The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 149: Broken Tianshu Mirror (3)


She glanced at the girl who was sitting beside her. The girl didn't seem to be hungry. She teased the spirit bird on her shoulder with her fingers, and the spirit bird who scolded her was not only not arguing or making trouble under the girl's hands, but also pleased her. He rubbed her finger.

Lin Qianshuang secretly wondered in his heart, this mortal also has a bit of background, this spirit bird is also considered a different species, that girl is not only not afraid, but also obedient and submissive to this spirit bird.

Although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't bother to ask. She didn't intend to befriend this girl at all, and she might have changed her destiny.

It was the girl who was injured last night trying to save her, otherwise her wound would have deteriorated long ago. She owes the girl a kindness, and if the girl loses her life, her conscience will be disturbed.

Lin Qianshuang looked at the girl's scarred hand under her sleeve, and felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and her mind moved. Anyway, mortals have a short life span of a hundred years, and those desires are nothing more than worldly things. For a cultivator like her, it should be easy to achieve, it is better to ask the girl's wish, or to repay her kindness.

She took a piece of silk cloth from the storage jade and wiped her mouth, then took out a brand new one and handed it to Mu Weiyin, she said with a smile, "It is also fate to meet in such a dangerous situation, although my cultivation is shallow, Maybe I can help the girl in some way, I don’t know if the girl has any unfulfilled wishes, so you might as well tell me below.”

"You will catch the fish for us tonight, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Mu Weiyin's dark eyes flashed with golden dark lines, and he glanced at the red spirit bird coldly. Able to put away its breath, it shivered, fluttered its wings and disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye.

Lin Qianshuang was a little depressed when she saw that the girl ignored her, but soon the silk handkerchief in her hand was taken away.

Mu Weiyin wiped his mouth, put the folded silk cloth neatly into his cuff, stared at Lin Qianshuang for a while, and said in a low voice, "To be honest, I'm terminally ill, and I won't be able to live for long. ."

She glanced at Lin Qianshuang's hanging jade pendant. The Tianshu Mirror was already in operation, and the Hanchan Qin would recover in less than three days. At that time, she had lost all her cultivation, and she had cultivated to the level of a true god. The body is immortal and immortal. When the spiritual power is exhausted, it can only fall into endless sleep until the Tianshu Mirror reappears in the world.

"What's wrong with you, maybe I can find elixir to cure you."

When Lin Qianshuang heard this, she felt a little sympathetic to the girl in front of her. Although she couldn't see the girl's face clearly, she should be a beautiful woman based on her figure and temperament. She has a good heart, and it's a pity to get sick at such a young age. .

"I have entrusted the funeral to a reliable person, and now there is only one thing left to do."

"What kind of knot? I promise not to reveal a word of confidentiality. If you have any difficulties in your heart, don't worry, you can tell me."

Mu Weiyin turned her face to look at Lin Qianshuang, her black eyes filled with reluctance, she stretched out her hand to hold her face, stared deeply into her pupils and said, "From the first time I saw you, I felt You are very like a close friend. During the cardamom years, she and I supported each other in that dirty and dark place. We have gone through countless lives and deaths. That goodbye was what she said to me when she left, but I am in Tianshu City. Outside the bamboo pavilion, I waited for a long time, until the sun and moon reincarnated, the universe turned around, and I didn't see her appear, she broke her promise and never came back."

"I hope you can take her place and say to me before sunset, 'Ayin, I'm back.'"

Lin Qianshuang was originally a little embarrassed by the girl's intimate actions, but when she met her eyes, she looked vaguely in her heart and felt a little uncomfortable, and the suppressed emotions in her body also infected her indirectly.

Seeing Lin Qianshuang looking at her in surprise, Mu Weiyin pulled away and said, "I'm offended, I remembered something when I looked at you, which made you laugh."

"It's okay, I can understand how you feel."

Lin Qianshuang smiled, next to Mu Weiyin accommodatingly, put on her shoulder, and said, "Don't mind if I say some unpleasant things, I think, since you won't live long, shouldn't you You have done all the things you want to do, and then go crazy according to your own thoughts, and you will not be in this world for nothing."

Mu Weiyin looked at Lin Qianshuang's hand on her shoulder, and was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed slightly, she stretched her arms around her shoulders, and said lightly to her: "But we are trapped here, beside me. Are you alone, do you really want to... be crazy with me?"

Lin Qianshuang looked at the girl very close to her. Although her vision was blurry, she felt that the girl's scorching gaze fell on her, which made her a little uncomfortable.

She remembered that the girl slept with her arms in her arms last night, and her heart suddenly clucked, this girl would not have that kind of hobby, and she had so much interest in her.

She also said that she looked like the old friend who left without saying goodbye.

Lin Qianshuang pushed Mu Weiyin away, but felt that it was a bit rude to push others away so rashly, maybe she just wanted to be crooked, she stood up with an embarrassed look on her face, and said, "I don't do it casually. People, there are some things you can't do, but you can treat me as your old friend, and you can pour out yourselves to me like Fang Cai."

"That's not what I meant, and please don't forget what you promised me just now."

The girl frowned and stood up with her. She pursed her lips and looked at her without speaking, as if she was waiting for something.

Lin Qianshuang's face stiffened with embarrassment, and she suddenly realized that they happened to be in a forest, and she was also some distance away from her.

The shimmering light draped over the plain white shadow, the red maple covered the man's brows and lips like fire, the light and shadow of Qian Yujian lingered back and forth, her pear vortex smiled lightly, her eyes were like starlight, and she was backlit gracefully and gracefully. Come on, dress up.

"Ayin, I'm back."

Before the fake smile on Lin Qianshuang's face could be retracted, the girl seemed to fly into her arms, wrapping her neck tightly, and there was an indistinct whimper in her throat.

Tick tock, she turned her head, the woman's tears had stained the fabric of her shoulders, and her whole body was shaking violently, as if she was holding back that she didn't want to cry too badly.

"They were all wrong, I still waited for you, what if I was a mortal, I waited for hundreds of years and finally got it, Xiao Linsha, you are wrong, I still did it, I did it, I did it !"

Lin Qianshuang was stunned, her vision gradually became clear, the face of the woman on her shoulders gradually became clear, the Tianshu City Lord's always cold and arrogant face actually shed tears, and her black hair also turned into a blink of an eye Half pale.

She didn't have time to digest that the girl who collected the medicine was the Lord of Tianshu, and her eyes were attracted by the scattered half-white hair.

Lin Qianshuang reached out and held Mu Weiyin's white hair, and said in a low voice, "What the hell is going on here, how could you, a demigod in the Tribulation Transcendence Period, have white hair."