The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 80: Story meeting (5)


The long-haired girl still buried her face in the shoulders of the short-haired girl, and everyone else could only see her cloud-like smooth hair from any angle.

The air-conditioning wind seemed to be getting colder, and many people in the room shrank their arms. A row of fine goose bumps floated on Cen Jin's arms, and he could even hear the whistle of the air-conditioning wind facing him behind him.

But the next moment, the air conditioner was obviously turned off.

Cen Jin turned his head in surprise, the air-conditioning wind facing him was indeed much smaller, and the demeanor was at a size that made him very comfortable.

Could it be that the boss still remembers what he did in his post a few years ago

But except for him, everyone else in the room was still very cold, obviously there was only one air conditioner.

"The summer of eight years was sultry and the temperature was as high as 30°C every day, but my mother wouldn't let the air conditioner turn on, and woke up every day with the humming of the fan and sticky sweat.

This day, I woke up sweating as usual, sitting by the bed, facing the fan, the curtains behind me opened, the sun came in, and the room was very bright. I glanced at the picture on the wall out of the corner of my eye, thinking, she must have watched me all night.

It's all my uncle in the attic for taking her home. I hope she doesn't pester me. I don't have the habit of stealing now.

My mother urged me downstairs to have breakfast. After I finished washing up, I watched my mother slam the prepared breakfast on my grandma's table. My father was watching TV with the back of his head facing us, pretending to be invisible.

But I know he can see.

Grandma sighed helplessly, her old appearance was a little pitiful, and I was soft-hearted, but when I saw the two black holes in her eyes, I became angry, and when I thought about it, she insisted on letting my uncle stay in the attic, and I was even more angry.

So I shouted to my mother and deliberately said that the paintings in the room were too annoying, and she was about to steal all the important things in the house.

Because my uncle's travel expenses to Liben was to steal my grandmother's private house money and my parents' marriage money. They have always been brooding about this matter. The word 'steal' is very sensitive in our family, so my mother cooperated with my performance very well. , pointing at Sang and scolding Huai in the kitchen.

The screeching noise and the clatter of pots and pans made me regret bringing up the paintings in the room.

Alas, why don't they understand that I'm telling the truth

Grandma went to the attic to deliver meals to my uncle with a dinner plate. I put on my schoolbag and put on my shoes at the entrance. I looked back at my dad who was reading the newspaper and said, "Dad, if you keep pretending to be invisible, maybe one day you will really be invisible." .

Dad glared at me angrily.

I giggled, ran out of the house, and suddenly remembered that I forgot to tell my father not to steal money from my mother's private house when she was not paying attention, and don't be like my grandma who always steals food, my nutrition and my mother's blood to give Uncle.

A week later, I woke up suddenly with intense heart palpitations and the bedside clock silently pointed to 3:45.

There are dense eyes staring at me in the dark, from the direction of the painting, staring at me so hard that I can seem to hear them whispering.

Talking eyes

so funny.

But I couldn't laugh. I was very panicked and scared. I desperately wanted to sleep, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream and call my parents, but I couldn't. The eyes in the painting were looking at me.

I don't know what would happen if I was caught waking up

Will the eye sockets become two black holes like the grandma who stole things

But I haven't stolen anything for a long time, and since I found out that the painting can steal things, I don't dare.

Will it turn over old accounts? It's all my uncle's, it's all my grandmother's fault, they steal things by themselves, why are they hurting us

Finally, until dawn, I rushed out quickly, hugged my uncle's room, and ran downstairs to ask my mother why she kept my uncle? Why can't grandma and uncle live in the old house? Does the reputation of filial piety matter? Does Grandma's Pension Matter

My mother felt distressed for me, who was emotionally broken down. In the end, she insisted that my grandma and uncle move to the old house. I took the opportunity to make a request, and my uncle also took away the paintings that my uncle stole.

For Dad, of course Mom and I are more important, so this time he finally put down the newspaper in his hand to respond to our demands.

I looked at the black holes on his face with the same two eye sockets, and swallowed in fear.

Eventually the family decided that the grandma and uncle had to move out tomorrow.

Mom was very happy and rewarded me with a big chicken leg. I was also very happy, so I raised my head and asked seriously: Mom, will you steal

Mom said: Of course not.

I nibbled at the big chicken leg with confidence all of a sudden, and at night, I went back to my room to sleep, staring vigilantly at the stand-up painting, feeling that the woman in the painting would look back at me from time to time.

Or suddenly open the clothes, revealing many eyes staring at me, otherwise how to explain the dense eyes that gather on me every night

In the second half of the night, I was woken up by the heat again, and I was dazed and felt dense gazes staring at me, just painting—no, no! This time the line of sight was very close, as if someone was standing at the head of the bed staring straight at me.

Because the fan that was blowing on me by the bed was whistling, but no wind was blowing on me!

I didn't dare to open my eyes at all, but I trusted my intuition and knew that the picture hanging on the wall staring at me was different from the one standing beside my bed staring at me right now.

Those clumps and clumps of sight became countless eyes in my mind, dense eyes of different sizes and shapes, just staring at me so indifferently, until I broke down... Of course, I didn't go crazy in the end. , I don't know how long it took, and suddenly my whole body loosened, and those terrifying, dense gazes left my room.

I was panting alone in the room. I thought I would open my eyes until dawn, but I fell asleep unexpectedly.

When I woke up, I looked at the painting on the wall for the first time, but the painting had already been removed. I quickly put on my shoes and ran into my uncle's room in the attic, where the clothes and bed were cleaned up.

Finally gone.

I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and leave when I suddenly wondered how this room with the nailed-up window was so bright? Are the lights on


I looked for the light source, stared straight at the wall with countless holes cut out, leaned over to look at a hole, and found that it was my bedroom, facing my bed, and the wall was On the back is the place where the portrait of the Liben woman was originally hung.

I shuddered suddenly, thinking to myself that the person who peeps at me every night is a painting or an uncle

My mother suddenly appeared at the door of the attic, urging me to wash up and go to the Children's Palace. I agreed and walked out. I couldn't see my mother's face because of the light behind my back, until I accidentally caught a glimpse of my mother's face from the mirror hanging by the stairs.

I asked stiffly: Mom, didn't you say you haven't stolen anything? "

The weather in June and the sweltering room made everyone sweat profusely from the story of the long-haired girl. No one expected that the woman who looked most afraid of ghosts would tell such a terrifying story.

No, now no one can tell whether it is suspense or horror. What is certain is that it is extremely scary to think about it. Every sentence and every place is terrifying.

The previous few sentences "she don't bother me" are the child's words and childish words, or is the child's ghost eyes closed, what did he see

The things at home are about to be stolen by the paintings in the room. Was it stolen by the 'painting' or by the 'uncle'

Did 'I' discover some secret

The scariest part of the story is the two black holes on the face of 'grandma', what does this mean? Are her eyes gouged out? For stealing

Why do people have their eyes gouged out for stealing? who dug it

Later, the father was also gouged out because he often stole money from his mother's private house. The protagonist used to steal, but he didn't dare.

The uncle and grandma also stole it, and in the end, the mother should also be gouged out, because she stole something, combined with the above, it is possible that she stole the grandma's pension account.

And the most thoughtful place in the story is the paintings on the wall, and the dense holes on the wall in the uncle's room.

Does the peeping protagonist's sight come from the painting or the uncle

If it was an uncle, why did he dig so many holes

The protagonist surrounded by dense eyes, is her intuition correct

The student's sister screamed softly, shook hands with each other and stared at the same-sex couple: "That long-haired girl, why do you keep lying on your girlfriend's shoulders? You... have you seen her face?"

The red-lipped girl beside the short-haired girl immediately bounced off, and burst out with an authentic Cantonese accent: "Mother Throwing Thunder!"

Others stared at the two vigilantly: "Make it clear, whether you are human or ghost!"

The short-haired girl: "'s a human. My girlfriend has a cold, wears a mask, and is dizzy, so she has been lying on top of me." She patted the long-haired girl on the shoulder: "Little Li, show them."

The long-haired girl raised her head reluctantly, and she was wearing a mask.

Soon she lay back again, but the others were still vigilant: "she is so timid, why does she come to play? Why is the story she tells so scary?"

Short-haired girl: "Because she likes to play this kind of horror and suspense game very much, and is also a horror novel author and horror game commentator up."

The student's sister couldn't believe it: "How is it possible? She's so timid!"

Short-haired woman: "People are addicted to vegetables..."

After saying that, she was punched by the long-haired woman.

In any case, the misunderstanding was resolved, and everyone returned to their original positions, asking what the key word of the long-haired girl was.

She said softly, "But I haven't finished yet."

and also

"When I was thirteen years old, my grandmother died. My uncle showed up at the funeral once, but he was still wrapped tightly. The day after my grandmother was buried, he left. After two or three years, I heard that he Going to a big city to be a taxi driver.

As for the painting, it seems to be still hanging in the main hall of my hometown. "

The story of the boy in the hat, and the direct compilation of his prequel, this is a signal of anti-customer-oriented and active attack!

Awesome, worthy of being a horror novel author, the content and atmosphere of the story are quite strong, not only taking care of his own logical thinking, but also attacking directly against the hat boy. Other people's stories echo each other a bit. Her story has a lot of doubts and can be interpreted in many different ways. The scary thing is that the logic is still self-consistent.

The long-haired girl continued: "The key word is: Hundred Eyes."

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately became buoyant, as if they had drank an energy drink. For no other reason, the main keywords of others were vague, and only the keyword of long-haired girl was particularly specific.

Hundred eyes, one more word to understand.

There is a hundred-eyed monster in Shanhaijing, which was passed on to Liben, became a hundred-eyed demon, and compiled the origin of a hundred-eyed demon, that is, a rich girl has a thief, every time she steals something, that thing will become an eye, Until the whole body is covered with eyes and becomes a hundred-eyed demon.

Hundred-eyed demons will steal eyes, and if they steal a hundred of them, they will become thousand-eyed demons, which are difficult to conquer. So when she stole 98 eyes, a monk sealed her main eye with Buddha incense ash, and he subdued her like this.

So in Rapunzel's story, as long as someone steals something, his/her eyes will be stolen, so the eyes of the protagonist's family are empty.

So the question is, is it the Hundred-eyed Demon in the painting or the uncle in the attic

Rapunzel: "Next story."

"Wait." The student's sister scratched her heart: "Who is the Hundred-eyed Demon? Is there really a Hundred-eyed Demon?"

Long-haired girl: "I don't know, you ask him."

She pointed at the hat boy and threw the pot to him.

The boy in the hat is bulging, and the next story can't be separated from this setting, or it will be a hundred-eyed demon, and the setting will be rounded back, which confirms that the core tone of the story is ghosts and ghosts.

Either refute the setting of the long-haired girl, but he does not have the IQ and logic of the long-haired girl, so he can't fulfill the setting, causing him to be successfully trapped.

Cen Jin applauded secretly, they were all a very powerful group of people.

Next is the woman with red lips. She told a story called 'The Bird in a Cage' that happened in a remote town, to the effect that the protagonist, as a member of the town's residents, has never left the town, and does not know the outside world. develop.

Until one night, the protagonist saw two beams of lights passing by the town gate from a distance, and then saw a strange steel monster galloping in the night. She had never seen it before, and she was curious, so she wanted to follow, but she was severely beaten. crashed to the ground...

When it came to this, everyone in the room looked at her and the boy in the hat clearly. It was obvious that her story was based on the logic of the boy in the round hat, and they had cooperated for a long time.

The red-lipped woman shrugged and stopped creating an atmosphere. After speaking quickly, she said the key word: "Heterogeneous."

Cen Jin's eyelids jumped and he looked at the woman with red lips. These keywords seem to refer to 'foreign body' and 'weird'. Are the keywords after 'hundred eyes' so obvious

After the red-lipped woman, the atmosphere in the room changed from the horror and suspense brought by the original story to the tension and urgency of players forming gangs in reality. The story is almost over, and they can prepare to eliminate some people.

The remaining two students and younger sisters were probably influenced by the former and adults, and were frightened by those terrifying stories.

The last two student sisters were depressed and said nothing.

Now it was the ninth person's turn, the most eye-catching yellow hair in the crowd.

The narrow room was crowded with people, even Furiluo, who had prominent foreign silhouettes, had black hair, and only Cen Jin had dazzling yellow hair.

Even if he does not speak, even the cat will be noticed in the corner, because he is as bright as a firefly in the dark night.

Everyone looked at him in a bit of amazement, with no other meaning. They mainly looked at him as a dead person ready to quit at first, thinking that he would not be serious and that he was not a strong opponent, but this law was broken by the long-haired girl just a second ago.

Recalling the story of 'Eyes' still feels creepy.

What if this yellow hair mourner is also the king of people who are addicted to vegetables

Cen Jin, who had no sense of urgency, decided to tell a more kind and warm story, so he said, "My story is called ghost school psychic."

Crowd: Fuck.