The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 9: Floating Corpse (Evil Eyes...)


The first outbreak of mental pollution in the Sihai Grottoes underground reservoir occurred in the Republic of China. The specific time cannot be traced back. Various foreign objects appeared successively. Most of them were removed in 1982, leaving only the one-legged man and the crying child.

The second outbreak of mental pollution occurred in 2004. There were forest rangers and two foreign objects in the hut in the forest. After investigation, it was found that the scope of pollution was expanding. The final ruling was to close the Sihai Grottoes in all aspects, and implement monitoring and slow-moving measures to find a thorough solution. Methods of clearing underground reservoirs.

This search, seventeen years later, the agency is still unable to set foot in the underground reservoir center.

And decades of data monitoring inferred that the third outbreak of mental pollution in the underground reservoir was at least 30 years later, so the school designated the Sihai Grottoes as the examination room. Who would have expected the disaster to happen earlier!

Observer: "The mental pollution of the underground reservoir fluctuated violently, and a small-scale magnetic storm occurred. As soon as the aerial photography drone entered the underground river, it began to crash. The positioning signals of the students and the examiners disappeared and they could not maintain long-term contact. A team has set off for the forest. Cen Jin, the missing candidate in the search and rescue of the middle house, considering that the third mental pollution is about to break out, the search and rescue time is considered to be 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, everyone will be evacuated from the Sihai Grottoes."

"The second and third teams of soldiers have set off, and the rescue mission will be completed within 30 minutes.

All the examiners are heading to the underground river. Please note that the institution can only reach the Sihai Grotto in an hour. The aerial photography drones and positioning and navigation have all failed. The school cannot provide any assistance. All tied to you, please be sure to fully rescue the mission. "

Since the risk assessment level of Sihai Grottoes is safe, and the four extra-time quizzes for freshmen have been successfully completed in the first half of the year, only thirteen institutional reserve examiners and three official soldiers from the three squads were dispatched to maintain the examination room this time.

The former has not dealt with big and strange incidents independently, and the latter are all ordinary people. If one is not handled well, the whole army may be wiped out.

Fortunately, there are many high potential students in this batch of freshmen. The dean of the school, Shi Chahai, came in person. Unfortunately, there are too many high potential students.

If sacrificed, the loss is too heavy. The observer thought so.

The sea of Shisha was sinking like water, and he took out a string of Vajra Bodhi from Huang Duika's pocket and said, "Can wireless communication be used in other places outside the dark river?"

"Currently available."

"Okay, you two stay in the car and instruct the team to rescue the candidates. I'll go to the underground reservoir."

The two observers did not agree with the words, but they also knew that if Shi Chahai went in person, the casualties would be reduced. Even if they objected, it would be useless. Shi Chahai was much higher than them.

In this way, the soldiers and Shichahai set off separately, and the space became deserted all of a sudden, but the observers and all the soldiers and examiners who set off held their hearts tightly and did not dare to relax.

At this time, the underground dark river.

Countless fluorites emit a faint green light, illuminating the dim caves and the sparkling river surface, and everyone can clearly see a stone statue of a tomb beast every two meters on both sides of the river bank.

If Cen Jin was here, he would recognize that these tomb-suppressing beasts are very similar to the tomb-suppressing beasts on the top of Shinto pillars. The only difference is that the tomb-suppressing beasts in the dark river are biting pregnant women instead of child stumps. .

These stone statues are so lifelike that you can even see the numb and painful expression lines on the faces of the pregnant women who are being swallowed.

Eleven freshmen gathered together, one second they were competitors, the next second they were united and helped each other.

When they heard the sound of the end of the exam, the freshmen found that they could not find a way to leave before they had time to rejoice. The positioning watch could not send a signal for help, and they were trapped in the underground river. They had to cooperate and try to get out of the dark river. .

Among them, the red leather jacket became the leader of the freshmen because he was more familiar with foreign objects. He said calmly: "When encountering strange things, you must keep calm. This is one of the school rules. Trust the school, they must know the situation, they are on the way to rescue us, don't forget The examiner is also in the examination room. Ten minutes ago, we were tricked by the examiner."

"This is a Grade 4 high-risk restricted area. So far, no one from the school has been able to penetrate into the underground reservoir, and we are in the dark river, the closest to the reservoir. If there is a problem with the underground reservoir, it would be useless to have another 100 examiners." The short-haired girl said.

"Are we going to die?"

"No, didn't the school say that Sihai Grotto has never been out of control? They have guaranteed the safety of the candidates. The bald chief examiner is very powerful at first glance, and he will definitely save us."

"Yes, they still have the army and Rewu. No matter how powerful the fourth-level high-risk foreign objects are, they can't stop the nuclear weapons."

"That's right, believe in the power of technology." Someone joked, trying to ease the tension, but found that his friend's expression was not right: "Zhang Xinjia, what's the matter with you?"

"I feel very uneasy." Zhang Xinjia said in a panicked tone: "I feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us, from, from those grotesque stone statues, the dark river, and the walls of the karst cave, countless eyes staring at us all the way, you, Don't you feel it?"

Everyone was frightened by his description. The strange incidents they encountered along the way were almost created by the examiner. They were only frightened and not life-threatening. Now that the exam is over and the examiner suddenly disappears, Zhang Xinjia said that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them, which is too terrifying.

"Zhang Xinjia, everyone is no longer in a competitive relationship, so don't scare us."

"I didn't, I didn't really scare you."

"I have a doubt, the underground river is the fifth warning area, and the new student's quiz guide clearly points out the characteristics of foreign objects in the other four warning areas, but here is no mention of it. So the question is, what are the foreign objects here called? What are the characteristics? Does the school know about it? If so, why wasn't it mentioned in the guide?"

The red leather jacket frowned, and he couldn't say it, so he asked the short-haired girl who had just splashed cold water: "Huang Jiang, how much do you know?"

The parents of Red Jacket are official insiders, and their department is responsible for contacting the agency, mainly doing some clerical duties. Therefore, when they came into contact with the New World very early, they focused on cultivating their only son and instilling him a lot of New World knowledge.

Especially in this freshman quiz, his parents specially told him to have a good relationship with candidates with strong backgrounds and high talents, including short-haired girls.

The short-haired girl's name is Huang Jiang, born in Bashu and Miao, from the ancient and mysterious Ghost Gu family, and the Ghost Gu family is one of the board members of the Huaxia District organization, with an extremely tough background.

The red leather jacket has been approaching turmeric intentionally or unintentionally since it entered the black box, but unfortunately turmeric has a cold personality and is difficult to please.

During the exam, Huang Jiang's performance was seen by everyone, and they were quite convinced of her ability, so they all expected her to answer their doubts.

However, Huang Jiang only looked at Zhang Xinjia and asked, "Tell me about your feelings in detail."

Zhang Xinjia was surprised: "Do you believe me?"

Turmeric: "Describe in detail."

Zhang Xinjia: "When I was at the entrance of the cave, I felt that there seemed to be a pair of evil eyes staring at me in the dark part of the cave. I couldn't tell, it was a very terrifying feeling, it made my scalp numb, and I suddenly thought of battlefield killing, Bloody violence, I was like an animal to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. I was scared and confused from the inside, so I felt very evil. After I came in, the feeling of being watched by evil became more and more obvious, until the signal disappeared just now, I It feels like there are eyes all around, a dense mass of evil eyes, staring at each of us, and cruel and bloody things are about to happen to us..."

"do not talk!"

Seeing that Zhang Xinjia's mental state was very poor, as if he really saw something terrifying, his expression was extremely panic.

This panic quickly spread in the dark, making the candidates deeply disturbed and affecting their mental state, and the red leather jackets hurriedly stopped drinking.

However, it was already too late. Zhang Xinjia suddenly stared straight behind the crowd, panicked to the extreme, pale and shivering. People closest to him could even see goose bumps on Zhang Xinjia's arms and neck.

That is the physiological instinct of people in a state of fear, and it is not something that can be done by lying.

The red leather jacket stuck in his throat, his heart beat faster, and the back of his head felt cold. For some reason, he seemed to feel those evil eyes.

He twisted his neck stiffly and looked behind him, only a row of grotesque tomb-suppressing beasts and darkness.

The red leather jacket breathed a sigh of relief, what, it wasn't weird at all, I was almost scared to death.

"No." Huang Jiang's expression was solemn.

"What's wrong? What did you see?"

"The light is disappearing." Huang Jiang pointed to the front and said, "Using me as the coordinate, a minute ago, the dim light emitted by the fluorite was at the fifteenth tomb beast, and now it has shrunk to the eighth. The darkness is quietly Silently swallow the cave and approach us."

Others also found the problem and stepped back one after another, their hearts hanging in their throats with fear: "What should I do?"

The red leather jacket is close to Huang Jiang: "Student Huang, what should I do now?"

Turmeric stared at the darkness coldly, without speaking.

"It's moving." Zhang Xinjia's pupils widened, and suddenly screamed: "The stone statue moved! I heard their screams! It's so miserable! It's so painful!"

"What screams? What statues moved? What are you talking about? Zhang Xinjia, calm down, keep calm! Fuck, knock him out, he'll go crazy if he breaks down!"

Zhang Xinjia let out a shrill scream, pushed the crowd away and rushed into the darkness, disappearing in an instant, and the darkness had shrunk to the fourth tomb beast, eight meters away from them.

Red leather jacket: "Back up, run back—"

"No, the light behind is also disappearing. We are in the center. There must be something coming at us in the dark! What should we do? The signal for help cannot be sent, and the school cannot be contacted."

"Are we still taking the exam? This must be a question set deliberately by the examiner."

"I'm not taking the test, I want to go back."

"I gave up the exam, I gave up the exam, Mississippi University, did you hear? Where is the examiner? Come out quickly, we won't take the exam!"

Everyone is about to collapse, their emotions are dominated by fear, their sanity has declined, and they are overwhelmed with panic. Some people think that foreign objects are hidden in the stone statue and try to attack the stone statue, even if they don't have any decent weapons in their hands.

The red leather jacket is also very scared, but he is familiar with foreign objects and his resistance is relatively strong, so he still puts his hope on Huang Jiang, "Student Huang, I know you are a ghost, please help us."

Huang Jiang glanced at the red leather jacket, his expression did not fluctuate, he just shook his head and said, "I don't have the authority to know the secrets of the Sihai Grottoes, and I don't know more than you. But do you remember that the Sihai Grottoes were first noticed because of some strange event?"

“… Tourists bump into bodies floating in the air.”

"Since the Sihai Grottoes were listed as a restricted area, the 'floating corpse' in the file foreign body line has always been suspicious, because the investigation team has never seen a corpse floating in the air!"