The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 66: New and old gods


Ding Yiqing stared at his yellow hair with one hand hanging from his eyes, and the other hand held a huge sickle to look at him: "Xinwu?"

Huang Mao recommends: "Would you like to try the taste of being gently touched your neck?"

Ding Yiqing refused with a smile: "I have a chance to talk about it."

Huang Mao noticed that Ding Baiqing was carrying him down the mountain, so he asked, "Where are you going?"

Ding Baiqing: "Don't you want to negotiate with Candle Dragon? Even if you knock on the whole mountain here, Candle Dragon can't hear it."

Huang Mao: "I don't have words and spirit chaos?"

Ding Baiqing: "Have you used it?"

No. I used it just once, and my two kidneys were almost useless.

Huang Mao looked gloomily at the bright and bright Ding Baiqing. If it hadn't been for the use of words and the forcible use of transcendental techniques to hunt the Queen Mother of the West, causing his own strength to be exhausted, he would be able to jump up and beat Ding Baiqing now.

Although it may not be possible to win, at least it can test the bottom line of this dog.

Huang Mao said, "So you want to take me to see Zhulong?"

He wanted to ask how to go, where to go, but before he could ask, he was pulled down by Ding Baiqing, the space in his field of vision turned into a phantom, and the sound of wind in his ears showed that they were descending at a high speed until the body suddenly landed, and Cen Jin's stomach After rolling for a while, he grabbed Ding Baiqing's arm and started to vomit.

Unfortunately, I was exercising too much, so I digested it too fast. I only retched and didn't vomit on Ding Baiqing.

Ding Paiqing took off his blood-stained gas mask, pinched his chin and looked at him. With a sigh, he took out a handkerchief to wipe off the mixed nosebleed and the blood spitting out of his mouth, and said, "Your blood is quite thick."

Cen Jin glanced at him angrily and did not resist, because he really had no strength.

Ding Baiqing wiped his face and put the handkerchief in his hand: "Where else is needed, clean it up by yourself."

Cen Jin took the handkerchief and wiped his fingers repeatedly: "Where's my knife?"

Ding Yiqing: "Put it away in your backpack and go back to the cabin in the woods to find it."

Cen Jin raised his eyelids and looked at the surrounding environment. It was probably an underground cave, about 80 meters deep and about 100 meters wide. The rocks were all red, and the temperature was over 100 degrees Celsius.

There is a lava lake the size of a football field in front of it, which is bubbling with lava bubbles. The high temperature evaporates the air into transparent white steam, and the space is visibly distorted.

I don't see it, I don't feel it, as soon as I found the high temperature environment, Cen Jin began to feel very hot, and then found that Ding Baiqing was very cool, so he moved to him, which was really much more comfortable.

"This is underground? Where is the candle dragon?"

"10,000 meters underground." Ding Baiqing straightened Cen Jin's head, shaking his head from side to side, and showed him the lava lake in front of him: "The candle dragon is taking a bath in it, his eyes are dim, you have to get something to stimulate him."

"for example?"

Ding Baiqing laughed without saying a word, suddenly dragged Cen Jin and jumped up vertically. The red rock above his head suddenly cracked, crashing into the lava lake and splashing magma ten meters high. After about four or five minutes, the entire underground The cave shook violently, and then quickly returned to calm, but Cen Jin felt his heart palpitate at this moment.

As if entering the realm of no-self, in the open sky, cave or grassland, the four fields are silent, and you can't even feel your own breath, but you feel the existence of another invisible species in the empty and dead environment. .

Because it is invisible, and because the traces of the existence of another species are so powerful, ordinary people feel very small when they are in it, and then they have a feeling of palpitations and panic.

Cen Jin felt this way at the moment. His limbs and bones were screaming for fear and timidity. He couldn't help but take a step back, but Ding Baiqing held his wrist tightly. A timid panic.

The brain wandered, thinking about how to describe this feeling, and then he thought of a word: coercion.

It is probably because people stand in the shadow of a forty or fifty-story building, look up at the swaying building and feel oppressed and suffocated, or face the high waves or the huge 3D projection on the street. An overwhelming sense of oppression that can only be understood when confronted at close range.

Suddenly, the hot liquid in the lava lake fluctuated violently, splashing a string of red sparks, Ding Baiqing reminded him: "Come on." As soon as the voice fell, only a huge 'crashing' sound was heard, and a hundred meters of molten lava was suddenly set off. , like the waves woven by the sunset, magnificent and stunning.

It was followed by the deafening dragon roar. He didn't see his body. He heard his voice first. A huge head suddenly jumped out of the lava lake and slowly stretched to an altitude of 6.70 meters, staring at the two small figures. non-homogeneous species.

Cen Jin stared blankly at this huge, mysterious, and extremely magnificent creature in front of him. It seems that any great and beautiful words are thrown at him, because he is the pinnacle of the aesthetics of creation. Shocked to the point of aphasia, the emotions of admiration, admiration, love and indulgence are emotional and complicated.

He seems to understand why Huaxia loves dragons so much.

Because He himself symbolizes all the beautiful words, majestic, great, magnificent, gorgeous... The ultimate combination of strength and beauty.

Cen Jin held his breath and looked at the candle dragon carefully.

Although he had already had a conversation just now, and summoned him with the spirit of words, and the other party responded to him, but this was the first time they met face to face, and the distance was very close, less than five meters, he could even clearly see the reflection in the candle dragon In his eyes, his own figure.

This is a dragon head. The height, length, and width are all over 100 meters. It fills the entire underground cave. The color of the whole body is between black and red. It is neatly arranged with dense matte scales. It is very dense, and the scales become redder as it goes down, which is obviously a red candle dragon. The top of his head, back and chin are covered with soft hair of the same color, and there are two huge deer-shaped horns on the top of his head. The parts without scales are closer to black in color, showing a texture of rock and leather, as if Indestructible, unbreakable.

He is an ancient creature, the only one left on the earth. He has lived for many years, and even ten thousand mountains have taken root on his back. His origin cannot be traced. The Queen Mother of the West and many gods in Kunlun are the bloodlines left by him unintentionally. It is unknown how he reproduced.

But there is no doubt that He is strong, vigorous, dazzling, and magnificent. He is a symbol of kingship and power, and is also a spiritual totem engraved in the blood of the Chinese people. He has not failed the Chinese people's worship of Him.

Only the candle dragon in front of him has the prestige of a dragon roar to kill the Kunlun Mountains and Seas.

Cen Jin felt a suffocating pain in his chest, and then he suddenly realized that he had been holding his breath, he quietly let out a long sigh of relief, and set his eyes on Zhulong's eyes, which were red-red vertical pupils that seemed to grow in the rocks, like snake eyes. But it is more deterrent than snake eyes.


The majestic and low voice resounded through the underground cave, and Cen Jin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't see Zhulong speak, and immediately realized that his sound waves were far higher than humans, and even ultrasonic waves that cannot be captured by human sophisticated machines.

Therefore, at this moment, the candle dragon and them have a direct brain dialogue.

Ding Baiqing lowered his eyes and looked back at Zhulong calmly: "I'm not here to catch up with the old days, and bring someone to meet you."


The candle dragon moved half a meter, and the mountain shook in an instant, and he stared straight at Huang Mao.

[The human being I talked to just now is you, I remember the breath.]

Huang Mao was a little excited, this is probably a common problem that every Chinese citizen will have.

"Hello, will there be turmoil in the Minshan mountains and rivers?"

These words seem to be concerned about the mountains and rivers of Qianchuan, but actually ask Zhulong when you will turn over, will you suddenly want to fly, or if there are any messy 'filial sons' such as the Queen Mother of the West.

Zhulong laughed sullenly, and after laughing enough, he replied: [I haven't slept enough yet.]

After a pause, he added: [I know the mountains and rivers above 10,000 meters, I have browsed the creatures living in these mountains and rivers, and I have also seen humans. I can feel the worship, love and other positive emotions of living beings... You humans call them positive emotions. In fact, for us, there is no positive or negative statement. They are all food that can please the spirit, and I happen to like positive emotions.]


Similar to negative emotions being sour and positive emotions being bitter, some gods like sourness, some like sweetness, and Zhulong is the latter.

"Gods feed on human emotions?"

[Accurately speaking, it is the belief in life. For example, Weird feeds on non-similars, and then evolves to the stage of new gods, and feeds on the beliefs of living beings. As far as the new gods are concerned, strange, human, and non-highly intelligent creatures are all living beings, but at the same time, the new gods will also devour the new gods and promote their own evolution to possess the strength of the old gods.]

Zhulong explained patiently, of course, it was also possible that it was in Ding Baiqing's face.

Cen Jin was dizzy when he heard it, and his intuition seemed to know some incredible secrets, such as strange history, and these are obscure parts of human civilization, and even the institutions that have studied the strange for four or five thousand years have not mentioned the old gods.

"What do new gods and old gods mean?"

Zhulong looked at Ding Baiqing, who didn't respond, meaning that it didn't matter to tell this history.

[New gods refer to the familiar gods in your human civilization. They rose at the same time as human civilization and are closely related to human activities. The old gods were annihilated in the disappearing civilization. There were civilizations that recorded them, but they fought endlessly, destroying civilization and killing life on earth countless times.]

"Don't they need the faith of living beings?"

[I can't see it.]

Very good, very proud.

"The old gods are distinguished by the new and the old. Can I understand that the new gods have replaced the old gods?"

The huge vertical pupils of the candle dragon reflected the yellow hair, this tiny human being, he was inquiring about an ancient creature, a god who existed in the oldest civilization of mankind, and had a glimpse of the history that human beings have never seen before.

He slowly talked about the civilization that was five thousand years ago, or even longer, and the fight between the Queen Mother of the West and the gods of Kunlun in the sea was just the tail of this civilization.

[In the past, the old gods ruled the earth, occupying the sky, land and sea respectively, creating one civilization after another, and destroying them at will. Small creatures have no ability to resist. They regard the cruelty of the old gods as natural disasters.]

"Rapid storms, heavy snow and earthquakes are also natural disasters. Human beings were helpless before, but now they can deal with them, and they may overcome them directly in the future."

[Have you ever seen sea water pouring in? Have you ever seen Wanli Mountain collapse in an instant? Did you know that the powerful weapons that slaughtered the gods came from the hands of the old gods? Faced with the Kunlun Mountains and Seas with only a little energy left, you humans are helpless, and we have seen strong martial arts in their prosperous times.

That is the real extinction.]

Cen Jin was stunned, following Zhulong's narration, the scenes described in just a few words were played back in his mind one by one, a large amount of sea water poured back, and the ten thousand-foot-high waves instantly destroyed the solid high-rise buildings, the city sank into the seabed in the blink of an eye, and the land changed. into a vast ocean. Or the collapse of thousands of miles of mountains, the movement of geological plates, volcanic eruptions, and floods will destroy human civilization in an instant, and human beings can’t even react.

Or some gods drop black-red sulphur flames from the sky, just like the falling meteorites brought by the end of the world, and there are people in the city who flee and mourn, some who kneel and pray, and some who try to save themselves but are finally burned into coke by a bunch of sulphur flames.

The city was in a sea of fire, and the bricks and tiles were burned to the point of being split into powder, and the flames were extinguished satisfactorily.

Looking around, the eyes are devastated, the ruins are broken, and all living beings are dead.

Cen Jin felt chills all over his body and suffocated himself out of those terrifying world-destroying scenes. He felt the reckless behavior and terror of the old god firsthand. He was sweating all over his body and his fingers were shaking.

Ding Baiqing's wrist was so painful that he must have made trouble five minutes ago, but at this moment Ding Baiqing's existence gave Cen Jin the strength to rely on.

It may be that Ding Yiqing acted as Cen Jin's reliance so many times that as long as he saw him, Cen Jin felt confident.

After calming down, Cen Jin regained his composure and continued to ask, "Where is the old god now? How was the new god born?"

[The new god was born by swallowing each other strangely. At first, in the eyes of the old god, he was no different from thousands of living beings. Until the new god rebelled, the old and the new alternated, the old god was annihilated, and the new god re-established the regime.]

"Can the new gods beat the old gods who are powerful?"


Zhulong leaned over and moved forward another half a meter, as if he wanted to see Cen Jin's appearance seriously, but he could only make out the iconic yellow hair.

Cen Jin thought to himself, it turns out that Ding Yiqing said that he was old and dim-witted, and it was not a trick.

[The old gods are too arrogant, they despise the small and fragile creatures, and even more despise the new gods who have evolved from the strange, and the new gods are aware of the beliefs of the small creatures, cooperate with them, and jointly bring down the old gods. However-]

"However, when the new gods took over the status of the old gods after the establishment of the regime, they inherited their arrogance and cruelty, and continued to slaughter the living beings wantonly, so that the angry humans began to rebel." Huang Mao asked: "Is that right?"


Huang Mao thought about it and asked: "No, if the new god completely replaces the authority of the old god, how can it remain silent in the human era? They have also established countless mythological systems, large and small, to compete for human beliefs. This behavior is similar to the new gods. The power and the idea of domination are completely contradictory."

[5,000 to 6,000 years ago, the old god camp fought back and re-emerged the new god camp. The strength of both sides decreased sharply, and both entered the twilight era of gods. Humans took the opportunity to develop their era, and between the two camps of the new god and the old god To deal with, to establish a civilization system, a power system and a faction system to fight against the recovery of the old and new gods one day.]

After a little thought, Cen Jin clarified the relationship between them.

To put it simply, the era of the old gods dominated the earth, and the weaker ones rely on evolution to increase their strength, claiming to be the new god camp, and cooperate with other small creatures on the earth to overthrow the rule of the old gods and open the era of new gods.

In the Age of New Gods, most of the gods continued the cruel and tyrannical rule of the old gods, turned their faces, and persecuted living beings (calculated by time, the living beings at this time should be human beings).

About 6,000 years ago, the old gods counterattacked, and the two camps lost both sides. Entering the period of the closed wheat cold war, mankind took the opportunity to seek development, and waited for the opportunity to kill the old and new gods.

The history of the Queen Mother of the West slaughtering Kunlun in the sea 3,000 years ago is at the tail end of the Era of Gods.

Looking at the battle between the old and the new gods, this section of the Queen Mother of the West can only be said to be a small splash.

Huang Mao touched his chin and approached as well. The high temperature and heat from Zhulong's body rushed towards him, and he squinted and asked, "You tell me a human being in every detail of your history, so you are not afraid that I will end up serving you all in the end?"

[you will not.]

"Why?" Huang Mao turned his head and pointed his thumb back, but pointed at Ding Baiqing accurately without turning his head: "Could it be because of him? You think he is from the new god camp, so you think me too?"


Zhulong's swift denial made Huang Mao stunned.

[Huang Quan is a new god and a well-known madman. He belongs to the god of freedom without a faction. Sometimes he will suddenly go in to help out when passing two hotly fought factions. He has helped the new gods, the old gods, and the human beings. .]

When Cen Jin heard the words, he looked back at Ding Baiqing, who showed a kind and harmless smile. Just as he was about to boast modestly, he heard Huang Mao say, "Just a shit stirrer."

"..." Ding Baiqing smiled: "I'm messing with you, what are you?"

Cen Jin let out a sigh, it doesn't matter, he is happy to hurt eight hundred enemies and one thousand.

"Why do you think I won't slaughter old and new gods?" Huang Mao was obsessed with this answer.

[Because the will of Kunlun at home has recognized you.]The candle dragon's red eyes looked at the yellow hair, but it seemed to see the new god in the future through this human body, a god that was independent of the old and new gods and belonged to human beings!

He doesn't know what Huang Mao's strengths are, but he knows the conditions for the selection of kings in Kunlun.

[The domestic Kunlun feeds on 'national belief' and advocates the expansion of the country, which is consistent with the ruling concept of the Queen Mother of the West, so it chose the Queen Mother of the West, who has the strongest will to expand, as the monarch.

Despite this, the domestic Kunlun still regards the ruling idea of advocating the expansion of the territory as a selection condition, and you meet its selection conditions.

So I'm sure you won't hold a knife high and slaughter.]

Because he meets the selection conditions of the domestic Kunlun, which means that he has the idea of private possession of the domestic Kunlun. Once he owns the domestic Kunlun, he must expand the people and expand his beliefs, which is equivalent to standing in the camp of 'weird' and 'god', so he was judged not to be Will it be served in a pot

The problem is that he never had the idea of restoring the empire and the feudal system.

Huang Mao was puzzled.

"Isn't the Kunlun in China destroyed?"

[Kunlun in China is the Bronze King City, and the Bronze King City is the Kunlun Mountains and Seas. The so-called mountains and seas are the kingdoms in your mind, which can be transformed according to your mind. It can be thousands of crimson butterflies, or it can be the Bronze King City, it is the mountains and seas in your heart.]

I see.


Shimao thought silently.

Ding Baiqing took two steps forward at this time, put both hands on Cen Jin's temple, and whispered: "Kunlun in the sea admits you, you don't need a passage, you can see it as you want. Close your eyes, imagine in your brain, do you see it? "

Cen Jin closed his eyes and restored the Bronze King City in his mind. Sure enough, he saw a complete Bronze King City. After thinking about it, he erased the original bronze city specifications and turned it into a modern city with green belts (bronze trees), Lakes (without water), high-rise buildings and Yuhang garden buildings (combination of modern and classical), as well as bridges and highways, etc...

The most important ones are kindergarten, primary school and middle school, as for university, we will talk about it later.

The entire bronze city is still suspended high in the sky, and countless sophisticated mechanical devices have been transformed into the bottom.

Huang Mao opened his eyes and looked at the candle dragon before he stopped talking.

Candle Dragon: [Do you have any questions?]

Huang Mao: "I have something to ask for."

Candle Dragon: [What's the matter?]

Ding Baiqing felt that Huangmao's brain circuit was different from ordinary people, so he put his hands on Cen Jin's shoulders, his eyes went back and forth between him and Zhulong, and he raised a good show smile.

Seeing Huang Mao's expression of embarrassment, Zhulong urged him, wondering what was the big thing that he should come forward to solve, such as turning over again and turning the water in the farmland back into the river

But I was embarrassed to hear Huang Mao, but his eyes were bright: "Are you interested in part-time community security?"

Candle Dragon: […?]

The author has something to say: Qingqing on the sidelines: Laughing wildly.jpg.

Huang Mao: Let the red flag spread all over the world!

Domestic Kunlun: The will to expand the territory is so strong! I like!

If you can't imagine a huge sickle, stretch the rods of dang's sickle and hammer, and then connect them together, you will be handsome.

And the sickle is not so curved.

Too bad I can't draw.

PS: Make a second shift at night.

PPS: I'm so angry today. Pray for the beautiful Mount Fuji to wake up next year and make karst roasted cherry blossoms.

Comment red envelopes.