The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 95: Asura & Heavenly Man (Water Ghoul (170,000 nutrient solution plus more...)


Asura & Heavenly Man (Water Ghoul (170,000 Nutrient Solution Plus... )

The corner of the hydropower plant was blown up, but it was made of steel and iron, and the inside was not damaged. Although the dam was blasted out of the gap, it did not damage the water inlet valve of the hydropower plant, so the hydropower plant operated normally.

The totem spins and dances the long stick, the moves are wide open and close, the momentum seems to be sweeping across the eight fields, the strength is so strong and the speed is so fast that a white airflow is rolled up out of thin air, spinning around the stick head, and swept from top to bottom. A group of water monkeys came over.

These water monkeys look like monkeys, with no tail, short hair, sharp teeth and sharp mouths. They are covered with parasites. Their heads, abdomens, hands and feet are festering. Feeling the pain, he can also climb up on the alloy rod and continue to attack.

Quite ferocious, completely bestial, and can only be subdued by smashing its brain or spine.

The only way to the hydropower plant is to pass through a glass plank road. When Totem and Wang Lingxian walked to the middle of the glass plank road, the glass on both sides suddenly dropped, and then the water monkeys who were lying in the water rushed to kill them by surprise.

The totem exploded, and the sticks in his hands were heavily inserted into the brains of the two water monkeys. With a little force, the knotted muscles of the arms swelled up, crushing the brains of the water monkeys, throwing them backhand, and throwing the water on the back of his head. Monkeys are nailed to the glass plank road.

He jumped over in three or two steps, pulled up the alloy rod, turned around and said to Wang Lingxian: "There are too many water monkeys, it will take too much time to kill them one by one. You go up and destroy the high-voltage power lines. I will lead them to the lake and circle them. ."

The bottom of the glass plank road itself is an artificial lake that introduces river water. It should be specially excavated by the power plant for captive water monkeys.


Wang Lingxian successfully reached the gate of the hydropower plant through the water monkeys that seemed to be unkillable, and opened the door with two shots. At the switch, climb up to the roof of the factory building from here, and look at the high-voltage power line that is three meters high above your head. About ten meters to the left is the rumbling dam.

Wang Lingxian fired a shot to inform Totem, and another shot was aimed at one of the high-voltage power lines.

Totem heard the gunshots, turned and jumped into the water to swim to the bottom of the lake, and a large number of water monkeys jumped into the lake to catch up.

The totem in the center of the lake was surrounded and submerged in layers by thousands of water monkeys in the lake, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the water rippled slightly, and a voice came from the water: "Angry Eye King Kong: Deterrence."

A faint golden light emanated from among the dense water monkeys, and there was a vaguely angry look of a vajra appearing in the water. It was frightening and frightening, and frightened all the ghosts. The water monkeys were like corpses frozen in the water. The totem swam out of it.

When he went ashore, the angry eyes of King Kong disappeared, and the water monkeys at the bottom of the lake slowly returned to their senses, acted on instinct, and returned to the glass plank road to continue the fight.

At this moment, Wang Lingxian pulled the trigger, and the 'bang-' brass dick popped out of the chamber, brushed one of the high-voltage power lines, and immediately wiped out a series of scary sparks.

The whole high-voltage line fell into the lake and immediately made a terrible sound of 'chi-chi'. A string of sparks jumped through the water and quickly extinguished, but the high-voltage current was input into the lake. Under the action of a natural conductor, all the dense water monkeys in the lake were electrocuted. It turns into coke and emits a pungent stench.

The skirmishers who rushed over saw this and couldn't help but stunned: "The fried fish in a lake is too spicy."

Totem: "Who raised these water ghouls?"

The tall skirmisher with the rocket launcher said: "This is called a water ghoul? We are all called water monkeys. The ghosts raised in the experiment in the sick house were secretly thrown into the river. At that time, the town was closed, and some people tried to Yuhe was attacked by water monkeys."

Totem: "It's not wrong to call them water monkeys. This is a common folk name. The scientific name is water ghoul, which is a type of ghoul."

The tall skirmisher was confused: "There are many types of ghouls?"

Totem: "Ghouls are a large category, refined and manipulated by new spells, but this spell should have been lost long ago."

He asked the tall skirmisher: "Sick

Asura & Heavenly Man (Water Ghoul (170,000 Nutrient Solution Plus... )

When did Dong start raising water ghouls? "

Gao Gao Skirmisher: "I don't know, it seems to have started fifteen years ago. By the way, both the sick house and the ghost school are the family properties of the original principal. Later, he donated the sick house and handed over the ghost school to the current one. Garbage management, disappeared by itself.”

The skirmisher shrugged and touched his head to express the doubts he had always had in his heart: "Speaking of which, there is a very strange thing, the reason why the garbage principal became the principal is to kill the daughter of the former principal, but we have never seen the daughter of the mayor, including His wife, and a lover whom he is said to be very fond of."

Totem is thoughtful, it seems that the town itself has a big problem, and it may not be the arrival of the cult that makes it strange.

Wang Lingxian said at the hydropower plant, "Lao Tu, I found something interesting, come and have a look."

Totem climbed up on the wall, crouched beside Wang Lingxian, followed his gaze and looked down, and saw a motor room directly below, and there were three people in protective suits busy in an orderly manner, as if something happened to the outside world. of everything unknowingly.

"Look carefully at their trajectory." Wang Lingxian reminded.

After observing the totem several times, he found that the three people at the bottom were always working on the same trajectory, watching the meter, the fluctuation value of the computer - pouring the coffee - being in a daze... The continuous cycle, like a robot with a set level of work.

"Controlled?" Totem said.

Wang Lingxian smashed the skylight and jumped down, and the three of them continued to work as if they were blind and deaf. The totem jumped down and observed the three, and then Wang Lingxian tapped his shoulder to signal to look up, and saw the densely carved Sanskrit on the ceiling above his head.

Totem squinted for a while, his expression changed suddenly: "It's a new spell to control ghouls."

Wang Lingxian: "What?"

Totem: "A spell from the end of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century in Bharata, which absorbs the spells independently created by voodoo, Brahman and Buddhism. Due to the serious backlash, it does not harm many people, and it disappeared within a hundred years after it appeared.

However, there are traces of new spells everywhere in the town, and I feel that someone has already been set in the town. I have a feeling that even the 15-year trapping in Kusinara was planned. "

Wang Lingxian: "Asura has such a brain?"

Totem shook his head: "Otherwise, it is difficult to explain that there are traces of the new spell in Weizhen before being targeted by the cult, and don't you think it is strange that the longevity serum appears in Weizhen inexplicably?"

Wang Lingxian folded her arms: "I don't know anything about so many broken myths in Bharata."

Totem: "To sum up, there is a problem with the disappearing original principal, at least he has something to do with the new spell."

Wang Lingxian: "Where do I have to find him?"

The tall skirmisher was lying on the roof. Hearing this, he pointed his head and said, "No one knows where the original principal is. He just disappeared suddenly."

Wang Lingxian shrugged: "It seems that there is no way, let's deal with the two armies first." He raised his head and asked the skirmisher: "Is there any movement?"

The tall skirmisher looked into the distance: "The water is rolling, and there are willow branches spreading at the bottom of the river... It's Heliu! We move here."

Wang Lingxian: "It's done, go and install the explosives."

After speaking, they dispersed and installed bombs in all corners and dams.

On this side of the bridge, the river is about 15 meters wide. The river is galloping. There are residential buildings facing the river on both sides. The two rows of residential buildings on the right face each other. There is a road in the middle. While fighting, the roar echoed with the rolling river water. Unexpectedly, thousands of river willow branches jumped out of the water and quickly woven into a net, entangling the bridge tightly.

There was a soft sound of 'bang', and a cobweb-like crack began to appear on a broken brick from the bridge. The entire sturdy and wide bridge broke and collapsed like a rotten tree. All the strange fighting on the bridge was drawn into the river. Was strangled and strangled by willow branches at the bottom of the river.

Without the compression of the bridge, the huge body of the Heliu is fully stretched, and the trunk is about twenty meters high, covering the sky and the sun.

Asura & Heavenly Man (Water Ghoul (170,000 Nutrient Solution Plus... )

The crown of the tree is like a giant tree.

On the top of the tree trunk is a white hole, and the closed eyes opened, and he said to the legion on both sides of the river bank: "You have disturbed me. Either get out or die."

After speaking, without giving the two parties any chance to react, the river willow branches and rhizomes deeply rooted in the stone walls on both sides of the river bank exerted their strength like a broken bamboo, instantly smashing the river bank and the foundation of the civilian building, causing the left and right sides to collapse like an earthquake. Weird and unable, he didn't want to offend Heliu, and he didn't dare to fall into the bottom of the river, so he had to move towards the power plant upstream.

In this way, the battle situation is all planned.

Except for the red-clothed one who was stopped by Cao Wenning, the two of them went deep into the civilian building while fighting. They had already strayed from the center of the army and were quite far from the river, so they didn't care whether they rushed upstream.

Cao Wenning coughed up the sweet blood from his mouth and asked Hongyi, "Before I die or you die, at least tell me your name."

"King Ashura: Vimalakirti." Red smiled: "You can also call me Garland."

Cao Wenning was startled and stared at Hong Yi vigilantly.

One of the four Asura kings, Vima Mastra, which means garland, she did not expect that there would be an Asura king in the strange town.

"I heard that King Asura is ugly in men and beautiful in women, but I see that you are neither male nor female, but you are not ugly either. Calling yourself King Asura is a bit illusory."

Garland smiles, quite amorous.

"The so-called asuras and gods are just characters that are compiled at will. In order to please some dark things, they are described as humble and ugly. Even the gods who stand against the asuras, under the background of the gods, It's just a jumping clown."

Cao Wenning was even more shocked. He intuitively heard what a big secret. The garland King Asura was very angry inside and out, and it went straight to the gods. Is there another hidden secret in the well-known Brahman mythology system

"Don't you want to say that Asura and the gods are both false stories compiled by the gods?"

Garland looked at her with a smile: "I don't have time to play bad tricks with you, sorry."

As soon as the words fell, the garland burst into flames, revealing the anger of three heads and six arms, blue and Kong, and the coercion alone made Cao Wenning almost unable to move.

Cao Wenning's pupils shrank, and the last scene was the fist of the garland's powerful force, and the branches of the river willow suddenly covering the sky and covering his back.


The three thousand Asura elite troops did not directly participate in the legion. They had a clear goal and went straight to the ghost school. They hid in the clouds and flew in the air. pressure.

Cen Jin ran to the sky platform, and when he saw a large black cloud drifting over his head, he braked suddenly. Under the action of inertial force, he slid forward for several meters, and the soles and soles rubbed violently to generate heat, sending out clearly visible sparks.

After the rapid braking, Huang Mao quickly turned and ran forward, chasing behind Heiyun, holding the metal long gun behind his left and right hands, his eyeballs shrunk to the size of mung bean, like a high-intelligence eight-fold mirror automatically locking on the target, two-pronged approach send-

The two sound waves of '咻 and 咻' penetrate the air, and the high temperature is generated by friction with the air under the high speed and gravity. Can see the light until it submerges into the black cloud, and 'puchi' accurately plunges into the flying Asura.

One of the spears pierced an Asura, the other shot through the chest and stabbed the Asura behind, two spears and three Asuras fell from the sky.

The Asuras were immediately alert and searched around, but they were shot and killed one after another. When they finally found the assassin, they were horrified to find that it was a yellow-haired man who was running and jumping on the roof of a civilian building.

A human, carrying the black and gold long spear specially made by their Asuras, threw it while running, and with the strength of his arm, he threw the long spear thousands of meters into the sky and penetrated the hard asura's body as a rock!

Strength, accuracy, physical strength, and psychology must be so strong that it is possible to shoot one or two asuras!

what monster is this? ! :,,.