The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 109: The last person (5)


"I... of course my subordinates know!"

Of course, Lin Qianshuang was eager to have such a good opportunity to gain the favor of the city lord of Tianshu City.

What's more, if Tianshu City Lord and Xiao Junior Sister are in love together, that day Shujing is just around the corner.

Lin Qianshuang had Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, and took the dishes very actively and went to wash them, and said confidently: "City Lord, leave everything to the subordinates, and the subordinates guarantee that Junior Sister Xiao will see you cook her dinner in person, and will very happy."

Mu Weiyin saw that Lin Qianshuang was in a good mood, humming a song, running around so fast in front of him, boiling water and lighting a fire, and felt a little strange.

According to the information she knew, the relationship between this subordinate and her Taoist companion was ambiguous, and the two even showed their love in public with a marriage sign.

No matter how you look at it now, this subordinate doesn't seem to have a Taoist companion who is rumored to like her.

"Junior Sister Xiao, she likes vegetarian meatball soup. You should mix the meat sauce first, cut the pork into minced meat, then beat a raw egg and stir, add some starch..."

Lin Qianshuang gestured at a piece of pork that was lean and fat with the kitchen knife, and was about to chop it up, but Mu Weiyin snatched the kitchen knife in his hand.

"The city lord is here to cut it. I will do it for her myself. If you do it, it will be meaningless."

Mu Weiyin was a little confused about the homemade apron that Lin Qianshuang handed her, but in the next second she understood the approximate purpose of the piece of cloth. She put the apron around her neck and tied the belt around her waist.

She cut the meat meticulously, then turned to prepare the ingredients, while Lin Qianshuang watched as if she was dreaming.

Being able to make the master of the scattered cultivation world, the city master of Tianshu, cook in person, Junior Sister Xiao is really in the hands of the city master.

Mu Weiyin cooked a hot pot of vegetarian meatball soup, made a few more vegetarian dishes, put it in front of Lin Qianshuang, handed her a spoon and chopsticks, and said, "Try it, the city master made it Compared to what you've done, is it okay?"

Lin Qianshuang picked up her chopsticks and took a few bites of the dish. The taste was surprisingly good. She raised her head and smiled, "City Lord, of course you did it well."

Mu Weiyin was stunned for a moment.

The sincere smile in front of him overlapped with the memory of Mu Xiaochi, who was not yet crazy.

She still remembered the same sweet smile when Mu Xiaochi held the scallion pancake she risked to steal from the stall in the simple and damp cabin at the bottom.

Lin Qianshuang took a few more bites, put down her chopsticks, and held it back for a while, finally she couldn't help but mention: "City Lord, the list you gave to your subordinates that day, and the last one, I don't know when the City Lord plans to do it, The subordinates are worried that acting recklessly will expose the identity of the magic cultivator, and it will be unfavorable to do things for you in the future."

"The city lord has already arranged it properly, and you can marry with peace of mind the day after tomorrow."

Hearing that Lin Qianshuang mentioned these things, Mu Weiyin's friendly tone turned cold, she glanced at Lin Qianshuang's face, threw her a condensation pill, and said, "Take it away, this is A pill is half of the antidote for Gu worms, when you get rid of the Chen family patriarch, the other half of the antidote will be given to you, and the city lord will personally grant you the position of landlord of Tianshu City."

Lin Qianshuang swallowed the antidote, and after listening to Mu Weiyin's words, she felt a lot more at ease. With Tianshu City Lord helping her to cover, this assassination mission should be much easier.

Mu Weiyin stood up from the table and instructed the attendants to put the food into the carrying boxes, and looked naturally at Lin Qianshuang who suddenly fell silent and stood in the corner.

She seemed to be thinking about something on her mind, her eyes were empty, and the whole person looked a little listless. The demon baby in her dantian was crumbling.

Mu Weiyin took a look and measured her physique. Her cultivation base was unstable, and there seemed to be a powerful and mysterious demon in her body. The leakage of demonic energy was slowly eroding her internal organs. The rare Jiuling sword body, cultivated with pure sword intent, was able to forcefully counteract the invasion of demonic energy, but this only delayed her longevity. Within a hundred years, she will be completely demonized by demonic energy sooner or later. It was replaced by the terrifying monsters in the demons who did not know whether they were gods or demons.

She clearly saw that if her subordinate wanted to survive, at least he had to have the ability to compete with the demon in her body before it fully awakened.

Mu Weiyin pondered for a while, Jie Yu seemed to lack a natal magic weapon that could stabilize her soul, if there was a magic weapon to sit in, the demons seemed to be able to settle down a bit.

Her gray-black eyes looked directly at the person in front of her. Since she became her own, her life should be in her hands.

Mu Weiyin walked in front of Lin Qianshuang, put a pass in her palm, and said, "This city master can see with the eyes of the sky, you still lack a magic weapon, it just so happens that there are many in the Tianshu Sword Tomb. Spirit tools, you can go and choose, but remember not to enter the depths of the sword mound, because your cultivation is not enough to step into this place."

Every year, many monks in the world of comprehension fail to advance to the level and fall into various corners of the continent, and the cave dwellings after they have fallen have become the relics of treasures, attracting many monks to go there. Find out.

Before Mu Weiyin became the Lord of Tianshu City, he liked to collect the magic tools scattered all over the mainland. After becoming the Lord of the Loose Cultivation World, he hid the things collected over the past century in the largest place in Tianshu City. In the ruins of the sword mound left by the great power in the transformation of the gods.

Being able to enter the sword tomb, Mu Weiyin's trust in her is extraordinary.

Lin Qianshuang was filled with excitement, her eyes lit up at Mu Weiyin, she held the pass in her hand, bowed her head and said, "Thank you for the reward from the city lord."

Mu Weiyin caught sight of the maid raising the food box and said to Lin Qianshuang, "Come and take it, and go to Penglai Xianmen with the city lord."

Lin Qianshuang received the travel order in the storage jade slip, and took the heavy food box from the maid. She found a few cute pink rabbit steamed buns in the first box, and she looked at Mu Weiyin. , with a shallow smile.

When dealing with Mu Weiyin, she was always trembling, afraid of touching her scales, and she essentially regarded her as an indifferent high-ranking person.

It turned out that she also had such a childish side, although she did all this, she was just trying to please Xiao Lanle.

Mu Weiyin opened the curtain and tried to get on the carriage, but someone pulled her sleeves. She turned her head, Lin Qianshuang held the food box with one hand and pulled her sleeves. It seemed that something was wrong, and she quickly let go. hand.

Lin Qianshuang said anxiously: "City lord, are you going to go directly to Penglai Xianmen? As you are, if you go to Penglai Xianmen at this time, Junior Sister Xiao is afraid that people will talk about it, and some of your subordinates are afraid that some people will Her efforts are due to your help."

Mu Weiyin's face was indifferent, and she didn't express her stance on Lin Qianshuang's words. After a long time, she said lightly, "Then what do you think, how should we go to Penglai Immortal Gate?"

Lin Qianshuang's palm spun out of demonic energy and condensed into a sword, she rarely used the sword-fighting art, she stood firmly on the sword, smiled and said to Mu Weiyin: "City Lord, this subordinate thinks that we can learn from Immortal Penglai. The side door of the door is behind the mountain to enter, so that it is not easy to be discovered, and it can also give a surprise to the junior sister."

The sword body swayed unsteadily from side to side, Mu Weiyin stepped off the carriage, cast a spell and transformed into a girl in purple, jumped onto Lin Qianshuang's spirit sword, and sat on Lin Qianshuang's spirit sword. Tong Yin said: "The Spirit Test Gate in the Immortal Gate of Penglai can find out the cultivation of the city lord. Only by sealing part of the spiritual power can be fooled. You will lead the way for me, lest there be any twists and turns."

Lin Qianshuang put the hair blown on her cheeks behind her ears, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, and said, "City Lord, please rest assured, my subordinates will definitely be able to sneak you into the Penglai Immortal Gate without fail."

She turned her head slightly and looked at Mu Weiyin, who was sitting as still as a porcelain doll, and a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes.

Many people in Penglai Immortal Sect have already made up their minds to be the head of the sect, and they are eyeing the most precious Buddha temple in Penglai Immortal Sect. They took the opportunity to eradicate them, and went to find the corpse of the first-generation head in the forbidden area. In the corpse, there was a spar of the inheritance of the sect's unique skills.

She clearly remembered that the male protagonist could come back from the Sect Master's trial unharmed, which should be due to the effect of this inheritance spar.

Junior Sister Xiao does not have the aura of the male protagonist, and without this inheritance spirit stone, participating in the Sect Master Trial would be more unfortunate than lucky.

The moment Lin Qianshuang turned his gaze back to concentrate on the sword, Mu Weiyin's gray-black eyes suddenly opened, and he glanced at her, as if he could see her careful thoughts clearly, but he didn't He closed his eyes again, and fell into meditation.

When it was still sunny, a demonic energy quietly passed by the foot of the Penglai Xianmen, the bell on Tianzhu Peak shook slightly, the Daomen's magic spell flashed a few lines, and the wall of light gradually emerged from the two. The figure moved away from both sides, and a passage appeared.

Lin Qianshuang and Mu Weiyin appeared in the wall of light together.

Mu Weiyin stretched out a short round and fat hand, looking at the faint aura in the palm of his hand, frowning and saying, "This city lord's spiritual power will take some time to unblock, you put me on your back first, this city lord does not want to waste time during this period. Too much spiritual power."

Lin Qianshuang squatted down carefully and lifted Mu Weiyin on her back. Although the girl in purple looked chubby, her weight was unexpectedly light, and she couldn't feel the weight.

Carrying Mu Weiyin on her back, she flew in the direction of Xiaoyao Dongfu, and appeared in the open space outside Xiaozhu after a while.

Lin Qianshuang stepped forward and pushed open the door of Xiaozhu with the food box. At this time, Junior Sister Xiao should return to the cave.

She walked into the house and just put the food box on the table, and suddenly an iron cage fell from the sky, locking her and Mu Weiyin who had just walked in together.

The iron cage was made of ordinary cold iron, and Lin Qianshuang could bend the iron prison by releasing a trace of demonic energy.

This group of people is really courageous. Before Xiao Lanle entered the sect master trial, they couldn’t wait to ambush them here. They dared to be so blatant. Now the entire Penglai Xianmen is calm on the surface, and there must be turbulent waves in the dark. The elders are all under control.

Fairy Jinghua did not transmit the message to her at Penglai Xianmen, so the situation must not be optimistic.

Lin Qianshuang deliberately pretended to be afraid to protect Mu Weiyin in his arms, and his eyes looked around, noticing the location of the person coming.

Mu Weiyin thought it was very interesting, and she shrank in Lin Qianshuang's arms cooperatively. In order not to reveal her identity, she lightly rubbed her hand on her face, transforming into the appearance of a sallow and malnourished girl.

Just as Lin Qianshuang pretended to be nervous, a faint sound of breathing came from the corner of the wall beside the screen.