holidays. It's really not good for the children of the clan.

While thinking about it, all five of them jumped out of the car and approached Changxiang step by step.

He Xingchun was helpless and had to follow them closely.

The six people were only two meters away from the entrance of the alley, and the eyes of nearly 400 people were focused on them, and the effect was comparable to a strong light.

Yu Wen: "Will they suddenly come up?"

Huang Jiang: "If they have been infected, the current performance should be the early symptoms of the disease, and there may not be a sudden outbreak of body movements, and it is even less likely to attack us."

Yu Wen: "Why are they staring at us?"

Wang Lingxian: "Maybe because we are all aliens in their eyes now."

Patients can discover that the virus may have altered their body's mechanisms, misleading their basic cognition and making them see normal people as aliens.

So what do the six of them look like in the eyes of the patient now

Like a human in the eyes of a frog

But frogs usually scare away when they see the approach of a behemoth like a human.

This example means that Cen Jin is curious about whether normal people are strong or weak in the patient's world. If humans are strong, the patient should show fear. If it is the opposite, the patient has a high probability of showing strong aggression towards normal people.

Creatures will make the choice of attacking or fleeing by judging the strength of their own and aliens. This rule applies to almost any creature in the world, and it is the survival instinct of creatures.

Cen Jin made this guess because He Xingchun mentioned that a sane patient imprisoned his family, infected his family into the same kind and devoured them. The behavior of this patient explained that they would attack non-similars.

And this patient will not be the only one with complete logical judgment and IQ.

They approached the crowd, Wang Lingxian was the first to pass through the crowd, then Yu Wen and Huang Jiang, Cen Jin noticed that their eyes were rolling, but neither their bodies nor heads moved.

When the eye cannot see the target, the eyeball will turn back and automatically lock on to the next target.

Being stared at by so many people, under the physiological reaction, I felt deeply uncomfortable, and a creepy and strange feeling rose from the bottom of my heart. Of all the people present, He Xingchun was probably the most difficult to adapt to.

He almost trembled with his hands and feet behind Huang Jiang, and hurriedly swept across everyone's faces, his eyes not daring to make eye contact with them.

Ding Yingqing was last, and Cen Jin was second to last.

Cen Jin is observing the eyes of a middle-aged man. The pupil of the other party occupies most of the eye, showing a glassy texture. It looks beautiful individually, but it looks strange and incongruous when viewed from the overall facial features of human beings.

Too bulging, like frog eyes.

Cen Jin's eyes fell on the necks of the middle-aged men, Ding Yinqing said to be careful about their necks.

The middle-aged man's neck doesn't look any different, except that the Adam's apple is too large, like a walnut... Wait, Adam's apple

Cen Jin looked at the two women and a man next to him, and as expected, they all had walnut-sized Adam's apples. Just looking at them from a distance, he felt that they were incongruous.

Because of being stared straight at, plus the majority of men in the crowd, and women also have Adam's apples, they ignored the most conspicuous weirdness.

The Adam’s apple is 05 centimeters away from the vocal cords, just below the vocal cords. The walnut-shaped Adam’s apple is bound to compress the vocal cords, so this is one of the reasons why more than 400 people are silent

Cen Jin squatted down, landed on one knee, and looked down at the 'patient' who was sitting up cross-legged.

The head of the 'patient' hangs down deeply, buried in the chest, and the nose is pressed to the heart. This is by no means a posture that normal people can do, unless they have no neck bones.

Cen Jin didn't find the Adam's apple on the neck of the 'patient', strange, isn't it the same infectious disease

"Huang Mao, what are you looking at?" Yu Wen, who walked in the middle, turned his head and asked loudly.

Cen Jin: "I have a new discovery."

Yu Wen: "What is it?"

Cen Jin: "Go out and talk about it."

He got up and walked through the crowd, and finally reached the entrance of the alley under the scorching sun, and saw Wang Lingxian and others standing on the steps observing the scarecrow.

The gate of the Ghost Gu clan is black, four meters long and high, and two animal rings are placed at the height of one meter eighteen on the door. Huang Jiang said that they were the doorbell and the combination lock. Cool gate, but in response to the county's economic development and special tourism, it had to be made into an antique look.

The doorbell and the combination lock under the beast ring are the last stubbornness of all the Ghost Gu clan.

Cen Jin commented that your Ghost Gu clan is very modern, Huang Jiang proudly said that their Ghost Gu clan has been fashionable since ancient times.

Cen Jin felt that just because she used the word 'fashioner', the real situation was still open to question.

There was no stone lion next to the door, the county government wanted it, and the Ghost Gu clan objected angrily, so they regretted giving up. There are five steps below the door, and ancient characters are engraved in the center of the door. Huang Jiang explained that it means 'Ghost Gu of Ancient Shu'.

Their most glorious history was in the most splendid period of ancient Shu civilization.

In the middle of the door and porch is a chair of the master, with a scarecrow sitting on the chair. The scarecrow held a straw in his left hand and a bamboo yard in his right. He wore a phoenix crown on his head, a rosary on his body, and even painted blush on his cheeks.

Yu Wen touched his chin and said, "What does it look like? Do you think it is particularly like a god statue in a temple? It is solemn and full of divinity. This kind of posture of phoenix crown, robe and sitting upright can only be used by god statues in temples. But what kind of magic hand? Take straw and bamboo yards? Shennong?"

"It looks like a goddess." Huang Jiang pondered: "It's not the belief of our ghost clan."

She suddenly thought of something, and she was about to lift the phoenix crown on the scarecrow's head, but was suddenly stopped by Wang Lingxian: "Look back."

Everyone looked back and saw that everyone in the alley turned their heads and stared at them coldly. This time, there was obviously more hostility towards them.

"This is the god they believe in?" Huang Jiang frowned: "Brother Chun, is this scarecrow here in the morning?"

He Xingchun: "No."

Huang Jiang: "They're here to kick the pavilion?" She took two steps forward, glanced at the bamboo yards and straws in the crowd, and snorted coldly: "This posture is really like kicking the pavilion, I now suspect the infection of 'red frog' Sickness is a method similar to deceiving people and controlling them to become believers."

Yu Wen: "What do you mean?"

Wang Lingxian: "Cult."

Cen Jin's heart moved, isn't the salient feature of the gathering of cult believers mass hysteria? Isn't their behavior 'following blindly'

Huang Jiang: "Huang Mao, what is your new discovery?"

Huang Mao was named, touched his nose, stood up and said: "their necks are weird, and the Adam's apple is abnormally swollen, while the sitting patient has no Adam's apple. I suspect that the transmission route and pathological mechanism are related to the neck, and I want to grab one and get an autopsy. Look, but without safeguards, it could be self-defeating."

As soon as the others heard it, they observed that it was indeed very obvious, and they all agreed with Cen Jin's proposal.

Huang Jiang raised his thumb and pointed to the Ghost Gu clan behind him and said, "I have a complete set of protective measures in the basement of my house, so I just grab two and shut them in. Don't worry, there is anesthesia inside, and my suture skills are good."

Yu Wen was a little horrified: "What are you doing in private? Huang Jiang, don't go astray."

Huang Jiang is not angry: "We raise Gu. If you don't learn some medical skills, you can bleed yourself or operate at any time. How can you save yourself from being parasitized by Gu insects? Is it good to be scientific?"

Everyone was a little speechless, and suddenly felt that the ghost Gu clan secret technique was not so mysterious.

The idea was settled, He Xingchun's objection was invalid, Wang Lingxian and Yu Wen respectively captured two patients and entered the ghost Gu clan. The amazing thing was that no one resisted.

But everyone goes to research, who cares about the people in the alley

Huang Jiang pondered for a moment: "There are dungeons in the back mountain, put them in first."

Yu Wen was startled again: "Why is there a dungeon?" If this goes on, he will report the ghost Gu clan!

Huang Jiang glanced at him coldly: "Gu insect parasites are easy to go crazy, to avoid the loss of property within the clan, so lock them in."

What a sturdy family.

Yu Wen: "More than 400 people, all carried in?"

Wang Lingxian: "It's too much trouble, just drive over there."

After speaking, they looked at He Xingchun tacitly.

He Xingchun wiped away tears, his baby bus was destined to be dirty today, but fortunately, he had 500,000 yuan in his pocket to get a new skin for his son.

As soon as it was said, a group of people moved the people in the alley back and forth into the big bus. Because the distance was not far, it didn't matter that it was overloaded, so eighty or ninety people were moved in each trip. After moving five times, I finally moved all the people into the dungeon, with one room for every ten people, mainly to isolate the 'patients'.

He also bound each patient's hands and feet, so that there were piles of restraints in the dungeon, which made Yu Wen wonder if their ghost and gu clan were engaged in some strange business in private.

Cen Jin said: "Those with no neck wraps should be terminally ill patients. It is better to isolate them individually, with twice as many restraints. I always feel that they are like sex and are not stable."

Huang Jiang agreed with him and added an extra layer of restraint belt.

At this time, He Xingchun and Yu Wen moved the last patient to the iron bed and tied his legs with restraint belts. Cen Jin saw the patient's neck agitate, and looked at it abruptly. Wang Lingxian noticed it and asked him what he saw. .

Cen Jin shook his head and walked forward, wanting to take a closer look.

However, he saw that something seemed to swim past under the patient's neck, pushed the skin away, and soon fell silent. But the next second, like water falling into a boiling oil pan, suddenly splashing countless oil droplets, the skin on the patient's neck undulated violently, as if the things inside were fighting fiercely.

Cen Jin's face changed drastically, reminding Yu Wen and He Xingchun: "Run!"

Yu Wen and He Xingchun heard the words, the former reacted fast enough, grabbed He Xingchun's arm and fell to the side, the patient suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were about to squeeze out of their sockets, and the upper body sat up and struggled frantically, but the lower body was caught by two strokes. The restraint straps make it difficult to move.

But he squeezed so hard that he overturned the whole iron bed. The crisp sound of the spine being crushed was particularly clear, but the patient couldn't feel the pain. He squirmed frantically and struggled against the wall. Almost to the point of tearing the corners of the lips.

He Xingchun was shocked: "He seems to be looking for something."

what to look for

Cen Jin looked at the wall, the patient was imprisoned next door.

The sick patient is like a traveler in the desert, and the patient across the wall is his water of life, which must be eaten to survive.

But it was impossible for everyone present to let him go over to devour another patient, so the patient finally stopped moving because he had not devoured the same kind of flesh for a long time, and everyone saw his neck undulating violently.

Wang Lingxian and Huang Jiang took out their mobile phones to record and made a side note.

Ding Yingqing said softly, "It's about to splash out."

The rest looked at him for unknown reasons.

Ding Yingqing: "The thing in the neck."

Everyone was horrified, subconsciously staying away from the patient.

The next second, the patient's neck really exploded, but no flesh and blood splattered out. Instead, all kinds of strange mung bean-sized particles exploded, and a large piece fell at Cen Jin's feet, allowing him to clearly see this piece. It consists of countless mung bean-sized particles bound together.

The particles are covered by a transparent membrane, with a black core inside, the size of a mung bean, a bit like the eggs of passion fruit, but Cen Jin thinks they are more like frog eggs. Dozens or hundreds of eggs are stacked together, and it is not difficult to imagine that if they hadn't exploded, they would have been stuffed in the patient's neck.

But look closely, these particles actually have tentacles, they are not eggs, but an egg-shaped creature.

These creatures parasitize near the patient's vocal cords, bit by bit swallowing the flesh and bones in the neck, causing the neck of the critically ill patient to be only a soft layer of skin. But there is no food near the neck, which is when they drive the sick to devour their own kind.

Without food to satisfy their stomachs, they agitated, killed each other, and eventually exploded.

As soon as it came into contact with the air, the creatures that looked like frog eggs all died and quickly evaporated into the air.

Yu Wen rubbed the goose bumps on his arms fiercely: "What the hell! Did you see it clearly?"

The biological volatilization rate is too fast to be seen clearly.

Huang Jiang's face was pale: "I recorded it. It is still necessary to notify the headquarters and let them send someone to take over as soon as possible. Other mild patients may be able to be rescued."

Cen Jin suddenly thought of the two patients in Huang Jiang's basement, one serious and one serious. Judging from this situation, the critically ill patients should be sick, and they did not isolate the two before they came, nor did they take any protective measures.

Obviously Wang Lingxian also wanted to go to the same place.

The two turned their heads and ran away without saying a word.

Others followed.

Ding Yingqing followed unhurriedly. When passing by the scarecrow at the gate, he stopped and looked at it with cold eyes. The smile on his lips was full of ridicule, and the next second the whole scarecrow shattered into powder.

Totem, who took the high-speed train for practice but accidentally bought the wrong ticket, was in a bumpy and overloaded rural bus, swaying with the bus with a blank expression, recalling the hardships along the way.

First, I bought the wrong ticket, then I got off at the wrong station. Finally, I got in a car with a driver who only speaks dialect, and was put at an unfamiliar intersection. Then I took a rural minibus. It took a long time to know that I was in Sichuan and Gansu. Totem of an unknown village on the border of the two provinces: "..."

He delusionally wanted to get off the bus, but the CMB driver and the aunt who sold the ticket could not understand.

The totem took out the beads and said in his heart: practice.

Then walk slowly in the scorching sun.

There is a long road in front of the village and no shops in the back, and there are endless wilderness on both sides. It is estimated that you may not meet people when it is dark.

But if people are unlucky to the extreme, they will not be extremely happy. After this, two cars converted from pickup trucks drove past and stopped in front of him.

When the totem approached, a young man in the passenger seat opened the window and asked, "Who are you? Where are you going?"

Totem answered truthfully: "Cultivator, made the wrong station." Then he said where he was going.

The young man was stunned: "You are not in the wrong place."

Totem: "Are you far away?"

Youth: "It's just the opposite."

Totem is silent.

The young man patted the car door and said, "This road is 100 kilometers long, and I don't know when it will go. In this way, you get in the car, we will take you to the next village, and then let them take you to the market for a ride."

Totem thought about it for a while, and thanked him, claiming to be a practitioner of Tantric Buddhism.

The young man looked at him with a smile, and said, "My name is Zhou Man. A lost person in this world is going to hunt for treasures and realize his self-worth."