The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 79: Story meeting (4)


The fourth and fifth are same-sex couples. The long-haired girls have a gentle temperament and are less timid. They cuddled on the shoulders of the short-haired girls the whole time, and made small exclamations from time to time, which attracted the eyes of the two student sisters.

One of them complained: "It's all played here, what are you pretending to be?"

The short-haired girl glanced at her and ignored her. She concentrated on coaxing her lover. She was repeatedly urged to start telling a story: "My story is called Heliu. I am a sanitation worker who manages the moat. Every day, I am responsible for picking up garbage from the moat and the river bank.

Of course, I am not in charge of the whole section, just the section of the bridge.

A few years ago, there were people who managed this river area with me, but she thought that the wages of sanitation workers were low, and she was always lazy. Went away silently.

I secretly laughed at that time. In fact, her child was not filial, and she didn't want her to go back at all. She was just deceiving herself, but it was a good thing that she was gone.

A row of willows were planted on both sides of the moat. In the spring, catkins flew all over the sky, which attracted many complaints. The mayor's hotline was almost overwhelmed. Banyan trees and mangroves have well-developed root systems, and for cities building subways and high-speed trains, the safety hazards are relatively large.

In summer, the fruit of the mango tree will either attract some citizens to loot, or smash it on the ground, attracting flies and mosquitoes, and affecting the appearance of the city, so people still spend a spring full of catkins in the end.

But the new mayor came to power and took the advice of the citizens for his achievements, and decided to replace all the river willows with mangroves before the end of the summer.

As a sanitation worker who has been managing the moat for more than ten years, I deeply love the rows of willows, you don't know how beautiful they are.

The soft branches are swaying in the wind, like innocent children playing, their graceful figures are more beautiful than world-renowned stunners, they are quietly stationed by the river, living quietly, never asking, but it is a moat The most beautiful scenery.

Those people hate catkins in spring, why don't they see people enjoying the shade under their branches in summer

I was angry and angry, so I wrote to the mayor's mailbox, my words were sincere, and my true feelings were revealed, but until the tree digger shoveled down the rivers, my letter was never opened, and I could only touch the middle of the night with tears. The most lush river willow under the bridge.

I told my heartfelt parting feelings, telling it that it was all the fault of those ungrateful people, the foolish mayor's fault, and I said that if there is a spirit in heaven, let them all receive their due retribution.

I touched the torso of this river willow, and touched its exceptionally smooth bark with my palm, as if I was stroking the graceful figure of a woman, her graceful figure, her long hair like a cloud, and the tree that was getting bigger and bigger. tumor.

The burr of this tree is like a human head, and its facial features are getting clearer and more protruding, and it looks more and more beautiful. A TV station once held an exclusive interview for it, and piled it on it with amazing and stunning adjectives. Obviously once So I expected it to be beautiful, but when it showed its facial features, the group of people began to be afraid.

I know that they are just curious, and I know that the catkins are just an excuse. What they are really afraid of is this river willow.

In the dark of night, I found that the facial features of the tree tumor were twisted, and I was a little scared.

I held up its face and said: You are also afraid of being poached, right

It doesn't answer, but I know it's scared.

At dawn the next day, after breakfast, I went to the river to see the big willow tree that was about to be shoveled away. I was depressed and full of thoughts. Even the group of innocent pedestrians became the target of my hatred.

When I was approaching the bridge, I saw from a distance that the front was full of traffic jams, the crowd was noisy, the car horns were blaring loudly, and everyone had strong dissatisfaction on their faces.

Well, to be honest, my heart beat a little faster, and I had an intuition about what happened. Out of curiosity, I went against the flow of people and accidentally bumped into a young man in a suit.

The man was carrying a briefcase, and the documents in it were knocked out a little, as if they were some kind of divorce proceedings.

I quickly apologized, the young man was very busy, so I left without paying any attention.

I think he is a rare good guy, because many people who walked by the river bank hated me before, and they would be scolded severely if they accidentally bumped into him.

As I squeezed into the crowd and listened to them, I finally figured out what was going on. It turned out that when I dug the largest river willow tree under the bridge this morning, I found that the roots and stems were extremely thick, and each root and stem grew out of the size of a basketball. 's tumor.

The outdoor worker was very surprised and immediately called his boss.

The boss who was shocked that it was a big news hurriedly sent a big truck to carry it, and there were also biological experts who heard the news and assistants on the road.

They can't wait to study this strangely growing river willow in the truck, study the huge nodules in its root system, and try to study the big discovery that shocked the world.

But I don't know what happened. Just when the big truck drove to the center of the bridge, it suddenly lost control and hit several cars speeding on the opposite side. One of the drivers and the passenger in the passenger seat both died. The willow's thick roots and stems penetrated into the eyes, and the whole head was pulled up and thrown out of the car.

Pedestrians said: A large car accident, too bad.

Others said: The dead person seems to be a big man who just returned from a major meeting.

They laughed: Could it be the mayor? He was the one who decided to eradicate Heliu. This is Heliu's revenge hahaha... After all, isn't Heliu a famous ghost tree in folklore? It's so cloudy, there are often disappearance cases around here, maybe they were eaten by Heliu.

I left in a daze, walked to the river bank unknowingly, and looked at the opposite place where the willows were originally planted. At this moment, it turned into a huge hole, surrounded by a yellow warning belt, and suddenly laughed.

The heavy emotions vanished in an instant. "

If the story of Fujiro is that the element of suspense is greater than the suspense, then the short-haired girl is the opposite of the element of suspense that is greater than the supernatural.

In Furiluo's story, the protagonist got off the airport and met the old woman because he arrived at a friend's house and was smeared with mud. He almost became his friend's ghost. When he ran away, he saw the old woman again, and the gratitude of the old woman was the fruit.

There is actually another line of cause and effect here. The protagonist disrespects the wizard and the deceased, and will also be held grudges. Even if he is not regarded as a ghost by his friends, the deceased and the wizard will find him and find friends.

And the protagonist who helped the deceased by mistake, thus defuses the guilt of his disrespect.

These are two causal lines analyzed from the perspective of the protagonist. If analyzed from the wizard and the dead, they are also logically consistent causal lines.

Second is friends.

Combining the conversations between the protagonist and his friends, the driver, and the witches' thanks, it can be speculated that the corpse that was smeared came from the mummified corpse carried by the witches. It was probably the woman in the photo, because the protagonist saw the girl's fingers in the photo, It is estimated that he saw the silver ring worn on the finger of the mummified corpse.

The wizard brought the deceased home, but the friend was obviously ashamed, so he smeared the corpse mud that most likely belonged to the deceased on the protagonist's face, trying to treat him as a scapegoat. Here is the reason.

It's a pity that by accident, the deceased can find a friend's house smoothly, which is the fruit.

The death of the deceased is related to a friend is the cause, and coming back to him is the effect.

The wrinkled face of the wizard is the result of witchcraft backlash, indicating that she is either an experienced old wizard who has used too much witchcraft and has accumulated a considerable number of backlashes, or she has a close relationship with the deceased and forcibly uses taboos in order to avenge the deceased. Witchcraft leads to terrible backlash.

Of course, all kinds of speculations on the line of wizards are fine. After all, there is not much information. As long as the cause and effect forms a circular line, the logic is self-consistent.

After Cen Jin carefully analyzed it, he was instantly horrified by Furi Luo's meticulous logic. His story was actually simple. Compared with horror stories that were unclear about suspense and supernatural power, his story was not terrible.

It's very easy to speculate on a complete story line, and the real scary thing is to get to the point.

In a simple story, there are several logically consistent causal lines, and each main character in it has one or two self-consistent causal lines. No matter which side of the speculation goes, the causal logic can be closed.

The thinking is really meticulous, and his story is not about its own splendor, but about its relevance.

This made Cen Jin very curious about the identity of Fujiro.

In addition to him, the other three stories will tell the protagonist's occupation, only Furiluo is deeply hidden, and currently we can only guess that he may be a student.

In the same way, there are still unresolved doubts in Furiluo's story, such as the role of the coffin, the 'd' character on the coffin, and the two Buddhist monks in the car. When he was shrouded in the shadow of the coffin, did he fall into evil? .

Since corpse mud is not used for blessing, will the protagonist still fall into evil

On the surface, his story did not intersect with the first two stories, but at the end, Fujiro specially emphasized that the front of the coffin was engraved with 'd', and the hat boy changed his face instantly. Cen Jin guessed that the meeting point was here.

The front of the coffin is usually engraved with the words 'shou' and 'dean'. The coffins in the country of a thousand islands are different from those in China, but they mainly believe in Bharat, and a small number of monks also believe in Buddhism, so the 'd' on the front of the coffin may correspond to the first one The 'Kushinaro' in the story.

Cen Jin frowned, this meeting is a bit far-fetched, and there should be other deep meanings.

It would be nice to know what Kushinaro meant.

The story of the short-haired girl 'Heliu', the only supernatural element is that the willow has a tummy with twisted facial features, similar to a human head. It is rumored that the willow belongs to the yin. A burr with features similar to those of the deceased will grow on the trunk.

The story does not directly name Willow Hiding the corpse, but there are many hints before and after, such as the protagonist's colleague disappearing silently, and for example, at the end of the story, passers-by say that people are often missing nearby.

This is probably the reason why the citizens protested and resolutely shoveled out the willows. They probably believed that large wickers covered the riverbank in summer, and it was easy to kill and steal.

The protagonist is estimated to have a psychological problem. The reason why she opposes planting mangroves is that their developed root system affects the construction of the subway, but the mangroves are built on the bank of the river and have the effect of consolidating the embankment.

She felt that the people who proposed the eradication of Heliu had forgotten the kindness of enjoying the shade in summer, but who would stay outside in the big summer? In this ghost weather now, even if you don't blow the air indoors, you will get heatstroke, not to mention staying outside.

It can be seen here that her excuse for self-contradiction is not because of confusion, nor because she really loves Heliu, but to hide Heliu's secret.

At the scene of the car accident, the protagonist hits the lawyer in the story of the elite man. The deceased in the car accident may be the husband and the mistress of the lawyer's client. This echoes the stories of the boy with the hat and the elite man.

But why is the protagonist relieved in the end

Does she think that the social status of the deceased who died in the car accident is relatively high (suspected mayor), which can divert people's attention from the tumor on the roots of the willow tree

Assuming that the tumor on the root system of the willow is a human head, then this is a serious criminal case, and the attention can even overshadow the serial car accidents and the dead. The protagonist's relief is too self-righteous.

According to this logic, considering that the protagonist is a low-educated sanitation worker, influenced by the deep-rooted and outdated ideas such as "officers are more important than people", it is not surprising that the Heliu corpse case can be ignored.

It's just normal logic that the protagonist in the short-haired girl's story can't live to the next story.

Is this her character line? Has she figured it out

Others looked at the short-haired girl with a more solemn expression. Obviously, they felt that the short-haired girl's role line was almost over, but the short-haired girl's expression was not as easy as customs clearance, which showed that her role line was not complete.

Of course, it is also possible that she is acting, provided that her acting talent is excellent.

Otherwise, Cen Jin wouldn't be able to see it.

There should be something wrong with the short-haired girl's story - wait, lawyer.

The sanitation worker recognized the documents in the lawyer's briefcase as if they were divorce proceedings. First of all, she was literate.

Secondly, there is a difference between literacy and a high level of education, such as being able to say more professional words such as 'divorce proceedings', at least a high school or college education level.

Finally, she knew that mangroves and banyan trees have developed root systems, and most people may not even know what mangroves look like.

Murdering and burying corpses have not been discovered for many years, the IQ must be high, and the educational level is not low. There will never be a wrong conclusion that 'a senior official and his mistress died in a car accident' is more concerned than 'Heliu hides the corpse'.

Unless resigned colleagues, missing citizens, and Heliu's corpse have nothing to do with sanitation workers, she just loves Heliu, and the death of a high-ranking official means a change of office, and the original proposal to replace the riverside tree is put on hold—

Still not right, Heliu hiding the corpse will only speed up the process of the proposal.

Or the conjecture of Heliu Zang corpse is wrong, and the tumor at the end of the root system is indeed the deformed tumor of the willow tree.

Cen Jin scratched his fingernails and thought, if He Liu Zang's guess was wrong, there would be neither suspense nor supernatural elements in the story of the short-haired girl, but a story with a weird protagonist's psychology.

If there are supernatural elements in the later stage of the story, the story of the short-haired girl will be more difficult to round.

Assuming that Heliu Zangshi's speculation is accurate, the logic before and after is fragile, and it is easy to enter a vicious circle of unreasonable logic and be eliminated.

When Furiluo and the short-haired girl took the baton to tell the story, there was almost no pause. A group of people started brainstorming. Until the short-haired girl's story appeared an obvious logical loop, everyone had time to stop and think about the story of the two, so it took a lot of time. long.

About 20 minutes later, the elite man broke the silence: "Your key words."

Short-haired woman: "Survival."

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, changed their postures in situ, and were a little restless.

The red-lipped woman clasped her arms and looked expressionless, while the elite man tapped the table rhythmically. Obviously, everyone felt that the difficulty was too high and had impetuous emotions.

The student's sister whispered, "The next one."

The next one was the long-haired girl among the gays. She was still buried on the shoulders of the short-haired girl, and said in a loud voice, "My story is called eyes."

For some reason, as soon as the name of this story came out, the indoor temperature dropped a little, and everyone felt cold.

Seriously, the more ordinary the name is, the more scary the story must be, but the long-haired girl is so timid, she probably wouldn't dare tell horror stories.

Thinking of this, everyone relaxes, the long-haired girl is not a strong opponent.

Bie Riluo kept staring at the long-haired girl, only to withdraw his gaze when the short-haired girl found out, typed a line on the phone and handed it to Cen Jin to see.

[Do you remember what a girl with long hair looks like?]

Cen Jin felt colder in an instant, and a cold wind hit his back. Looking back, he was facing the air conditioner, so he moved to the side without answering Furuo, but out of the corner of his eyes he couldn't help but focus on the long-haired girl.

It seemed that she hadn't seen the long-haired girl's face since she came in.

Furiluo typed another line: [I heard from others that this couple first appeared in the room, and I have never seen a long-haired girl look up. Are they NPCs pretending to be staff?]

Cen Jin replied to him: [Only the player NPC.]

Fujiro wanted to ask more clearly, the long-haired girl over there started to tell a story.

"Since I was a child, there was a painting that Liben bought in my home. It is said that my uncle brought it back from Liben to do business.

Speaking of my uncle, I really hate him.

As far back as I can remember, he always lived in the attic, wearing a thick and dense cotton jacket in summer, and then blowing the air conditioner from day to night.

At the end of every month, my mother always quarrels with my father and my grandmother because of the high electricity bill. "

The long-haired girl doesn't seem to be very good at telling stories. Not only is she stuttering, but the transition is blunt. She just cuts into 'painting', and then goes to 'uncle' in the next sentence, which is somewhat incomprehensible.

"There is another reason why I hate my uncle. The painting he bought was hung in the living room at first. Later, my mother thought it was too coquettish and unrefined, so she hung it in my room forcibly. Sleep under her gaze.

The painting is bold and colorful, with simple strokes, very ukiyo-e style.

The painting shows a woman in a gorgeous kimono, with her back to the person looking at the painting, turning slightly to the side, with thick black hair scattered, her skin is very white, so white, although only a small part of her neck can be seen. and cheeks, but I know she must be a beautiful woman.

Beautiful, and there is a fatal attraction of pure lust. "

No one reacted at first, until the long-haired woman paused for a long time, and they carefully recalled her description, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The woman in the painting is in a posture with her back to the outsider, why does the protagonist say that she sleeps under 'her' gaze every night

"I liked her very much at first, she was really beautiful, but then I didn't like her anymore." The long-haired girl didn't say why she didn't like her, just like a moody child, but she was indeed a child in her description.

This is the only story from a child's point of view.