The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 8: Brush the question (mental pollution)


Cen Jin stared intently at the one-legged man, slowly moving his footsteps, while the one-legged man remained motionless.

He walked around to the back of the one-legged man, and sure enough, he saw another one on the back.

They were back to back, with their flesh growing deformed together. The front one raised both hands to cover its face, while the back one completely exposed its hideous grimace, goatee, protruding teeth, and a fierce look.

Cen Jin turned back to pick up the bucket, suddenly felt wrong, turned his head with a stiff neck, and faced the one-legged man who appeared behind him at some point. Move away, and you can vaguely see the mouth full of sharp teeth and saliva.

He put the bucket in front of the one-legged man and asked softly, "Ask the one-legged man, where are the gold beans and silver naked?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard two soft clicks, and Cen Jin saw a golden bean and a silver naked fall out of the mouth of the one-legged man.

He picked it up and held it in the palm of his hand, making sure that it was the texture of gold, bean and silver, and then put it in his pocket properly. As soon as he picked up the bucket, he turned his head and ran out about ten meters, but he didn't hear any abnormal noise behind him.

Cen Jin couldn't help but look back, the space behind him was empty, and the figure of One-legged Di Gong had long since disappeared.

Surprised in his heart, Cen Jin's arm muscles were tense, and the moment he turned his head, he picked up the bucket and poured it out suddenly.

After pouring it, he threw away the bucket and kept walking. Cen Jin crossed the one-legged land and ran out about four or five meters. He heard a chomping sound behind him, his scalp tightened, and he dared to look back and look at him. Running wildly in the direction of the cabin in the woods.

Fortunately, the hut in the forest is not too far away, and as soon as I look up, I can see the roof of the hut.

Cen Jin burrowed into a bush that was two meters high, and chopped off the dead branches and leaves that blocked the road. A puddle of sticky mud-yellow liquid suddenly fell from the top of his head.

On closer inspection, the liquid also contained minced meat and bones.

Cen Jin slowly raised his head and saw a grimace hanging over his head, the one-legged man!

The grimace showed a grim smile at Cen Jin, and the muddy yellow viscous liquid flowed out. At the same time, he stretched out his hand. Everything in front of him was played at a slow speed in Cen Jin's eyes, with great visual impact. He waved the bone cutter completely conditioned reflexively , I don't know how much strength it took, anyway, when he broke free from the bushes, his fingernails even cracked and small wounds appeared.

And his all-out slashing only caused minor injuries on the one-legged man.

One-legged man is like a nimble ape climbing and jumping in the woods, playing with its prey. When it sees a hut in the woods with a probability of less than 1 suddenly appearing in the open space in front of it during the day, it is stunned for a moment, and the next moment it directly pounces on the running. Cen Jin, intends to make a quick decision.

Such as an eagle flying down from the air, the ape-armed ghost claws flashing cold light, the target is the head of the prey, if there is no accident, the head of a human can be torn off in less than two seconds.

Cen Jin ran in a hurry, jumped directly onto the porch of the hut, bowed his back due to inertia, the ghost claws pierced through his hair, and was about to cut his flesh. At the critical moment, a thin black shadow flashed in front of him and jumped into the open door of the hut. , followed by two violently colliding figures flying into the hut, with a loud 'bang' sound, the furniture in the house smashed into pieces, and two tall monsters quickly fought.

The enemy was very jealous when they met. The one-eyed monster didn't care about anything when he saw the one-legged man, and directly roared and tore off a piece of meat from the one-legged man's shoulder. The latter was not to be outdone, and had two more arms and a mouth than the one-eyed monster. In one bite, two pieces of meat were pulled out and swallowed without chewing.

Next to him, there is also a sneak attack from time to time, and the three foreign objects fight extremely fiercely, but whoever wins is not good for Cen Jin, especially in this battle situation, the one-eyed monster is obviously weak.

Cen Jin rushed to the attic, cut off the lock on the toilet door, got into the house next to him very skillfully, jumped out of the window with a sack of bones, and closed the window when he left.

The long-haired, faceless woman noticed the movement downstairs and joined the battle, her black hair crawling all over the room and crushing everything she could see.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the resentful boy wanted to run away, and as soon as he fled to the door, his feet were entangled by black hair. Cen Jin, who saw the dog at the door, immediately sent out a signal for help.

Cen Jin: "Bao, wait for me, let's go pull allies!"

After he finished speaking, he ran and closed the door.

Realizing that the deceived complaining boy's laughter filled the whole cabin in the woods, it sounded like weeping with grief mixed with anger.

Cen Jin did not go to the fork this time, but ran to the river.

The source is the river of the underground river, which crosses the warning area of the hut in the forest, but the forest ranger dare not swim up, but the river bottom is still full of strange snakes.

Cen Jin threw down the bones in the sack one by one, just like fishing, except that others were fishing for real fish, but he was fishing for snakes and figurines.

The river was calm at first, and the covered 'dead branches' remained motionless until Cen Jin finished throwing the bones, and finally threw the sack in. 'Lin Xiao' couldn't bear it anymore and climbed out of the water, all the black 'dead branches' in short She shed her skin in just a few seconds, climbed into the corpse of 'Lin Xiao', made a rustling sound, and instantly formed a foreign body in the shape of a human upper body and a giant snake on the lower body.

The ranger opened his eyes, and countless dense eyeballs stared at Cen Jin, "Trash... clear, clear... rubbish."

Cen Jin: "It's the garbage thrown by the faceless woman and the one-eyed monster in the hut in the woods. They threw a corpse into the river and stabbed you into the snake's nest. I can help you get rid of them."

The ranger stared at Cen Jin, his anger level rising: "Remove... rubbish."

Cen Jin frowned: "Can't communicate?"

When he met the forest ranger for the first time, the other party was a 'Lin Xiao' who could communicate, and he was a human-like foreign object. He thought that he should be able to persuade the other party to join the team that killed the cabin in the forest, but it didn't seem possible.

Perhaps the 'Lin Xiao' at that time was just the memory of the snake figurines imitating the body, and did not maintain reason. The foreign object in front of him was just a monster called a forest ranger, and he actually only had the instinct to kill.

Cen backed back and kicked the dead branches into the river, "Do you hate it? Hate is right, come and kill me."

The forest ranger was extremely angry, splitting his mouth and roaring, the stench of saliva splashed everywhere, the tail of the snake slapped the river surface, the water splashed everywhere, and the strange snake fell to the shore and crawled towards Cen Jin.

Cen Jin ran back to the hut in the woods familiarly, as if returning home happily.

Holding the doorknob, through the crack of the door, Cen Jin looked at the grumpy boy who had been twisted by the faceless woman. His palms were so nervous that they sweated, but he didn't move. He stared at the bone cutter calmly until the clean surface flashed by. The hideous face of the ranger - right now!

He pushed open the wooden door suddenly, and the roar came like a tsunami. The resentful boy tore off the faceless woman's face, pounced on Cen Jin with resentment, opened his bloody mouth, and Cen Jin fell to the side with a short body, exposing his back. The rushing ranger.

The resentful boy who killed the red-eyed collided with the forest ranger who was looking for revenge. Out of inertia, he fell into the wooden house. Cen Jin quickly closed the door, blocked the door firmly, and listened to the foreign objects in the wooden house fighting. He was so tired that he sat down and looked up at the sky.

"I don't know if there is a bonus for removing foreign objects in the warning area, and if so, how much for one." Cen Jin muttered to himself.

Hearing the words, the copper bell on the top of the door trembled even more.

Outside the Sihai Cave warning area, in the open space and in the modified off-road vehicle, the green military oscilloscope suddenly issued a violent and rapid warning sound, and the red wave line fluctuated violently, and the observers quickly recorded and tracked it.

Shi Chahai came over: "Out of control?"

"Mental pollution index is between 220, moderate pollution, controllable, a small-scale magnetic storm occurs, satellite monitoring does not fail, and does not exceed the scope of risk control. The warning area where abnormal fluctuations are monitored is... a cabin in the woods."

Shi Chahai: "Which other candidates are stranded?"

"There are 33 new students, 32 candidates have been monitored, 21 have been eliminated, and the remaining 11 are in the underground river. The new student who was not monitored is called Cen Jin, who disappeared in the warning area of the hut in the forest an hour ago. Unable to trace."

Shi Chahai was too impressed with Huang Maoshun's appearance, so he asked, "Zhou Man and the three of them didn't find anyone?"


"Shouldn't." Shichahai touched his chin: "Although Zhou Man and the three are still in the reserve after graduating for two years, they can't be difficult to find someone. And the probability of encountering a cabin in the forest during the day is less than 1, unless the yellow hair is bad luck. people."

Observer: Huang Mao... Did you give the new student a nickname so quickly

"If Huang Mao encountered the cabin in the forest, there would be no bones left by now." Shichahai shook his head: "Aerial photography drones will reinforce ten, and then send a team into the jungle for search and rescue, and make sure to find the new born. Zhou Man stayed, Gan Zhiyi and Lu Chengping went to the underground river to meet with the examiners, and made the final assessment for the 11 candidates."

As soon as the voice fell, another military oscilloscope suddenly made a harsh warning sound, and the 'beep-beep-' observer quickly recorded and tracked it.

After the end, she showed a surprised expression: "The mental pollution index is around 260, moderate pollution, controllable, and the abnormal fluctuation is monitored... is the cabin in the woods?"

If the mental pollution index exceeds 280, it is considered to be highly polluted and needs to be monitored or cleaned up. Obviously, the mental pollution index in the warning area of the hut in the forest has reached a critical value.

Shisha Haydn was curious, what happened to stimulate the mental pollution index in the warning area of the hut in the forest to soar.

He just changed his mind and wanted to inform Gan Zhiyi or Lu Chengping, the two reservists of the investigation team, to leave one to assist Zhou Man in the investigation, but found that two military oscilloscopes burst out with harsh warnings one after another, and the two observers reported the situation calmly.

"The spiritual pollution index of the cabin in the woods has soared to 284, entering the stage of high pollution, and it is recommended to remove it—wait for it, it is still soaring, 307, 341… ."

The observer's suggestion is to immediately remove the unstable pollutants at any cost, and Shichahai, as the chief examiner, is more concerned about the reason for the soaring spiritual pollution index of the cabin in the forest.

"Gan Zhiyi and Zhou Man immediately went to the cabin in the forest to investigate according to the instructions."

However, there was another situation here. The oscilloscope stopped abruptly after warning, and the observers were stunned: "The mental pollution index of the cabin in the woods has dropped sharply, and it is below 80, which is normal."

Never been normal, which means the foreign body has been removed, or the foreign body is not dangerous.

Why does this mental pollution index change like a roller coaster? What happened to the cabin in the woods

Zhou Man and the three who were still in the warning area received orders from Shichahai and set out to investigate separately.

Shi Chahai tapped on the console and pondered, "This situation is not normal. Immediately monitor the mental pollution index and magnetic field fluctuations of the underground river."

The observer did so and replied, "The underground river is normal."

Shichahai: "Monitor underground reservoirs."

The observer hesitated for a while. After all, the underground reservoir is the body of the Sihai Grottoes. The real fourth-level restricted area, even if it is monitored, there is a risk of losing control at any time, and data monitoring can only be carried out on the periphery, and no one has been able to go deep into the center of the reservoir.

After about ten minutes of data monitoring, analysis and speculation, the observer suddenly looked serious: "Director."

Shi Chahai looked over.

The observer showed panic: "Unusual fluctuations in the underground reservoir have been monitored, and the possibility of a third outbreak of mental pollution cannot be ruled out!"

The mental pollution of the underground reservoir is terrifying. It will destroy the spirit and reason of the creatures within a radius of 100 meters, generate various cannibals and foreign objects, and have completely uncontrollable consequences.

"Step up the control, the second team and the third team entered the jungle respectively, and escorted the eliminated candidates to exit the Sihai Cave safely. All the examiners gathered in the underground river to protect the eleven candidates from leaving quickly!"
