The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 148: Broken Tianshu Mirror (2)


The soft black hair splashed on Lin Qianshuang's cheeks with a faint fragrance, and a strand of hair brushed at the tip of her nose made her itchy and wanted to sneeze. She looked at the girl who was wearing only a tube top and hugged her. Her limbs were all smack, her face couldn't help blushing, she struggled to get up, the coat over her body fell off, Lin Qianshuang grabbed reflexively, what she felt was very comfortable and thin Satin material, people who can wear this kind of material are not cheap.

Lin Qianshuang's movements were a bit large, and the joints of her arms suddenly hurt, and she snorted in pain.

"you're awake."

The girl woke up leisurely, she seemed to be in a bad mood and pressed her forehead to get up in front of Lin Qianshuang, she picked up her coat and put it on, the blue marks around her eyes seemed to be lack of sleep, she turned her head tiredly and said, "Sit up and get up. Don't rub against the wound by being careful, I'll change the medicine for you."

Lin Qianshuang watched vaguely as the girl took out a few herbs from the medicine basket and put them in the white porcelain mortar. The herbs were crushed with a pestle and had a fragrance. She went around behind the girl and reached out to check the ground. Herbs, stopped by a hand.

Mu Weiyin wrapped the purple leaf herb with a piece of gauze, and separated Lin Qianshuang with his arm, and said, "Although this herb can be used as medicine, it is slightly poisonous, so you should not touch it."

"What happened to your arm."

When Lin Qianshuang stopped her from Mu Weiyin, she felt the uneven tooth marks on the arm under Mu Weiyin's rolled-up sleeves, her eyes were not focused, but those marks were deep and purple bruises on the snow-white Her arm was very abrupt, she could feel the deep marks, and the person who bit her seemed to be fierce.

"Did I… leave it?"

Lin Qianshuang tugged at Mu Weiyin's sleeve, her eyes trembled slightly, and said, "Such a deep wound must be very painful, why don't you avoid it, girl."

"Last night your wound was pus and itchy, in order to prevent you from scratching and re-infecting the inflammation, I forcibly grabbed your hand, and unknowingly was too tired, so I hugged you to sleep, you don't have to misunderstand."

Lin Qianshuang smiled embarrassingly. The girl in front of her didn't even notice the slightest sign of her cultivation. How could she subdue a demon cultivator? Her question was obviously a bit stupid.

Mu Weiyin pounded the ointment, picked up the wooden spoon and mixed it evenly, motioning Lin Qianshuang to sit down with her legs crossed, she took the water and wiped the blood scab and the solidified black blood on her back, the ointment was slightly cool smeared on her hideous wound.

After Lin Qianshuang applied the ointment, the pain from the tearing of the wound eased a little. Perhaps it was because the spirit of Bai Ze in his body had already been somewhat awakened. There was a hole, but she did not die immediately because of it. A golden light overflowing from the magic pill wrapped her important heart vein and saved her life.

She turned her demonic energy far away, and the pain in her limbs eased a little, at least she could barely stand up staggeringly.

Lin Qianshuang smelled the ointment applied to her collarbone, which she knew was a healing medicine.

She watched Mu Weiyin lift up her sleeves as if to apply medicine, then bent forward and snatched the medicine jar in her hand, and said:

"The wound on your arm was bitten by me. I should apply the medicine for you."

Those azure blue eyes were very close to her, and the warm breath was close at hand, as if to imprint her face into her pupils.

Mu Weiyin was stunned for a moment, with a smile on his immortal face, and said, "Okay."

Lin Qianshuang squatted on the opposite side of Mu Weiyin, raised her arm, and carefully treated her wound, as if there was some remorse on her face.

Mu Weiyin looked at her serious sideways a little lost, if her tenderness was towards her Mu Weiyin, that would be great.

It's a pity that there is a lot of suspicion and hostility between them, even for a stranger. Obviously, she is not even a stranger to her.

Gurgling, and the stomach growled again out of time.

Lin Qianshuang sat in meditation, a little embarrassed and looked up at the girl sitting opposite her, and said embarrassedly, "Girl, do you feel hungry? According to the time of your mortals, it should be lunch at this time. It's time."

The girl vaguely stood up and patted her clothes and said, "There is a vine outside the entrance of the cave. It seems that you can go down and have a look. I will go and have a look."

This is in the peak of Demon Punishment, where demons are rampant in the mountains. Although the origin of this girl is unknown, she is kind to her. Last night, she also hurt others because of her illness. The good girl died.

Lin Qianshuang grabbed the girl and said, "You are a mortal, it's too dangerous to go down, although I can't use my eyes now, but my body is much better, I can still use my infuriating energy, if I can, it's better for me to crawl behind your back. Go down, it's safer that way."

The girl froze for a moment, then turned her head and said, "Has the injury on your back recovered?"

Lin Qianshuang smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's just a minor injury. After applying the medicine, the pain is gone."

I don't know what the situation is at the moment, it's better for her to leave here as soon as possible.

The vine outside the cave seems to be able to reach the depths of Lingyun Cliff.

At first, the girl hesitated and wanted to go down alone, but Lin Qianshuang grabbed the girl's shoulders neatly and pulled the vines and jumped down from the hole.

The wind whistled past his ears, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Qianshuang took the girl to the bottom of the cliff.

"Poison Pond should not be far from us, and I don't know if there is a way here."

Lin Qianshuang rubbed her eyes a little annoyed. The scene she saw was too blurry. It would be great if her eyes could recover quickly.

Her ears were keen to catch the sound of the rushing water, Lin Qianshuang's eyes lit up, the hurricane in Demon Execution Peak was unpredictable, if Yu Jian Xing was involved, there was a risk of being involved and torn to pieces, and she also had to take a mortal with her. , but at the moment there is living water flowing through here, so that means walking along the river, you should be able to find the exit at the bottom of the cliff.

In the shimmering valleys and rivers, swimming fish floated to the surface with blisters, and many birds and beasts swept past.

Lin Qianshuang took a fancy to a big fat fish in the water. The big fish was stared at by many birds and spirit beasts, but they all nimbly escaped from the sharp claws and swayed leisurely. Continue to swim with the tail.

A few more vermilion spirit birds flew down. The big fish seemed to be avoiding its predators. It jumped out of the water and splashed water in front of Lin Qianshuang, splashing her face.

Lin Qianshuang swallowed and rolled up her sleeves. Her azure blue eyes were fixed on the big fish. When she stretched out her hand, the fish was caught in her hands and unable to move.

"Where did the little beast come from, so shameless, this big fish was the first to our sisters."

The scarlet spirit bird saw through Lin Qianshuang's true body at a glance, and hovered above Lin Qianshuang's head, chattering angrily.

Lin Qianshuang didn't feel ashamed about taking food from the bird's mouth.

The girl had already made a fire, took the fish, dug out its internal organs, skewered it, and roasted it in the fire. Soon the smell of the fish came out, and the greedy one was still angry at the top of the tree near them. The vermilion spirit bird that refused to leave fluttered its wings and wanted to share.

Mu Weiyin watched Lin Qianshuang appear quiet on the surface, but he was actually communicating with the spirit bird on the branch in animal language. Seeing the stupid bird jumping greedily and rubbing against their feet with a small bamboo leaf, he wailed. Begging for food, he couldn't help but smiled, touched the head of the scarlet spirit bird, and cut off a piece of fish to feed it.

"Girl, this stinky bird is still scolding me just now, how can you feed it."

Lin Qianshuang sat down with a heavy butt in dissatisfaction, and glared at the fat bird who was chirping at her, "Don't be complacent, I'll roast you if I'm in a bad mood, and fry it to make a roast pigeon."

The spirit bird stopped on the girl's shoulder and looked at her arrogantly, as if not afraid at all.

Lin Qianshuang raised her eyebrows, this world is really getting more and more outrageous, even this little broken bird has the ability to snatch her things, and what is even more annoying is that the mortal girl can't hear the animal language, and she doesn't know it at all. How abominable a fat bird.

Mu Weiyin cut a large piece of fresh fish meat and sent it to Lin Qianshuang's mouth, saying: "Okay, don't be angry, after all, it's just a beast, and feeding it some food can be regarded as accumulating some merit. I won't feed it, I'll feed you all this."

Lin Qianshuang's face suddenly turned red, she turned her head and refused, "You should keep it for yourself, I have my own hands."

Mu Weiyin smiled lightly and said, "Eat it, it's hot, it's just baked, aren't you hungry?"

Lin Qianshuang swallowed her saliva, took the fragrant fish cake and ate it with relish. Why didn't she taste so fragrant when she baked it? It's unscientific.