The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 134: Zixiao looks for a new owner (3)


A burst of uneasy heart palpitations came from the top of her heart. Lin Qianshuang seemed to have a premonition that she was looking in the direction of Tianshu City. Mu Weiyin, who was holding her sword, released her hand at the same time, and said in a low voice: " Someone moved the Tianluo Vientiane in Tianshu City."

Mu Weiyin paused and said with a serious face: "It's Lan Le, she is reversing the Tianluo Vientiane Instrument."

Lin Qianshuang's eyelids twitched. The Tianluo Vientiane Instrument is an instrument that controls the gates and built-in organs of the entire Tianshu City, and the reversal is to close the entire Tianshu City. Xiao Lanle reverses what the Tianluo Vientiane Instrument does.

"Concentrate, Zixiao Sword Spirit won't last long. Next, you come to purify this Specter."

The words in her ears were a little harsh at first, but after they fell into her ears, the tone softened a lot.

Mu Weiyin wanted to use this blockade of Ghost Infant to sharpen the tacit understanding between her and Qian Yujian, and Lin Qianshuang naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

The formations left by the disciples of Immortal Sect in Penglai were all destroyed by Zixiao and the ghost infants. Zixiao could not use his spiritual power arbitrarily without the sword master, nor could she kill against the sword master's wishes. Gradually, it became stuck with the undead condensed from ghost energy, and fell into a disadvantage.

Zi Xiao throws the phantom condensed from the sword energy at the ghost baby with his backhand. The ghost baby hits a few swords in the huge head and makes a faint mourning sound. The tentacle was caught off guard like a red snake and bound Zi Xiao, and it gave birth to long tentacles and angrily swept towards the three onlookers.

Chen Shangqing cut off the ghost energy with a sword, and a dark purple soft sword with devilish energy fell at his feet. This sword was Liang Jingxuan's Zixiao sword, but it was not sheathed.

"Senior Brother Chen, you will temporarily keep the Zixiao sword. This sword has to be sheathed after drinking blood. At this moment, Zixiao has no blood and can't return to the original owner's side. You are looking for living creatures in the wild forest outside the town to feed her blood. Drink, according to what the city master said, the sword spirit wakes up when it touches blood and will leave on its own."

After Lin Qianshuang finished his instructions, he followed Mu Weiyin's instructions and used the Spirit Sealing Art to force the ghost baby back into the dry well in the mansion. With a flick of the sword's edge, the golden seal floated above the dry well.

Heaven and Earth Sealing Spirit Art.

He had only heard of this long-lost sword technique from Uncle Qingyun. It was said to be the original sword move of Mu Yan, the master of Tianshu General Building, the predecessor of Tianshu City.

The Lord of Tianshu City taught Lin Qianshuang such a profound and secret sword technique. She should trust her senior sister very much, and the relationship between the two people is not that bad.

Chen Shangqing watched for a while, and then picked up the Zixiao Sword from the ground. Before he could fully pick it up, the Zixiao Sword suddenly dragged him forward like a mania, and he couldn't hold it with one hand, so he could only lift it. With the other hand, he dragged the Zixiao sword into his arms. Once the Zixiao sword spirit was out of control by the magical energy of the Zixiao sword, it would never return to its sheath without blood. If it was angry, it would be a bloodbath.

"He looked in the sky for so long, but he didn't come down. Why didn't he come and help me kill this ghost baby together, instead he made me embarrassed!"

The Zixiao sword spirit screamed in the body of the sword, "The ghost baby almost ate me, but he didn't show up, master doesn't he need Zixiao?"

Chen Shangqing dragged the Zixiao sword, and his feet gradually lifted into the air. The Zixiao sword ran rampantly, and the sword fluttered as if he wanted to shake off the person holding it. The dead horse was a living horse doctor, no matter whether it was useful or not. , He took out the bodhi leaf that was hidden in the bag, and recited a few heart-clearing mantras, and the magic light circulating on the sword edge gradually dimmed before calming down.

The Zixiao Sword quietly lay in front of Chen Shangqing and fell into his hands.

The sword spirit drifted out from the sword body faintly.

"Take me to Yanqing Mountain. I'm tired. I want to meet my old friends. I... miss them."

Chen Shangqing hesitated for a while, took the sword in his hand, looked at Tianshucheng for a moment, looked at the sky, and said decisively, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Lin Qianshuang put the Qianyu Sword aside and sat on the deep dry well to rest. Mu Weiyin's palm floated with a rebirth spell, and the turbid death energy on the ghost baby's bones was gradually engulfed and purified by the golden incantation. The ghost floated up from the well mouth with the baby in his arms and gradually stepped into the door of reincarnation.

"I was still thinking about where this ghost baby got so much ghost energy and resentment. It turned out that the resentment of a serious ghost was mixed together, and it condensed into this."

Mu Weiyin looked at Lin Qianshuang and said: "This kind of ghost baby is not only formed by swallowing the resentment of another ghost, after the destruction of the lock demon tower, many resentful spirits came to the world, and the ghost baby was already in the dry well. After being dormant for a long time, eating those resentful spirits without spiritual wisdom and accumulating deep resentment, they became the evil spirits they are today."

After dealing with the ghost baby, Lin Qianshuang subconsciously looked in the direction of Chen Shangqing. He and Zixiaojian had disappeared without a trace. He should have heard what she said and returned Zixiaojian to the scabbard.

Junior Brother Chen, Tianluo Wanxiangyi reversed, Tianshu City has closed the city gate to open the barrier, and can no longer enter. After returning the Zixiao sword to its sheath, quickly came to Hongye Temple.

Lin Qianshuang thought for a while, a wisp of demonic energy ignited in his hand and finally left a sound transmission in the same place. Although they had also fought against each other, Junior Brother Chen has always been an upright person. Xia Chuanyin will do his best, believe it or not, let him go.

The pine forest outside the temple is swaying with the wind, and the gurgling stream is faintly pulsating with silverfish. The slender egrets lift their claws and step on the rough stone surface to step on small puddles. Seeing someone sitting on a tree branch is like a frightened person. He raised his slender legs and trot left and right, as if remembering that it still had wings, and after running for a while, he stretched out the snow-white feathers and flew away in a panic.

People are coming! Last time a little monk drank one of his sisters soup with a fire spell.

Everything has a spirit, and she is also a spirit beast. She also understands a lot of what the egret said excitedly in the chirping of birds.

Lin Qianshuang looked at the funny posture of the egret, but couldn't smile at all.

She looked at the Hanchan Qin on her lap with anguish, the silver-white body had been corroded and gave off a pungent burning smell, and a faint crack spread from the tail to the side of the piano.

It is not easy for Qian Yujian to recognize the master. Xuanluo used a plain umbrella to cover her from the poisonous rain, but Hanchanqin was also destroyed.

If Qin is destroyed, then Xiaowan's soul will not be taken out.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, so you're here, Xiao Lai Shi."

Lin Qianshuang listened to the familiar and beautiful female voice, but she didn't bother to move her head, and said in a very bad mood: "Does the domain lord negotiate with the city lord? Your speed is quite fast, the hour for half a cup of tea has not yet come Woolen cloth."

Seeing that Lin Qianshuang ignored her, Han Shengyao didn't blame her for being rude. He sat beside her, put his fingers on the hole of the bone flute, and said, "Mu Weiyin is not here to find this seat. We just made a deal, she wants my Soul Gathering Pearl, and I want her to find clues."

"Gathering Soul Orbs."

Lin Qianshuang's eyes were stunned. Magical treasures such as Soul Gathering Pearls are treasures that consolidate the soul. What is Mu Weiyin's use for this...

Han Shengyao turned her head to the side, her gorgeous and beautiful face looked cold and charming under the moon shadow of broken leaves, "Little Laizi, what kind of charm do you have to make Mu Weiyin go retrograde with the practice method and possibly distract his soul? The price to lift the imprisoned Dao of ruthlessness."

Lin Qianshuang said indifferently: "We have a deal, but I didn't agree. If Mu Weiyin wants to break through the imprisonment of the ruthless Dao, it is mostly for the sake of ascension, and it has nothing to do with me."

"For a cultivator, if you are emotional, then your cultivation will be a calamity. If you are young, how can you say indifferent words that have nothing to do with you, even if you are young."

Han Shengyao glanced at Lin Qianshuang, and suddenly took away the Han Chanqin in her arms, Zimu said darkly, "I want to hear what you said in your heart, this seat is not covering up, Mu Weiyin is Let this seat convince you to perform a play. The Tianluo Wanxiang instrument in Tianshu City is a formation that changes the way of heaven. If you want to reverse it again, only one of the treasures in the world will be opened. In the siege of the city, your junior sister will be the first to be targeted by Taotie, but if you can lead out the head of the Penglai Xianmen before the siege of the city, then she will be able to survive."

"How do you want to draw her out? Use her feelings for me? Then use me as a shield and use me to hurt her?"

Lin Qianshuang smiled, looked at Han Shengyao with an unfamiliar gaze, and said, "City Lord Mu seems to have found the wrong person. The face you put on your face really makes me feel intimidated, but I will not obey."

She was about to take the qin from Han Shengyao's arms, but was firmly grasped by the hand and the qin.

"Let go, there is a life-and-death contract between me and the city lord. If you offend me, it will be disrespectful to the city lord."

Lin Qianshuang said angrily, the repair of the Hanchan Qin needs Mu Weiyin's guidance, and only the Tianshu mirror can be taken out to save Xuan Luowan's soul, even if she really agrees to the two-way transaction with Mu Weiyin, it should not be Master said this.

Han Shengyao's cool five fingers slid on her ear, and put her broken hair behind her ear, Zi Mei looked at her very closely, and said in a calm tone, "If you don't want to be your shield. , then marry this seat, Shuang’er, this seat used to call you that.”

Lin Qianshuang's eyes trembled slightly, she picked up the qin and broke free from Han Shengyao's embrace with brute force, and said with a trembling voice, "You... what did you say?"

"The only clue I got is you. Although I don't have any feeling for you, I still remember the aura on you, and I'm very familiar with it."

Han Shengyao looked at Lin Qianshuang condescendingly, approached her, and said with deep eyes: "Shuanghan Villa is not a coincidence, and it is not an accident that you can imitate the posture in the painting."

She leaned in and blew warmly on her face, and gently touched her soft lips with fingers that drifted away from her facial features, "Did you know that from the moment you came into sight, your every move was important to me. Charming."

Han Shengyao curled her lips into a beautiful smile, and pressed her lips with a meaningful aftertaste: "I still vaguely remember the fragrance here, it's very sweet."

Master, remember? But... it doesn't feel like it.

Lin Qianshuang was taken aback and looked at Han Shengyao at a loss.

"Domain Lord, she is the Taoist Companion of the City Lord, what do you mean?"

Mu Weiyin accompanied Mu Xiaochi out of the temple, and within a few steps, the Lord of the Demon Realm pushed her new owner against the tree trunk, and her heart suddenly jumped a few times by mistake.

What she left was a clue to mislead Han Shengyao. Could it be that she found something suspicious.

"You are very concerned about this little magician. It seems that this seat has found your weakness."

Han Shengyao got up lazily, and the red clothes fluttered and pulled Lin Qianshuang down from the tree branch, and said with a half-smile, "Your new landlord is really simple, and the seat was covered in a few moments. Your secret, the marriage contract of life and death, there are very few Taoist partners in this world to form such a legal contract that is of no benefit."