The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 71: Curse evil (3)


Aunt Du moved Cen Jin into the closet of the master bedroom. She was so tired that she was out of breath. Suddenly, she saw the lights in the living room flickering, the circuit made a rustling noise, and the surroundings suddenly fell into a panic-stricken silence.

Her hands were trembling, her heart was beating violently, her teeth were chattering, and she was so frightened that she closed the closet door gently, and found a small flashlight from the closet. She hesitated when she walked out of the room, but closed the door. .

It was dusk now, and it was not completely dark, but all the windows in the house were sealed with newspapers, and there was no other light except the deep red light in front of the shrine.

Standing in the dark and empty living room, Aunt Du, who was nervous, turned on the flashlight, and the sound of turning on the light made her tremble.

She searched around the living room, dining room, and second bedroom, but found nothing unusual. Her breathing gradually eased back, thinking that she was frightening herself. When she turned around, she saw the half-open door, and her expression suddenly stiffened.

Didn't you close the door just now

Aunt Du had just closed the door when she heard a 'tick' sound from inside the house. She froze her neck and looked at the source of the sound. The sound of water dripping from the kitchen on the right side of the shrine was especially abrupt in the silent room.

She walked carefully to the kitchen, saw the faucet that wasn't turned off, she was relieved, and turned the faucet off. The sudden 'pop' gave her a big shock. Looking back, I saw that a wine glass on the dining table had fallen to the ground and shattered.

The repeated shocks almost exhausted Aunt Du's courage and spirit. She leaned against the sink exhaustedly, and when she lowered her head and gasped for breath, she didn't notice that the sieve of the sink behind her was pushed open by a jet of black liquid.

This viscous black liquid climbed out of the sink drain, slowly propped up his upper body, his head split open, revealing a mouth like a bottomless pit, and rushed towards Aunt Du's back.

But the next moment there was movement in the living room, Aunt Du pulled out the kitchen knife without looking back, and ran out to check. Climb back into the sewer, ready to pounce again next time you get a chance.

Aunt Du rushed out and saw that the tidy living room was now in a mess, like a gust of wind passing through the border. Before she could be surprised, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw that the black skull enshrined in the shrine disappeared, her pupils suddenly tightened, and a creepy feeling jumped up from the soles of her feet, directly on her hands and feet. Weak, head pounding.

Standing still for about ten minutes, Aunt Du thought of her daughter whose life and death were unknown. Tears filled her eyes, and she endured fear and walked around the living room, the second bedroom, etc., and every time she walked, she waved the air with a kitchen knife and said: "With meat Shibi, don't disturb my daughter. Give with your eyes, don't harm my daughter. Cut off your head to give charity, don't take my daughter away. Give up your body to feed demons, don't make trouble for my daughter again. Please stay away from all disasters..."

Every corner is done except the master bedroom.

Aunt Du turned her back to the master bedroom, standing in the living room, at a loss, suddenly the lights flashed sharply, the electric current made a loud noise, and it quickly went out with a 'crack', and the room fell into darkness.

Only the small flashlight in her hand was the only light in the darkness.

The fear that Aunt Du had just calmed down had filled her mind again at this moment. The panic this time was stronger than ever. From time to time, she turned around, turned around, and looked around, always feeling that something was peeping at her from all directions.

The thing was approaching, fast approaching.

Aunt Du had an extremely strong illusion. As long as the power of the small flashlight was almost exhausted, she would suddenly see strange things, then the lights went out, strange things rushed up, and the fierce chewing sound of beasts could be heard in the darkness.

After spinning around, the top of her head made an O@ sound, and Aunt Du immediately froze. She didn't see two charred and dry arms hanging down slowly, suddenly holding her head and dragging them up quickly.

Before she could even scream, she was dragged to the ceiling, with the cold tiles on her back, facing down, and she never knew her ceiling was so high.

Two arms protected her head, and four equally charred and dry arms hugged her hands and legs respectively, and a charred mummy climbed up diagonally ahead and parked under Aunt Du.

Opposite her, open his mouth, overflowing a mouthful of thick green, foul-smelling dirty water, ignoring the gravity of the earth and preparing to pour it into Aunt Du's mouth from bottom to top.

Just as the dirty water was about to pour into his mouth, a silver light cut through the darkness, and a 'click' swept across the neck of the charred mummified corpse. The next second, the corpse was separated in front of Aunt Du, and fell heavily right below the living room.

Aunt Du didn't have time to react, the arms that bound her were cut off one after another, her body lost restraint, and she fell suddenly, and one person rushed out to catch her. After placing her on the ground, she stepped on the sofa to catch the flying sickle and split it. A black skull hanging from a chandelier that doesn't compromise.

The lights were bright, and Aunt Du looked at Cen Jin in shock: "Xiao Jin, are you, aren't you dizzy?"

Cen Jin: "Dizzy, wake up quickly."

The brain has been remodeled, and the physical fitness has been improved, so the drug resistance is relatively strong, and he wakes up quickly after passing out for a second or two.

"Auntie, can you tell me what spell Sister Du Li is in. And what is this skull and mummy doing?"

Nana Du said, "This is dangerous."

Cen Jin: "I'll give you some time to digest it, and I'll change my rhetoric later."

Aunt Du was quiet for a moment, her frightened brain finally returned to normal thinking, and she looked at the mummified corpse that was hacked to death on the ground in shock, but when she saw that the black skull was also hacked, she became anxious: "What should I do? That person said, bye bye. This skull can save your sister, how can you save it now that it has been hacked?"

"Auntie, calm down and speak slowly, I know a master who can lift the spell."



Aunt Du hurriedly held Cen Jin's hand and wanted to cry: "Great, your sister is finally saved. Xiao Jin, it wasn't intentional for Aunt to cover you dizzy just now. Are you still dizzy? Have you eaten yet?"

The elders' concern will eventually turn to the point of 'eating'. Aunt Du didn't go to clean up the room, but ran to the kitchen to give him a bowl of dolls, and came back to put Cen Jin at the table and let him eat quickly.

"Talk while you eat." Aunt Du pondered for a while, then recalled, "Do you remember your sister's ex-boyfriend cheating?"

"Remember, Sister Du Li's ex-boyfriend was cursed for the high caste woman who provoked Bharat, but didn't Sister Du Li break up with him?"

"It's divided, but Ge Junhui dispatched his family to stalk them, from the company to the rental house, and then went to the house to make trouble, insisting that Du Li get back together. It's okay not to get back together, she has to go to the Bharat woman and tell her in person. It's clear. Du Li was annoyed by the noise, so she went to see the Bharat woman. As soon as she came back, she fell ill with a high fever. She ran out of the hospital the next day and lived in the basement of Ge Junhui's house, and refused to come out again. ."

"Where's Ge Junhui?"

"He's ill."

Cen Jin squeezed his chopsticks and squeaked.

"Ge Junhui's whole family are all scum and beasts. They obviously killed Du Li. If they recover, they turn their faces and don't recognize Du Li. If they can't drive Du Li away, they simply lock the basement so no one can enter or leave. ."

"Didn't call the police?"

"I called the police and got Du Li back, and she would run back again, and her aggressiveness became stronger and stronger each time, and her appearance became less and less personal. My intuition was that Ge Junhui's curse was transferred to her, so she went everywhere to ask God to ask Buddha. , I met a middle-aged woman in the flower and bird market in Xicheng and told me that this was a Brahman corpse spell, and I had to ask Kali, the black goddess of death, to give me the gift of kindness."

Aunt Du pointed to the black skull and said, "I bought it from the woman. She said it was from Goddess Kali's skull necklace. Let me take it and ask to meet Goddess Kali in the crematorium of the dead night. I took it. I followed it to the hospital mortuary, the crematorium, and the crossroads where people had just died. After three days of running, I finally felt that something strange was following me home.

According to the tutorial, tonight was supposed to be a sacrifice for myself, and Du Li was safe and sound. "

Cen Jin thought thoughtfully: "Carly?"

Aunt Du: "I heard that she is a very worshipped goddess in Bharat, with symbols of death and regeneration, protection and destruction."

Cen Jin knew.

Since the incident of the Queen Mother of the West involved historical unofficial history and religion, the University of Michigan realized the importance of traditional literary knowledge, so it proposed to open a popular science class on the global mythology system overnight.

And a Narayantian was dug out from the tomb of King Mu, so the first course was the popular science of the Bharat mythology system.

I just talked for two days and assigned various homework, so it was difficult to know.

The goddess Kali in the mouth of Aunt Du is a literal translation of an ancient goddess kali in Bharat mythology, also known as Moko Kali, symbolizing darkness and violence, but in Bharat mythology, she is the goddess of the snow mountain to kill a powerful Asura, When the incarnation came, it was also said that Moko Kali was the angry look of the goddess of the snow mountain.

There is also a short passage in the secret that describes how to approach Kali, which is to summon her in the crematorium of the dead night.

Aunt Du's method of seeing Kali is obviously related to Tibetan tantra, but there is a small problem here, that is, tantra does not believe in incantation.

Aunt Du said worriedly: "Is the high caste woman Ge Junhui provoked to believe in evil gods? This goddess called Kali is evil gods, right? I have seen her god statue, which is terrifying, with a skull hanging on her body and her hands Still carrying a bloody head... Everyone in Bharat is religious, and the gods enshrined in the temple have three heads and six arms, and their appearance is terrifying. I heard that the monks there are good at casting curses and harming people, and they are especially hostile to women.

She was annoyed: "It was obviously caused by the scumbag Ge Junhui, how could that woman take revenge on Du Li?"

Cen Jin finished eating whole and said, "Go pick up Sister Du Li first."

Aunt Du quickly got up: "Okay, let's go now."

She got up in a hurry, tripped over her feet by the mummy under her feet, and almost fell. She didn't dare to look at the mummy, so she turned her head and asked Cen Jin, "What should I do?"

"Put it in the kitchen." Cen Jin picked up the mummified head and corpse, including the other arms, and threw them all into the kitchen. When he came back, he picked up the split black skull and threw it into his backpack, and then said to Aunt Du, "It's okay, there will be some in the kitchen. Something to help with."

Aunt Du thought to herself, saying this, Auntie was even more frightened.

Cen Jin: "Come back and fix the things in the kitchen."

Aunt Du smiled reluctantly, but couldn't relax. She didn't feel scared before, but now she thinks that there are invisible things hidden in the kitchen, and she has been cooking in the kitchen before, and I don't know how long she has been with that thing. It felt quite scary.

The two took a taxi downstairs and went straight to Ge Junhui's house.

On the way, Cen Jin asked Totem about the relationship between Brahman incantation and Tantra in the software.

Totem has made up for the Bharat mythology in the past two days. Because of his Tantric origin, he digested it faster than anyone in the group. When he saw Cen Jin's question, he immediately replied: "Tan Buddhism has nothing to do with Brahman incantation.]

[According to your description, I suspect that the so-called 'magic' that your aunt encountered was not a traditional Brahmin spell, but a spell derived from polytheism that was confused in other regions, or, in other words, voodoo.]

[The voodoo technique is prevalent in Haiti. Like Bharatiya, the local area is officially recognized as a polytheistic belief by the global authorities, and it believes in evil and hatred. A religion was born here, called voodoo, also called voodoo. Its development also has some origins with Brahmanism. The image of Kali's destruction of the world is related to voodoo.

Voodoo, witchcraft, head descent and spells have some special origins. Voodoo originated in a small country in Africa, which is the cradle of voodoo in the world, and voodoo is currently the most popular and largest religion in Africa. Along with the slave trade, it spread all over the world, and at the same time, it expanded and developed voodoo religion, settled in Southeast Asia, combined with Bharat's magic and mythology system and introduced voodoo, which had a certain impact on its current Bharat religion.

The technique of descending the head originated in Tibet, and the source of the technique of descending the head in Tibet was the witchcraft of Bashu. Later, with the development and spread of Tibetan secrets, the technique of descending the head has flowed into Southeast Asian countries. After several developments, it has been combined with voodoo, mantra and Theravada Buddhism to form the current scale of the technique of descending the head.]

Cen Jin raised his eyebrows, the origin is indeed deep enough.

[Secondly, Buddhism was born in the late Brahmin era. It absorbed Brahman mythology and formed its own system at first, but it has teachings and canons that are different from Brahman mythology.

Brahmin mythology practiced incantation and was good at incantation, believing that incantation could seek good luck and avoid evil, pray for good fortune and cure diseases, etc. However, Buddhism denies Brahman and its incantation, so Tibetan secrets will never use incantation.]

Zangmi has a set of secret methods for his own practice. The totem is the secret method of fearlessness and the secret method of Vajra. Shishahai also knows these two secret methods. However, he has practiced deeply in Bharata, so he also knows Atharva Veda mantra.

This passage of Totem involves the mythological changes of Bharata, or the changes of civilization and times, because the myths and civilizations of this country are closely related.

Bharata mythology is divided into four eras: Vedic, Brahmin, Buddhism and Jainism, Bharat (aka New Brahmin).

The Brahman era absorbed the myths of the Vedic era and concluded a new mythology system and formulated a caste system. This was the period of the Huaxia Shang Dynasty.

During the Eastern and Zhou Dynasties of China, Buddhism flourished, and the Brahma Peacock Dynasty highly respected Buddhism.

Until the Tang Empire period, the new sects combined the various religions at that time to redefine the ancient Brahman mythology, completely expelled Buddhism and Jainism, and mastered the state sect beliefs until today.

[So, spells and Tibetan secrets will not appear at the same time.]

Cen Jin asked if it was possible to hide a secret method, and Totem asked him to repeat what Aunt Du had to cut the air with a kitchen knife.

Cen Jin repeated it, and before Totem responded, he asked Aunt Du why he read that paragraph.

Aunt Du: "The person who sold me the skull said to read it like this."

Even though the complex relationship between the mythological system in Southeast Asia is still unclear, Cen Jin thinks that this sentence is not quite right. The last sentence "sacrificing one's life to feed the devil" is very familiar to the Chinese people, so it should be changed from Sakyamuni, who sacrificed his body to feed the tiger.

Sure enough, Totem soon sent a paragraph: ["Buddha's Biography" records the four pagodas of the Buddha's story, the first pagoda to cut meat and trade pigeons, the second pagoda to give people with eyes, the third pagoda to give people by cutting heads, the third pagoda. The four are the Tiger Raising Pagodas that we are more familiar with.]

The four towers recorded above once really existed, and Master Tang Xuanzang once visited them personally, but unfortunately they have long since been annihilated in the dust of history.

The four pagodas represent the story of the last stage of mortals' practice and sacrifice themselves to become Buddhas.

This is the earliest Buddhist legend in Bharat, which is different from the Tang secrets and Tibetan secrets introduced into China.

[The steps of your aunt’s worship refer to the four pagodas to become a Buddha, but they are alienated Buddhist teachings, such as the suture monsters that mixed the voodoo, the new Brahmins, and the early Buddhism. It may be a new cult. You can open a video for me to see, and I'll ask Director Shichahai first.]

Cen answered him with a good word.

The taxi arrived at a village in the suburbs and stopped at the gate of the village. Aunt Du paid for it first, and then the two got off the taxi.

Just as the door was slammed shut, the taxi driver pulled down the window to look at them: "You live here?"

Cen Jin: "No. Let's do something."

The taxi driver: "What, leave this village quickly after finishing your work, don't stay here at night."

Cen Jin stopped: "Is there something wrong with this village?"

The taxi driver didn't want to say anything, as if he was afraid of offending something.

Cen Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "Master, to be honest, my sister lived in the village and had an accident. Today I risked my life to pick up my sister home. We also know that there is a problem in this village, but what is the specific problem? I don't know. What do you want to know, help to breathe, and if we can come back alive, we must rush to raise a red flag to thank you."

"There's no need for the red flag..." The taxi master saw his frowning face, and he heard their conversation just now. It was really strange. It is very likely that something strange happened. Now the country recognizes that there are some strange creatures on the earth, and it is estimated that there are monsters in this village.

"This urban village is also known as 'Little Mumbai', and there lived a group of Bharat people. In the first two years, Chinese people could be seen everywhere in the village. In the past two years, they have become Bharat people with high nose and deep eyes. They rarely come out during the day and gather together at 8 o'clock in the evening. Turn off the lights, quiet like a ghost village.

On the first day of each month, I gather in the community to worship, and I don’t know what to worship. Some outsiders sneak into the community to take a peek, and they go crazy when they come out. "

Cen Jin: "I heard all this?"

"What I'm going to talk about is my own experience." The taxi driver's tone of storytelling almost spit out a cigarette. "Last month, I received an order from the airport to this village, and there were three people in the car.

The appearance is very obvious Bharat, the men wear a high turban and orange monk clothes, and the women wear black sari, from head to toe, only a pair of eyes are left.

The three of them were very mysterious, and they felt that they were not easy to mess with. As soon as they got in the car and said the address, they didn't speak again.

I'm a daring person. I've driven across cemeteries and seen ghosts. I'm never afraid, but I didn't know what was going on that day. My heartbeat was very fast and I was very scared. Have you ever experienced the creepy feeling

In the silent night, there were gradually no cars on the road, a few street lights were broken, and the road was dark. I was in a closed environment, and there were three people in the back seat of the car, but I felt like I was staying with unknown things.

I peeked at the rear-view mirror more than a dozen times along the way, but I didn't notice any problems at first, but I gradually reacted and broke out in a cold sweat - do you know what I found? "

Cen Jin: "..." I can see that the driver is lonely.

"What is it?"

The taxi driver patted the door excitedly and said, "Those three people are staring at me!"

What a horror to stare at you—hush.

Cen Jin realized that what this meant was that the taxi master borrowed the rearview mirror to peek at the three people in the back seat more than a dozen times, and the three people looked at him precisely every time.

Either these three people observe the taxi master at all times, or they have sensitive six senses, and are extremely careful and defensive.

If it is in a closed environment, it is so tense to the point that the grass and trees are all soldiers, and then suddenly discovering this strange point, it is estimated that the cardiac arrest will be scared.

The taxi driver sighed: "At that time, when I took them to the entrance of the village, I stepped on the accelerator and ran quickly. I even saw them standing side by side at the entrance of the village looking at me from afar. A huge shadow appeared behind me and stretched out his hand, emptying it. I felt If I hadn't reacted fast enough and ran a few hundred meters ahead of me, I would have been taken away by the giant shadow. After returning home, I had a high fever for three days."

Cen Jin wondered: "Then you dare to come this time?"

"Life is forced, and it's daytime." The taxi master glanced at the yellow hair and said again: "Okay, the state says these are unknown species. If the public finds abnormalities, they can collect information and report them, and there will be bonuses—"

Huang Mao heard the words and reminded: "These strange creatures are very dangerous, don't neglect personal safety for a little money, life is more important."

"The bonus ranges from 1,000 to 500,000."

Huang Mao lowered his head and asked, "Which is the report link?"

Taxi driver: "… "

Tell Huang Mao a report official website in a few words, and report it according to the process.

Cen Jin put away his phone, waved goodbye to the taxi driver, and followed Aunt Du into the village.

The village is quite large, with 15 alleys vertically and horizontally, forming a large grid-like structure. The peasant buildings are the same as seven floors, the street lights are all turned off, there is not a single pedestrian on the road, all the shops are closed, and the sun is still showing its afterglow on the top of the mountain. But the distance between the buildings is very narrow, and the alley is extremely dark.

When they came to the ninth row of Ninthiao Alley, a yellow peasant building with nine floors, Aunt Du rang the electronic doorbell, 'beep' a few times, and was quickly connected. When they heard it, Aunt Du immediately scolded them excitedly. If you harass again, quickly take her murderous daughter away.

Aunt Du was trembling with anger, unable to utter a word.

Cen Jin took the call: "Open the door, we will force Du Li away."

Ge Junhui: "Who are you?"

Cen Jin: "Cousin Du Li."

After a while, the electronic door opened, and Aunt Du led Cen Jin to Ge Junhui's house on the first floor. She slammed the door, and a white and clean man came out. A narrow iron gate at the end of the corridor said Dolly was there.

Cen Jin: "The key to the door."

Ge Junhui handed him the key, but Cen Jin didn't get it firmly, so he couldn't get it out of the crack of the door.

"You have to open the door to get the key out."

Ge Junhui couldn't, so he had to open the door to pick up the key. At this time, his new girlfriend came to check, curious to ask what was going on, and was dragged and pointed by Ge's mother.

Cen Jin was expressionless. When Ge Junhui was bending over to pick up the keys, he suddenly grabbed his hair and slammed it against the wall. His family members screamed, but they didn't dare to come up to stop them, and rushed to call the police.

The next moment, Ge Junhui was kicked away, vomited blood, and fell into a coma.

Ge's mother and Ge's father stared angrily at the yellow-haired pervert. When Huang-mao tilted his head to lock them, he fearfully pushed out his son's new girlfriend.

"I don't beat old people." Huang Mao sneered, pointed to Ge Junhui and said to the girl, "I cheated abroad, and I got into a head-throwing surgery. After the middle school, I pestered my ex-girlfriend, using my ex-girlfriend as a double-head surgery double, and now I'm still imprisoned by him. In the basement of my house, I live like a ghost."

Due to the spread of film and television, Chinese people are more familiar with head-dropping, so Cen Jin said this.

The girl's face changed. She heard Ge Junhui's family say that her ex-girlfriend had mad dog disease and was abandoned by her family. They were kind-hearted and kept her in the basement.

But think about it, really mad dog should be sent to the hospital, and died within two weeks, who will shut the basement

Ge Laozi, did water get into the head before


The girl grabbed her purse and left, and the awake Ge Junhui grabbed the leg of her trousers. Hearing him say, "Listen to me," and thinking of the horror of the head-dropping technique, she suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body, and kicked him hard. .

The strength clearly wanted to destroy him.

"Bitch!" After the girl kicked, she pointed at the two immortals: "The whole family of bastards."

Huang Mao and Aunt Du watched the whole process, expressing admiration.

"There is a shared bicycle at the entrance of the village. Hurry up and leave before dark, ignore anyone you meet on the road, and don't look back when your name is called."

Huang Mao reminded him that he did not know the problems of this village for the time being, but it was right to be careful.

"Thank you." The girl straightened her hair and said, "To tell you the truth, I met this bitch on a blind date, and I didn't like him at all, but as soon as I entered the village, I agreed to date. When you hit him and they screamed, I He woke up suddenly, and his head must have been lowered."

It's not necessarily the head being dropped, but it has something to do with the village spell.

Before the girl left, she wished Du Li safe and sound.

Cen Jin locked the door of Ge's house, and opened the door of the basement with Aunt Du.

It was dark inside, damp, cold, and deep, and the sound of ticking water could still be heard. Cen Jin asked Aunt Du to follow him, lighting with a small flashlight. He walked through an underground water pipe and found that the pipe was covered with a thick layer of yellow-white and tasteless. The viscous liquid, with lumps and lumps accumulated at the bottom, looked a little scary.

There is a crack in the top of the water pipe, and the sound of water dripping from the liquid dripping.

He couldn't recognize the viscous liquid, and Aunt Du leaned over and her face changed drastically, she smelled it with her fingers, and her expression sank immediately.

"It's animal oil!" Aunt Du said firmly, "Someone upstairs kept frying oil, so that a steady stream of oil and water poured into the sewer. You see, the oil and water have been dripping, which means that the oil and water in the pipeline have not stopped conveying. This pipeline is thick layered, and the bottom is all formed into white and delicate oil lumps, and it takes many years to fall down to save so much."

Cen Jin's expression was also not very good. He stretched out his hand to catch the dripping animal oil, which was still warm. He couldn't imagine what kind of animal oil it was, and why he kept frying and pouring it into the sewer. How many buildings are doing the same thing.

Aunt Du continued: "I remember that the sewer in this village leads to the Pingxi River, and there is a port in the upper reaches of the river. There are often unscrupulous traders scooping up waste oil. I called the police many times, but every time they were caught, there were still traders who got it from there. Very high quality oil."

Aunt Du, who is a highly skilled cook, opened a stall at the Xinhaicheng Night Market, and knew a little about the secrets of the vendors.

She looked at Cen Jin, her face pale and terrified: "Should I just steal these?"