The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 56: Ghost Fang (4)


"... Zizi, I'll be waiting for you at the old place, Cen Jin."

One of the siren head abilities, good at imitating other people's voices.

This is a man's voice, ordinary and uncharacteristic except for being young, but the pauses in the tone are a bit old, and the most important thing is the name he shouted: Cen Jin.

Huang Mao guiltily pulled on the gas mask, making sure that his face and hair were completely covered before he could think about who was calling his name to the siren head? And this voice is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

Wait, if I remember correctly, Siren Head broadcasts are town-wide.

In other words, the whole Kunlun country knew the name 'Cen Jin', and it would be an exaggeration to call him a socialist.

Huang Mao Wushen's eyes were filled with stagnant water, and there were too many people called Cen Jin.

Meanwhile, the real world reassures the town.

Lying on the ground was the corpse of an extraordinary person, his heart was pierced, his heart disappeared, his blood was absorbed by the mysterious symbol, and he soon turned into a mummified corpse.

Before his colleague could save him, he was kicked and flew out, and several ribs were broken. The third extraordinary man realized that the black suit was stronger than expected, and resolutely gave up the attack, and ran away with his colleague with broken ribs on his back.

The black suit stood on the spot, grabbed a floor tile, and threw it at the two supernatural beings.

Seeing this, the sniper superhuman on the 100-meter-high tower shot continuously, 20 rounds. Only five bullets hit the floor tiles, indicating that the floor tiles thrown by the black suit flew faster than his shooting speed.

The sniper superhuman is terrifying.

The floor tiles were shattered, and the fragments pierced into the knees and arms of the two supernatural beings.

The two gritted their teeth to hold back the pain, insisted on running out of the attack range of the black suits, returned to the safe area, and said to the colleagues who came to support: "The hazard level is at least four high-risk and strange, the strength is super strong, and the ability should be speed. It is temporary. Can't leave Center Street, guess it should be to protect the mysterious rune."

Another superhuman with a broken rib said: "It seems to be waiting for something."

"Okay, leave it to us next, you all have a good rest."

The tense nerves of the two superhumans suddenly loosened, the severe pain of the injury, facing the high-risk and strange fear and the mental pollution received by them, rushed up together and fainted instantly.

He was in critical condition and was rushed to the hospital.

The gap they vacated was quickly filled with superhumans, but the black suits were powerful, and no matter how many superhumans were sent, they would just die, unless the capital invited the legendary boss.

At this time, one of the Zongmu people killed the extraordinary, successfully broke through the encirclement, and ran towards the direction of the Ghost Gu Clan Dazhai. The other one is still fighting with the superhuman, but he is about to break through.

The person in charge with the highest rank at the scene, whose hair was wet with cold sweat, looked at the display screen from time to time, unable to wait for instructions, and couldn't help urging: "One Zongmu person breaks through the siege, and the other Zongmu person will also break out, look at it. The direction should be the tomb of King Mu.

The strange strength of this black suit on Central Street is unfathomable. It sticks to its place and must be related to those runes. Why can't it be dispatched to kill it now? "

The leader of the investigation team closed his eyes: "Wait for the order. Trust the central government."

The person in charge of An Xin Town gritted his teeth, sighed heavily, and suddenly noticed that the black suit lowered his head, showing a clear stun, and the sniper superhuman took the opportunity to shoot, only brushing the opponent's shoulder.

The person in charge grumbled: "It's a pity."

The black suit gently brushed his shoulders, glanced at the bugs outside the 100-meter-high tower, ignored them for the time being, and only whispered doubts: "... Who is Cen Jin?"


Ghost country.

A figure of a woman in a white dress appeared on the street, and when the siren head saw it, he squatted back slowly.

Even Siren Head is afraid of it!

Cen Jin stood on the spot, and when the other party ran wildly to five meters, the left head showed an excited and frenzied expression, swaying in the middle, and when the right head was puzzled, instead of running, he stared at the one-piece white skirt girl.

The rumbling chainsaw was raised high and slashed at the head, so close that the remaining minced meat on the saw teeth was clearly visible. Just at the critical moment, Cen Jin suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "Do you want to know who Cen Jin is?"

The left head screams: "Why should I know?"

Middle head: "What? Who is Cen Jin?"

The right head is vigilant: "You want to lie to me? Kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, the rumbling chainsaw suddenly stopped at five centimeters above the top of Cen Jin's head, the right head asked why it stopped, the middle head shrank and said that the left head did not want to kill the new and strange, the right head was crazy with anger, and scolded the left head It is to rebel against its opinion.

The left head shrieked with laughter.

As Cen Jin expected, the relationship between the left and right heads was very poor, but the body was controlled by the middle head. The left head is grumpy and arrogant, the right head is paranoid but sharp, and the middle has no opinion.

Huang Mao: "I know who Cen Jin is. He is a third-level high-risk monster with serious injuries. I also know where he is hiding."

The one-piece white dress girl in the quarrel stopped, and the three heads stared at him: "What did you say?"

The blood-colored white coat in front of him was strange and strange. Through the gas mask, he could see a pair of calm, stagnant eyes inside. It was a dejection that a woman in a white dress had never seen before. .

The one-piece white dress girl couldn't help but think that this new bizarre had encountered too many desperate and terrifying things before she even lost her desire to evolve into a god.

No desire. New weirdness = no competition? No rivals = food reserves.

The woman in the one-piece white dress instantly had a bit of a crush on the white coat, and was ready to swallow it after he told the third-level high-risk and weird whereabouts.


"Where is the third-level high-risk weirdness?"

"The strength of the third-level high-risk and the second-level high-risk is very different. Even if he is seriously injured, you can't kill him, but it will become his food for healing."

The one-piece white dress girl hesitated. There is actually a level of suppression between the weird and the weird. The higher the hazard level, the more terrifying the suppression. It will not remain at the second-level high risk for many years.

Acting rashly, it will become a meal on the plate.

Since this is the result, why did this new strange come out

Deliberately disappointing them, they must be shredded and eaten!

Aware of the killing intent of the one-piece white dress woman, Huang Mao was not in a hurry, but before the one-piece white dress woman started, he said, "We can join hands to kill Cen Jin."

The female one-piece white dress looked at him with her head on the left, and said with disdain, "You?"

Right head: "You are too weak."

Cen Jin: "I look weak, but I have a trump card. If necessary, I can use it to kill you."

"Hahahahaha..." The three-headed woman in the one-piece white dress laughed wildly: "New Weird can tell jokes.", "New Weird said it can kill us.", "Hahaha... But we can do it easily now. kill you!"

The one-piece white-skirted girl who was laughing suddenly roared fiercely, waving a chainsaw to chop over, but Cen Jin didn't retreat, but carried it down with two kitchen knives, her arms stretched, and the knife and the chainsaw rubbed off a steady stream of water. spark.

Cen Jin's pupils shrank sharply, his temples jumped and sunk, and the powerful mental force filled the developed part of the brain.



The chainsaw shrank, and the nosebleed was dripping. Cen Jin didn't care. He tilted his head to look at the stunned one-piece white dress girl and said softly, "How is it? Do you believe in my strength?"

The woman in the one-piece white dress stared at Cen Jin coldly: "What are you weird?"

"God of Night."

"God? You are so arrogant." The one-piece white dress circled around Cen Jin, grinning at him from time to time: "Why are you helping us? Why didn't we know that there was a third-level high-risk monster named Cen Jin in the ghost country? How can we be sure? You didn't lie to us?"

"I don't have any evidence, believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, wealth is at risk. But don't you think it's strange that the name Cen Jin is broadcast for the Kunlun National Broadcasting... If he is a nobody, will he be broadcasted by the whole city? "

"It makes sense.", "It seems to be right.", "Siren Head can imitate the words he has eaten in life, maybe it is just imitation."

"I know who to imitate."


"My wife."

"..." The three heads of the one-piece white dress girl suddenly looked at him mentally: "What does your wife have to do with Cen Jin?", "How can there be a wife in a weird way?"

"Cen Jin robbed my ex-wife, joined forces to kill me, buried me in a hole in Anxin Town, and they built a house on top of my head."

"your wife?"

"His surname is Ding." Huang Mao was expressionless: "Adulter and prostitute."

I'm sorry Ding Yqing, he can't arrange classmates, Li Manyun is so young, using her as a shield will create a sense of guilt of being a child lover, so I use your name to block it. Anyway, you borrowed this name.

Huangmao excused himself in his heart.

The accent problem, the woman in the one-piece white dress did not find out that the 'husband' was not a 'woman', and immediately lost interest in hearing about these human beings who were crazy about men and women, but finally understood why this night wandering god had no love and no desire.

The reason for cooperating with them to hunt down 'Cen Jin', a third-level high-risk and strange creature, is quite sufficient.

After the three heads communicated, Chong Huangmao said, "We promise you, we will join forces to kill the third-level high-risk weirdness." But they will eat you after the event.

Of course, the thoughts behind him were not revealed, they were well hidden, and they pretended to be innocent and looked at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao also nodded: "Happy cooperation." Try to kill them.

On the Central Street, two women in a bloody white coat and a one-piece white skirt have reached a short-term friendly cooperation and are ready to backstab.

However, from the current situation, the yellow-haired white wolf with empty gloves should be the biggest winner.

Cen Jin said to let the one-piece white-skirted girl hide nearby first, and he tried to seduce the third-level high-risk and strange. When the one-piece white-skirted girl disappeared, he turned to look at Mu Tianzi's bookstore opposite the An Xin Hotel.

Taking a deep breath, he walked steadily towards the book house, pushing the door in and closing the door in one go.

When he entered the bookstore, the one-piece white dress girl who pretended to leave came out. At this moment, he really believed in the strange identity of the night wandering god in white coat.

"Not one of the mice.", "Dare to enter the Prophet's bookstore, hee hee... I really want to see how it dies.", "It's a pity that the Prophet is not here."

They talk to each other and walk away.

Cen Jin only left the door of the bookstore at this time, wiped the sweat from his neck, and was able to relax a little with his whole body at this moment.

The second-level high-risk weirdness is really not easy to deceive, and even the IQ is one-level higher. He seems to be irritable and brainless, but he is actually cunning. If he does not decisively enter the bookstore, but takes the opportunity to escape, or find other high-risk weirdness on the street, I am afraid it will be very fast. The lie will be pierced by the trailing conjoined female.

Well, temporarily safe, you can review the problem.

First and foremost, why does Siren Head know his name? Where had he heard this voice before

Suddenly there was an O@ sound behind him, Cen Jin turned around, jumped up to the second floor in three or two steps, and saw a dark shadow flash into the bookshelf in front of him, he immediately stopped, stared calmly for a moment, and immediately returned to the first floor, stopped. where the sound comes from.

A hollow bookcase sandwiched between a bookshelf and two sofas.

Cen Jin poked at the bookcase with a bone cutter, and said in a hoarse voice, "I know the way out of the Kunlun Kingdom, and I can also send you guys away. The request is to answer my questions honestly."

There was no movement in the bookcase, and the upstairs was quiet. Cen Jin knew that his classmates didn't believe it so easily, but he felt a sense of urgency in his heart, so he cut to the chase: "I know you two, Huang Jiang, Yu Wen, a college student."

There was the sound of books falling upstairs, and it quickly became quiet, and there were breathless breathing and coughing from the bookcase. After a while, Yu Wen from upstairs jumped down and attacked Cen Jin.

Cen Jin dodged easily, looking at Yu Wen's weak appearance, who was barely resisting the pollution, and stood in front of him to protect Huang Jiang, who climbed out of the bookcase.

He deliberately fled upstairs just now, just to protect Huang Jiang.

Very good, companions should protect companions and never give up at any time.

Yellow hair is very pleased.

He took out a bucket of pure water from his backpack and threw it over: "Drink some."

Yu Wen didn't believe it, but Huang Jiang took it generously, opened the mouth and drank it, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, handed the pure water to Yu Wen, and asked carefully while looking at the white coat in front of him: "Who are you? What do you want to know? ?"

"God of night wandering, exists for justice."

"Pff-cough, yes, sorry, you continue." Yu Wen tried his best to hold his breath and said, "That's great, the good and evil of the ghost country is left to you to balance, I can rest assured."

"..." Huang Jiang whispered: "If you can't speak, don't say it."

"You have been in the ghost country for a long time, and you have found a lot of secrets, and I want to know them all."

Huang Jiang: "You are not a citizen of the ghost country?"

Cen Jin looked at Huang Jiang lightly. He knew that Huang Jiang was smart, so he said less and made fewer mistakes.

Huang Jiang showed a weak and pale smile and said: "I'll tell you the story about Mu Tianzi, the owner of the bookstore. Maybe you don't know, he was the right-hand man who helped the Queen Mother of the West create a ghost kingdom and killed other gods, and was also the first prophet beside the Queen Mother of the West. ."

"The first prophet in the official history of Chinese literature."