The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 50: King Mu's Tomb (4) (Parents)


The boy's skin was nearly black, and there were many cracks on his face. The whole person looked like a burnt-out ceramic inferior product.

Cen was prepared this morning, and bought him a face-covering children's sunscreen raincoat in advance.

"Control the mental pollution a little bit, if something goes wrong, I may not be able to protect you."


Tong Tong pulled the children's sun protection raincoat with bright yellow daisies on his body, feeling a little uncomfortable, pouted and demanded: "I like gray and black, with a skull pattern."

"It's good for children to wear clothes, don't pick and choose."

The resentful boy asked, "Are you going out now?"

"Wait." Cen Jin took out a dog rope and tied it to Gu Tong's wrist, and said, "As a rule in human society, you must tie it when looking after cubs."

The complaining boy disliked them too many human society rules, but did not pull the rope.

One big and one small are about to go out, Ding Yqing is waiting at the door with a big black umbrella.

The three appeared silently at the street intersection. Because of the red light, many people gathered around them, and from time to time they glanced curiously at the three.

The resentful boy moved over to Cen Jin's side. He was usually very arrogant, and he was often arrogant in the hut. From time to time, he ran to the old building with the momentum of 'my boss, you will come to worship', but I have never been to a place where there are so many people. .

Apparently it's a little fake.

On the other hand, I am curious. Cars, high-rise buildings, dessert shops and roadside stalls are all so amazing. They are novelties that were not seen 2,000 years ago. I saw a girl in a white dress holding a dog on the same leash as the leash on her wrist.

"..." Accepting the resentment-filled death light wave of the resentful boy, Cen Jin said calmly, "The dog leash is cheap."

When the green light came on, the three went to the opposite bus stop and waited for a bus to the Municipal Women's and Children's Hospital, and they all got on the bus.

Huang Jiang and Yu Wen learned that the prophet was haunting a county in a neighboring city, so they went to investigate.

Cen Jin chose the Municipal Women's and Children's Hospital because the young children in the Shinto pillars of the Sihai Grottoes, the pregnant women in the tomb beasts in the underground dark river town, and the tombs in the copper coffin town made him feel that the prophet prefers pregnant women and children.

This is understandable, perverts like to bully the weak.

According to Tian Yukang, the prophets initially chose to target adult men, and these adult men had wives and children, some of whom had parents but were also old and frail, meeting the standard of 'weak'.

Infect the adult man with the highest physical strength and force first, and let the adult man go home and cause trouble for the family. The essential purpose is still 'weak'.

It's just that I don't know if the four hundred people gathered at the gate of the ghost and gu clan were the prophet's actions or the people's spontaneous actions.

If it is the latter, it can only be said that it is a mistake, and the patient is better to deal with it in a concentrated manner than if they run out and continue to infect others, and evolve without the official knowing, then the casualty situation and the difficulty of dealing with it will be troublesome.

If the former, what is the purpose

Taking advantage of the absence of Clan Lao and Wu Lan, deliberately turning the Ghost Gu clan into a patient

In order to eradicate the ghost Gu clan that may become an obstacle, or revenge? Or kill two birds with one stone

The former words indicate that the goal of the Prophet and the Queen Mother of the West behind him is Qianchuan.

In the latter case, the Ghost Gu clan had hatred with the Prophet and the Queen Mother of the West, proving that they once had a deep relationship.

Having said that, the 'frog eggs' parasitic in human throats are a bit like Gu worms.

But if it was a Gu worm, Huang Jiang should have reacted long ago.

"Qianqian Women and Children's Hospital and X City People's Hospital have arrived, please get off the bus."

The bus broadcast reminded him to arrive at the station, Cen Jin got off the bus with the complaining child, the crowd suddenly poured down, and there were many vehicles on the roadside.

The complaining boy was quite irritable in the crowded crowd, which directly affected the control of mental pollution. He was in the stage of about to explode. He was full of disgust for the noisy crowd.

But the next moment, its hand was tucked into a big hand, and it heard Huang Mao mourning comment: "Just wait until the crowd dissipates, I will buy you a glass of lemonade later." The violent breath suddenly disappeared.

"...and milk tea."

Greed is probably a strange and irreversible character, but fortunately, it is harmless, and it can be satisfied with Cen Jin's ability.

Cen Jin agreed to Gu Tong's request, looked around, and suddenly saw Ding Yqing under a big tree in front of him. He was holding a big black umbrella, and his outfit was different from ordinary people, which made him look bright even in the crowd. Eye.

More importantly, it seems out of place.

Ding Yqing's expression and eyes are very indifferent, and the sense of alienation is extremely heavy. Even if the appearance is bright, no one dares to approach, and automatically keeps away, resulting in a circle of isolation around him.

Cen Jin walked over with the resentful boy, breaking Ding Yqing's sense of alienation: "Let's go."

At this time, the entrance of the hospital was not as crowded as before. Cen Jin and the others followed the crowd into the Maternal and Child Health Hospital. On the first floor, there are outpatient registration fees and various basic examination departments, the second floor pediatrics, the third floor inpatient department, the sixth floor operating room, and the fourth and fifth floors are a variety of other departments.

When they went to the second floor, when the elevator door opened, the cries of children and toddlers rushed towards them like waves, making Cen Jin and Gutong shiver.

After a while, Cen Jin went to the Pediatrics with a probe.

Because the pediatrics department is basically the busiest and noisiest floor, the medical staff have no time to take care of these three goods and let them walk all over the floor.

Cen Jin: "Did you feel a strange aura?"

Resentful Child: "No."

Cen Jin: "Did you forget? You were a person at the time, but you may not be a person now. After all, you have lived for two thousand years. And to put it in a bad way, this is my guess. It may not be the prophet who killed you in the first place."

The resentful boy was silent for a moment, then said, "Those prophets smell just as stinky, as long as one comes out, I can find out."

"Go to the third floor." Cen Jin paused and said, "I don't really want to be recruited on the third floor."

The third floor is full of expectant mothers or mothers who have just given birth. They are hospitalized for at least three or four days. The staff is relatively fixed and it is easy to start. Children on the second floor have a fever and diarrhea, and they rarely stay overnight. There is frequent movement of people and it is not easy to start. Therefore, if the prophet really sets the target at the hospital, then the pregnant women on the third floor are in danger.

They got to the third floor.

When the elevator came out, there was a porch with several hospital beds on both sides, and a few people were sitting in the front seat playing cards, which should be escorts. The hospital bed by the window had the curtain drawn, and there was a pair of shoes on the ground, and there should be someone sleeping inside.

Complaining Tong walked towards the hospital bed with the curtain drawn. Cen Jin thought it had found something, and his heart couldn't help but raise his throat, and he was quite nervous to think that the Prophet could not have been discovered so quickly

If you pull the curtain of the bed, it will go directly to the front

But there are so many people coming and going around, and the elevator is always coming down at any time. Fighting here will definitely hurt innocent people... Barabara was worried for a long time, but the complaining boy walked two meters away from the hospital bed and turned his head away in disgust.

Cen Jin smelled a unique smell of salted fish emanating from the hospital bed, and then looked at the shoes on the ground, and walked away speechless.

Right in front of the porch is the front desk. The nurse behind the desk saw Huang Mao and asked about his identity, whether he was a patient or a family member. Cen Jin calmly gave the ward bed and bed number, and said he was the patient's younger brother. , to visit with a child.

The nurse checked the medical records and saw that this patient was a pregnant woman who was going to have a caesarean section. She had a second child. Two days ago, she mentioned that she had a younger brother who came to visit her from the south. The accent was a little different from Qianchuan, but it was the correct number.

She waved her hand for someone to go over, and suddenly remembered something and said, "G, please help me with a sentence, and let the patient in the bed next to the pregnant woman take care of the family members, knowing that they care about the pregnant woman, but you have to take care of yourself. Go back and take a bath, or else you will be in the ward. There is also a separate bathroom, clothes and shoes are washed, family members should not throw dirty things on the hospital bed, the corridor is full of rancidity, the cleaning aunt complained this morning, do you know?"

She was referring to the hospital bed by the window on the porch, which must have annoyed the hospital.

Cen Jin nodded: "Okay."

The three walked forward and came to the ward that Cen Jin mentioned. At the end of the left, there were three pregnant women in the third from the bottom.

Two were expecting labor, one was just born yesterday and is recovering, and family members came to take care of it. Seeing the three people at the door watching, they were a little surprised and uncomfortable. After all, there were pregnant women inside and two big men outside the door.

A family member came to close the door, and suddenly a hand reached out to stop it.

The family was anxious: "What are you doing?"

Cen Jin looked at Ding Yqing in surprise, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Ding Yqing pushed the door and went in, took off his hat, but stepped in wearing black sunglasses, came to the hospital bed by the door, and said to the pregnant woman with a big belly on the bed, "I'm here to visit you."

The pregnant woman was overwhelmed, panic flashed on her face, but she quickly calmed down: "I don't know you, who are you?"

Ding Yqing: "The child in your family knows me, I guess she's coming over soon."

The pregnant woman's pupils tightened, and she said absently, "I don't know what you said. I'm the first child. You go quickly, or I'll call the doctor."

Ding Yqing: "Don't be afraid, I'm good friends with her. I hope you can help me with a message for her."

The pregnant woman gritted her teeth and tried her best to hold back the outburst of extreme fear: "Get out! I want to call the police, get out of here!" She covered her stomach tightly, and her expression became flustered again: "Go away, I will not allow you to hurt me. Child, never!"

Someone next to him couldn't see it, so he was about to come to stop it, but was stopped by Cen Jin.

"He is an old acquaintance with the pregnant woman and will not harm her."

Ding Yqing only glanced at her towering abdomen: "twins, a good word."

The pregnant woman was stunned: "Really?"

Ding Yqing: "You want to protect the child, but you push the child into the fire pit with your own hands."

Pregnant woman: "What do you mean?"

Ding Yqing: "The man who takes care of you these days is the one who takes care of the child in your family." After a pause, he ignored the terrified expression of the pregnant woman and said, "He said he can protect you and prevent that child from eating it. The child in your belly. But that child was given to you by him."

The pregnant woman was trembling all over, her face was extremely pale, sweat poured down her face instantly, and her stomach hurt when hugging her.

With sharp eyes, Cen Jin caught a glimpse of the wet quilt covering her lower body, and hurriedly pressed the emergency bell at the head of the bed to notify the nurse that the patient on the bed was about to give birth.

The nurses and doctors came quickly and wanted to take her to the operating room upstairs, but the pregnant woman suddenly stretched out her hand and tried to grab Ding Yqing, but was avoided by Ding Yqing lightly, not a human being can touch a god.

"Please... please save, save us, please..."

Ding Yqing looked at the pained appearance of the pregnant woman, indifferent, completely aloof, and absolutely indifferent to a god who would never empathize with human beings.

Cen Jin's heart is a little cold, although he has long known the ruthlessness of the gods, but Ding Yqing has always indulged him, although the purpose is not pure, and now he shows such an arrogant attitude in front of him, which makes people want to break it.

Huang Mao was expressionless, and his fists were a little itchy.

It's a pity that only the three-legged cat kung fu is close to the ambition, and the scholar died before he came.

Then he was surprised to find that the doctors and nurses next to him didn't seem to be able to see Ding Yqing.

Cen Jin walked to Ding Yqing's side: "Then what, why don't you save it. I don't think you have a good relationship with her children. Wouldn't it be nice to save her to deal with your old enemy?"

Ding Yingqing glanced at him, smiled, and said to the pregnant woman, "Go ahead."

That's what it means to promise.


The pregnant woman smiled reassuringly, relaxed and was pushed to the operation.

When the chaos in the ward ended, the others suddenly realized the existence of Ding Yqing and others, and all showed vigilant expressions.

Ding Yqing turned and left without hesitation, Huang Mao picked up the curious boy who climbed onto the hospital bed and chased after him.

As soon as the front foot came out of the ward, the back foot slammed the door.

Cen Jin pressed Ding Yqing: "You know the pregnant woman just now? Who is the child in her family? Who is the man who takes care of her? You didn't come to the hospital with me to investigate, but this is the original purpose. By the way, you asked her to help What did you bring? I didn't hear it just now."

Ding Yqing: "Deal?"

Cen Jin refused.

Ding Yqing: "Is it because my after-sales service is so good that you think I'm a good person."

Cen Jin: "I've never had such an idea, you can't be too confident."

Ding Yqing: "Then why do I think you have more and more tendency to come to me when you encounter a problem and think that I will definitely solve it."

Cen Jin: "I have worked in sales, the lowest level of sales, part-time jobs, pulling people at the door, shouting all day, no matter whether the target customers are good or bad, all the target customers will be pulled over, because maybe a blind cat will meet a dead mouse Does the other party get excited?"

That is to say, he asks casually, Ding Yqing answers casually, and Huangmao just takes luck.

Ding Yqing: "You are so clever, guess for yourself."

Cen Jin said 'oh', turned around and ran to the odorous hospital bed just now, suddenly opened the curtain of the bed, and saw a large ordinary bowl on the table top of the bed, the bowl was black viscous liquid with white liquid inside. Maggots wiggle.

That disgusting odor was coming from the bowl.

The cleaning auntie came over to take a look, she was so frightened that she let out a short scream, and then angrily scolded the family member for being too immoral, how could she do such a thing, and then hesitated for a moment, but she was helpless to prepare to deal with it.

Cen Jin stopped her and borrowed rubber gloves from her.

Auntie Cleaning was quite moved when she heard the words. To be honest, she had dealt with a lot of dirt, but it was the first time she had seen such a disgusting thing, and her hands and feet became weak.

Look at this yellow hair again, the temperament is a little lost, it is estimated that he stayed up late, but he has a good heart.

Cen Jin took the rubber gloves, borrowed a fire-breathing can and some flammables, and burned the maggots in it neatly.

These maggots curled up in the fire, revealing a red bug with a thick index finger inside, and flicked towards Cen Jin's face. .

Auntie Qing patted her chest and said, "What a big bug, it scares people to death. Is this a silkworm?"

Cen Jin put the insect corpse in a garbage bag and threw it in the bucket and said, "Please pay more attention to the corners of the ward and the hospital bed. If you see insects, don't rush to kill them. Evacuate the patient first, then call the police and let the police deal with it."

Auntie Qing: "Okay, but are these Gus?"

Cen Jin looked at her in surprise.

Aunt Qingqing said with a mysterious face: "I understand, when I was a child, there lived a Gu woman in the village next door, and I saw her go to a ghost bamboo forest with my own eyes. When she came out, her eyes were broken. There are worms in the eyes."

Ghost Bamboo Forest? Cen Jin didn't expect to meet an aunt who happened to be a villager near King Mu's tomb.

But there was no time to ask carefully at the moment, so Cen Jin quickly picked up the gloomy complaining boy and went to the operating room on the sixth floor.

In the elevator, he asked the resentful boy, "Did you feel it?"

Resentful boy: "Well. It's that stench."

Cen Jin is thoughtful, does the prophet also play Gu

They came to the sixth floor.

Ding Yqing knew where the pregnant woman was taken just now, and the complainant could feel the prophet's breath. With them leading the way, Cen Jin quickly came to the door of a lighted operating room, and saw a man with his chest hanging in the distance. Head ready to push open the door of the operating room.

Before Cen Jin had time to scold him, the resentful boy flew out like an arrow from the string, and charged towards the man's back with murderous intent. The man was very conscious, and avoided it with a 'shuh'. The complaining boy only tore off the scarf around the man's neck, and then threw himself on the door, sticking to it like a gecko.

He turned his head and stared at the man with venomous eyes.

Cen Jin saw the man's front, the neck was a little soft, and there were very dense small bumps, but he knew that it was not a pustule, but that there were so many frog eggs in it that they protruded.

Except for the horrible neck, the man looked like a normal person, fair and gentle, like the 'prophet' in Tian Yukang's description.

Cen Jin had an idea and called him: "He Gui!"

The man looked back at him.

If there is a reaction, this prophet is He Gui, the first patient who developed IQ and deliberately infects his family, and should evolve at this time.

Cen Jin pulled out the kitchen knife, and behind him was Ding Y Qing pacing.

In the back there was the complaining boy, in front there was Huang Mao and a Ding Yqing who could not see where he came from. He Gui chose to escape, jumped to the ceiling, broke off the iron cover of the ventilation duct with his bare hands, and threw it, rubbing Cen Jin's cheek, ruthlessly. Hardly inserted into the wall.

He Gui's eyes reflected Huang Maoshunpi who came running and Ding Yqing behind him, and he turned his head and got into the ventilation duct.

Resentful Tong chased after him, but Cen Jin couldn't get in.

He said, "Ding Yqing, you stay here. I'm going to hunt down He Gui."

After speaking, Ding Yqing left without waiting for a response.

Ding Yqing, leaning on the big black umbrella, suddenly hummed softly in the cold and quiet passage: "I'm getting used to being called."

At the other end, Cen Jin couldn't wait for the elevator. Seeing that there was no one on the upper floors, he jumped from upstairs to the downstairs, two steps up one floor, and when he reached the third floor, he heard screams in chaos.

As soon as the fire door was opened, many people rushed out. The panicked family members and pregnant women gathered on the porch. Some of them could not move after giving birth and had to stay in the ward. Their family members were crowded outside, shouting and thinking. go back.

Suddenly a figure flew over, slammed into the desk at the front desk, and smashed the iron desk into a big hole, but the figure didn't stop, jumped up suddenly, and rushed forward, seeing the dense crowd in front of him. He froze for a moment, turned and ran back.

It was a child with gray-black skin, white eyes, and countless cracks on his face, looking extremely terrifying.

The ordinary person who was facing the child screamed in horror, and was silenced by another figure who came out. It was a young and gentle man with a disgusting neck.

Everyone fell silent and backed away in unison.

The man jumped onto the iron table, made a loud 'bang', stepped on a hole, jumped out like a spring, and fought with the child. But the child was nimble, jumping back and forth between the walls and the ceiling, even playing tricks on the white-faced man.

The fair-faced man was impatient. He grabbed the desk and pulled out a piece of iron. A female scream came from under the desk. It turned out that the nurse who didn't have time to escape was hiding nearby.

The fair-faced man smiled and slammed the desk with punch after punch, looking for the nurse's head like a gopher.

His strength could even pierce through steel. If he hit the nurse, his head would probably explode.

Suddenly, the white-faced man's smile became even more distorted and excited. He slammed hard in one direction, with a muffled 'boom' sound. This punch hit the abdomen of the complaining boy that flashed under his fist out of thin air, directly piercing his internal organs. crushed white lime.

In the abdomen that is invisible to the naked eye, there are thousands of fine cracks.

The nurse looked in surprise at the monster blocking her head, how could she protect her

The child's dying struggle and the woman's cry stimulated the white-faced man's mentality, making him even more distorted and excited. He raised his fist high: "Are you a child who came out of the Shinto pillar? Hahaha... Your parents and villagers are ignorant, send you Go to hell, you still protect humans now?"

"When did Weird actually protect humans?!"

He punched hard, but there was no feeling of hitting on the cock as he had imagined. The fair-faced man was puzzled, but when he took a closer look, he saw a black backpack underneath, and the child and the woman were gone.

"He Gui, or the Prophet?"

Cen Jin pushed the nurse into the crowd, holding the drooping eyelids and the listless resentful boy in one hand, and a bone machete in the other, motioning for the crowd crowded in the porch to leave in an orderly manner.

He Gui turned to look at him, "Who are you?"

Cen Jin said to himself: "Do you know what to do in the event of an earthquake or terrorist attack? Children, the elderly and pregnant women will go first, and the young and strong will be fine. Just treat the monster behind me as an anti-social pervert.

Do you know where the hospital's emergency evacuation numbers and alarm bells are? The nurse goes to inform, remember to call the police, go downstairs and upstairs to evacuate the patient, don't panic, I will take care of it.

Also, I will protect the other patients left in the building.

Remember to broadcast a notification later, soothe patients who can't leave, let them lock the door, stay inside and don't move. "

He Gui was ignored and was very annoyed: "Hey, who the hell are you!"

Cen Jin calmly looked into the eyes of a nurse in front of him: "Do you understand?"

Nurse: "Ming, I understand!"

Then someone took the initiative to evacuate the crowd. Seeing that he was ignored, He Gui was so angry that he threw the iron piece in his hand, facing the head of a family member of a patient.

He was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly, and after waiting for a long time to die, he quickly opened his eyes and found that the iron piece was inexplicably curled into an iron ball in the middle, and was pressed down on the ground by a force that fell from the sky.


He heard Huang Mao say.

Immediately before his eyes, Huang Mao's figure was almost blurred, the sound of swordsmen fighting was particularly sonorous, and a string of sparks kept shining in the air. The next moment, He Gui was suddenly kicked flying, and the middle of his abdomen was embedded in the wall. The crackling sound of 'clicking' on the ground indicated that his pelvis and spine were broken.

Huang Mao walked towards He Gui, his eyes were indifferent, and a string of blood beads dripped from the cleaver.

He Gui asked intermittently, "Who are you?"

Huang Mao: "The child's parent."

He Gui didn't believe it at all, "You are human, how can humans live peacefully with weirdness? You lied to me... I get it, either you made a shameful deal with these weirdos, and you also wanted to become weird. Or, you lied. These weirdos are working for you."

He is very sure of his guess, and he absolutely does not believe that humans and strange can coexist peacefully anyway.

Cen Jin didn't care whether he believed it or not, he just asked, "Do you know the ghost Gu Master next to Li Zhenzhong in Xinhai City?"

He Guijie laughed: "A colleague. I know he was killed by Li Zhenzhong, hahaha... Arrogant idiot, calculated by a human being."

Cen Jin: "You didn't plan to avenge him?"

He Gui: "The Mother God wants to know how far Li Zhenzhong can go, maybe it can be used for us."

"You guys are pretty good at knowing people and making good use of them." Cen Jin: "What else did you do in the hospital? Is the red frog your gu? What is your purpose?"

He Gui stared at him and smiled: "I won't say it."

Cen Jin: "I didn't say I would die, I said I can think of something to keep you."

"Hahahaha..." He Gui laughed, mocking Cen Jin's innocence: "You humans, arrogant and arrogant, can't understand the meaning of the true God at all. However, I can tell you what else I did in the hospital, I was in those pregnant women There are monsters in the stomach."

Cen Jin looked at him indifferently.

He Gui: "How are you going to cut open their stomachs and kill those fragile lives? I suggest, trample them to death."

Cen Jin is unmoved, he will not be angered by a perverted remark, because the logic of the other party is rotten and evil, and he will be angry when he thinks along its logic and finds that it goes against his own logic.

And he doesn't think along perverted logic.

No need, he's not a pervert.

"The last question, did you do the Divine Dao Pillars of the Four Seas Grottoes?"

He Gui was a little surprised by the question, "It's me."

Cen Jin found out, and handed the bone cutter to the complaining boy: "Chop down his neck, there are no bones, and you don't need much effort. Or I'll do it for you, are you watching?"

"..." Resentment Tong: "I'll do it myself."

He Gui looked at Huang Mao in disbelief, as if he did not expect that the other party was sincerely seeking justice for the complaining child.

isn't it

For a spooky one

The resentful boy held his breath, grabbed the bone cutter, and slashed at He Gui's neck, with a bang, his head fell to the ground, and the disgusting frog eggs were cooked by Cen Jin's fire-breathing pot as soon as they splashed.

Cen Jin looked at the scorched corpses of Gu worms all over the ground, and suddenly said a cold joke: "Chicken taste, crunch and crunch."

The grumpy boy doesn't understand this joke.

Cen Jin is a little lonely.

"Thank you." Gu Tong said suddenly.

Cen Jin: "No. He Gui is not the mastermind. When the mastermind is killed, I will take you back to eat chicken."

Resentful boy: "What kind of chicken are you eating?"

Cen Jin: "Just like happy water, it is a food that can make people forget unhappy food."

The resentful boy said 'oh', turned his back to Cen Jin and didn't speak for a while, but Cen Jin didn't notice its twisted mentality, looked up at the monitoring head, and destroyed the host along the network cable.

Although the complaining boy didn't harm anyone just now, and has a tendency to protect humans, it's better to hide it just in case.

After doing all this, Cen Jin was about to find the pregnant woman who was bewitched by He Gui, but Chu Tong suddenly turned his head and stared at him, his white eyes somehow shy.

"What did you just say that you are my parent? I won't recognize it, I am actually older than you." After a pause, the complainant said hesitantly: "But, in front of outsiders... I will force you to give it to you. face."

Huang Mao thought to himself, this little weirdness is so awkward.

"Going to school also gives me face?"

"No!" Resentful Tong frowned.

"Okay, okay." Cen Jin carried him to the toilet of an empty ward and asked him to go back to the cabin in the forest to heal. "take a break."

Before Chu Tong left, he grabbed his hand and said resentfully, "Milk tea, lemonade and some chicken."

"Buy it when you go back."

Only then did the resentful boy return to the hut obediently.

Cen Jin closed the door, lowered his eyes, and suddenly smiled.

Weird doesn't all hate humans, they also like to eat fried chicken happy water.


The people on the fourth floor below the hospital were all clean. The official received the alarm and quickly dispatched people to control the situation. The armed police squadron headed by Guan Great Wall was also transferred from the capital to temporarily control the situation in Qianchuan.

Guan Great Wall was talking to Cen Jin, recording what he said about He Gui and the swindling, and only after listening did he ask: "I heard from the crowd that there was a strange-looking child fighting with He Gui at that time, and he was very familiar with you. What is it?"

Huang Mao's face did not change: "I don't know. I didn't see it clearly at first, I thought he killed a child, the situation was urgent, and I didn't have time to think about it, so I went in to save people. After saving it, I found out that it was only a second-level weirdness, it was hot to the touch. Ah, threw it away quickly, I wanted to make up the knife after I reacted, but I didn't expect that strange and clever person to escape along the ventilation duct - you can still detect the remaining spiritual pollution when you detect it now."

The complaining boy did chase He Gui up the pipeline from the sixth floor to the third floor.

Guan Great Wall wanted to see some signs of lying on Huang Mao's face, but he didn't, because it was too sad.

In fact, Huang Mao himself is also very handsome, with a fair face and a straight posture. It is obvious that the dish is neat, but it just gives people the feeling that this person stays up all night playing games, smoking, drinking and perming his hair, and he is depressing to get by.

"I think your name is familiar."

"Do you know the University of Michigan?"

"Oh, you are a Mississippi college student."

"Freshman, celebrity."

Guan Great Wall knew about the sacrifices and responsibilities of the extraordinary people in the capital institutions, so he admired them very much, and he also had a good impression of the students of Mississippi. When he heard that he was a celebrity, it goes without saying that he would definitely be a soldier fighting on the front line in the future.

"A freshman can crack a particularly murderous and bizarre case during a holiday, and successfully protect the safety of people's property." Guan Great Wall praised: "The future is promising, classmate Huang."

Huang Mao gave him a smile, you motherfucker.

Except for the complaining boy, everything else was explained in detail, and then it was handed over to the official for handling.

Pregnant women who have been guzzled are also handed over to the official. As long as they know that it is Gu, the powerful state machine can quickly and efficiently solve it, but Cen Jin knows nothing about Gu worms, so it is useless to participate in it.

The pregnant woman on the sixth floor was temporarily assigned to the fifth floor, and Cen Jin went to the fifth floor to meet the new mother who just gave birth to twins.

When the woman saw him, she froze for a moment before saying, "The gentleman has already left."

Cen Jin: "I'm here to find you. The downstairs is under the control of the police. I didn't mention you, but I suggest you seek protection from them. Today is different from the past, and the unknown side of the world has gradually been revealed."

The woman lowered her head and teased the twins before she said, "My name is Lin Wenqiu, I am thirty-five years old this year. When I was seventeen, I was ignorant, and she became pregnant without having sex with anyone, naively thinking she was the Virgin Mary. I thought I was pregnant because of feelings, and the fetus in my womb was unusual, so I stubbornly gave birth to her. My family was so popular that they cut off ties with me, and they let me go back a few years later."

"That's when the nightmare started."

Lin Wenqiu shuddered, and the fear remained to this day: "That girl, the girl who came out of my stomach is not a human being."

Cen Jin poured her a glass of water: "It's alright, talk slowly."

Lin Wenqiu thanked her and said, "I loved her very much at first, but I went out to work every day and spent very little time with her. I don't know why the confinement sister-in-law I hired resigned every now and then. Later, when I returned home, my parents, brother and sister-in-law had accidents one after another. The little nephew's arm was even bitten off by her.

My family's popularity is bad.

Later, my parents discussed and gave the child to be raised, which is also good for me. I didn't agree, and a week later, my parents died.

My dad had cerebrovascular disease. He suddenly fell ill when he got up, he couldn't move, his face sank into the pillow and suffocated to death. My mother was looking at the soup in the kitchen, but she didn't pay attention to the string of sausages hanging on the wall. She slipped her feet and got her neck tucked into it, and she was also hanged alive. "

"The most terrifying thing was that our whole family was in the living room, you know? We were all there, but until my parents died, none of us found out that they had called us for help."

Realizing this, Lin Wenqiu's brother and sister-in-law blamed herself, and her eldest brother was directly depressed.

After that, Lin Wenqiu's daughter smashed the old man's ashes, and Sister Lin and Brother Lin angrily scolded her.

The next day, the two were found both dead from suffocation in the car's high temperature, strangely because the door was unlocked, and it was winter.

Lin Wenqiu finally suspected her daughter after the mysterious death of her relatives. She hurriedly sent her nephew to a reliable person's house, investigated all the surveillance at home, and found a familiar shadow in the death scene of her parents, brother and sister-in-law.

"I'm sure she killed my family." Lin Wenqiu looked cruel: "I decided to kill her."

Cen Jin: "The result failed."

Lin Wenqiu was stunned: "...Yes. I was locked up and gave birth to a lot of children, all of which were eaten by her. Only then did I know what the so-called gestational pregnancy was. It was a disgusting thing crawling into my stomach. , borrow my stomach to return the sun, become a human and then climb out."

It sounds like a demon turning a human into a human, but it is not easy to implement, at least the mother will be torn to pieces, or become like a Guanyin mother.

Unless Li Zhenzhong's experiment was actually successful, he just didn't know it.

Lin Wenqiu gently stroked the twins: "I ran away, met a man, and had a real child. That monster came after him, killed my man, and wanted to eat the child in his stomach. But I had to protect the remaining ones. The next family, He Gui appeared at this time. I know he has a problem, but I have nowhere to go."

Cen Jin: "The person who is with me, what do you want you to convey?"

Lin Wenqiu looked at him intently and shook his head: "I don't know either. The gentleman told me that He Gui sent that monster into my stomach. They picked me and brainwashed me to be a godmother.

Fuck the godmother! "

"I wish you and your child all the best."


Cen Jin walked out of the hospital and took a look. Ding Yqing was standing under the big tree with a big black umbrella, and the smell of being independent came out.

"It turns out that you have already found the trace of the Queen Mother of the West."

Ding Yqing turned his face sideways: "Have you all been questioned?"

Cen Jin walked up to him and waited for the bus: "The Queen Mother of the West crawled out of Lin Wenqiu's stomach. Logically speaking, she is a fragile human being now. Why didn't you kill her?"

Ding Yqing: "That's boring."

Cen Jin: "?"

Ding Yqing raised a funny smile: "Hold a waste to the height it dreams of, let it be immersed in the thrill of being on the verge of success. Then 'boom', smash its throne, smash its painstaking dream, see It's hysterical, frantic and desperate. At that time, it will be revenge to show its head again."

Cen Jin suddenly took a step back in fright, facing Ding Yqing, as if seeing a perfect human skin cracked through a gap the size of a pencil lead, then a steady stream of darkness and viciousness turned into a beast and crawled out.

He looked at Ding Ying thoughtfully.

Ding Yqing let him look at it, but the crack was closed, and it was a beautiful and perfect human skin.

"Why were you suppressed by trash in the first place?"

"… "

Ding Yqing's eyes were cold.