The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 69: Curse evil (1)


Huang Jiang immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "New World: Weird and human coexist, reinterpreting human civilization, interpreting the gods and ghosts of literary folklore..." She raised her head, looked at the crowd and said, "The state is public before the institution."

Yu Wen's face was full of shock, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy when he looked at the messed up people in the corridor: "How can people stand it suddenly?"

Totem: "Sooner or later, it has to be made public, and the Bronze City and Dragon Roar that appeared out of thin air this time made too much noise, and there was no way to explain it. It is also a good opportunity to take the opportunity to make it public. Besides, the country has been making various preparations for the past two years. I believe most people already have some guesses in their minds."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a middle-aged man calling his parents. Inside and outside the words, he tried to calm himself and comfort him. Even though he was completely helpless, he was worried that his wife, children, and old parents would not be able to accept the new world. down the loudspeaker key.

"Guwazi, we already knew that, just keep doing what you have to do, don't think about being lazy and not working."

"...Huh?" The middle-aged man was stunned: "Did you know this earlier?"

"If you don't listen to the national news, the national news is saying every day, but you don't believe it. Guashi."

G? Does the national news refer to some programs such as Eye 818, Top Secret Archives, and Approaching Science

The middle-aged man continued to be stunned, and his mother then said lightly: "What do you know, the two years of shows are not scientific at all, and they have not been blocked for two consecutive years. It must be something the country wants to tell us, but I'm afraid that all of a sudden Speak out to scare the common people, so take it step by step, now is the time."

The old man added: "You really have no political sense at all."

Middle-aged man: "... Then, what about my wife and son?"

Wife\son: "I accepted it long ago, only you don't believe it."

His wife also added indifferently, 'Oh, stubborn middle-aged man. ', the middle-aged man thought that this slot was unnecessary.

Hanging up the phone, Yu Wen and others witnessed the middle-aged man's change from panic to calm, quickly adapting to the publicity of the new world, and couldn't help admiring it. This is probably the last dignity of the head of the family.

The middle-aged man said calmly, "I have to go to work." After speaking, he went back to the room to wash up.

Totem looked back and said: "Children and the elderly are the most acceptable. The former is not completely indoctrinated with atheism, and the latter especially believes in the government. Their political sensitivity and acceptance are far beyond our imagination. It is the middle-aged who are more broken down. They are deeply rooted. My thoughts are suddenly overwhelmed, which may cause some troubles, but I am more concerned about my family and will soon adjust my mentality under the influence of my family.

The most troublesome is the two similar age groups of teenagers and young people. This age group is relatively extreme. Some people can quickly invest in the construction and development of the new society in the new world. trouble to disrupt the order.

However, these should all be considered by the state. The disclosure of the new world will inevitably bring corresponding hidden dangers, and relevant policies will be introduced to solve the hidden dangers in the future. "

Wu Lan: "There is a question, only our country is open in the world?"

Wang Lingxian: "Yes. Now the Internet is frantically deleting accounts to prevent Huaxia's news from leaking. For various political reasons, they do not plan to make it public now."

Wu Lan: "In the past two years, there have been more and more strange things. The big strange events like red dancing shoes and the African coastline will gradually increase, and gods and ghosts will recover. If ordinary people knew earlier, and the state came forward to teach them how to deal with it, A large number of innocent casualties can be reduced.”

What she means is that other countries should make public at the same time, and step up the training of people's psychological quality and physical fitness.

Wang Lingxian said: "Half of the head office agreed to make it public, and the other half disagreed. Those who disagreed have some unclear involvement with the officials and families of various countries, and believe that the benefits of non-disclosure are greater than disclosure."

"Human life is at stake, they are still thinking about interests?" Huang Jiang said disapprovingly.

Wang Lingxian pulled the corner of his lower lip, revealing a mocking smile.

Cen Jin sighed: "You don't know anything about capitalists."

Huang Jiang and Yu Wen shook their heads at the same time, 'tsk tsk' mocking some human rights powers.

Wang Lingxian: "Since the country chooses to make it public, it will definitely count the next ten steps. It's useless for us to worry about it. It's okay to be idle. I'll take you to play, dance at night, and end our significant vacation. "

After he finished speaking, he stepped out of the room first, followed by Wu Lan and Totem, Huang Jiang and Yu Wen pushed Cen Jin to follow, and whispered to him that Da Xian'er never made a mistake in choosing a playground, and it would make you fully immersed. boundary.

Cen Jin was pushed out before he could say anything, and the door was closed.

The totem walking at the front asked Wang Lingxian and Wu Lan: "Then why is Luo Yantian in the tomb of King Zhou Mu? Why is there no spiritual pollution? What else did you encounter at that time?"

Wang Lingxian and Wu Lan looked at each other, the former said: "The first question, the official is investigating. If Zhou Man is still alive, maybe he knows the reason. The second question, then Luo Yantian's mental pollution seems to be blocked in his body. , I think his body is like a container. Or, "

After hesitating for a while, Wang Lingxian affirmed: "Then Luo Yantian's body after his death was used as a container."

Wu Lan remembered something and asked: "I heard that the god of death under King Mu's tomb was hidden by the Queen Mother of the West, as her first meal after waking up?"

Totem: "Yes, what Zhou Man said. He thought it was the mother's body, and he discovered the truth about Death's remains thirty years ago."

"But," Wu Lan was puzzled: "Since it was the first meal for the Queen Mother of the West to wake up, why didn't she come to eat Luo Yantian, but used Qianchuan as the first shot of the war? Gods eat gods, even if there is a weak period of evolution , but you can successfully evolve into a more advanced god as long as you drag it out.

At that time, it is the real despair of mankind.

But I have reviewed the battle in Gamchuan, and the Queen Mother of the West does not seem to have any intention of swallowing Na Luoyantian, and she only sent one person to the tomb of King Mu, which feels that she does not pay much attention to it... By the way, the five magicians of Bharat are stationed in the frontier by us. The transcendents were fighting on the border of the Himalayas, and two of them blew themselves up. They were unusually stubborn, and they didn't look like they came from the Bronze City coveting the Queen Mother of the West.

They all believe in religion, they are good at spells and yoga, and there are many extraordinary people, but there are very few extraordinary people with high potential + ranking, and there are very few extraordinary people who have achieved success in practice. However, the five magicians sent out can The level is not low, and the global rankings can at least make it into the top 300. They are so self-deprecating and their handwriting is too big, it is hard not to make people doubt their real purpose. "

Totem: "Do you think they may know Na Luo Yantian?"

Wu Lan: "Guess boldly and verify carefully."

Totem: "I'll ask my master and my uncle when I go back."

Since the development of Tibetan esotericism, in fact, it has nothing to do with Bharataism, Brahmanism and Bharata Buddhism. The teachings and representations are all contrary to Bharat Buddhism. Jiangbai Phuntsok and other Tibetan esoteric monks practice their own Buddhism, and only Shishahai pursues them. He went to Bharat for practice, so Totem didn't know much about the religious teachings of Bharat.

Wang Lingxian stretched out both hands and grabbed the shoulders of Totem and Wu Lan respectively, with a big boss: "It's time for hipi, please don't talk about business. Set an example for junior brothers and junior sisters."

Wu Lan shrugged: "Then let's talk."

Totem: "Yes."

Along the way, Cen Jin found that although the people's mentality was broken, the order was generally not chaotic. It was time to obey the traffic lights. Some people believed that the world was doomsday by relying on the New World Declaration. .

This wave of operations is real, and it was quickly photographed and sent to major software headlines. It not only warned Xiao Xiaomo to take advantage of the chaos to break the law, but also reassured the people. The state machine is still running normally, please don't panic.

At the same time, there are still several agency staff on the Internet vaguely revealing that the official will review the strange events such as Qianchuan Dragon Roar and Bronze City, and there may be videos released, everyone remember to watch.

After such a series of operations, the hearts of the Chinese people are completely stable, and they feel that the arrival of the new world will not be turbulent. It is better to recover an island in a southeastern province.


The large conference room of the Capital Special Operations Department.

The principals of the various departments of the Special Operations Department headed by Zhang Weitu sat on the same stage with many bigwigs from the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Military Industry, the Ministry of National Defense and many others, and listened to Chen Gui, the Director of the Investigation Department of the Special Operations Department above the conference platform. Song's statement summary.

"Ganchuan responded that the value of mental pollution is basically stable, and Kunlun has disappeared in China, but the candle dragon under Wanshan is bombed from time to time. It is necessary to take measures to prevent disasters and earthquakes in advance. Anxin Town is under control, and several of them are under control. Only high-risk and strange escape, currently in pursuit, after the unanimous decision of the investigation department and the data analysis department: Anxin Ghost Town will be included in the third-level high-risk restricted area, and it is recommended to change it into a military exercise field for soldiers.

Secondly, the pregnant women and the red frog patients in the ghost gu clan are out of danger, and those who are really unable to return to the sky have been resolved, and the riots in the neighboring cities have been suppressed.

Finally, we list three key points of this meeting: First, the strangeness of the massacre of the Queen Mother of the West. Second, Narayan Tian, the god of death in the tomb of King Mu. Third, how to peacefully deal with the invasion of extraordinary people from various countries. "

Following the key points Chen Guisong read, three pictures were listed on the large splicing display screen behind him.

In the first picture, there are thousands of crimson butterflies in the mountains. The top is the floating Xiwangmu, and the bottom is the falling yellow hair.

The second picture, the god of death Nara Yantian lying in the crystal coffin, a male corpse with obvious exotic style, very similar to the Bharat god statue, kind eyes, high nose and deep eyes, male and female appearance.

The third picture shows the extraordinary people from various countries who took the opportunity to invade the border of China in this big strange incident. The hairy bear on the southwest border was beaten back, and the Vatican extraordinary person on the Xinjiang border fought with the Harab priest first to death, and then was killed by the extraordinary fisherman of China. profit.

However, the priests of Harab were smart and obediently offered the sincerity of cooperation, saying that they intend to join hands with the ancient Chinese kingdom to open a mysterious ancient tomb located on the Nile River.

It is estimated that the tomb may originate from the New Kingdom era and is closely related to the sun god Ra.

The ancient civilization of Harab is extremely splendid, and it once had a close relationship with the gods. In the New Kingdom era, it is the Shang Dynasty in China, and it is also the most powerful dynasty in Harab. Therefore, the opening of the tomb is of great significance.

The reason for the other party to invite Huaxia is that they are aware of the robbery nature of the West, and Harab’s own political, military, and mythological systems have declined, and he has to find a relatively fair and unbroken heritage of Huaxia to help.

The second is that the ancient tombs in the New Kingdom era are likely to be related to gods. With the strength of their country, I am afraid that they cannot control the birth of a world-destroying god, so they asked Huaxia to cooperate.

Of course, the sincerity of cooperation is there, and the desire to take advantage of the fire has not fallen, so the Huaxia officials are merciless during the negotiation process and will not give in an inch.

"Some college students have identified that the mysterious massacre of the Queen Mother of the West once haunted the old building of Li's family, named 'Yeyoushen', which may be the third generation of new gods. The old building of Li's family and the Queen Mother of the West are also inextricably linked, we have reasons It is suspected that Yeyoushen has an old grudge with the Queen Mother of the West.

The above is the file of Yeyoushen. It can be seen from the dialogues he once had with the University of Michigan students that Yeyoushen is more friendly to human beings. "

After analyzing the characteristics of Yeyoushen in detail, it is the second key point, that is, Nara Yantian, the god of death.

"I think it is necessary to pay attention to and investigate the relationship between Na Luo Yantian and the Chinese gods. His body appeared in the tomb of King Mu and is related to the Queen Mother of the West. This matter must be unusual.

At the same time, pay close attention to the movements of Bharatiya. The five magicians from the Himalayas are likely to come to Narayantian, and they will not give up their future actions in China. "

Chen Guisong finished his statement and stepped down.

No one spoke in the conference room, all looked at the big bosses of the Special Operations Department, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of National Defense, waiting for them to speak.

After a long time, the general of the Ministry of National Defense asked Zhang Weitu: "You have the most experience in this area, tell me."

"Fight the outside world and stay safe." Zhang Weitu said these four words: "The file of Yeyoushen is put aside, there is obviously a problem, but we have too few clues to find out, but it is not dangerous for the time being, you can put it away first, you don't have to. Waste of manpower to investigate.

The appearance of Kunlun, Queen Mother of the West and Candle Dragon in China will inevitably arouse foreign covets. In this incident, the most important thing has been completely ignored by you: strong force.

The scene of the Bronze City transforming into a sky-filled butterfly, exerting great power, and finally disappearing in front of everyone's eyes, has been recorded by multiple surveillance cameras. Western countries are estimated to have known about this matter, and it is impossible for Huaxia to monopolize the powerful force.

Therefore, they will use the terms of the head office to force Huaxia to hand over strong weapons. "

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd roared.

"But we don't have a strong force!"

Zhang Weitu asked back, "Who believes?"

He continued: "According to the terms, the head office provides assistance such as official funds, talents and weapons of various countries, and the officials of various countries must be unreserved in dealing with strange things. If necessary, the head office has the right to forcibly enter the territory of each country to investigate .

Regarding Qiangwu, the head office will definitely enter the country for investigation.

In order to demonstrate fairness, they will arrange for extraordinary people from various countries to form a temporary investigation team. This investigation team will not go anywhere easily. "

For a time, everyone's attention turned to how to deal with the investigation of the head office. After some heated discussions, most of them agreed with Zhang Weitu's suggestion.

Introduce the new world to internal science and pull down the selection conditions for extraordinary people to the people, so that the people can adapt to the new world as soon as possible. Externally, the Ministry of National Defense is tensing its nerves to deal with the investigation of the headquarters, as well as the prying eyes of various countries with unknown purposes, paying particular attention to the movements of Bharata.

Negotiation of the main matter is the resolution of the sub-item. One matter is discussed in an orderly manner, and a solution proposal is put forward. The efficiency of the meeting is improved, and everyone’s fighting spirit is aroused, and everyone is ready to invest in the current situation.


Hi Pi until late at night, Wang Daxian's private room completely ignited the enthusiasm of the bar, the crowd screamed, and all kinds of drinks and champagne were sprayed with ribbons, even the bartender was immersed in it, and in this exciting atmosphere of the audience, a Yellow hair mourning critics seem out of place.

I saw him nestled in the corner of the sofa in a semi-open box, his eyes were dull, Yu Wen was having a good time, he ran back to drink lemonade in the middle, and when he saw him like this, he asked what was wrong.

"Morning batch, get up!" Yu Wen shouted loudly.

Cen Jin got up slowly and waved at Yu Wen, who listened to him and said, "I'm going to release the water."

Yu Wen: "… "

After Cen Jin finished speaking, he got up from the sofa, ran out of the bar, burped against the evening wind, scratched his head for a moment, and decided to go back to the hotel to steal the red umbrella.

He found a toilet cubicle, went from it to the cabin in the woods, then returned to the hotel room, and slipped into Yu Wen's room quietly, followed by three little ones.

Li Manyun looked nervous: "Are we stealing?"

"No." Cen Jin's face was serious: "I took back the red umbrella, which I lent to Yu Wen and the others. I didn't say it was given."

Regarding the red umbrella, Li Manyun immediately corrected his attitude: "Do they borrow it or not? Moral corruption."

Cen Jin: "Not at all. Maybe I mistakenly thought I sent it. Anyway, I'll get it back now."

Li Manyun asked Gutong and Tong Lingtou to help search, and finally Tong Lingtou was found in Yuwen's suitcase.

"I found it, go back." Li Manyun said.

Standing in the chaotic room, Cen Jin always felt that something was not right, but he couldn't figure it out clearly, so he shook his head and led the three little ones to go home.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ding Yqing, Cen Jin: "bad luck."

Ding Yqing was not angry, she poked Cen Jin's cheek with a smile and said, "Drunk?"

Cen Jin turned his head and bit his finger, his eyes fierce.

Ding Yqing began to encourage him: "Remember Zhou Man?"

Cen Jin was silent and refused to let go.

Ding Yqing: "He is not completely dead. I can save him, but I need his complete body. Do you want him to live?"

Cen Jin: "I'm me, do you want to Guan Zhouman's resurrection?"

Ding Yqing was silent for a while, then changed his mouth: "Resurrect Zhou Man and ask him if he wants to live."

Cen Jin frowned for a long time, but couldn't figure out the logic. Does he want Zhou Man to live, and Zhou Man wants to live? What is the connection between the two

He doesn't think it has anything to do with it, but Ding Yqing said that it's better to live, and now there is an option of 'live', don't you have the heart to ignore it

Cen Jin couldn't turn his head around, he was very confused, and he said, "People can't be resurrected from the dead, this is order."

Ding Yqing: "People are not dead."

"Oh. Not dead." Cen Jin paused and asked, "Do I have to save Zhou Man?"

Ding Yqing: "Yes." He pushed Cen Jin into the cabin in the woods and led him to open the door again: "Go and move out."

Cen Jin stuck his head out and felt cold, and his consciousness was a little awake, but he was still drowsy. He slipped into the morgue of the funeral home according to Ding Yqing's instructions, and with the help of three little dogs, he successfully found Zhou Man's morgue.

Pulling it away, he carried Zhou Man's corpse rigidly on his shoulders, Huang Mao swaggered forward, three little ones jumped behind him, turned across the corridor, and three funeral home staff suddenly appeared on the opposite side, falling into silence with each other.

The three little ones who had rarely come out to play immediately shrank their stomachs and raised their chests nervously, and hurriedly hid behind Huang Mao.

The next moment the staff of the funeral home reacted, pointing to Huang Mao and they said angrily: "Okay, steal the corpse!"

"Call the police! Catch these shameless corpse thieves!"

For a time, the whole funeral home became lively, and the window on the second floor was suddenly slammed open. In the night, I saw a yellow-haired corpse jumping down with a cold body, followed by two children, a... ball

In short, Huang Mao landed in a standard posture, with one arm straight, his palm turned into a knife, his face expressionless, and he ran wildly on the street. After the hand knife ran out 100 meters, the door of the funeral home was smashed open, and a group of staff rushed out of it and shouted: "Corpse thieves! Shameless and shameless yellow hair!"

The funeral home street, which is usually quiet and cool, is very noisy and lively tonight.

Ding Yqing, who was watching the whole process from the roof of the building, laughed wildly, and helped to deal with the surveillance video in the museum and on the street, lest Cen Jin try desperately to find him after sobering up.

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