The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 61: A ghost country descends into the world


"You can't kill her."

Huang Mao turned back and sneered: "I will listen to you?"

He left Ding Yqing three meters, and suddenly felt a huge pressure falling from the sky, hitting his shoulders heavily, as if the entire Kunlun Mountains fell on his shoulders, forcing him to even stand unsteady.

Cen Jin gasped violently, the sweat rolled down from his forehead, hitting the bones of the mother's body with a crisp tick-tock sound, his legs and hands were shaking, his head could not bear the weight and drooped down, a protruding section of his neck was exposed. spine.

The skin on the neck is very white and greasy. At this time, it is covered with crystal sweat. The yellow hair is wet and sticking to the scalp. A drop of sweat rolls onto the thumb-sized spine that protrudes from the back of the neck, and is intercepted at the tip of the spine. .

The white coat on Cen Jin's body does not fit well, it is too wide, and the material is a bit see-through. You can see the figure under the semi-wet T-shirt inside. The legs are long, and the visual effect is still quite high.

Ding Yqing looked at Cen Jin's sweaty back neck and trembling waist indifferently, his throat rolled, and looked away, his eyes were dark and unclear.

"This is the lair of the gods. The mental pollution is calculated in thousands, and the power is about the same as the pressure you endured when you dived into the 10,000-meter-deep sea with a mortal body. The closer you get to the bronze coffin, the heavier the pollution."

Ding Yqing said behind him: "The advantages of trading with me outweigh the disadvantages, why do you always refuse?"

Cen Jin gritted his teeth and tried to speak, but his voice trembled uncharacteristically. He used transcendent techniques to wrap the compressed gravitational transparent membrane over and over again, and was quickly shattered. The endless darkness, fear and despair were like the deep sea. The same shrouded him, no matter which way he went, it was a dead end.

The only way to survive is Ding Yqing.

He is like a submarine in the deep sea, the only safe area in the dark.

As long as he enters the area he protects, he can be safe and sound, and as long as he enjoys his protection, he can easily kill the Queen Mother of the West, who is like a moat to him.

But relying on others is not Cen Jin's habit. He considers himself ordinary and willing to be ordinary. He mixes in the genius group. Bad enough to cause blood pressure spikes, and occasionally act as an atmosphere group.

It fits the definition of 'ordinary', and it doesn't matter if there is more or less of him.

On the contrary, such people are quite independent, because they will not rely on or seek help, which blocks the channel of social communication to a certain extent.

Therefore, Cen Jin is quite reluctant to Ding Yqing's malicious 'help' in his heart, and has to wait until he is in desperate situation and is willing to ask for help.

He ignored Ding Yqing's words and continued to move forward, suddenly being dragged forward by a crimson flesh worm wrapped around his ankle, and a disgusting worm head burst open to reveal a mouth full of teeth and rushed towards his face.

Cen Jin concentrated all his strength on his right hand, waved it hard, white light flashed, the head of the meat worm fell to the ground, and was quickly swallowed by the mother.

He struggled to get up and was in a state of embarrassment. With a mouthful of blood that was gushing out, he wiped off the rushing nosebleed at will. He felt dizzy before his eyes, and his brain went black and white. He understood that it was mental pollution that pierced gravity and directly attacked the brain.

After laboriously moving his fingers, Cen Jin didn't have the strength to move anymore.

He put his hands on his knees, panting in pain, looking at the bronze coffin that was only five or six meters away from him, he couldn't help feeling desperate.

"...Ho." Cen Jin swallowed the blood and looked at the door sideways: "Ding Yqing, help me."

The voice was as small as a mosquito, but Ding Yqing heard it the first time. It seemed that as long as Cen Jin called his name, he could hear it, no matter how small the voice was.

"You know what I want, right?"

"Yeah." Cen Jin was not in a good mood, and said with drooping eyelids, "You can help me solve the Queen Mother of the West now, which is considered a deal."

Ding Yqing walked up to him, stretched out his arms to hug him, and said warmly as he walked towards the door: "I will never act on behalf of the employer, this is the principle."

Cen Jin held his breath in his heart and almost choked to death, and said incredulously, "Do you think I can beat the Queen Mother of the West?"

"You are my employer. How can you fail to beat me with my products?"

"I thought it was an affirmation of my excellence, but it turned out that it was you who was sure." Cen Jin murmured, "Forget it, it's the same for anyone who does it, hurry up and give me the product, so that I will smash the Queen Mother of the West now."

"You need some time to transform."

"how long?"

Huang Mao had an ominous premonition.

"Two hours." Seeing Huang Mao's face, "The Queen Mother of the West has been unearthed and all the people have died out. You told me that it will take some time?" Ding Yqing rarely took the initiative to explain: "I am going to undergo surgery very quickly, but you may not be able to quickly adapt to the development of the brain. The large-scale development of the brain will stimulate the eight senses at the same time, the sixth sense is sensitive, and the sound of wind and water will be heard. The sound of breathing... A little bit of trouble will magnify infinitely in your brain, and countless information will flood into your brain. If your brain is like a computer CPU that has the ability to automatically identify, classify and accurately call out the required information, then In three minutes, you'll be in battle.

Conversely, an influx of too much information can give you an instant mental breakdown.

So you need to adapt, especially the sense of time and space in the seventh and eighth, you may feel the river of time flowing, the black hole of space stacking failure, if you are not careful, you will be pulled in and stay in the wrong time and space forever. "

He put down Cen Jin and said with a smile, "So it's your problem, not mine."

To put it simply, the accessories are too poor, the equipment is advanced, and they do not match each other, so I have to help improve the accessories system by the way.

Cen Jin: "So you can't do it? Anyway, you have a grudge with the Queen Mother of the West, and you still have a strong force. Isn't it a matter of moving your fingers to kill the Queen Mother of the West to take revenge?"

"No." Ding Yqing inserted ten fingers into Cen Jin's head, his eyes were as gentle as water, and his voice was light: "Of course you are more important than revenge."

Cen Jin: "To put it bluntly, business is more important than personal hatred, and a capitalist who only seeks profit."

Ding Yqing: "Don't say that I don't seem to care about personal enmity at all. You were brought out by me. What's the difference between doing it yourself and me? You are my only personal representative."

Cen Jin is deeply aware of Ding Yqing's morbid state, but he still doesn't understand that Ding Yqing is obsessed with his own purpose. From a deep analysis of his own value, combined with the ability and bargaining power of Ding Yqing's deity, there is no need to do this. Bloody business.

Or is it that the preferences of the madman are just as different as those of the brain

One second, Cen was still in the fantasy world, and the next second, he entered the mysterious and mysterious space. It was a chaotic and disordered universe, such as black velvet dotted with scarlet gems, each of which he thought was a scarlet planet. The objects are unspeakable creatures of chaotic evil.

The black chaotic creature wrapped in the scarlet light group is terrifying and maddening even at a glance. Cen Jin can't even describe the characteristics of this creature clearly, and the brain cannot accept or process the existence information of the chaotic creature. Ignore it and treat it as disordered data, so that when he looks away, he can no longer remember the appearance of the chaotic creature just now.

There are countless scarlet star clusters similar to the chaotic creature, hanging high in the boundless universe, replacing the position of the meteorite, as if mysterious, huge and ancient species outside the universe stretch out their tentacles and spy on human beings. the universe in which it lives.

An ancient disorder accompanied by the oppression of chaos and evil firmly occupied Cen Jin's brain, until he heard a disorderly whisper in his ear. Terrible madness.

"Accept them, ignore them."

A cold voice pierced through the sky, breaking the overlapping shadows and disorderly whispers, calmly telling him to accept the existence of chaos and weirdness, accepting that disorder is also an order, and it exists in order.

He said that he was deeply distressed when he saw those black chaotic creatures, and the reason why his spirit fell into chaos and collapse was because the human subconscious did not recognize the existence of such disorder, and believed that there was no disorder in the universe, so he accepted them and accepted the existence of disorder. The existence of order, acceptance of disorder and chaos is also in order.

The meaning of this is to admit that something that does not exist exists.

It sounds simple, but it's actually very difficult to do. It's like admitting that the moon will disappear because you close your eyes, and incorporating it into normal cognition and normal order, who can't say he's crazy

Once this order is recognized, it is tantamount to completely denying the basic cognition that shaped his personality and three views in his past life.

Ding Yqing not only asked Cen Jin to accept these chaotic and disordered orders, but also asked him to coexist the orderly and parallelism of disorder and past conflicts. Cen Jin almost lost his brain and became mentally ill on the spot.

With a painful expression on his face, he couldn't adapt to the rapid development of his brain all at once.

Ding Yqing quietly watched him vomit blood, but still picked him up and walked towards the small bronze city on the opposite side. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the empty bronze city. He entered a quaint and elegant palace with familiarity and sat in a small bronze city. Zhang's humble bronze couch, holding Cen Jin, looked at the hanging bronze coffin in the Great Bronze Hall of the main city from a distance.

The delicate and beautiful to lifeless facial features are calm, like a beautifully crafted puppet, the palm beats slowly and beats Cen Jin's shoulder. At first glance, he thought he was coaxing him to sleep.

"You don't picture your name when you do good deeds, I picture it."

"Everyone admires, saves the world, what a good character, how can you not?"

"Send you to the position that the world looks up to, and finally drag God to the end, and achieve the achievement of making a name in history... It's a perfect life specially tailored for you."

In the empty palace, the gods murmured madly and morbidly.


Zhou Man is familiar with the structure of the Bronze King City, and he specializes in taking shortcuts to contain Zongmu people, killing one when he sees one.

Totem watched with a cold eye, and only tried to stop him once when he saw a human without a third vertical eye, and Zhou Man pulled the copper branch out of the man's back vest and said sarcastically: "Do you think they are still normal people?"

Zhou Man cut open the man's scalp and let Totem see the brain full of Gu worms and said: "This group of people is indeed not the Zongmu people of the year, the Zongmu people of the year have already died in the chaos of gods, this group is the new one. believers.

It's just that there is no weirdness that can give them the limit one by one, so accept the arrangement of being seeded.

The Queen Mother of the West is good at gu. Speaking of which, it is the ghost gu technique I learned from her, and I turned it over to the ghost gu clan. "

Totem: "They became the ghosts of the Queen Mother of the West, and it is also your credit."

"Yes. But don't think they are good people." Zhou Man admitted generously: "This is a group of desperadoes, who have thrown themselves into the throne of the Queen Mother of the West in pursuit of strength. They are willing to be driven. Power beyond ordinary people. By the way, they are not the original residents of the small town. In order to deceive the group of adventurers, they slaughtered the original town residents."

Totem's brows twitched, his eyes sharp like a knife: "You didn't stop it?"

Zhou Man: "I'm a day late."

Totem: "Lie. You know that this group of people are ghosts, and you know the entrance to Kunlun in the sea. Do you not know the dangers faced by the residents of the town? You can find a way to get them away in advance!"

Zhou Man was silent, and after a long time, he said softly, "I can't help it."

Totem frowned, looking at the pale and delicate Zhou Man.

"What I can do is to avenge the innocent, but I am not the savior."

He is a prophet who predicts terrible disasters, but he is not a savior who saves mankind, so he can only watch the arrival and departure of death in vain.

Incompetence is his byword.

Zhou Man clenched the copper branch tightly, his eyes were cold: "After listening to my words, are you still planning to stand by and not kill these ghosts?"

Totem: "I still want to kill you."

Zhou Man smiled: "If you want to kill me too much, you have to line up. But for the sake of you and me, I can give you a chance to get blood."

Totem glanced at Zhouman strangely when he heard the words. This man didn't even ask for death seriously, so he gave his life to him casually. He felt that three thousand years of life had been perfunctory and casual, which made the rigorous and famous Tibetan secret practitioner very disgusted. used.

But it is someone else's life, and there is no right to ask the other person how to live, so Totem didn't speak, he still followed Zhou Man, watching him kill Zongmu people, and of course he would help kill Zongmu people.

On the way, they met Ye Shengying, who was separated by a street from them. The other party was also clearing up people from Zongmu and talking to Totem across the street. The latter simply answered his own situation without mentioning Zhou Man.

Zhou Man was a little surprised.

Totem: "I want to know if what you said before is true or false?"

Zhou Man nodded: "Really. But I don't know where. My purpose is the Queen Mother of the West in the palace of the main city."

Totem's face was grim: "She is in Kunlun in the sea?"

Zhou Man: "Three months ago, I returned to Kunlun in the sea to prepare for hatching. The mother's body has been kept in the palace. By the way, do you know what the Queen Mother of the West uses as the mother's body?"

Totem: "What?"

Zhou Man: "Her body."

After he finished speaking, he jumped on the eaves and ran in a straight line, and the words he said floated into the ears of the totem, "At that time, the gods were fighting, the Queen Mother of the West did not rule for a long time, and the ghost kingdom disintegrated. Besides, it is easy to ask the gods to send them away, then When the gods from outside the group learned that the Kunlun in the sea has powerful weapons, and the strange heart is protruding, the Queen Mother of the West decisively suspended her death, blocked the Kunlun in the sea, and left her body inside, waiting for the mother to hatch in the future."

Zhou Man on the front foot arrived at the gate of the palace, and the totem on the back foot fell to the ground. The two of them looked up at this heavy bronze palace, and already felt that the spiritual pollution was rushing towards them like a raging wave.

Under the stress of the totem, the chakra is activated spontaneously.

"What is Qiangwu?"

Zhou Man remembered that only the high-level officials of the organization and a few high-level leaders of major countries knew about Qiangwu, and others did not know, so he explained it briefly, and then said: "The Queen Mother of the West lied to me that the remains of the god of death in King Mu's tomb are the mother's body, so I must be optimistic.

Thirty years ago, I was going to destroy the body of the god of death in King Mu's tomb. Before the plan was implemented, the hexagrams that had been calculated for a year were all big ominous, and I was still calculating until the last moment of the tomb, but it was still big ominous. When I saw the body of the so-called 'death', I suddenly realized that it was not the mother's body, but her A deliberately buried remains of a god of death.

Whenever I dare to betray her, I will not only expose my identity, but also pollute the whole area into an absolute forbidden area. The real mother was hidden elsewhere, and later I guessed that the mother was hidden in Kunlun. "

He sighed and said, "How cunning, guard me. I've worked for her for three thousand years, and she still guards me. I feel very sad and lost."

Totem: Isn't it a guilty conscience to say this undercover for three thousand years

However, it was solved more than 30 years ago why Muwang's tomb suddenly had an abnormality, which was noticed by the ghost clan and the official, and has since been placed on the list of monitoring restricted areas.

According to the information provided by Ye Shengying, the reason why the investigation department and the data analysis department are open-minded and pay attention to the harm of the Queen Mother of the West is because of the information revealed by the murals of King Mu's tomb.

"Although I guessed that the mother's body is hidden in Kunlun, only the Queen Mother of the West knows the entrance, so I can only sneak in and destroy the mother's body at this time." Zhou Man looked at the bronze palace, opened and closed his lips, and finally said with a wry smile: "It seems that it failed. "

The totem resisted the spiritual pollution, and couldn't understand what the 'failure' in Zhou Man's mouth meant for a while. He took two steps forward to ask clearly, and suddenly heard a loud noise from inside the bronze palace. He subconsciously looked at the source of the sound, and his brain shook. Suddenly speechless, unable to move.


An invisible powerful force pushed away like a tidal wave, covering the entire bronze palace and the square in the blink of an eye, spreading to the bronze ghost town. In just three seconds, the entire bronze ghost town and its affiliated cities quickly fell, all the machinery in the city failed at the same time, the square clock tower reversed, the quaint bell 'dong dong' rang through the Kunlun, and at the same time, the terrifying spiritual pollution broke open the Kunlun. And the barriers of the real world make this ancient and magnificent bell spread over the Minshan Mountains.

People in the real world are looking at the direction of the Minshan Mountains, and they are puzzled.

Is the country trying to adjust the sound of air defense sirens

Obviously, their doubts could not be answered in a short time.

At this time, the Tibetan secret and Tibetan special action team had approached the Minshan Mountains and were going deep into the source of the bell.

At the same time, a 3,000-year-old ghost Fangguo Zongmu broke through the encirclement of Anxin Town, ran to the Ghost Bamboo Forest, and stopped at the entrance of King Mu's tomb. Another Zongmu who also broke through the encirclement was standing at the gate of the ghost Gu clan Dazhai, surrounded by vigilant supernatural beings, and the crying of the babies in the Dazhai was looming.

The special operations department of the capital, Shichahai set off, and took a special attack team to the town of Anxin on the border of Qianchuan.

Zhang Weitu, who returned from Xinhai City at noon, was in the capital, and remotely controlled the abnormal conditions of Anxin Town in Qianchuan, King Mu's Tomb, and the Minshan Mountains of Ganchuan.

Li Daoyi took a plane in the opposite direction to Shichahai and went to the Minshan Mountains.

At the same time, five Bharatana mantras crossed the border of the Himalayas, preparing to enter China.

On the southwest border, three hairy bears are approaching the border.

On the Xinjiang border, ten priests from the Temple of Harab were hurrying on their way, and met six Vatican red-clothed people, fighting with each other.

Along the southeast coast, a new army of bald eagles disguised as a fishing boat successfully escaped the monitoring of the Chinese military sonar. When they were secretly delighted, they had no idea that they had been taken into account by the Chinese extraordinary people in the distant reef lighthouse.

At this time, in Kunlun, the powerful and terrifying spiritual pollution spread all over the bronze ghost town in an instant, and all the living things shrouded in it were instantly crushed, except for Ye Shengying and others.

Before they came in, they brought enough special alloys to block mental pollution to temporarily protect themselves, but they didn't last long. The hard alloy shell was already covered with fine cracks.

The totem in the central area of pollution covered his mouth, the blood in his fingers was full of blood, and Zhou Man had stolen the alloy from nowhere, barely protecting him.

No one noticed that in the small bronze palace opposite, a low-key god watched the return of the Queen Mother of the West indifferently.

The gate of the bronze palace in the main city slammed open, the bronze coffin lid flew out instantly, and a young woman with a beautiful and dignified but treacherous temperament walked out slowly.

She looked at Kunlun, who had been away for 3,000 years, opened her hands, and opened her mouth lightly: "Kunlun people, stand by my side and fight for me."

The voice was a little low, like a sonar that continuously spread to the ears of every Kunlun citizen. The people from King Mu's tomb and the Zongmu people from the ghost family's Dazhai looked at the direction of the Minshan Mountains with excited expressions on their faces.

In the town of Anxin, the entire army and extraordinary people witnessed a ghost town rise from the ground, the horror of extinction poured down, and strange figures appeared one after another at the street entrance of the town, the first-level high-risk, the second-level high-risk, the third-level and the fourth-level high-risk ... A dangerous and strange creature that usually appears to be despairing, but now it appears as if it doesn't want money.

All strangely ignoring the surrounding army and supernatural beings, ignoring the temptation of food and killing, and facing the southwest direction in unison, as if worshiping, they all showed a gesture of submission with supreme admiration.

Can't help but let the people who witnessed this scene have strange thoughts, have the gods they surrendered to have awakened

They could not see the huge bronze city that appeared out of thin air above the Minshan Mountains. Countless people, machines and satellites clearly photographed this mechanical bronze city like a mirage.

From all directions, camps from different countries and with different thoughts have all seen this Mechanical Bronze City, and their shock is beyond words.

The citizens of the cities closer to the Minshan Mountains looked at the mechanical bronze city in the clouds in shock, and murmured, "A mirage?"

The companion was also shocked: "Really? Ha, it is said on the Internet that the rumored domestic Kunlun is located in the Minshan Mountains. Shouldn't this be... is it?"

Their questions were also unanswered, because the city's air defense alarm had already sounded, and the world-destroying natural disaster prevention and control alarm was sent to every Chinese people's mobile phone through satellite signals at this moment, telling them only one thing: escape! Escape to the safe zone!

Above the white clouds, on the bronze platform, the resurrected Queen Mother of the West issued her first command to conquer the world:

"First battle: Destroy Qianchuan."