The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 97


Chu Yan was deeply confused by what her parents said.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Yoyo was not pretending to be stupid.

She seemed silly and serious.

The audience who saw this paragraph also burst out laughing:


[I said Yo Yo, what was he talking about all by himself, and it turned out that he was reciting spell 2333]

[New day, new sand sculpture, sooner or later I will die of laughter hahahaha]

[Start reciting spells early in the morning, Yo Yo, if you are at Hogwarts, you must be an excellent Gryffindor!]

[Diligence is Gryffindor? We Hufflepuff students won’t be happy if you say that.]

[Everyone stop fighting, the point shouldn't be that Yoyo was exposed in front of Muggles! Let me do it all!]


Yoyo doesn't know everyone's teasing.

"If you don't believe me, Sister Yanyan, you can test me! I really know everything by heart!"

Youyou stuffed the phone into Chu Yan's hand, confidently waiting for Chu Yan to recite her magic spell, the complacent look in her eyes was hard to refuse.

Chu Yan has only seen a few Harry Potter movies, and she is not very familiar with it:

"...Call God to protect you?"

"Expecto Patronum!"

"... passed out?"


"... disarm you?"


After reciting these spells completely and fluently, Chu Yan felt as if she saw an invisible little tail wagging behind Youyou.

Gu Miaomiao who was on the side wiped her mouth, ignored Yoyo's little appearance who was in urgent need of waiting for someone to praise her, and said calmly:

"What's the matter? I can cast even more powerful spells."

With that said, Gu Miaomiao picked up a chopstick, pointed at Yoyo and read:

"Avada Kedavra!"

Can't think of it!

She's also a hidden Harry Potter fan!

Yoyo moved her butt in shock, and couldn't help complaining:

"Sister, you actually used the Unforgivable Curse! Am I not your favorite sister!?"

Gu Miaomiao's face remained unchanged:

"What house are you from? If it's our Slytherin, I'll let you go."


Shen Jichuan: "You Slytherins are still so arrogant, not as calm and wise as our Ravenclaws."

YoYo:? ?

Gu Miaomiao: "What Ravenclaw are you? You are more Slytherin than Slytherin!"

In the tit-for-tat confrontation between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, Yoyo jumped up and raised her hand:

"Our Gryffindors are the best! I love Gryffindors forever!!"

Shen Jichuan: "Where is it good?"

Gu Miaomiao: "Your Lion Academy is the most brainless!"

YoYo:"… "

The audience did not expect that Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan, who have always been cold and childlike, were willing to play this elementary school chicken game with Yoyo, and they felt quite happy in it.

Chu Yan stared blankly at the three serious children arguing on behalf of their respective colleges. Before coming here, she had watched the first two episodes of the program and thought that Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan were very talented, and they spoke very maturely, not at all like kid.

Why did I see you today so unexpectedly

The three of them were arguing on twitter, and finally the children from the Lion Court who were besieged had no choice but to seek foreign aid.

"Sister Yanyan, what college are you from? You must also be from Gryffindor, right?"

Before Chu Yan could speak, she heard Gu Miaomiao say:

"She looks like an honest and loyal member of the Badger House."

The honest and loyal Chu Yan:

In the end, the four of them could not decide which house was the most powerful house in Hogwarts, because it was almost time for breakfast, and the team leader came to urge them to get on the tour bus and go to the park.

The children are most interested in the theme of Harry Potter, so the tour bus drove directly there.

Passing through the brick door of Diagon Alley, you can see the highly restored Diagon Alley in everyone's sight. It is not too big, but there are many familiar storefronts. You can see Ollivander's wand shop at a glance. .

"Buy a wand! A wand!"

The excited Yoyo pulled Gu Qizhou's sleeve and said excitedly:

"Let me just say that there is a magical world! There really is!!"

Chu Yan stood quietly on the side, watching Youyou unscrupulously pulling Gu Qizhou's sleeve and acting like a baby.

If it was Chu Feng, even if there was a camera facing him, he would definitely say—

There is no magic world in this world.

"Well, there really is a wizarding world."

Gu Qizhou reluctantly agreed.

Chu Yan blinked, a little in disbelief.

That Uncle Gu lied, how could there be magic in the world

This Diagon Alley, this magical world, is all fake.

Why did he say that

"Will we go to Hogwarts later?" Yoyo looked at Gu Qizhou expectantly, "Will the Sorting Hat put me in Gryffindor? If I see the teacher, I must ask her why she doesn't let the owl Bring me the notice."

Yu Lan felt that Yo Yo was so stupid that she frothed:

"Maybe it's because you eat too much. The teacher is afraid that you will eat up Hogwarts by yourself."

Yoyo immediately retorted: "I don't eat much! If I can go to Hogwarts, I can eat a little less!"

Chu Yan stared blankly for a while, pursed her lips, cautiously wanted to walk to Yan Huaiyue's side, and stretched out her hand to hold her—

"Yanyan, why are you back again?"

There was some displeasure in Chu Feng's eyes, but he hid it well, the audience couldn't see why he was displeased, they only thought that he was dissatisfied with Chu Yan's shyness.

"Go and play with sister Yoyo. Children are only happy when they play with children. You can't always stick to your mother. Go quickly."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Yan towards Youyou and the others.

Chu Yan's hand still maintained the movement of wanting to hold her mother, as if she hadn't recovered, she stared blankly at Chu Feng with a vaguely threatening expression.

She lowered her hand, suppressing the attachment in her eyes.

The slender and beautiful eyes, like transparent glass beads in the sun, look good but have no warmth.

"Yoyo." She whispered softly, and gently tugged Yoyo who was talking to Gu Qizhou, "Let's go buy a magic wand."


Youyou held Chu Yan's hand firmly without hesitation.

That hand is soft and small, but when holding someone else, it has a firm and warm strength.

It seems that as long as she is grasped by these hands, a steady stream of courage will be transmitted to her, and her restless heart will gradually fall steadily.

"Go buy a wand!"

Youyou led Chu Yan towards Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan at the door of the shop.

Ollivander's wand shop is a very famous scenic spot. Through the trail full of two rows of high wand boxes, a group of people lined up to pick out the wand.

"Is Mr. Ollivander not here?" Yoyo asked the boss the first time he saw him, "Has he asked for leave?"

Ollivander is played by the staff, and of course he looks different from the Ollivander in the movie.

"Yes, he asked for leave."

In order to protect the innocence of the children, the staff said so.

He also picked Yoyo to go up to experience the very second wand recognition ceremony. First, he picked an unsuitable one and asked Yoyo to wave it at the bell. As a result, all the bells in the store rang, and then he waved another one. The flowers withered.

Finally, he finally picked out a suitable wand. The moment he grasped the wand tightly, the holy light above his head was illuminated, and the sound of the wind suddenly blew up. It was indeed magical.

"—I really have magic!!!!"

Yoyo turned her head and said to the others very excitedly.

... The only problem is, Yoyo seems to be taking it all seriously.

The most important thing is that the magic wands sold in this place are actually induction wands. The buckets, flags, and boxes in the window on the roadside can respond as long as you wave this induction wand, which looks like magic.

After doing this, she successfully brainwashed Yoyo, who was already easy to deceive. Now she is so convinced that she has magic that she dares not even say the spells she muttered on the road, for fear of accidentally casting them out.

"From today onwards, I am the witch of Gryffindor!!"

Yoyo said proudly in the Gryffindor wizard robes she just bought.

Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan also put on the wizard robes of Slytherin and Ravenclaw respectively. The three super-looking children stood together, looking like new students of the Hogwarts China branch.

"Sister Yanyan, why don't you buy a magic wand?" Youyou also found a Hufflepuff wizard robe for her to wear, "My brothers and sisters have all bought them!"

The implication is that even these two people who have no childlike innocence are sold, how can she not buy it

Chu Yan looked down at the wizard robe on her body, and whispered:

"Because there is no magic."

Yoyo's eyes widened: "How could that be! I waved my wand just now, and water came out of the bucket!"

Chu Yan explained softly: "It's because of the infrared sensor, your wand..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan worked together to cover Chu Yan's mouth.

Shen Jichuan: "Hey, don't you want butter beer? Check the map, where can I buy it?"

Yoyo was stunned, and obediently went to ask Gu Qizhou.

The two let go of Chu Yan.

"Hush—" Gu Miaomiao said seriously, "Tell her, her world view will collapse."

Shen Jichuan also looked serious: "When she starts crying, none of us will be able to have fun."

[Hahahahahaha, it is not easy for the elder brother and sister to protect the fragile innocence of the younger sister]

[It’s not about protecting childlike innocence, it’s about protecting your own happy and relaxing journey hhhh]

[Sure enough, Yoyo is the only one in the audience who believes that he really has magic hahahaha, how silly and cute]

Seeing that the two were so serious, Chu Yan nodded in a daze.

... Her older brothers and sisters seemed to treat her very well.

very nice.

It turns out that some people are loved and protected by so many people.

"Got it! Butterbeer!"

Chu Yan saw a cup handed in front of her, she waved her hand:

"I, I can't drink."

"This is not wine."

Yoyo gave Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jichuan the drinks bought by Gu Qizhou and explained.

"Although it's called butter beer, it's not wine. It's just milk capped with soda."

Yoyo also took a sip to show her, and the kid with a milk cap around his lips said,


Chu Yan glanced at it curiously, and it looked really delicious.


"The milk cap is not good either." Chu Yan lowered her eyes and whispered, "I gain weight easily, so I can't just eat outside."

Yo Yo blinked unexpectedly:

"But you are very thin! Your legs are thinner than my arms!"

In fact, when Chu Yan was as old as Youyou, she was much fatter than her.

Yoyo is just baby fat, but she is solidly fat.

Thinking of this, she shook her head:

"It's not enough, Mom and Dad said, I have to dance well and be thinner. If I drink this, I won't be able to eat today or tomorrow."

Yoyo never would have thought that there are parents who don't let children eat.

Because she ate too many snacks, occasionally there was less than half a bowl of rice left, Yu Lan would chase after her and force her to eat up the rest of the rice, so that she would not be able to eat only snacks and not eat in the future.

She held two butterbeers and didn't know what to say.


The platform nine and three-quarters of them was getting closer and closer, and the crowd gradually crowded. Chu Feng called out to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan turned her head subconsciously, thinking that her father was telling her to go back, fearing that she would get lost.

But when he turned around, what he saw was Chu Feng's silent mouth movement:


to fall

Chu Yan's hands and feet felt cold.

In the crowded crowd, Chu Yan was pushed and shoved by the crowd. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that even the cameraman who followed them before had disappeared.

Chu Yan's misty eyes reflected the swaying figures around her, and she felt like a cold tool.

She's no ballet princess at all.

She never liked ballet.

She is very afraid of the camera and doesn't want to participate in variety shows at all.

No one cared about the idea of the tool, and no one, ever, heard her voice.

"Sister Yanyan—"

Suddenly, a pair of warm little hands covered her cold fingertips.

"I found you!"

Chu Yan shrank her fingertips.

Plop plop.

She heard the sudden beating of her own heart.

"I got lost with the cameraman uncle! Luckily, sister Yanyan, you are still here! Are you afraid? Although I have magic, I am still a little scared, what should I do? Is there a spell that can find my parents?"

Chu Yan didn't speak for a long time.

After Youyou finished reading cowardly by herself, Chu Yan finally led her through the crowded crowd and was able to breathe on the side of the platform.

Chu Yan looked around.

Well, no cameraman was filming.


Chu Yan squatted down with her knees hugged, and said to Yoyo seriously.

"You give me a push."

YoYo:"… ???"

"Hurry up, give me a push!"

Yoyo: She has never heard of such a request.

"Sister Yanyan, what's wrong with you?" Youyou was very confused, "You, are you underestimating me? I am very strong! I can also use magic! You are many years older than me, and I can push you down too! Really! "

Chu Yan was so anxious that her voice became louder:

"Then push it quickly!"

These words sounded more like a provocation, Yo Yo, how can you resist this aggressive method, immediately rolled up your sleeves, stretched out your round hands, and then—

He lightly poked Chu Yan's shoulder with a small index finger.

Youyou only felt that just half of her strength was exerted, and Chu Yan fell to the ground with a bang, scaring herself to take a step back.

What, what!

Is this the legendary Pengci! ? ?

Young lady! Touch porcelain is no way out! Your road is narrow!

What she didn't expect was that Chu Yan, who fell to the ground, couldn't reach her defense, stood up very quickly, and reached out to hug the surprised child just as the cameraman found them.

"That's fine."

Chu Yan softly whispered in Yoyo's ear.

She completed the tasks assigned by her parents.

It didn't hurt Yoyo either.

Very good.