The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 107


The emotional mediator Yoyo's thinking is really different. The audience didn't understand for a long time that "Gu Qizhou and Yu Lan quarreled" and "Gu Qizhou wanted to confess to Yu Lan about his experience of wetting the bed".

However, this does not prevent the audience in the live broadcast room from igniting their hearts of gossip.

[Hahahahaha bedwetting is okay, yo, you better save some face for Director Gu!]

[Ever since Director Gu started recording variety shows a few years ago, he has fallen from the altar of high-cold artist in my heart, yo, you don’t even plan to keep a pair of underwear for your dad]

[Although Director Gu is miserable, if you make our sister Lan angry, you must pay the price! Tonight, give me some noodles for the hot search of catheterization bed!]

Gu Qizhou couldn't laugh or cry:

"... Yoyo, can you skip the bed-wetting part? At least let me confess from the age of eighteen, okay?"

"not good."

The strict Yoyo shook her head.

"This one jumps, and the other one jumps, pick and choose, how can it be called a confession?"

The child's voice is immature, but the words he speaks are not childish.

Even Gu Qizhou was taken aback.

… Too.

He made a mistake first, and he agreed to confess and be sincere. If the confession is screened, then how can it be called a confession

"You're right." Gu Qizhou patted the child's head, and seriously reflected, "It's because Dad wasn't thoughtful enough."

He took Yoyo by the hand, patted the grass clippings on her skirt, and led her all the way into the mansion.

Having not been back for more than ten years, Gu Qizhou looked at the home where he had spent his entire teenage years before him. He thought he would find it strange, but when he really stood in front of it again, Gu Qizhou realized that he had never forgotten this place.

"Come on, let's go in and write slowly."

Gu Hongjun greeted all the servants at home in advance, saying that there will be a program group recording today, except for the fourth floor where he is located, all other floors can be opened.

But Gu Qizhou's past room happened to be on the fourth floor.

"... Well, there is also a study room on the second floor. I'll take you to the second floor." The servant who recognized Gu Qizhou was surprised and delighted, "It's been many years since I saw you last time. It's so big...”

The servant didn't wear a headset, and the voice was so low that most people couldn't hear it clearly.

But the camera captured the loving eyes of the old servant as if looking at a child. Gu Qizhou greeted her with some embarrassment. Everyone just listened to Gu Qizhou asking the old servant to call him by his name, so he didn't need to call him young master.

This title is indeed a bit weird in reality, but with a group of people going up the spiral staircase, they inadvertently took a shot of a seven-figure oil painting hanging on the wall—

There seems to be no problem with calling it that way.

[So what is the background of Director Gu's family?]

[I'm so anxious to death! I'm really curious how big a mine is in a family that can live in this kind of house? ?]

[Looking back at Director Gu's interviews when he first debuted, I'm fucking amazed]

[Rent out a house to eat instant noodles at night, wear a borrowed suit to meet investors during the day, and have no money to pay the heating bill in winter and can't sleep because of the cold... This is really a rich young master experiencing life, right?]

[If my family is so rich, who will go to work if I lie at home with salted fish every day?]

The audience said that they really couldn't understand the thinking of the wealthy young master.

At this time, the wealthy young master was facing the torture of his daughter from the soul—

"...First of all, Dad, when was the last time you wet the bed?"

Gu Qizhou: "..."

Can be honest.

But it does take a little courage to confess to millions of people in front of the camera.

Yoyo also specially reminded:

"Father can't lie, and if you lie again, mother will never forgive you."

These words completely made Gu Qizhou give up his resistance.

"… All right."

"It's nine years old."


[? ? ? ?]

Yoyo was also shocked:

"Dad! Why are you still wetting the bed at the age of nine! I stopped wetting the bed at the age of three!"

The cameraman and staff tried their best to hold back their laughter.

Gu Qizhou was in his thirties, and when so many people confessed to his dark history of bedwetting, and his five-year-old daughter laughed at him, his face turned red to the base of his neck.

"Mine, it's because of illness! There's a reason!"

There are many reasons for bedwetting, one of which is psychological.

When he was a child, he had a weird personality, was timid and worried about gains and losses, and did not fit in at all. His parents were busy with work and seldom took care of him personally, so he subconsciously used the method of bedwetting to get their parents' care.

Because of the bed-wetting from time to time at the age of eight or nine, his parents did pay more attention to him, but this was limited to finding the best doctor for him. He didn't get the care he wanted, and even listened behind his back. I have seen my father's disappointment with himself.

The reason why he was cured later was also because of the effect of the medicine, and as he got older, he gradually accepted this reality.

Gu Qizhou briefly explained the reason.

Yoyo didn't speak for a long time after listening.

Gu Hongjun, who was watching all this on the fourth floor, also fell into deep thought for a long time.

"Why don't grandpa and grandma see dad more?"

Gu Qizhou, who is in his teens, may still feel uncomfortable when he brings up this topic, but Gu Qizhou, who is in his thirties, has long been relieved.

He even laughed at himself:

"Because they are all very busy, just like my father used to always be in the filming crew and never answer Yoyo's phone calls."

With such an analogy, you can understand it very well.

"It turned out to be like this, but Dad has changed now, and I have forgiven you."

Gu Qizhou smiled a little more.

"Really? Then Dad would like to thank Yoyo for your generosity."

Yoyo has a look of "who is with whom between us brothers".

Then she asked abruptly:

"What about you, Dad?"


"Dad, have you forgiven Grandpa?"


Now, Gu Qizhou didn't know how to pick it up.

When he was in his twenties, he was still young and energetic, and he used all his courage to break with his father. Like a child who lost his temper, he retaliated and severed all ties with his father.

At the age of thirty, he gradually had a wife and children.

It wasn't until the children reminded him that he realized that he had almost embarked on the same old path as his father invisibly.

This realization frightened him.

He was also horrified to realize that he seemed to be able to understand why his father always had endless work, would always fail to abide by their agreement, and why the whole world could be ranked ahead of him.

Did you forgive me

he does not know.

But he did understand.

It's just that nearly twenty years have passed, and the two are not elementary school students who can reconcile as before after a quarrel and an apology.

What's more, there are two older brothers in front of Gu Qizhou, who have perfectly inherited his father's business acumen and are his father's best right-hand man. He has no shortage of obedient and smart sons.

As for the rebellious and useless son back then, what did he care about

Gu Qizhou rubbed Yoyo's face and said with a smile:

"Your grandfather doesn't need my forgiveness, let's ask the next question."

Yoyo looked at Gu Qizhou's expression, although he was smiling, but Yoyo always felt a little bit blocked when he saw it.

"Okay..." She thought for a while and asked, "Did Dad cry on the first day of kindergarten?"

Gu Qizhou shook his head: "How can I remember this? It was all three or four years old."

"But I still remember when I was three or four years old!" Youyou was very proud, "Dad, your memory is not as good as mine!"

… That's because you're less than six years old in total right now

Gu Qizhou didn't explain, let Yoyo be happy for a while, and then continued to ask.

But asking and asking, it's all about kindergarten and elementary school. It's not that Gu Qizhou has no memory of his childhood, but if he answers so accurately, he really has a dark eye.

Gu Qizhou was tired and said:

"... Yoyo, can we ask something about adults?"

Yoyo frowned:

"I've never been an adult, so how do I know about you adults? Dad, you obviously were a child, why don't you remember?"

Gu Qizhou: "..."

Her little theory is still one set, and he wants to refute it, but he still can't find a place to start!

Just when the two fell into a deadlock of confession, Yoyo's phone and watch suddenly rang.

"It's Grandpa's call!"

Gu Qizhou subconsciously sat up straight.

Yoyo was happy for a while, but suddenly thought, why did he make a special call when Grandpa is obviously upstairs

"Hey, grandpa!" Yoyo shouted heartily, "What do you want?"

Gu Hongjun's calm voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Ask him if he can't find out, you can ask me."

Yoyo eyes are bright:

"Grandpa, do you know how much Dad scored in the elementary school math test?"

Gu Qizhou who became angry from embarrassment:

"... asking you questions is to confess to your mother, not to satisfy your own curiosity!"

"I know." Gu Hongjun's voice seemed to be in a good mood, "The average score did not reach 70, and the minimum test passed 45. He changed his career after his tutor taught him."

Gu Qizhou: "..."

[Hahahahahaha xswl primary school mathematics test forty-five is too low!]

[I said, why do we have to learn mathematics so hard? It turns out that Director Gu's genetics are too strong!]

[Hahahaha, it's okay to change careers after teaching, I can't imagine what kind of Waterloo this teacher has suffered in his teaching career...]

Yoyo is very happy to hear this conclusion:

"I got a score of 96 on my midterm math test! I'm smarter than my dad! I'm not the worst math guy in my family!!"

She is not the bottom one stupid!

Long live!

Then he saw Yoyo and Gu Hongjun singing together, asking questions and answering questions, which completely went astray and became a black history digging contest for him.

"...Have you ever made a fool of yourself when performing on stage? Yes, there was a dance rehearsal in elementary school, and your father also participated. I heard from the teacher that he rehearsed very well in private.

But after he got on stage, he looked around because he was too nervous, so he jumped and slid down from the back of the stage, tearing off the background cloth. The most interesting thing is that after he fell, the students in front of him continued Jumping, I didn't realize that there was no one on the stage... "

The grandpa and grandson laughed out loud, Yoyo almost burst into tears.

But Gu Qizhou froze in place.

... how would he know

... On that day, obviously no one came.

Yoyo: "Although it's funny, will it hurt if Dad falls? Was there any injury at the time?"

Gu Hongjun: "There should be no injuries. I was not there at the time. I only found out after watching the video the teacher sent me."

Only then did Gu Qizhou gradually come back to his senses.

In the question and answer between Yoyo and Gu Hongjun just now, there are actually many things that he should not have known.

Because at that time, it was obviously the stage of development told by the company. Sometimes Gu Hongjun was in the southern hemisphere before going to sleep, and then flew to the northern hemisphere after waking up, and his phone calls were never connected.

Gu Hongjun seemed to know what Gu Qizhou was thinking. He seemed to be talking to Yoyo, and he thought he was explaining to others:

"The things I just said are actually not what I saw with my own eyes. Most of them are relayed by others."

"It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes."

This "pity" sounded like a heavy punch, hitting Gu Qizhou's heart hard.

Yoyo vaguely heard a trace of subtle emotions in the words, and her voice became softer:

"It's not a pity. Dad used to be like this. It's not a pity if you know your mistakes and can correct them."

There was silence on the phone.

Suddenly, Gu Qizhou said:

"The person relayed it incorrectly. I looked around and fell off the stage, not because of nervousness."

"I'm looking for you."

The air froze for a moment.

On the other end of the phone, there was no sound for a long time.

Gu Qizhou smiled at Yoyo, he opened his hand:

"Give me the pen, Dad knows what to write."