The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 147: Broken Tianshu Mirror (1)


In a cave somewhere on Demon Execution Peak.

Mu Weiyin placed Lin Qianshuang on a soft tiger skin padded with leaves, and folded his hands in the vertical flow of the rock wall to draw clean water, then walked back to Lin Qianshuang's side, curling the clear water with his fingers. It floated up from the palm of the hand and turned into droplets of water, pouring into the gap between her lips.

Lin Qianshuang's arms tightly wrapped Han Chan Qin, and Mu Weiyin took a little effort to get the Qin out of her hands.

She just placed the rumored demon emperor magic weapon on the ground, a burst of silver light seeped from the surface of the piano, and a beautiful woman in white sat leaning beside Lin Qianshuang, her slender fingers On Lin Qianshuang's pulse, when she looked at Mu Weiyin, her long and narrow red eyes narrowed dangerously, "City Lord Tianshu, long time no see."

Mu Weiyin smiled indifferently and said, "It turns out that the young master of the Demon Realm lives in it. No wonder Shuangshuang always has someone to rescue him when he is in danger, thanks to the young master's care."

Xuanluo rolled his eyes at Mu Weiyin late, and said angrily, "She is the wife that Xuanluo is marrying in the Demon Domain Ming Media. What does it mean to be taken care of by me, city lord, you are an outsider between us."

Mu Weiyin looked at Xuan Luowan, and then moved her gaze to Lin Qianshuang's sleeping face, and said in a tone with no emotion: "She did everything she could to get the Tianshu Mirror to save you, and she paid a lot for five hundred years. The former city lord lost to you, and five hundred years later, this city lord lost to you again, and it is you who she never forgets."

"The person you said Shuangshuang loves the most is my sister Xuan Luoqing?"

Xuan Luo heard some other information late and asked Mu Weiyin.

Mu Weiyin said: "Before you met her, you and your sister were one body. Since you already know the cause and effect, why bother asking."

Xuanluo listened to Mu Weiyin's answer, and said coldly with red eyes, "In the demon realm, no one dares to speak to me like this, I am me, my sister is my sister, don't mix it up."

Mu Weiyin raised her sleeves, and the jade pendant on Lin Qianshuang's waist shone brightly, and then the Tianshu Mirror fell into her hands again.

"Once the Tianshu Mirror is used, it will be destroyed. The city's master Yuanshen is dependent on the Tianshu Mirror, and I am also implicated in the broken mirror. I will be sealed in the mirror and cannot wake up."

Mu Weiyin threw the Tianshu Mirror beside Xuan Luowan, and put a gift bag on Lin Qianshuang's indifferent way: "Protect her well, the Heaven-changing Array still lacks the four-domain artifact before it can be opened, in this world Liang Jingxuan, the son of destiny, should be more careful."

Xuanluo touched the treasure bag and the Tianshu mirror again, and said suspiciously: "Tianshu City Lord, are you still the person I knew at the beginning? Just keep these? Shuangshuang hasn't woken up yet, you Are you willing to leave like this?"

"I don't want to give up. I also have selfishness. I'm not a saint. How can I be reconciled if I just leave like this."

Mu Weiyin stroked the Hanchan Qin lightly, Xuan Luowan turned into a silver light and was withdrawn into the piano, and whispered: "If it wasn't for compelled to do this, I really want to stay by her side all the time."

There are many exotic flowers and plants at the bottom of Lingyun Cliff, all of which are connected together. Only in the vicinity of Poison Pond are rare creatures, and no grass grows. In the crevices of the cliffs, there are many medicinal herbs that are nourished by the essence of heaven and earth and come out of it. Those who are careful to identify them may be able to find rare medicinal herbs.

Lin Qianshuang sat in the cliff cave meditating and looked out. She touched her empty stomach. She was a little hungry, and her stomach made an unsightly cry.

This is the third day she wakes up. Although she has no memory of falling off the cliff, when she first opened her eyes, her injuries were more serious than at the moment. Her bones seemed to have been shattered and her limbs could not move. The scenery was blurred into a ball, and she couldn't see clearly. It might be caused by the blood clot in the brain pressing on the nerve.

Lin Qianshuang's demonic energy could not be gathered. After she had passed the fasting period, she had a long-lost hunger. She moved her limbs and grammar, thinking that she would starve to death on the cliff. The unfortunate fell in here too.

Her vision was blurry and she couldn't see the person's appearance. She only looked at the person who was wearing a crude burlap skirt and carrying a medicine basket, which seemed to have slipped and fell into the cave by accident.

Seeing that lying on the ground for a long time, Lin Qianshuang couldn't help but ask, "The girl over there, are you alright?"

The herbalist seemed startled by her appearance, but moved away from her and said, "It's okay."

Lin Qianshuang felt that the medicine-collecting girl's voice was a bit strange, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if her throat had been traumatized.

"Are you… can't see?"

The herbalist stood there for a while, hesitantly raised her hand and shook it in front of Lin Qianshuang's eyes. Seeing that her eyes were a little dazed, she squatted down and checked her pulse, "Your injury is very serious, don't worry. Move around, put your head on me, and I'll rub your wounds."

Lin Qianshuang was a little strange to the herbalist girl, but she applied the medicine gently and skillfully, and she could smell the herb without any problem, it was just an ordinary spirit herb. She is lucky to have a good heart.

Mu Weiyin patiently and discreetly smeared the herbs on Lin Qianshuang's back with her fingertips. She looked at the quiet side profile of the person lying on her lap, her black eyes stayed for a long time before moving. open.

She has been taking care of Lin Qianshuang here for two days. She thought she woke up with such a lukewarm indifferent expression and a series of questions, but Mu Weiyin was surprised that Lin Qianshuang could see her. But it seems that she is mistaken for someone else.

Mu Weiyin looked at her conspicuous luxurious purple clothes, how could she not match the vulgar village woman.

Misidentification is wrong. At this moment, she likes the feeling of getting along with Lin Qianshuang like this, which is natural and novel.

"Girl, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry."

Mu Weiyin's sleeve was pulled, Lin Qianshuang's stomach growled, she herself was embarrassed, and she was raising her head and looking at her with bright eyes.

It was the first time that Mu Weiyin had seen Lin Qianshuang with such a genuine attitude. She couldn't help but smile, touched the top of her head, and said, "I accidentally fell into this place. Fortunately, I asked the butcher to ask for it on the way. With two pheasants, do you want to stew soup or grill them into skewers."

Seeing that Lin Qianshuang was a little puzzled, she moved her hand away calmly and said, "I still have a younger sister in my family. Seeing you like this reminds me of her."

Lin Qianshuang didn't care what the medicine-collecting girl said. She couldn't feel the cultivation breath from the other party. She also had the power of a magic baby. . If the other party is really a master, she would have seen it already.

Lin Qianshuang couldn't help swallowing, thinking about the taste of roasted chicken and the deliciousness of chicken soup. People take food as their priority. Food is the most important thing. My mind is almost unable to move. Why do I have to think so much.

Seeing that Lin Qianshuang didn't reply for a long time, Mu Weiyin was probably having a hard time deciding, and said, "It takes time to stew the soup, so why not bake it first, girl, what do you think?"

Lin Qianshuang licked her dry lips, "It's all right, trouble girl."

The red-hot flames grilled the meat with a crisp, sizzling sound of oil, and soon a fragrant chicken drumstick was placed beside her mouth.

Lin Qianshuang was helped to sit up, thanked her, took the chicken thigh, and nibbled the delicate and juicy chicken. Her taste buds were instantly satisfied, and it didn't take long for the chicken to be chewed up. into the stomach.

The girl who collected the herbs was still helping to grill the chicken wings, and she didn't move the grilled skewers.

Lin Qianshuang felt a little embarrassed, she was eating while others were baking, she couldn't help but broke the quiet atmosphere and said, "Girl, why did you fall on Lingyun Cliff, this place is not a good place for mortals. Dangerous place."

Mu Weiyin handed the baked golden wings that were tender on the inside and crispy on the outside to Lin Qianshuang, and said casually: "My sister has a serious illness, and I asked people in the village that if she wants to treat her disease, she needs to be blindly rare. The medicinal herbs, I followed the instructions of the person all the way to Lingyun Cliff, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.”

Lin Qianshuang took a few bites of the chicken wings, patted Mu Weiyin's shoulder, and vowed: "Girl, you don't have to be afraid, I am a practitioner, and I will take you from here when my injury recovers. go out."

Mu Weiyin raised her eyebrows, and her voice softened again, "Thank you so much for this girl."

In the middle of the night, the strong wind of Demon Execution Peak seemed to be like a knife brush, and every time it swept a spot in the canyon, there was a harsh scratching sound whistling and crashing on the stone layer.

The blood hole in Lin Qianshuang's chest burst open for some reason, and she felt a faint pain in her head, which must have been caused by inflammation and pus from the wound.

The girl seemed to be aware of her discomfort, woke up from a half sleep, took a basin of water and a clean linen cloth to change the herbs for her.

The bloody skin on the wound gradually rotted and itch like thousands of ants biting, Lin Qianshuang couldn't help but want to reach out to grab it, but was pulled by Mu Weiyin.

"Don't use your hands to scratch it, it will leave scars and become inflamed. The blood hole in your chest is hurt by infuriating energy. If you rashly use healing techniques on you, it will reverse and aggravate your condition. Frost, bear with it. "

Lin Qianshuang was so dazed that she could hear her. She wanted to reach out to scratch, but was caught by another hand.

No matter how hard she bit down, the man refused to let it go, not even the slightest sound of being bitten.

Lin Qianshuang saw that she couldn't do anything, so she didn't waste her energy, and let the man hold his hand and roll back and forth to rub the ground.

"I'm sorry, it would be great if you could give me half of your pain."

Mu Weiyin whispered, hugging Lin Qianshuang tightly, preventing her from hitting the ground like a self-torture, her arm was already bitten and bloody, but she was still paranoid and refused to let go.

She could have used True Qi to separate her, but she would rather bite her like this, as if that would give her a little peace of mind.

Tianlu's fish belly was white, and Lin Qianshuang woke up vaguely, and inexplicably found her disheveled leaning against someone's arms. When she turned her head, it was the unlucky girl from yesterday.