The Healer Demands Payment!

Chapter 119


Amid the rumbling thunder and lightning, the black and dense clouds of calamity swirled crazily around the huge vortex in the center.

The light of the star formation steadily protected Sikong Xing in the center, and above her head, Meng Qi's Five Spirit Cauldron was also turning slowly, and the amber fine sand inside overflowed, gradually enveloping the entire alchemy cauldron.

Meng Qi stood outside the formation, and the Wuling Ding was her natal small tripod, which was born with a spiritual connection with her.

From a distance, she seemed to be able to feel the joy from the small cauldron.

Most of the spiritual energy in the tribulation thunder and lightning was absorbed by the star array, and then transformed into a mighty spiritual energy to feed back to Sikong Xing and her Five Spirit Cauldron.

The remaining part was also used by Sikong Xing to attack the group of giant snakes that transformed the dragon.

Su Junmo and others who stood a little further away saw huge black waves surging into the sky, and the thick water column hit the group of snakes that transformed into dragons heavily.

The group of snakes who had just started fleeing were swallowed by the huge waves in the blink of an eye.

The water column is like a huge weapon, crushing them mercilessly.

Amidst the "hissing" sound of the snake group, even the golden little snake standing tallest and vaguely the leader of the snake group fell to the ground in embarrassment, and was quickly covered by the fleeing snake group.

"Let's do it!" Qin Xiumo said.

He and Xu Zijun's two long swords roared and flew towards the group of snakes.

The screaming and fleeing snakes had no time to dodge. With a sweep of the sword, stinky green blood spread out.

Su Junmo flicked his fingers, and his soul stood up happily, and with a whistling sound, he rushed towards the snakes as fast as lightning.

Li Che and Xue Chengxuan, who were standing beside him, also followed suit. They didn't have many offensive spells, but at this time, the snake group had no fighting spirit and was completely at the mercy of others, not comparable to the poisonous snakes outside the Sea of Falling Stars.

Chu Tianfeng stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly, his talisman, the red lotus, also wanted to float away from the snakes.

The snakes who had just been baptized by the huge wave of water soon ushered in a wave of crazy flames.

In the sky, the last bolt of lightning strikes.

On the ground, the group of snakes was chased and killed by several people, and only a small part may escape in the end.

Meng Qi turned his gaze back to Sikong Xing's face in the center of the star formation.

The girl in red tightly closed her eyes, her body was filled with aura, flickering and hesitating.

She has folded her hands, palms up, on her chest.

A little bit of red slowly gathered in her palm. The red halo is getting bigger and brighter.

"Boom" accompanied by the last loud noise, the sky suddenly disappeared, revealing the original sky of Falling Star Sea again.

The stars were still so clear in the daytime, but she didn't know if it was Meng Qi's illusion, she always felt that the stars above their heads were a little dimmer.

Meng Qi's eyes fell on Sikong Xing again, and saw the red light and shadow in the opponent's palm getting bigger and bigger. After it became slightly bigger than two fists, it suddenly jumped in Sikong Xing's palm.

The dazzling light dissipated, and the ball of red lightly fell into the palm of the girl in red.

The light of the star array gradually went out, and the last bit of aura light sank into the ground.

The Wuling Ding, which was spinning non-stop in the air, also stopped, and Xiao Ding seemed to be very happy, shaking left and right in the air, and then flew towards Meng Qi.

"How do I feel..." Chu Tianfeng stood not far behind Meng Qi.

He and Qin Xiumo walked towards Meng Qi side by side, while watching Meng Qi's life alchemy swaying in the air and flying towards her happily.

Chu Tianfeng rubbed his eyes, thinking he was wrong: "Meng Qiqi's little cauldron, has it become fatter?"

Qin Xiumo gave a soft "hmm".

The two of them spoke in a low voice, but because they were so close, Meng Qi still heard them.

She tilted her head slightly, looking at her Five Spirit Cauldron.

She could feel Xiao Ding's joy, that kind of contented feeling, which made her the master couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.


Meng Qi took a closer look and found that Xiao Ding really seemed to have gained a little weight.

Not a little fatter.

It's like a person who is full of food and drink, swaying in the air and walking a little slowly.

Meng Qi beckoned, Wuling Ding understood what his master meant, and flew to Meng Qi's side in a dangling manner.

She was delighted to see that the abdominal wall of Wuling Dingding seemed to be coated with a layer of amber.

Under the sunlight, it shone with pale golden light, as beautiful as colored glaze.

Meng Qi stretched out her hand and pressed lightly on the cauldron wall, a heavy feeling, as if carrying the boundless world, was transmitted from Wuling cauldron to her heart.

It's Fansha...

Meng Qi read it silently in her heart.

The Five Spirits Cauldron needs five kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that represent the vitality of the five spirits to be sacrificially refined, and this fan sand represents the earth.

Don't look at the five spirit cauldron which still looks not much bigger than her two hands, but from now on, when Meng Qi uses it to refine elixir, one tripod can refine tens of thousands of medicinal materials.

—As long as she has enough herbs.

This is the magical function of Fansha.

Meng Qi remembered what Yun Qingyan said just now, did Fansha come from under the Jieyun in the Sea of Falling Stars

It's no wonder that this name has only been circulated in Three Thousand Worlds, but few people have actually seen it.

Falling Star Sea is a fierce place, and there are a few cultivators who dare to come here to cross the catastrophe.

She couldn't help but looked up at the sky.

At this time, the clouds and smoke had already dispersed, and the sky in the Sea of Falling Stars was far less clear than the outside world.

Even in the daytime, the sky is always a faint yellow, as if even the sky has a heavy breath from ancient times.

She lowered her eyes, looking at her new Wuling Ding with joy.

Just at this time, Sikong Xing also slowly fell back to the ground and opened his eyes.

Her eyes were brighter than before. She had just advanced to the stage of distraction, and her spiritual sea was more than ten times larger than that of the Nascent Soul stage. The vast spiritual energy filled the spiritual sea, and she couldn't control the spiritual energy in her body for the time being.

The aura around Sikong Xing was a little chaotic, the aura spewed out from time to time, and retracted from time to time.

Even with the little fiery red thing held in her palms, the hair on her body was a little messed up by her own aura.

"Meng Qiqi!" As soon as Sikong Xing opened his eyes, he happily ran towards Meng Qi, "I actually succeeded in crossing the tribulation just like this! I'm already a fifth-rank demon cultivator!"

She said, holding the fluffy fiery red little guy, and jumped to Meng Qi's side.

Meng Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and the little guy in Sikong Xing's palm immediately attracted all his attention.

It was a fiery red fox with five little fluffy tails.

Also fluffy, the edges of the small pointed red ears are surrounded by jet black circles.

The five-tailed little red fox and Sikong Xing's palms were about the same size, and they were lying obediently in each other's palms. They opened their big round eyes and looked around curiously.

"This is..." Meng Qi licked her lips, her voice hoarse, "Is it your soul?"

"Yeah!" Si Kongxing held the little red fox a little higher in his palm, and brought it closer to Meng Qi's eyes, "Do you want to pet it?"

"Is it possible???" Meng Qiwen asked like this, but before Si Kongxing could answer, he had already moved his hand.

She carefully placed her finger on the head of the five-tailed little red fox.

Hmm... The tentacles are fluffy to the touch, just like ordinary spirit beast little foxes.

The fiery red little red fox seemed to be very happy too. Meng Qi put her fingers on top of its head and did not move for a while. The little red fox still tilted its head and obediently rubbed against her fingertips.


so cute!

Meng Qi's fingers trembled twice, and then pursed her dry lips.

She looked up at Sikong Xing, her voice hoarse than before: "I can really touch..."

"You touch it." Si Kongxing said generously, "It's okay."

Hearing this, Meng Qi stopped being polite, and covered the five-tailed little red fox's head with her palm, and rubbed it several times.

"Our primordial spirit is almost the same as the main body when it leaves the spiritual sea." Su Junmo walked to the two of them while talking.

Meng Qi turned to look at him.

Su Junmo's primordial spirit, the five-tailed little white fox, was obediently lying on his shoulders, with big black eyes open, looking curiously at the little red fox in Sikong Xing's palm.

Its five fluffy tails are also swaying behind it, which also looks very cute.

Meng Qi looked enviously

It's so cool to be a sky demon!

As soon as the thought flashed through her, she felt her fingers being embraced by a pair of fluffy little paws.

Meng Qi hurriedly turned her head to see that Si Kongxing's little red fox was hugging her finger with its two front paws, and its little head was rubbing up again.

While rubbing against her, he also looked at her with those big round eyes open.


It's too cute!

Meng Qi couldn't bear it anymore, she wished she could have such a primordial spirit.

Si Kongxing couldn't help but smiled and said, "It likes you very much, Meng Qiqi!"

She blushed: "Just like me."

"The soul can indeed reflect the master's mind." Su Junmo chuckled, watching Meng Qi play with the little red fox with a smile on his face.

"Sikong Xing is on good terms with you, so her primordial spirit naturally likes you too."

"Yeah." Meng Qi simply used both hands, while stroking the little red fox's head and back, while reaching out to gently scratch its jaw.

As expected, the little guy was lying comfortably on the palm of the owner, narrowing his eyes slightly, his little head was bit by bit, and he seemed to enjoy it very much.

"It's so cute." Meng Qi sighed softly, "It would be great if I could also have a soul."

"It's okay." Si Kongxing said, "Tell me when you want to lick it, and I'll let it come out."

"Is it possible?" Meng Qi's heart moved, "Will it have no effect?"

The natal magic weapon or weapon of the cultivator will not be summoned until necessary.

They have to be above the spiritual sea all the time, being warmed by spiritual energy and divine consciousness, in order to become more and more powerful, and to be more and more connected with their masters.

Meng Qi has always believed that the primordial spirits of demon cultivators should be similar.

"It's okay." Si Kongxing waved his hand generously: "It's not too late."

"Thank you Xing Xing." Meng Qi smiled and narrowed her eyes.

She stroked the little red fox again, and looked at the cute little guy carefully: "Is it the same as your body?"

As Meng Qi said, she turned her head and glanced at the five-tailed white fox lying on Su Junmo's shoulder.

That little guy is also fluffy, very cute.

It doesn't look like a miniature version of Su Fox's body, but rather looks like him when he was a child.

"Well—" Sure enough, Si Kongxing said, "It's what I looked like when I was a child."

"That's great..." Meng Qi couldn't help sighing again, "Will it grow up?"

"No more." Si Kongxing explained: "My father's primordial spirit also looks like a little fox dumpling now, so in fact..."

When she said this, she suddenly "giggled" and laughed: "So Meng Qiqi, we ordinary sky monsters don't care, but those really powerful big sky monsters don't really like to let the primordial spirit help them fight. Especially those A group of kings standing at the peak, they are already very powerful, and they don’t need the help of the soul to deal with the practitioners who are not as good as themselves. Therefore, unless they are fighting at the same level, otherwise, the soul will generally not appear. "

"Hahahahahaha." Meng Qi couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard this.

Imagine, a group of powerful sky demon kings who call the wind and call the rain, when they fight, they are always followed by a small group.

That scene should not be too beautiful!

Not only Meng Qi, but even Chu Tianfeng and Qin Xiumo raised the corners of their lips and laughed.

After a big battle just now, the group of snakes died and fled, and the surroundings seemed to become quiet for a while.

They all relaxed a little.

Meng Qi lowered her head and pinched the little red fox's pointed ears.

Tian Yao, it's really cool.

Even if you raise spirit beasts, the spirit beasts will always grow up.

Although grown-up spirit beasts are also beautiful and powerful, they are still not as cute as when they were young. They are so cute that it melts the heart.

Meng Qi's heart suddenly moved, the primordial spirit of Zhenjun Qingyan was also like this... like this...

She thought of when the other party was still Xiaoqi, those semicircular ears, soft white fur, soft and cute little paws...

Meng Qi felt itchy all of a sudden.

Of course she was very happy that Xiao Qi was Yun Qingyan.

But after seeing the appearance of the opponent's Sky Demon White Tiger, Meng Qi was always a little disappointed deep in his heart.

The disappointment was very light, completely overwhelmed by the joy of reuniting with Yun Qingyan, and Meng Qi never seriously thought about it.

But now, that very faint little disappointment has crept out quietly——

It would be great if I could see the cute little white tiger Xiaoqi again!

"What are you talking about?" Xue Chengxuan and Li Che also walked over side by side.

The two of them bowed their hands to Sikong Xing first: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for successfully surviving the tribulation, and being distracted after being promoted."

"Thank you." Si Kongxing hastily returned the gift.

"Meng Qiqi." Li Che snapped his fingers, "We found a golden snake."

As soon as his words fell, the body of one of the golden snakes that had previously been entrenched on top of the Hualong Snakes appeared in front of him.

Meng Qi quickly calmed down, shook her head, and expelled that somewhat rude thought from her mind.

She raised her eyes to look at the golden snake, she didn't think much of it when she saw it perched on top of Hualong's head from a distance.

Now that they are close, Meng Qi can even clearly see every scale and pattern on the opponent's body.

"This is..." She was stunned for a moment, her breathing suddenly became rapid, "Is this a golden scale snake?"

"It should be." Both Xue Chengxuan and Li Che nodded.

"God..." Meng Qi murmured, "The Golden Scaled Snake has been extinct for thousands of years in the Three Thousand Worlds, and I thought I would never see it again."

"Meng Qiqi." Seeing that everyone started talking about business, Sikong Xing hurriedly waved his hand and retracted his primordial spirit, "What is a golden scale snake?"

She is a nobleman from the demon world, and she has never heard of this name.

"It's also the first time I've seen it." Meng Qi said: "I've only seen it in books. It is said that the snake gall of the golden scaled snake can cure all poisons in the world, but it has been extinct for thousands of years, and no one in the Three Realms has seen it again. Everyone thought it was extinct."

"Then we are really lucky." Si Kongxing said.

"It's more than that." Ji Wujiong wobbled and stood beside Meng Qi, "This is a sixth-grade golden scale snake, and it should have cultivated divine consciousness."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to grasp the void, clenched his right hand into a fist.

Ji Wujiong spread out his palm, a black spot of light the size of a grain of rice spread out in his palm, and finally turned into a small kit and fell into his palm.

"This is the storage bag of the alien beast." Su Junmo's eyes flickered slightly, and he explained: "If the alien beast can cultivate its spiritual consciousness, it can create a space in its body for storage. It's just that the alien beasts and fierce beasts are coming. Before death, the spiritual sea was shaken, and the luggage would always be destroyed first, unwilling to let the enemy get it. This time we were also lucky, and we were able to get this luggage."

"Yeah." Meng Qi nodded.

Now everyone was a little excited, this golden scale snake was obviously the leader of the group of snakes just now.

Just now, when they dealt with the wolves, they were extremely powerful, and they should be considered to have certain strength in this sea of falling stars.

Cultivators who enter the Falling Star Sea not only for the sake of practice and experience, but also for the unique treasures of heaven and earth, elixir and rare flowers here, and more because they hope that they will be lucky enough to find some treasures that once entered the Falling Star Sea and unfortunately fell here. The things left by the great powers of the predecessors.

"This guy has lived in Falling Star Sea for so long, he should have something good in his luggage." Su Junmo said again.

But no one moved first.

The luggage is in Ji Wujiong's hands. Apart from giving Meng Qi some face, this guy is not easy to deal with anyone else.


Without Ji Wujiong, they would not have been able to find the Golden Scaled Snake's luggage, let alone take it out intact.

Therefore, only Ji Wujiong is eligible to take the things in the luggage.

Thinking of this, everyone was a little discouraged.

It's not jealousy, no matter who takes this item in the team, they won't do anything.

Only this extremely vicious Ji Wujiong, everyone held their breath in their hearts, and they didn't want such a good thing to happen to him.

"Ji Wujiong." At this time, only Meng Qi could say to Ji Wujiong: "Open it and see what's inside."

Ji Wujiong raised his eyebrows, put his fingers together, his fingertips flickered, and tapped on the luggage.

Immediately, his spiritual energy penetrated, and he said lazily: "Tsk tsk, this golden scale snake should be a tyrant on the edge of the Falling Star Sea. It really made this guy collect a lot of good things."

"Let me see." Meng Qi reached out to him.

Everyone, even Su Junmo became nervous.

Will Ji Wujiong give it to Meng Qi

The man in black casually threw the kit to Meng Qi: "It should have swallowed your senior medical practitioners."

Meng Qi was startled, but still took the kit.

She sent a bit of aura, the material of the bag was unknown, it was neither silk nor leather, it was extremely flexible.

She quickly scanned the bag, and there were not many things in it.

There is a bamboo slip, two jade slips, and three or four slightly damaged magic weapons, two long swords, one of which is transparent but has been broken in half.

In addition, there are some treasures of heaven and earth that Meng Qi doesn't even know, and a dozen or so green things that look like gems.

Finally, in the depths of the extreme capsule, there is a pile of spirit stones, most of which are eighth-grade and ninth-grade spirit stones, and there are also some mysterious spirit stones.

As soon as Meng Qi's spiritual energy was swept over, she counted it clearly.

This Golden Scaled Snake actually hoarded more than a thousand mysterious spirit stones, and more than 3,000 eighth-rank and ninth-rank spirit stones.

She took out the bamboo slip and sent it into the spiritual energy, and suddenly understood why Ji Wujiong said that.

It was a scroll of bamboo slips that recorded the senior medical practitioner's experience in practicing medicine. Such things, among medical practitioners, are sometimes more precious than a single formula or prescription.

Meng Qi's expression darkened, and not only the bones and blood of many ancestors were buried on the vast land of the Star Sea.

"What is it?" Xue Chengxuan asked with his eyes moving slightly.

"Bamboo slips of medical practice." Meng Qi said hoarsely.

Xue Chengxuan exhaled slowly. Every year, Fengmeng spends a lot of spiritual stones or treasures from heaven and earth in exchange for such bamboo slips.

They wanted so much to enter the Grand Competition Barrier, and they wanted to pass the test to obtain the approval of Lin Yan's will.

Also for this thing.

The bamboo slips of medical practitioners found in the Falling Star Sea are most likely from Dongxu, or even more powerful medical practitioners.

The value of a piece of bamboo slips is already far higher than Meng Qi's reward for engraving the array for their natal magic weapon today.

If it is really confirmed that it is the bamboo slips of Dongxu, or even Dongzhen's medical practice, then Fengmeng will be willing to spend ten thousand mysterious spirit stones in exchange for this bamboo slip.

I don't know Meng Qi...

His eyes fell on the face of the young girl in green robe, but he couldn't see the slightest thought from that elegant face.

Hearing this, Li Che's expression was also quite gloomy.

He bowed his hands to the bamboo slip in Meng Qi's hand and bowed respectfully to the ground.

Holding the bamboo slips in her palm, Meng Qi also bent down to salute like Li Che.

Xue Chengxuan was slightly startled, and also bowed to the ground.

Several other people looked at the three of them and didn't quite understand the reason.

However, Chu Tianfeng and Qin Xiumo looked at each other, and memories flooded into his heart, with mixed emotions in his heart.

In fact, Meng Qi is quite representative of medical practitioners. They have their own persistence, and sometimes it really makes other practitioners unable to understand.

For example, this bamboo slip, although Qin Xiumo and the others are not medical practitioners, they can tell from the first hearing that it records the years of experience of this unknown senior medical practitioner who died in the Falling Star Sea.

This seems to be an unwritten rule, and every medical practitioner has silently adhered to it since the day he set foot on the road of medical cultivation.

They will record their experiences, knowledge and thoughts, and save them with the best kits. Even if they die, they will still be able to preserve the bamboo slips, waiting for future generations to discover them, so that they can experience life and death. The hard work will not be lost.

It doesn't matter if it's not their descendants who will pick up this bamboo slip in the future.

There are never seals or barriers on such bamboo slips, and anyone who picks them up can use them.

This seems to be an unwritten rule passed down from generation to generation among medical practitioners.

Qin Xiumo and others came here with Meng Qi all the way from Qingfeng Valley, and they also saw her record her knowledge and experience of practicing medicine on the bamboo slips.

They also know that this is a very precious treasure for doctors and cultivators.

Qin Xiumo's eyelids drooped slightly, and he glanced at Ji Wujiong from the corner of his eye.

The other party is already a cultivator of the void, and his realm is two levels higher than him.

But if Meng Qi wanted this bamboo slip, he would try his best to snatch it for her.

"Ji Wujiong." Meng Qi stood up straight, turned to Ji Wujiong and said, "You discovered the kit, but you are now employed by me, so according to the rules, everything in the kit should be shared equally. "

Ji Wujiong was obviously in a good mood: "Whatever you say is what you say."

"You can pick two first." Meng Qi said and returned the kit to Ji Wujiong, "The spirit stones are divided equally."

"Meng Qi." Ji Wujiong reached out to her, "Give me the bamboo slip, I will choose it."

Meng Qi blushed, subconsciously clenched the bamboo slip in her hand: "But..."

She rarely stammered: "This... this thing is useless to you, you are not a medical practitioner."

She has been in contact with Ji Wujiong for a long time, and she has already seen that the other party is either a medical practitioner or just good at using poison.

"Yes." Ji Wujiong nodded casually, "I'm not a doctor, but who said it's useless to me?"

"Then I'll buy it." Meng Qi hesitated for a moment, then turned to ask Xue Chengxuan, "This bamboo slip is left by a senior who is a master of Dongxu and Dzogchen. How many spirit stones are there for seven-rank and six-level medical skills? It records that he has practiced medicine for 130 years. experience."

Xue Chengxuan took a deep breath: "... seven thousand mysterious spirit stones."

A seventh-grade medical practitioner, 130 years of medical experience, and 7,000 mysterious spirit stones are a very reasonable price.

"Okay." Meng Qi nodded, then turned to Ji Wujiong and said, "Sell me seven thousand mysterious spirit stones."

"Not for sale!" Ji Wujiong said, "I want to pass it on to my apprentice, so don't sell it."

"Ji Wujiong." Si Kongxing waved, and the little red fox primordial spirit appeared beside her again.

She stomped her feet: "Don't force us to do it!"

"Heh—" Ji Wujiong squinted, "little red fox girl, if you bring ten more little red foxes, I won't be able to match you with one hand. Did your master accept you as a disciple? Then he accepted you as an apprentice?" At that time, didn’t he pass on his Xuanwu family housekeeping skills to you?”

"What?" Si Kongxing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

The Xuanwu clan is famous for their longevity, coupled with their thick shells, and they don't like to participate in disputes in the demon world, so occasionally the sky demons will laugh behind their backs. They are the most cowardly sky demon royal family. They have no other skills, and they can save their lives. First.

It's just that Xuanwu belongs to the royal family of the sky demon after all, so occasionally a demon cultivator would dare to mutter behind his back these words.

Ji Wujiong was the first to publicly ridicule in front of Xuanwu heirs.

"Ji Wujiong." Meng Qi put his hand on Sikong Xing's shoulder, "Besides apprenticeship, tell me, why are you willing to give me this bamboo slip?"

Ji Wujiong chuckled lightly: "I knew you wouldn't agree. Forget it."

He nodded: "I don't need to choose this bamboo slip."

"Huh?" Meng Qi was a little surprised, "What about the conditions?"

"The one who knows me is Meng Qiqi." Ji Wujiong raised the corners of his lips and said lazily: "The condition is..."

With a flash of his body, he suddenly stood beside Meng Qi, leaned slightly and whispered in her ear: "All the demons in the sky have primordial spirits. Have you seen the primordial spirit of the person who taught you the magic circle?"

Meng Qi was startled, and then heard Ji Wujiong continue to say: "If you let him call out the Yuanshen to show you once, then I won't choose this bamboo slip, how about it?"

The author has something to say: Please help Jiyou Cheese Watermelon's "The Little Flower Girl of the Prime Minister's House" ask for a nutrient solution. If the babies have more nutrient solution, can you water her? People and Wen are both sweet, cute and hardworking ^_^


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-02 23:58:08~2020-04-03 23:57:38~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 small cherry fish seed;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 1 pilipala;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of showers; 10 bottles of Liuye and Sleeping Jin; 5 bottles of Amber Chuan, just want to eat meat, decisively not with a real name; 1 bottle of soft, taro, and judith;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!