The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 49: King Mu's Tomb (3) (The Prophet)


When they got to the basement, they happened to see the late-stage patient attacking the early-stage patient, which was successfully stopped, and a group of frog eggs burst out in front of them.

Cen Jin and others who had seen this scene in advance were still calm, but the early patients in the same room did not know whether they were stimulated or not.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with my voice? What's wrong with my throat? Why can't I make a sound?"

The sound is hoarse, almost non-existent.

Ding Yqing said beside Cen Jin: "Emotional agitation will promote the appetite of 'blind follower'."

Cen Jin stepped forward and pressed the middle-aged man's shoulder and said, "If you can't keep calm, you will be the same as the person just now, or I will knock you out?"

Middle-aged people can't calm down at all, no one can wake up not only in a strange and dark secret room, but also when a person who had just attacked him suddenly exploded in front of his eyes, and a bunch of frog eggs exploded in his neck. Something like that, but still able to stay calm.

Seeing that the middle-aged man's Adam's apple was enlarged with the naked eye, from the size of a walnut to the size of a fist, Cen Jin had no choice but to stun him, and then tied him to an iron chair, first given a small amount of tranquilizer, and then stunned him with cold water.

The middle-aged man recalled what happened just now, and then looked at Huang Mao and the others, only to feel that he was watching a group of perverted murderers, and could not help but shrank back desperately, but unfortunately he was so weak that he couldn't do anything.

Cen Jin: "We won't hurt you, we just want to ask you a few questions."

The middle-aged man was so frightened that his face was trembling, Cen Jin frowned, feeling that he was still too excited.

Just when he was thinking about whether to faint, Wang Lingxian poured a basin of cold water on the middle-aged man, and said in a cold voice, "Can you calm down? Can you think? If we wanted to harm you, the guy with his neck exploded just now. If a patient attacks you, we won't save you."

The middle-aged man's head gradually calmed down, and he looked at the six people suspiciously. When his eyes fell on Ding Yqing, he paused for a while, first of all, he was amazed and then disgusted, probably because he found that the genders were the same.

Well, the mood is normal.

Cen is now judging.

"You saved me?"

"Nonsense. Otherwise, you would have been gnawed to the bone long ago, and you would go to the gate of our clan to block people, wouldn't it be because of the 'zombie disease' that eats people?"

Because the red frog disease is similar to zombies, the Internet calls it 'zombie disease'.

The middle-aged man's expression was subtle, and Wang Lingxian looked at him: "You are not taking your family to heal, but to watch the fun."

The middle-aged man laughed embarrassingly, and continued to speak in a hoarse voice. Bie Cen Jin interrupted, handed him a cell phone and said, "You are not suitable for talking or typing right now. Now let's briefly talk about you, don't lie, otherwise We can't save you."

The middle-aged man panicked instantly, and quickly took the mobile phone and asked him what was going on.

Cen Jin: "Before you watched the fun, didn't you think that you would be recruited?"

The middle-aged man typed on his mobile phone, and then converted it into a voice: "You said that I also got zombie disease? I have never been bitten."

Cen Jin: "We still don't know which way this disease is transmitted, and we need you to explain everything in detail."

Middle-aged man: "What will happen to me?"

Several people were silent, and after a while, Huang Jiang pointed to the ground and the deceased whose head and body were separated and died in a tragic state said: "Advanced patient."

The middle-aged man suddenly turned pale and wanted to cry without tears. After a long time of psychological construction, he continued to type: "My name is Tian Yukang, and I am an up-master. I have seen two videos in niche forums before, one is that a lot of people appeared in the field. The red-skinned frogs killed each other. That scene was like the zombie apocalypse in the movie. The frog with only one head was still trying to swallow it. I was a little interested at that time.

The real decision to investigate this matter was when I saw another video in the hospital on that niche forum.

In the video, the woman who is missing an arm pounces on the person from the opposite village and pulls out the other person's vocal cords. It was too scary and bloody because of the painting, and it was faked by netizens in niche forums, and I thought the woman's behavior was very strange, like the frog in the previous video.

So I went to this hospital to investigate, and found that the floor of the operating room was blocked, and I could still see armed police with live ammunition coming in and out. The intuition video was real.

Then I used some relationship investigations to find that the reason for the injuries of more than a dozen people who were sent to the hospital that day was a fight... But think about it, what kind of fight would tear off each other's flesh and blood

And these people are from the village where the red-skinned frog occurred. I suspected it was some kind of new type of madness, like mad cow disease and rabies. mixed in. "

The Ghost Gu Clan Dazhai claimed to be the Shengmiao Miao Village.

Tian Yukang rested for a while, and then simply wrote: "After I sneaked in, I interviewed many people and found that some of these patients had witnessed the fighting at the hospital's operating entrance, some were raising frogs in the village, and the frogs at home also killed each other inexplicably, but not Red-skinned frog.

There are also some people who are in a distant neighboring city, and they meet a young man who is fair and gentle. He calls himself the prophet of ancient Shu, and preaches about the arrival of the mother goddess and the Kunlun kingdom. Let them join the sect, and the mother god will keep them from dying.

They thought the man was ill and called the police to arrest him, but they escaped every time.

Not long after meeting the man, they began to get sick. "

Huang Jiang asked: "Have you been asked clearly, what are the symptoms of these people's illness?"

"Yes." Tian Yukang said: "At first, I was in a daze for a long time, my Adam's apple swollen, and finally it became the size of hyperthyroidism."

Speaking of this, Tian Yukang suddenly touched his Adam's apple and felt the size of an egg. He was completely stunned. He was really caught, and the group of people in front of him didn't lie to him.

"You save me, save me, I don't want to die."

Turmeric: "Tell us everything."

"Okay, okay." Tian Yukang accelerated his writing speed: "During the period, the patient was either in a daze, like a vegetative state, or very violent, hitting the wall like a mouse trapped in a cage. Sometimes he would stare at lights or moving objects, I Thinking of frogs at the time. Frogs hibernate, behave violently when there is no food, courtship or turf, and can only see moving objects.

This is an early symptom.

When the neck becomes as big as hyperthyroidism, it is a mid-term symptom. At this time, patients will be walking around. According to their family members, sometimes they wake up in the middle of the night and see patients squatting on the head of the bed and staring at them. They are really scared to death. "

Speaking of this, Tian Yukang was horrified, and the flesh on his face was twitching.

"Yes, someone secretly told me that she secretly put a video camera at the end of the bed. After three days of recording, she finally recorded what her sick husband was doing crouching by the bedside. Her husband opened his mouth and buried his head. Very low, very low, the neck was stretched very long, and it was bent down like there was no bone... By the way, I forgot to mention, at this time her husband's swollen neck suddenly healed, but he never spoke again. , became particularly gloomy, looking at her as if looking at a piece of meat.

Having said that, the head drooped down, pressed against her sleeping face, and stared straight at it for an hour.

After a while, her husband opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. The red tongue was as long as a hanged ghost, and he just stuck it straight into her mouth, not knowing what to put into her mouth. "

Tian Yukang was shivering non-stop, and he was an up-lord who relied on his lips to eat. He had strong language skills, and the simple line drawing brought the atmosphere of terror, horror and disgust to the extreme.

In addition, the basement is either an empty iron cage or various surgical equipment, the walls are mottled, there is a little blood, and the lights above the head are flickering. Although half of the people present are there, fear is human instinct.

Yu Wen shook his legs and leaned against He Xingchun, the latter's teeth were chattering.

Huang Jiang was also a little cold, Wang Lingxian was simply disgusted, Ding Yqing... He is not a human being, and he is not worthy of being listed.

Huang Mao was also a little scared, thinking about saying something to ease the tension.

"Can you still see the red tongue in the black and white video?"

"..." Tian Yukang: "Art processing."


For a while, he was silenced by this thorn, and the terrifying atmosphere was indeed diluted a lot.

Huang Jiang: "You haven't said why you were also infected."

Tian Yukang looked bewildered: "I really don't know. I pay attention to keeping a distance from those people, especially the patients, except that the lunch box and mineral water for lunch are bought by their joint venture... Isn't it a problem with the box lunch? I deliberately picked it carefully. Come out and see, and heat it at high temperature, there will be no problem!"

Cen Jin: "It might be the water problem."

Tian Yukang: "That's unopened water."

Cen Jin: "There are more than 400 people who work in water plants. They secretly add some ingredients to the water, make them look like they were shipped from the factory, and transport them to the site. No matter how vigilant most people are, they will never suspect unopened water."

Tian Yukang was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Huang Mao, don't talk, you are breaking my heart and my soul every time you speak."

Cen Jin: "...Oh."

He turned his head and said to Huang Jiang: "The infection route of 'red frog' is from the mouth, and its appetite is greedy. I guess it can't wait for the internal organs, so it resides in the throat. Maybe by secreting some kind of liquid to numb the spirit, because it is close to the brain, so affect the human brain.

It grows and divides in the early stage. In the middle stage, it begins to feel hungry, thirsting for flesh and blood, and has been fighting each other and eating empty necks. And the so-called sane patients do not have independent and high wisdom, but out of hunger instinct, when there is no food, they cultivate food for themselves. "

Huang Jiang recorded them all, and immediately asked questions: "However, the first 'patient' who cultivated his family into food escaped first under our roundup, which is enough to prove that they are wise."

Cen Jin: "It may also be evolution."

Huang Jiang: "It's a new idea. But is the evolved patient still a 'red frog' patient?"

Cen Jin: "If you catch one and study it, you'll know."

Yellow Ginger: "It makes sense."

Wang Lingxian: "What's the name of the first patient who escaped?"

"Ah?" He Xingchun thought for a while and said, "It seems that his name is He Gui, and he lives in a village near the Ghost Bamboo Forest."

"Who was the first crazy patient? Where have you been? Who have you been in contact with? Have you figured out all of this?" Huang Jiang asked.

He Xingchun: "The first insane patient was also from that village. The investigation found that the group of people were sent out when the red frogs slaughtered and were not allowed to watch. The first insane patient proposed to enter the Ghost Bamboo Forest, but ended up in the Bamboo Forest. The entrance was frightened, and the others fled in a hurry. Afterwards, they all suspected that this person was pretending to be dizzy, but he actually entered the Ghost Bamboo Forest, but I don’t know what he encountered in the Ghost Bamboo Forest.”

Wang Lingxian: "After all, it's better to go back to King Mu's tomb."

Yu Wen guessed: "The red frog was brought out from the tomb of King Mu?"

Others said it was possible, Wang Lingxian proposed to go to the tomb of King Mu, and Huang Jiang said that both the clan elder and Wu Lan were there and might not let them in.

Wang Lingxian said lightly: "I have worked with Wu Lan several times, and she welcomes me to go with Totem."

Yu Wen: "What about us?"

Wang Lingxian: "Work hard."

Yu Wen, Huang Jiang and Cen Jin were just abandoned by Wang Lingxian.

However, Cen Jin proposed a new idea, that is, the self-proclaimed 'prophet', he is likely to be a carrier of the red frog disease that has evolved to the next stage, and he is proclaiming about the mother goddess and the Kunlun kingdom, he probably knows Insider.

Huang Jiang: "You mean let's find this 'prophet'?"


The other party mentioned words like 'Mother God', which was very similar to the ghost Gu Master in the old building, and he just remembered how familiar the more than 400 people in the alley were either holding bamboo yards or straws.

Does it not correspond to a mass hysteria incident that occurred in the Guanzhong area of the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago

More than 1,000 people, holding gimmicks (bamboo yard) or straws, set off from Guanzhong area all the way to Kyoto, madly worshipping the Queen Mother of the West, and pulling in when they see anyone. Isn't their madness like today's 'red frog' patient

Of course the most important is the 'prophet'.

Also more than 2,000 years ago, under the bewitchment of a prophet, the first Shinto Pillar was watered on the mountainside of the Sihai Grottoes. Countless children died tragically in the piling. Cen Jin still remembers being treated as a child in the fantasy world. Pain poured into white lime.

Huang Jiang thought about it: "Okay. Daxian turned around and said to Senior Brother Tu, and asked him to go directly to King Mu's tomb, and we went to catch the prophet three times."

Yu Wen and Cen Jin have no objection.

Ding Yqing said, "I'm free."

The itinerary was so arranged, Tian Yukang asked regularly, "Me, what about me?"

Huang Jiang: "The police have been reported, and the professionals are coming soon. Let them see if they can do a resection for you or something..."

"No, the police can solve this matter? No witch, Taoist, Feng Shui, Mr. Feng Shui?"

"Be scientific." Huang Jiang took back his phone and said, "I am an authentic descendant of ghost Gu, look back at those flasks and petri dishes behind you, unified standards, scientific farming, and one has to keep pace with the times."

For Huang Jiang and the others, the mysterious Gu technique and the terrifying weirdness are all biological fields that have never been made public before.

It's just that the exploration of this biological field is as difficult as cosmic black holes, and cosmic black holes are equally mysterious and terrifying to humans.

Tian Yukang: "Can I feel at ease?"

Cen Jin: "Yes."

Tian Yukang collapsed: "Huang Mao, don't talk!"

Yellow hair mourning criticism: I was discriminated against. Gee.

Ding Yqing looked at him with a bright smile.


The agency branch responded very quickly. The red frog incident was likely to develop into a large-scale infectious disease and reported to the capital headquarters. The headquarters responded immediately, dispatched a team of doctors with superb surgery nearby to support, and dispatched professional investigation teams and special attack teams. In the past, the governments of Bashu, Sichuan and Guizhou were asked to adapt accordingly, and if the situation was severe, the city could be closed.

The team of doctors and investigation and special attack teams arrived at the county seat that night, and the joint armed police took over 400 patients.

The ghost-gu clan's Dazhai was surrounded by force, and the children of the clan and those who were not skilled in witch and ghost techniques were all sent to live in hotels. , are highlighted.

Neighboring villages and county towns have been monitoring and investigating, looking for the 'prophet' that Tian Yukang called.

The next day, Wang Lingxian went to King Mu's tomb.

Huang Jiang and Yu Wen went shopping in the county town. Cen Jin asked embarrassingly if the high-paying part-time job was gone

Huang Jiang sighed that Huang Mao was frustrated as always, and he actually cared about part-time jobs for such an exciting task of saving the people, which shows that this salted fish has been marinated.

"Instead of looking for a prophet, 28 an hour."

Cen Jin was full of energy: "I accept overtime work."

"Overtime pay is not doubled."

"That's fine, no loss."

Huang Mao mourning criticism, brand endorsement of workers.

"You two form a team, I will form a team with Ding Yqing, and look for them from two ends."

"Okay. I'll go with Yu Wen first."

Watching Huang Jiang set off with Yu Wen, Cen Jin looked back at Ding Yqing.

Ding Yqing held up a forefinger in a leisurely manner: "I'll help you find the prophet, add the next brain development, and give me the upper body."

"You really know how to make an offer." Cen Jin bypassed Ding Yqing, ran into the bathroom and called out the cabin in the woods, the wooden door opened a crack, and three little ones were behind. He squatted down and shouted at the complaining boy: "Come out, I have something to tell you."

Gu Tong looked at Ding Yqing behind him, who walked away a little boringly.

"What's the matter?" Resent Tong said, "If you are looking for help from me, I have a request."

Cen Jin: "What do you want?"

Huh? Talking so well? The complaining boy said cautiously, "I want a box of happy water."


Seeing this, the complaining boy thought that he had to be busy, so he had to take an inch: "No, I want two boxes of happy water. I also want two sets of food frozen in the old building. You must also promise me that you can't force me to follow Li Manyun's idea of going to school together."

Cen Jin looked at him quietly, with a mild temper: "Going to school depends on the situation."

The boy resented and scowled: "No! Otherwise, you will kneel to death begging me, and I will not agree!"

Cen Jin: "Then stop eating for two weeks, there is no happy water. And do you think there is only a magical food like happy water in the world? You don't know milk tea and lemonade, right?"

Li Manyun stuck his head out: "What is that?"

Cen Jin: "Go back to do your homework. Tong Lingtou looks at her."

The two backed away angrily, and Gu Tong weighed the pros and cons and agreed to Cen Jin's deal.

"Tell me, what do you want me to help with?"

"Remember the prophet who deceived your parents and buried you alive in the Shinto pillar?"

Hearing the words, he resented the boy but was expressionless, but the cracks on his face suddenly split open, while Kong was terrifying and calm, but more dangerous than his vicious appearance.

"Where is he!"

Bang bang - the mirror in the bathroom suddenly burst, and the resentful boy was already murderous.

Cen Jin: "I'm looking for him. I just want to tell you to avenge you."

"...?" The resentful Tong Tong was suddenly at a loss.

Yellow hair... Avenge it

It looked at Cen Jin with puzzlement in its head. In its chest filled with white lime and hard as a stone, something suddenly jumped.

With a soft 'bang' sound, it just quickly returned to calm, and none of the people present noticed the strangeness.

Ding Yqing in the living room raised her eyes and looked at the door of the bathroom that was not closed tightly, her expression unclear.