The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 62


Fei Jun's literary films have always been of top quality, but they were always well-received or not well-received in the past, but for some reason this time the box office is also quite good.

Some people in the circle joked that it was because of the support from the wife and daughter of Gu Qizhou, the box office champion in the industry, and also gave some money to Fei Jun, who had always been a poor box office.

I thought Fei Jun would be angry when he heard this, but he didn't expect his reaction to be very flat:

"They did have a lot of credit this time."

Yo Yo is of course the most important thing. If she hadn't dared to film with the lion, the most quintessential and dreamy scene in the whole drama would have to be discarded and replaced with computer special effects.

And Yu Lan also interpreted the role of the second female very well.

A nature and humanities photographer with a sassy personality, wearing a leather jacket and driving an off-road vehicle bumping in the desolate no-man's land, a female star whose appearance and acting skills have passed the test, except for Yu Lan, he can't think of anyone else.

Characters and actors are naturally mutual achievements.

When "The Last Alkin" was released, the biggest profit from this movie was not Fei Jun, nor was it Xia Yuran, the movie heroine who became a 2.8 billion box office heroine when she was just a fledgling.

It was Yu Lan who made a good comeback with this movie.

In other words, actors still depend on their works. Even though in the variety shows, people with discerning eyes could see that Yu Lan was not a mistress and did not abuse her stepdaughter, but some people still maliciously speculated and made irresponsible remarks.

But after Yu Lan made a comeback with this movie, those professional sunspots who were messing up the water behind were completely unable to jump up.

Even if someone wanted to make trouble, he would be crushed to death by passers-by and fans.

The dirty water splashed on Yu Lan's body was thoroughly washed away.

Various film appointments and high-end endorsements came one after another, making Xia Yuran jealous.

When the awards ceremony was held at the end of the year and walked the red carpet, the media interviewed her "how do you think that Yu Lan should be the heroine?" She also pretended to be a little white flower to sell:

"... Sister Lan's performance is really outstanding. As a rookie, I dare not compare with the seniors who have debuted for so many years, but I think I am still young. I hope to work harder in the future and be worthy of the heroine that Director Fei gave me."

Yu Lanming didn't say any secret words, and after winning the Best Supporting Actress at the awards ceremony, he cornered Xia Yuran and warned her:

"I was prettier than you when I was nineteen, and you must not be half as young as I am at my age."

Xia Yuran was furious on the spot.

But no matter how furious she was, no matter how secretly she poked and used methods to pour dirty water on Yu Lan's body, she couldn't stop Yu Lan from riding the wind all the way up and quickly returning to the ranks of first-line female stars.

After Yu Lan's stigma was cleared, the Gu family began to prepare for Yoyo to go to elementary school.

But in fact, according to the normal age, you have to wait until the age of six to go to elementary school, which is next year.

But Yu Lan had other considerations.

"It's better to study early, otherwise if you want to repeat a grade in the future, you will have to hesitate because of your age, right?"

Yu Lan touched Yoyo's little head, implying that she already felt that with Yoyo's IQ, it was a certainty that she would repeat a grade.

However, Yoyo didn't understand the meaning of repeating a grade, so she frantically went to Shen Jichuan:

"Brother, brother! Mom, I will repeat a grade in the future! What is repeating a grade!? Is it as powerful as skipping a grade??"

Shen Jichuan: ... Not to mention, he felt that Yu Lan's consideration was actually a little bit reasonable.

However, out of maintaining the children's longing for elementary school, he did not directly expose it.

But he ruaed the little girl's head very lovingly, and said with a faint smile:

"Roughly the same."

Gu Miaomiao was promoted to the third grade in the second half of the year, but this year Shen Jichuan did not skip a grade, and went to the sixth grade first step by step.

After he was going to pass the sixth grade, he would go directly to the junior class in middle school, so that he could take the college entrance examination one step further.

In this way, the three brothers and sisters of the Gu family will soon go to the same elementary school.

Yoyo is of course the happiest one in the family. She has been excited since spring, and has been excited until summer. After Shen Jichuan took time off from various elementary school math competitions, she couldn't be happy anymore.

"In order for you to keep up with the progress of elementary school, this holiday, Yueming and I will be your teachers together, guiding you in Chinese and mathematics."

The kid Yueming, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, stood beside Shen Jichuan, scratching his face shyly.

"...that... Shen Jichuan, your math is much better than mine, why am I teaching math?"

Shen Jichuan told him calmly:

"Because I teach her, our brother-sister relationship will often be on the verge of collapse."

Yueming: "...?"

Shen Jichuan patted him on the shoulder:

"Teaching you to learn mathematics is a long way to go, so please do your best."

No, no way

After Teacher Xiao Shen left, the inexplicably nervous Teacher Xiao Yue sat across from Yoyo, and opened the "lesson plan" he had prepared in advance.

"Then... shall we start class?"

Yoyo, who seems to be very enthusiastic about learning, sat upright and answered:


Mathematics in the first grade of elementary school, if you follow the requirements in the textbooks, is actually very low, it is just recognition of numbers, addition within 20, and some understanding of graphic clocks and so on.

Yo Yo, in fact, it will be all over the place.

However, the requirements of international primary schools must be higher, so Yue Ming planned to teach all the addition and subtraction within 100 that he only learned in the second semester of the first grade.

"...then today we will learn..."

"Brother Yueming! My sister said that after entering elementary school, everyone will have a fixed seat and the same table, right?"

"... That's it, what we're going to learn today is..."

"My sister also said that there are more than forty people in a class! Are there so many! She also said that there will be a monitor in the class! A vice monitor! There are also study committee members!"

Yoyo said very excitedly.

"My brother is a study committee member! Isn't he amazing!?"

Yue Ming: "'s very powerful, it's great, let's learn it first..."

"But as a study committee member, it seems that I have to copy homework for my classmates. I think it is very difficult to do my own homework. I can't do so many people. I should not be a study committee member..."

Yueming, who was interrupted many times, looked at Yoyo who had fallen into a beautiful fantasy, feeling a little complicated.

He thinks she really thinks too much.

The study committee member depends on the brain.

Although Yoyo's learning ability is really not excellent, Shen Jichuan and Yueming are both smart ones, one is a genius who skipped grades, and the other is the first in grade with a scholarship.

With such a two-pronged approach, even if Yoyo is a piece of rotten wood, it can forcefully carve a flower for her.

After making enough preparations for school, the day for Yoyo to go to school is finally coming.

On the first night before school started, Yoyo decided to reward herself by hugging Yulan's thigh and acting coquettishly for a long time, in exchange for two oversized boxes of ice cream.

One box was given to Yue Ming who was going back to boarding school that night, and the other box was kept for himself.

Yu Lan originally only promised her to eat half a box of ice cream, but she didn't expect that because of her greed and fear that she would snatch the leftover half box of ice cream, she would stuff all of it into her stomach in one go.

After eating, she slumped on the sofa contentedly and patted her little belly, and smacked her little mouth to savor the taste of vanilla ice cream, which was quite a kind of extravagant carnival of wine and meat.

Then that night, the comeuppance of her orgies came.

"...Mom... stomach, stomach hurts... woo woo... stomach hurts..."

In the middle of the night, the weak Yoyo yanked at the door of the master bedroom, looking like a dying little girl.

The whole family was so frightened that she woke up, and hurriedly called an ambulance to take Yoyo to the hospital.

"Acute enteritis, it's not too serious." The doctor came to a conclusion after the examination, "Drink some water, and you'll be fine with an injection. Children, don't be afraid."

Yo Yo: ... I'm sorry, little girl, she is really afraid of injections.

Youyou, whose stomach hurts again and is about to hurt her hands, looked at her father pitifully with tears in her eyes.

"Father, can you please intercede with the doctor uncle, Yoyo doesn't want to get an injection."

Gu Qizhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Hey, you can't intercede, you need an injection so that your stomach won't hurt."

Yoyo: "But if I get an injection, my hands and stomach hurt. If I don't get an injection, I will only have a stomachache!"

... There is actually a reason to say it.

Gu Miaomiao held down the little paw that she wanted to retract, and told her:

"If you don't get an injection, your intestines will rot from pain. Are you afraid of injections or rotten intestines?"

Shocked by the rotten intestines, Yoyo's small mouth trembled into wavy lines, and she murmured:

"Then, let's get an injection..."

The nurses and doctors on the side covered their mouths and held back their laughter.

But even if he agreed, Yoyo still kept retracting his hands very honestly, and kept nagging and saying:

"Nurse sister, you are so beautiful, you must be very gentle, right? You won't pierce me hard, will you? You just said that it doesn't hurt, don't lie to me, you, don't suddenly pierce me, you have to count one Two three..."

The nurse is very good at dealing with children. She said softly, "Okay, I can count one, two, three." Tape and remove the tourniquet in one go.

You who were cheated: ...

Her little expression was still at the moment of panic when she was suddenly stabbed. After the sister nurse touched her little head and gave her candy, she slowly realized that she was about to cry.

Shen Jichuan saw her facial features wrinkled, her mouth opened, ready to cry, and immediately stuffed her with a candy, and then reacted quickly and started his rainbow fart performance:

"Ah! Why are you so brave! You don't even cry when you get an injection! This is too brave!"

After Shen Jichuan finished speaking, Gu Miaomiao also praised without any fluctuation in tone:

"That's right, all the other kids cried, but we Yoyo didn't cry, Yoyo is amazing, my sister is awesome."

Even though the tone of the two of them was very perfunctory, Yoyo liked it very much.

After this rainbow fart from her brother and sister, she was distracted in an instant when she was about to cry out of grievance, and began to fall into the entanglement of "whether she should cry or not".

Cry... But just now everyone has praised her so much.

Don't cry...but the needle stick really hurts.

When she struggled for a long time and finally decided to cry, the place where she was pricked by the needle was no longer so painful.

Like a sneeze that has reached her mouth but was swallowed back, Yoyo opened her mouth, with a little bit of resignation vaguely mixed in her dazed expression.

never mind.

Don't cry if you don't cry.

She was super-brave!

But youyou didn't expect that the acute enteritis that the doctor's uncle said would be cured without a single injection.

She stayed in the hospital for two days, had diarrhea for two days, was discharged from the hospital on the third day, and went to the first grade class to report late on the fourth day.

The homeroom teacher who led her to the class was kind and gentle, pointing to a row of empty seats under the podium and saying:

"The rest of the students in the class just happened to be at the same table. There is another student in our class who will come in two days. Yoyo, please sit alone for now, okay?"

"… good."

There were curious gazes from the audience. Youyou, who was standing on the podium, squeezed her schoolbag tightly and glanced nervously at her classmates, for fear of seeing familiar and disgusting gazes like those in kindergarten.

Fortunately, although her classmates seemed curious about her, they looked at her in a friendly way.

Yoyo obediently followed what the head teacher said, and sat in the seat by the window.

On the first day of elementary school, the teacher was gentle and the classmates were kind. No one said bad things to her like they did in kindergarten.

Yo Yo very happy.

However, she was not happy for long.

"... Finally get out of class is over, I've been wanting to pee for a long time, Chuchu, do you want to go to the toilet?"

"I don't want to pee, but I can go with you!"

"Then let's go to the bathroom together!"

The two little girls in front walked out of the classroom happily, holding hands.

Yoyo suddenly realized a serious problem.

During the few days when she was absent from class, the children seemed to have already made friends with each other.

And she is alone!

She has no one to accompany her to the bathroom! !