The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 12


When getting off the car, Gu Miaomiao looked at Yoyo who was bouncing ahead and stopped beside Shen Jichuan.

"what you up to?"

Shen Jichuan raised his eyes.

Gu Miaomiao looked at him: "Why are you so nice to her all of a sudden?"

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. After several days of observation, Gu Miaomiao has doubts about whether Shen Jichuan is the original kid, so she is even more wary of him.

"I don't know why you hate Yoyo, but you have no reason to suddenly defend her like this."

"Could it be..."

Gu Miaomiao looked at his expressionless face.

"You don't want to pretend to be nice to her, but actually want to play with her in a different way?"

Shen Jichuan didn't say a word.

He couldn't tell Gu Miaomiao that he planned to do so at first, but because Gu Youyou is so stupid, he must be a little shaken now.

"Let me tell you, if you dare to think badly of her, I..."

"You should reflect on yourself first." Shen Jichuan glanced at her, "She is bullied even though she is in the same kindergarten as her. I don't think you are a good sister."

Gu Miaomiao, who was poked at the sore spot, stuck her breath in her throat.

Shen Jichuan pushed the wheelchair away.

Yoyo lay on the bed that night, recalling the scene of the quarrel in the kindergarten today, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more angry she wanted to cry.

So angry!

When Gu Miaomiao climbed into bed to see her, Yoyo was crying into her pillow.

"...what's there to cry about?"

Yoyo feel wronged:

"Why every time I quarrel... I can't perform well... I still cry, how embarrassing..."

Gu Miaomiao originally wanted to say that I will teach you a few words.

But when I think about it, her swearing words are either bringing people's parents or digging up the ashes of the ancestors' graves. It's really not good to poison the future flowers of the motherland.

"Then sister will scold you for you next time." She tucked the quilt up for Yoyo, "Sister scolded them."

Yo Yo let out a humming sound.

After a long time, Gu Miaomiao thought that Yoyo had fallen asleep, when suddenly there was a husky voice from under the bed:

"Sister... Is it true that brother's legs won't grow back?"

Gu Miaomiao froze.

"Hey, people are very strong."

"If there is no left leg, there is a right leg, and if there is no left hand, there is a right hand."

"No family... maybe new family too."

"Go to sleep."

Accompanied by Gu Miaomiao's rare soft voice, Yoyo, who didn't know if she understood it, gradually fell asleep.

However, Shen Jichuan on the other side was tossing and turning sleeplessly.

The scene of the afternoon played back in his mind over and over again.

—My brother’s legs are branches, but they were broken by the wind. As long as we eat more, they can grow back!

—Brother will grow new legs, he will be like us.

The little girl standing in front of him was small, with vague words, like a trembling little flower bud on a branch in spring.

Her voice was childish, and what she said was incredibly innocent, but she spoke with such conviction.

At that moment, Shen Jichuan clearly realized the difference between her and her previous life.

The little girl is naive and ignorant, completely ignorant of the cruelty of the world.

If a leg is broken, it is broken, how can it be possible to grow another leg

It's ridiculous.

The gods had no mercy on him.

will have mercy on him...

Maybe it's just Gu Youyou who has some brain problems in this life.

The bright sunshine of early spring swept away the last chill of late winter.

In a month, Shen Jichuan has basically adapted to the life of the new class.

The teacher likes the student Shen Jichuan very much. When the driver Uncle Wu went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Shen Jichuan, the teacher praised:

"... Kid Shen Jichuan is very talented in mathematics. Father Shen can try to cultivate it in the direction of competition. This kid is really smart..."

The driver explained embarrassingly: "I am not the father of Young Master Shen, but I will pass on the teacher's words."

The teacher later found out that Shen Jichuan's family was special and he was an adopted child.

The parents of the parents' meeting also knew that there was a character named Shen Jichuan in the class, and they all pointed to their children and said:

"Look at other people, you can still study so well with a disability, but if you look at your grades, you're not even as good as a disabled person."

Maybe adults just complain casually, but it is different in the ears of children with strong self-esteem.

No one wants to be friends with Shen Jichuan.

Some people even tore up his books, hid his schoolbag, and sprinkled chalk dust in his water glass while he was away.

However, on the surface, every child in the class is a well-educated and obedient child, who will praise the teacher's new dress for its beauty, and write in his composition, "Shen Jichuan in our class is a special child, but everyone likes him very much." ".

But hidden under this innocence, is the malice that makes adults frightened.

Shen Jichuan is no longer the child who was bullied by others before.

His counterattack was quiet, but effective enough.

However, Xiongzi's pranks gradually escalated, and finally on Friday, Shen Lanchuan was trapped in the torrential rain.

Yoyo, who is in the kindergarten, is lying by the window in a daze.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, and thunder was roaring, and some children who were afraid of thunder cried loudly.

There was still a performance on the stage, and the audience was in chaos. Yu Lan, who came to watch the performance, asked:

"You see that other children are generous, why don't you dare to perform on stage?"

Yo Yo keep silent.

She won't tell her mother that these children don't want to play with her.

Even if she knew, mother would definitely say that she had a problem, otherwise why wouldn't other children play with her

"Are you Gu Youyou's parent?"

After the stage play ended, someone stopped Yu Lan.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

The rich and chubby woman by the hand looked at the big star wearing sunglasses.

The female star has no sense of age. She dresses fashionable and looks no more than twenty-five years old, so she naturally has a sense of alienation from a beauty.

... Dressed so gaudyly, it really looks like a mistress.

This rich woman was wearing gold and silver, her expression was very bitter, she opened her mouth and said:

"Do you know that your Gu Youyou bullies our children?"

Yu Lan raised her eyebrows and smiled at Youyou: "Are you bullying others?"

Yu Lan was not only out of breath, but also said "When did you become so promising".

The woman was displeased: "Yo Yo mother, what are you laughing at? Let me tell you, your daughter not only bullied our family Lin Hao, but also other children in the class were scolded and cried by your children!"

As she spoke, she pulled Xiaopangdun forward and asked him to talk about what he was scolding.

Little Fatty: "She said, that I'm ugly and I won't be able to find a wife in the future!"


Yu Lan hugged the angry Yoyo, and glanced at him casually:

"Our children are right."

Yoyo's appearance follows her and Gu Qizhou's strengths, and she has been outstanding since she was a child.

If she was on stage to perform a stage play, the princess on stage just now was only worthy of being her maid.

"You, how do you talk!"

"That's how I talk, whether you like it or not."

The other party was half-deadly pissed off by Yu Lan's haughty and glamorous appearance. The teacher knew the cause and effect, and also knew that it was these children who first laughed at his elder brother's disability before being scolded, so he wanted to make a mess in the middle:

"Forget it, everyone take a step back, don't scare the child..."

"Teacher, look, she has such an attitude, how can I communicate with her? If I really think I'm a celebrity, then I can be unreasonable? I think the rumors on the Internet are not all fake..."

Yu Lan was just watching with cold eyes at first, but her face finally changed when she heard this.

"What do you mean?"

The woman caught her weakness and sneered: "I just said it casually, if there is no ghost in my heart, why are you so anxious?"

Yu Lan has rarely had contact with outsiders, and has seldom heard such yin and yang words in person.

Yoyo sensed her mother's emotional change, so she leaned over and hugged her mother's leg tightly.

She stroked Yoyo's head to comfort him.

"Elder Sister, if you have time to care about gossip about other people's homes, do you have no home?"

The woman's face changed suddenly: "What are you talking about!"

"Don't be angry, I see that the anti-wrinkle injection on your face is not bad, it's not worthwhile to get wrinkles out of anger, that is, elder sister, you don't need to use hyaluronic acid in the future, your face is swollen into a steamed bun, don't scare our children. "

After speaking, Yu Lan turned around and left while holding Yoyo, not even giving her a look.

The woman was furious behind her, and the teacher stopped him desperately so she didn't catch up and started fighting.

"Okay... Yu Lan, right..."

She shook off the teacher and stood there gasping for breath.

She knew that Yu Lan was not a good opponent, but fortunately she kept her back.

" are so arrogant, just wait for your reputation to be ruined!"

She pinched the recording pen in her pocket, her eyes were cold.

"...Aren't we going to pick up my sister?"

"Your sister has gone back to her violin lessons early."

The two walked out of the gate of the kindergarten, and the umbrella was instantly immersed in the rain.

"What about brother?" Yoyo who was lying on Yu Lan's shoulder asked.

It was only then that Yu Lan remembered that there was still this problem.

It was raining too much, and she was holding an umbrella and carrying a yoyo, so she really didn't have time to pick up Shen Jichuan who was in a wheelchair.

Besides, she was already angry at Gu Qizhou who made her bear the name of the mistress, so she didn't want to pick up the oil bottle he brought home at this time.

"...I'll call Uncle Wu later and ask him to pick it up."

Yo Yo looked around the heavy rain.

At this point, the primary school dismissal time had passed, and only a few students came out of the school gate.

"Brother is still at school." Yoyo tugged at her mother's clothes, "Brother will be afraid."

Yu Lan thought of Shen Jichuan, who was like a gourd.

For some reason, except for Yoyo, the two children in their family are more mature than the other, and they are hardly worrying.

Yu Lan replied:

"He's a big brother, he won't be afraid."

The sky was dark, and the empty campus was a bit bleak.

Youyou, who was holding a small red umbrella, saw that Yu Lan was going to get in the car, and stamped her feet anxiously.

"Mom, it's getting dark!"

Children have a strong sense of empathy. Youyou would have cried and convulsed if she was left alone at school and no one would pick her up, so she ran to the elementary school on her short legs without waiting for Yu Lan.

Yu Lan exclaimed:


Yoyo, who is not afraid of being splashed by the rain on her skirt, distances herself from Yu Lan, who is wearing high heels.

She ran fast with her umbrella in hand, but only halfway through the run did she remember—

She didn't seem to know where her brother's classroom was.

But soon, she saw Shen Jichuan in the empty playground.

Several children in the rain curtain gathered around the wheelchair, seeming to be talking to Shen Jichuan.

In the next second, the wheelchair was pushed down by several children, and he fell into the puddle without an umbrella. His blue and white school uniform was soaked in the sewage, and his fair face showed a bit of embarrassment.

"elder brother!"

The sound of rain overwhelmed Yoyo's exclamation.

Similarly, Yoyo couldn't hear what Shen Jichuan was saying to the people around him.

"Are you fools?"

Contrary to his embarrassing posture, Shen Jichuan's voice was calm and tough.

"No matter what you want to do, the surveillance on the playground has captured you very clearly."

Several children in the second and third grades were taken aback for a moment, and immediately lowered the umbrellas in their hands, trying to hide their faces.

"... what does he mean?"

"He said surveillance was filming us."

"Ah! Couldn't the teacher see it!?"

Shen Jichuan saw a few little kids wavering, and fooled them again:

"And my watch that was broken by you before, do you know that a case will be filed if it reaches a certain amount."

"... What does it mean to file a case?"

"I know, I know! The police will take care of it!"


Shen Jichuan, who was drenched by the rain, obviously lay in the sewage and couldn't get up, but he was calmer than the three little boys standing beside him.

If you meet a little boy in the fifth or sixth grade, he is not afraid of anything at that age, so it is not easy to deal with.

But it's easy for these little bean dings in the second and third grades to fool around.

"If I go to call the police with surveillance cameras, all of you will be arrested and locked up in the juvenile detention center for a few days. When you come out later, everyone will point at you and say that you are from the juvenile detention center."

The faces of the little Doudings were pale.

"No, don't tell the teacher and the police!"

"We, we just wanted to make a joke with you, that watch was, someone in your class broke it!"

"It has nothing to do with us, you, you can't make us pay!"

Just when they were hesitating whether to apologize and ask him not to let the police uncle catch them, suddenly a small group came out of nowhere.

"—Don't bully my brother!"

The little girl holding a little red umbrella is wearing a goose yellow skirt, fresh and tender like a little flower swaying in the early spring breeze.

Under the gray rain, she is the only vivid color.

Shen Jichuan stared at her figure in astonishment.

He never expected that Gu Youyou would appear here.

The umbrella leaning towards him was small, and the figure standing in front of him was small.

What he said was surprisingly strong.

"You can't fight!"

"My father said that children should live in peace and not bully their classmates!"

The patter of rain.

The three little boys on the opposite side looked at the little girl's cute face carefully, without moving.

Shen Jichuan really wanted to praise her for her brave deeds, but from his point of view—

The little girl's calves were shaking.

And after yelling at the three people on the opposite side, he looked at Shen Jichuan who was sitting on the ground as if asking for help.

"Brother, I'm afraid" is written in the big watery eyes.


Although the behavior is very brave.

But her whole person is a coward in capital letters.