The Grim Reaper Can’t Be Tricked

Chapter 98: Pygmalion (1) (Poor customer (180,000 nutrient solution...)


Pygmalion (1) (Poor customer (180,000 nutrient solution... )

boom! !

A series of loud noises one after another, a figure fell heavily from the air, and was thrown like a lifeless lead, through three or four consecutive residential buildings, and finally collapsed at the end of the street, dust billowing, gravel splashing, and a crack on the ground. There was a huge gap, and Cao Wenning, who had almost lost his mobility, was crawling on the ground and crawled out of the hole with difficulty.

After crawling for less than two or three meters, a red figure stopped in front of her.

Cao Wenning raised his head and saw the garland King Asura with a grim smile. A circular ring blade inlaid with black and gold was suspended from the back of his head, which snapped into two crescent-shaped sharp blades, and the tip of the blade was aimed straight at her.

King Ashura tidied his messy hair and spit out cruel words: "Thank you for the balance you have maintained over the years, let us find the longevity serum that Pozhi has hidden."

childish? Pozhi, the head of the four Asura kings? What does he have to do with Weizhen and Kusinara? What does wreath mean

Wait, she remembered that King Pozhi Asura was suppressed in Bodh Gaya, the birthplace of the Buddha more than ten years ago, and it has long been the source of power for some magicians and Buddhist monks in Bharat to practice. Did King Pozhi Asura escape

how is this possible

Are the Brahmins' magicians and supernatural beings eating for dry food

"you… "

Before he finished speaking, the two circular ring blades stabbed down, and when they were about to pierce the heart and throat, two willow branches smashed the circular ring blades into the air, sparking a little spark in the air, and a third The willow branches wrapped around Cao Wenning's waist and dragged him away.

The circular ring blade that was thrown away suddenly stopped when it was about to land, and flew back to the center of Garland's palm.

Garland turned her head, looked at the river that covered the sky and the earth, squinted her eyes, and only chuckled twice before dodging and flying to the rooftop. As soon as her forefoot left, the ground on which her back was standing sprang out several willow roots that seemed to have life. Afterwards, its strength and strength are stronger than that of steel bars, and it will easily damage civilian buildings when it falls from the sky.

The river is huge, although the root and stem system is perfect and abundant, it has already formed a dense network structure underground, breaking out of the ground at any time, breaking through the civilian buildings and attacking the garland, and the latter is very flexible, like a bird traversing the dense jungle, Such as flying insects one after another to avoid the capture of frogs and the traps of pitcher plants.

Compared with the flexible and small size of the garland, the complex civil buildings are quite a hindrance to Heliu.

Before she knew it, Garland ran to the edge of the residential area, stood on the roof, and smiled at Miss Heliu with a gentlemanly gesture: "I really don't have much time to play with you, I will talk about it later."

After saying that, he dodged and disappeared where Miss Heliu could see.

He Liu couldn't catch up, so he lowered his head and asked Cao Wenning, "Are you all right?"

Cao Wenning was stunned, isn't this his master the famously cruel and weird under the bridge? They had to be careful every time they crossed the bridge, for fear of disturbing the Heliu and being sucked into the bottom of the river.

Why is Heliu so friendly and gentle

"I'm fine, you know me?"

"The first time we met, I am a family member of Baimu."

Cao Wenning looked at He Liu's gentle face, and calmly remembered Huang Mao's statement that he could recruit family members in battle, such as his comrade-in-arms's lover, wife, widow, etc., so he probably knew something.

Grass. He didn't say a word when he walked away.

Cao Wenning was a little heartbroken, knowing that such a No. 1 general was in hand, how hard has it been for these years

Thinking about things in his heart, his face was calm, Cao Wenning thanked Heliu for helping, but his eyes saw the dark clouds approaching the sky, and his face tightened: "It's the Asuras! They were ordered by King Asura, look in the direction and go straight to the ghost school, ours People are rushing over there."

He Liu looked up at the dark cloud and said softly, "Leave it to me."

Her tree trunk needs twenty people to hold hands to embrace, and the sloping canopy almost covers the entire residential area. At this time, thousands of stems rustle into the ground, climb up the civilian buildings, weave a large net, and fly low in the dark clouds to When they were in the residential building, the densely packed tree roots suddenly rose to the ground, completely lifting the ground, blocking the Asuras like a net.

Cao Wenning cooperated with Heliu and calmly killed the Asuras.

At the same time, the two armies rushed to the hydroelectric power plant, and when the battle shook the sky, Totem and Wang Lingxian detonated the bombs that had been in ambush. There was a loud bang, and the sky shook in an instant. The sky collapsed, and the torpedoes, mines, rockets, and artillery were thrown into the reservoir gates in threes and fours. The dam was completely blown up, and the flood roared down.

In the distance, Wang Lingxian shot several times and accurately interrupted the high-voltage power lines, and the huge current flooded the entire power plant in an instant.

Pygmalion (1) (Poor customer (180,000 nutrient solution... )


The skirmishers headed by the Gothic man rushed to the heights around the hydroelectric power plant, joined with other skirmishers, concentrated their forces and firepower, and began a sweeping operation to kill the missing fish.

At this time, in the sick room, it was determined that Luo Hu did not have a fourth life. Cen Jin controlled the feather blade to change back to two black gold mechanical wings and continued to carry it on his back. Before leaving, he wanted to say hello to Anping, so he watched the battle from the sidelines.

He found that Anping's strength was on a par with this heavenly man.

Whether in Buddhism or Brahman mythology, although the gods and humans are more esteemed than Asuras, their fighting power is not to be praised.

In Buddhism, Emperor Shakyamuni asked Sakyamuni to move soldiers to rescue. In Brahman mythology, he looked for gods to move soldiers. The origin of company longevity slurry is because the contradiction between gods and Asuras is too great to be adjusted, and gods try to calm the disputes between the two parties. And churning the sea of milk, trying to make them stop the endless battle through longevity.

The dean who claimed to be the emperor of heaven and earth, Shi Tian, could only draw a tie with Anping, and there was still some lack of follow-up.

Cen Jin picked his nails and fell into contemplation on the relationship between the gods and Asuras. Various literary myths and historical records have proved that the relationship between the gods and Asuras was so bad that it was once the same.

Even the Buddha and the gods could not resolve their grievances, but now it seems that they have long been linked and the relationship is still very good.

King Rahu Asura apparently only entered Wei Town yesterday. On the contrary, Emperor Shitian was the head of the sick ward, and he led the Asura congregation in Wei Town for fifteen years.

What kind of cooperative relationship must be made to make the Asuras willing to be ruled by heaven and man

It must be known that all the grievances of the Asuras must be reported, and they will never obey anyone other than King Asura.

Unless Asura and Heavenly Man are the same race.

The Brahmin era, the Buddhist and Jain era, and the current New Brahman era related documents record that Asuras are hostile to gods and humans, and there is absolutely no possibility of being of the same race, but going back to the earlier Vedic era can find gods and Asuras The relationship is not the later incompatibility.

There are not many relevant records about the earlier Vedic era, that is, the ancient Bharata mythology system 4,000 years ago, and there are quite few documents left, but Cen Jin also knows that the birth of the gods and goddesses was actually earlier. From the gods such as Shiva and Vishnu, and the gods of Shiva and Vishnu were born out of some little-known little gods in the Vedic era.

Regarding the mythological system of this period, although there are written records of ancient Asuras, there are only a few.

This is quite interesting.

The mythology system that was born earlier and once occupied the mainstream has turned into a god who is not a god and not immortal in the post-Vedic era. Become the creator god.

No matter how you look at it, it's a bit like the alternation of old and new gods.

The period from the Vedic era to the Brahman era was just four to five thousand years ago, which corresponds to China around five thousand years ago. If I remember correctly, Zhulong said that this period happened to be the era of the rise of new gods and the decline of old gods.

The period of four to five thousand years is the era of the alternation of new gods and old gods.

Cen Jin's guess is getting bigger and bigger, and it has not been confirmed.

Anping responded in a busy and orderly manner: "No. There are no other Asuras, I can deal with this god."

"Then you are busy, I will rush to the ghost school and meet back."

Bang! Anping was kicked into the sick building, just hit the load-bearing wall, and half of the building collapsed.

Cen Jin waited until he replied 'yes' before leaving for the ghost school.


In the plaster room of the ghost school, the whole building above the third floor has been razed to the ground. The plaster statue is broken into powder and bare. The ground full of ancient Sanskrit characters is exposed. The dark-skinned teenagers and the taller adult men stand in plaster casts one after the other. room.

The young man rubbed his fingers and smiled and said, "Look at Pozhi, who hasn't changed at all over the years. He shouldn't have been soft-handed in the past, and the scrapped things should have been chopped up quickly. If they had been slashed with one knife back then, there would be no such thing as the present."

He had a smile on his face, and when he spoke, there was a hearty smile in his voice, as if he was just making a friendly joke, but in reality, the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, there was only resolute coldness.

"Let the dead come to life... It's ridiculous." Facing the sunlight, the young man cast a large shadow behind him, stepped on the floor of the plaster room with his bare feet, and all the runes came alive.

"Even I can't do it, he's delusional!"

The rune emits a faint light, forming a transparent light film, as if clear water is slowly immersing the ground, spreading to the downstairs, basketball court, crimson dormitory, greenery... Encircling the entire ghost school, the long-buried

Pygmalion (1) (Poor customer (180,000 nutrient solution... )

The rune excitedly echoed the rune on the floor of the plaster room.

Or to be more precise, they are echoing the young man, the young man who is infinitely close to God.

When an adult man sees that the young man does not need to form a seal or recite a mantra, he just walks over, and those ancient and mysterious Sanskrit characters bow their heads and obey them.

Although the young man is infinitely close to God, he is truly a human being.

With the body of a mortal, isn't it more exciting and exciting than the reincarnation of a god

This means that humans can also become gods. The realm of gods no longer belongs to those monsters that have survived for thousands of years. Humans can also step on it one day.

The young man spread his hands, his white hair floated in the wind, and the dense talisman culture was synonymous with power such as sharp blades, hurricanes, and flames. He drilled into the ground, and the rock cracked in an instant, with the plaster room as the center, and countless huge cracks opened around him. , some black, huge, indescribable tentacles have drilled out of the surface.

If the humans who rushed to the ghost school felt anything, they stopped and looked at the green field hundreds of meters away. At this time, they were covered by countless huge black tentacles. Everyone who saw the tentacles was instantly polluted, as if they had eaten it. The dizziness is like a poisonous mushroom, and a kaleidoscope-like scene appears around. The dark light spots gradually erode the bright colors, and the emotions of chaos, delusion and terror are concretized in front of everyone.

This indescribable monster crawling out of the green seems to be the center of the universe. The deepest and darkest place people have ever seen is full of endless evil and terror.

Humans were so terrified that they couldn't even scream.

The teenager in the plaster room looked at the mouth of the green monster on the top of his head. There was a meat sac inside. The meat sac contained a corpse that was being melted by the green monster.

If Xindong, Cao Wenning and Anping were here, they would definitely recognize the corpse in the meat sac as the priest.

The pastor was expelled from the church due to serious injuries, and everyone and Wei were looking for him. But he hid in the mouth of the green monster, ready to merge with the green monster.

In the eyes of the young man, the pastor has another identity.

"King Pozhi Asura."

The agency records that King Asura, who was suppressed in the birthplace of the Buddha, escaped secretly very early, followed the order to hide in the town, but unexpectedly betrayed the Asuras and the gods, monopolized the longevity serum, hid for many years, and also used the new psychic spell and half body. Raise a green monster.

No one expected that he would choose to merge with the green monster.

The grown man felt the monstrous horror from the monster in the green field, and at the same time was surprised at how Pozhi created such a terrifying monster. He felt that if he grew into a god, he might be crushing the existence of the gods.

He couldn't help but worry: "If Po Chi destroys Kusinara, will it affect our ability to find the longevity serum?"

The white-haired, dark-skinned boy shook his head, looked in the direction of the church and said, "There is an unknown god in the church. I want to know if Pozhi can force him to take action."

No matter whether she is a child or a green monster, it is the gods in the church that really make him fear.

He has slaughtered all the gods and Buddhas in Bharat, and there is absolutely no possibility that he will survive. He must not be a god from the Bharat mythology system.

Why are the gods of other systems in Kusinara? What is the purpose? Is it also for the longevity slurry


The place most affected by the earthquake was undoubtedly the church. There were countless cracks in the greenery at the back door, and countless tentacles climbed out. The rose garden at the front door was cracked and then collapsed. A dozen tentacles popped out, smashing all the roses, and the air was full of them. Aroma of rose juice.

But in the blink of an eye, the flowers and leaves wither, and there is hardly a perfect rose.

The front and rear doors were in turmoil, and the church was at the center of the earthquake but was as motionless as an insulator.

Ding Baiqing in the church got up, stretched out his hands, hugged the air like a lover, moved smoothly, took a deep breath, exhaled a mouthful of turbid air that was stuffed in his chest, and then opened his eyes with a gentle smile.

"If customers don't knock, the tiles will be uncovered when they go to the house."

Ding Baiqing pushed open the door, ready to reprimand the dear and lovely customer in the best possible way. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he caught a glimpse of an intact flower bud stuck in the middle of the railing.

He watched silently for a few seconds, then stretched out his foot to step on it, crushed it into flower juice, and then smiled more tenderly and amiably.

"It's not spent." Ding Baiqing sighed: "Poor customer."

The next moment, Ding Yiqing said brightly: "First of all, to cultivate a perfect customer, we need to formulate a perfect customer civilization code."

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