The Harem Rescue Project

Chapter 6: Magic Pool


Lin Qianshuang nestled in Han Shengyao's arms, watching Senior Brother Xia's shocked expression until he left, the beast's ears moved involuntarily, and he secretly secretly smiled, Han Shengyao accepted her as a direct disciple, although she The purpose of accepting her is not pure, but it is a little bit closer to her.

The dark poisonous gas was so indistinctly shrouded in the scarlet lake where the demons were lurking, and the magic eye hidden in the depths of the water condensed many golden-purple magic balls with a beautiful luster.

The Ten Thousand Magic Pond is the place where monsters start their spiritual cultivation. Many monsters are crowded into the red tide, vying for the magic ball that contains abundant magic spirit.

Lin Qianshuang watched the low-level monsters slaughter and devour the same kind from the side of a charred rock.

The ugly flesh smeared with purple blood devoured the struggling creatures, squirming towards the magic ball floating in the pool, making a sizzling sound of mucus dripping.

Lin Qianshuang was slightly obsessed with cleanliness. Seeing the bloody and disgusting scene, she felt a little nauseated.

"This is the Ten Thousand Demon Pond. Before nightfall, this seat asks you to snatch and suck three magic balls. If you can't finish it, you will stay here tonight."

Han Shengyao was suspended in the sky above the Ten Thousand Demons Pond, and his eyes were slightly raised as he looked down at the little beast hiding behind the rock and seemed to be stunned.

"Shuang'er, are you afraid?"

Lin Qianshuang pretended to be trembling and curled up in a ball. After seeing Han Shengyao, her eyes flashed silently, "I'm not afraid."

Han Shengyao received Lin Qianshuang's answer, and looked at her straight little body with satisfaction, her toes fluttered lightly on the thick vines on the rock wall, and she lay on her side stably, with her left hand holding her temples, her eyes were lazy. Too lazy to look at Lin Qianshuang, he said, "Let's start then."

Lin Qianshuang looked at those ugly monsters with a look of disgust, then glanced at Han Shengyao who was watching the show, then she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes as she rushed towards the red lake where the waves and countless monsters were surging.

She can be sure that with Han Shengyao's character, if she doesn't finish, she will really be left here for the night.

As soon as Lin Qianshuang fell into the lake, she was surrounded by a bunch of monsters in an attempt to swallow her.

With hunger and covetousness in the eyes of the monster Youlu, he gathered towards her and rushed towards her.

Being attacked by so many monsters, Lin Qianshuang originally thought that her life was going to be planted here, but she didn't expect that her limbs seemed to have infinite power, but with a light grasp, those monsters seemed to be hit hard, and she was dumped by her. Instant shot.

The magic pill at the dantian flowed out a few strands of lavender magic energy that lingered in the palm of his hand.

The method that Senior Brother Xia mentioned to use the magic energy was used by her before she knew it, and the effect was obviously not bad.

Lin Qianshuang looked at the two fleshy beast claws with thoughtful eyes. Now she realized her strength, these monsters that did not have intelligence in the magic pool are not her opponents.

However, with so many monsters attacking at the same time, it is a test for her physical strength, and when her magical energy is exhausted, it is impossible to use it indefinitely.

She must fight fast!

Lin Qianshuang knew these two things in her heart, and she swam alertly and cautiously, her tail smashed the monster that opened her mouth towards her, and slashed her claws to tear the oncoming monster. In two halves, Yu Guang stared at the nearest magic ball, and jumped up and grabbed it tightly.

Han Shengyao was too lazy to hold the empty cup, and poured the fine wine into the jug suspended in the air. She drank it lightly, watching the little beast bravely fight out from the monsters, and struggled to get the magic ball. hands.

The beast's ear was torn a small mouth, and the snow-white body was covered with purple-red liquid hair in a mess, but the beast's eyes were bright and unyielding.

Very good, she likes this look very much.

Han Shengyao shook the fine wine in the cup, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, her apprentice should be as brave and tenacious as when she first met, instead of flinching.

Lin Qianshuang was so numb that she threw away the monsters that were blocking her. Her body didn't know how to fight instinctively.

I don't know how long it took, she slowly dragged her overloaded body from the pool and fell towards the shore. The magic energy of the three magic balls absorbed was nourishing her magic pill, and a refreshing breath came from her dantian. The place spreads toward the limbs, and in the spiritual acupuncture point that condenses the heart of the forehead, it merges into a magic seal.

"Well done."

Lin Qianshuang struggled to raise her head, Han Shengyao stood in front of her with a cold and lazy face, her drooping eyes deeply reflecting her embarrassed appearance.

Han Shengyao stared at Lin Qianshuang's face, raised her chin slightly with her fingertips, squinted her eyes for a moment, and murmured casually with a smile, "She is beautiful and moving, I feel pity for it. Shuang’er, your appearance is actually his favorite, isn’t this really destined in the reincarnation of heaven?”

In the shadow, a woman raised her head with a blank face, her exotic blue eyes with a charming streamer, her black hair was scattered on her bare/bare shoulders, and her white and flawless hair was lightly wrapped in silver-white fur. body.

Has she transformed into a humanoid

Lin Qianshuang rejoiced in her heart, but was a little embarrassed, worried that she would lose face if her fur fell off when she stood up.

She stood up awkwardly and pulled the fur around her body, hesitating whether to ask Han Shengyao for a piece of clothing. Suddenly, the magic energy surrounding the magic pill became sparser, and her body shrunk and turned into a Silver-white little beast.

Lin Qianshuang:

What's the situation, why is she being changed back to the prototype again!

Han Shengyao's cool hand touched the magic mark on Lin Qianshuang's forehead lightly, adjusting the chaotic and colliding magic energy in her body, and it was appropriate to explain it.

"Forming a magic seal is only the first step in cultivating a demon. It's normal for a human figure to be unstable with the magic energy. When the magic seal disappears, the foundation gradually stabilizes, and when you enter the threshold of foundation building, you can use the magic energy to condense a little bit. Incarnation, the general cycle is ten days, if ten days cannot be condensed, you have to start all over again."

Cultivating magic is really troublesome, no wonder the magic cultivators in the novel all seek shortcuts, killing people and making up for it in every possible way to gain their cultivation.

Lin Qianshuang thought to herself, her body was surrounded by warmth.

She was embraced by Han Shengyao.

Lin Qianshuang glanced over Han Shengyao's arm, looking at the scenery passing by at a rapid speed behind her, her head drooping with exhaustion, she was finally able to leave, the smell of blood made her want to take a shower.

"Tomorrow, you will have to come again until you enter the foundation building. Remember, Shuang'er, the devil respects the strong. Without strength, you will never be able to enter the eyes of the devil emperor, let alone become the devil queen."

Han Shengyao's words made Lin Qianshuang snorted in dissatisfaction.

Who wants to be in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, if a person has the strength of the Demon Emperor, what else do you need to do as a Demon Empress

Just sit in this position by yourself.

Lin Qianshuang looked at Han Shengyao's profile, her eyes were a little complicated. In her heart, the position of the Demon Emperor was very important, so her plan to kill the Demon Emperor was probably going to be a long-term plan.

Back at the Nine-layer Demon Palace, the senior brothers all gathered around enthusiastically. They hugged Lin Qianshuang to the chair, poured tea and water, and filled the table with delicious food. Saint Yao.

Han Shengyao was not annoyed by the behavior of the apprentices, but held her head up and watched Lin Qianshuang eat. Yes, the animal ears are shaking slightly, very cute.

"Little Junior Sister, why do you have so many wounds on your body?"

Chun looked at the scattered scars on the little beast's body, showing pity.

"It's okay, these wounds don't hurt anymore."

Lin Qianshuang ate the delicious food, the fatigue in his heart was swept away, and the whole person became clear.

Dong looked worriedly at the little beast, moved towards Han Shengyao in a respectful and reproachful tone, and said, "Master, little junior sister, she has just been born, how can you let her go to the magic pool so quickly, if she is a demon What should I do if Dan is injured or his demonic energy explodes?"

Xia pinched Xia Dong's back and whispered, "Junior brother, are you crazy, dare to speak to Master like this."

Qiu glanced at Dong in horror, and said, "Do you remember the outer disciple who accused Master last time, he was cut off his hands and feet and fed it to the spirits in the mountains."

Dong was frightened by what several senior brothers said. He was about to apologize to Han Shengyao, but he saw that her eyes did not fall on him, and there was no sign of anger.

Han Shengyao glanced at Dong and said in a light tone, "I didn't tell you before, Shuang'er is your senior sister, and her aptitude is by no means comparable to yours. I taught her that she is naturally different from yours."

Dong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Qianshuang, who was still drinking soup. Her food was too bad and elegant and generous. Her ears were pulled twice by Han Shengyao. pursed mouth.

The little junior sister is really different, and the master attaches great importance to her.

The senior brothers looked at Lin Qianshuang a little sour, but they were all happy for her. Their low status in the magic palace was often bullied. If the younger junior sister grew up and could support them, they would be proud in the future.

Xia suddenly thought of something, and said a little nervously: "Master, my disciple has already boiled the bath water, but Xiao... Senior Sister's other courtyard has not been taken care of, I don't know where it should be put."

Han Shengyao put Lin Qianshuang on her shoulder and looked at Xia too lazy to look at her, "Shuang'er sleeps with this seat, there is no need to take care of it in the other courtyard, and the seat of Japan will take her away tomorrow."