The Healer Demands Payment!

Chapter 47


Meng Qi glanced at Qin Xiumo.

Xue Chengxuan was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything, just smiled slightly: "The last time I came to the Eastern Realm was three years ago with my father. It seems that the medical skills of the Eastern Realm have really developed rapidly in recent years."

"I'll go in and take a look first." He nodded politely at Meng Qi, then turned to the two disciples of Xuanyun Villa and said, "Take me there, please."

"Yes." One of them hurriedly led Xue Chengxuan towards the door.

Another disciple knew Murong Fei and Wen He, and brought them to the main hall of the other garden.

"You guys have come here to work hard, please take a break here, I'll let someone bring tea and snacks."

He turned and left in a hurry.

Meng Qi randomly found a chair and sat down, Chu Tianfeng took a step forward and sat next to her.

Qin Xiumo simply stopped sitting and stood beside Meng Qi.

"Hey!" Chu Tianfeng looked up at him, "You just said that someone robbed the business, was it Lu Qingran?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Xiumo raised the corners of his lips and smiled ironically.

"She can't do it?" Chu Tianfeng didn't believe it, "The disciples in Qingfeng Valley were so miserable before, how dare she do it again?"

"She doesn't dare to do that again. But she dares to follow suit."

"Yes." Chu Tianfeng nodded.

Meng Qi looked at the two of them in surprise.

The hostility of Qin Xiumo and Chu Tianfeng towards Lu Qingran is too obvious, it doesn't seem like the kind of hostility that arises out of love, but rather like some kind of deep hatred.

It shouldn't be.

"Meng Qiqi." Chu Tianfeng turned to look at Meng Qi.

Meng Qi: "..."

Why did everyone start calling her Meng Qiqi? !

"Let's go and expose Lu Qingran." Chu Tianfeng said: "This is the method you came up with, you can't take advantage of her, and you should be the one who earns the Lingshi!"

He stood up as he spoke, eager to try: "Go and compete with her and win the business."

Meng Qi almost wanted to roll her eyes at him.

When can medical treatment be equated with business

And relying on this to earn spirit stones, even Xiaoqi can't afford to support him, so he has to rely on other things.


She still plans to go and see.

"I'll go take a look." She also stood up.

The cultivators injured by the Immortal Devouring Vine are innocent, and if it is really Lu Qingran, she is not at ease.

"Okay." Chu Tianfeng hurriedly followed.

Qin Xiumo also followed.

Su Junmo heard the three muttering a few words, but he didn't fully understand what was going on, so he followed after seeing this.

In the main hall, only Murong Fei and Wen He were left, and they looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

"Meng Qiqi." Seeing that they had left the main hall, and only the four of them were left, Su Junmo let out his breath.

He hurriedly moved to Meng Qi's side: "Your senior sister is here too? What's the matter with the business grabbing you just mentioned? I found out earlier that the relationship between you and your senior sister is not very good. Is there any hidden secret in it? I I think your senior sister is not bad. She is beautiful, filial and kind. In order to protect her master, she bravely stood up and spoke for her. Of course... she suspects that you are wrong, Meng Qiqi, but this is also human nature. Even if my elders are reprimanded, I can't help but speak up for them."

"Yeah, she's very beautiful, very kind, and very kind." Qin Xiumo said casually, "If you like it, go after it."

"Yes, yes." Chu Tianfeng also said: "If you miss such a good girl, it may be difficult to meet such a suitable person for you in the future. Fellow Daoist Su, go and pursue her, you can do it!"

"I suspect you are cheating on me!" Su Junmo snorted softly.

"Meng Qiqi, of course I am on your side unconditionally, but I think your senior sister is fine. Is there any misunderstanding between you? If there is any misunderstanding, it doesn't matter, just leave it to me. I will come Help you clear up the misunderstanding, it is not easy for everyone to learn the same art, just clear up the misunderstanding. What do you think?"

"There's no misunderstanding." Meng Qi said, "It's just that Lu Qingran and I don't get along."

One is the darling of heaven, and the other is the unlucky one, who is born to be difficult to deal with.

If you say hate, she really doesn't hate Lu Qingran.

"Really?" Su Junmo was taken aback.

"We didn't lie to you." Qin Xiumo said: "Children who love to cry are always favored more, nothing else. Don't worry about us."

Su Junmo looked at the two suspiciously, but still felt that the two were harboring malicious intentions.

Even Meng Qi looked at the two of them again in surprise.

She already felt that Chu Tianfeng and Qin Xiumo's attitude towards her after rebirth was very different from their previous life, probably because there was no misunderstanding in this life.

Meng Qi would not be surprised if his attitude towards himself changed.

Meng Qi's medical skills had broken through the fifth rank before his death in her previous life.

There is nothing frivolous about the cultivation of medical skills, one step at a time, it is really a fifth-grade medical cultivation that countless living people have exchanged for.

Those people she cured, as long as they had nothing to do with Lu Qingran, would be very grateful to her.

Just like the ordinary residents of Qingfeng Town.

Thinking of these people, Meng Qi's heart became warm, and his eyes gradually softened.

So is her choice right in this life

Although he still saved these male cultivators who were entangled with Lu Qingran, because he took the money and cut off the cause and effect, he didn't rob her senior sister, the darling of heaven.

Everything became better.

As for why Qin Xiumo and Chu Tianfeng were dissatisfied with Lu Qingran.

Meng Qi thought about it for a moment and then forgot—

It has nothing to do with her!

It doesn't matter if they like it, or hate it because of love, or they can't get what they want, so they feel depressed and even perverted.

None of her business!

What she wants to know more now is about the Medical Cultivation Association.

Thinking of Xue Chengxuan's Fengmeng Zangshu Pavilion, Meng Qi felt itchy.

she wants to go!

So work hard!

The arguing between Chu Tianfeng and the three of them was completely blocked by her.

Meng Qi didn't listen to what they said later.

She walked quickly, Xuanyun Villa is quite big in Huajiang Mansion's other garden, occupying the best street in Huajiang Mansion.

Meng Qi walked from the main hall to the room where the injured cultivators were placed, which was enough for Su Junmo and Chu Tianfeng to discuss repeatedly three times whether Lu Qingran was worth pursuing.

She turned a deaf ear and stepped forward to knock on the door.

The door of the room opened quickly with a "squeak", and a man in his thirties who was also dressed as a disciple of Xuanyun Villa walked out from inside.

"May I ask who you are?" The man sized Meng Qi up, a little surprised at the strange girl who suddenly appeared in the other garden.

But he soon saw Su Junmo.

"Fellow Daoist Su." The man took two steps forward and bowed his hands to Su Junmo who had calmed down. "Fellow Daoist, Li Anhe of Xuanyun Villa is very grateful for your visit."

Su Junmo nodded at him: "You are too polite, Li Daoyou."

He paused, and said: "I came with Brother Xue, after all, the Immortal Devouring Vine belongs to the demon world."

"Yes." Li Anhe nodded.

"This fellow Taoist wants to see the injured cultivator." Su Junmo pointed at Meng Qi, "Is it convenient?"

"Of course." Li Anhe stepped aside quickly, his attitude towards Meng Qi was completely different from before, "Friends, please."

Meng Qi nodded at him, and quickly walked into the room.

"Well..." She couldn't help frowning as soon as she stepped into the room.

The strong sweet scent of white peach instantly surrounded her, making her so intoxicating that it was difficult to breathe.

Xuanyun Villa must have a magic weapon that can block the breath, otherwise it is impossible to not smell a breath outside the door.

"How many people were injured?" Meng Qi asked.

"There are a total of sixty-seven people. Four people are placed here, and there are several people in the other room. The rest are all sent to the middle of the mountain in Xuanyun Villa, where there is a cave that completely isolates spiritual energy. Fellow Daoist Xue is going to burn the city. We have been told before to place the practitioners who were less injured there, and the conditions of the people there are better than those in the other garden."

For Su Junmo's sake, Li Anhe didn't hide Meng Qi's question at all.

He frowned: "I visited them at the door last night, and they also..."

He shook his head lightly and sighed.

None of these injured people were disciples of Xuanyun Villa. The Huajiang Mansion is at the foot of Xuanyun Villa. According to the rules of the Three Thousand Worlds, Xuanyun Villa should be responsible for the safety of this place.

The injured cultivators are also their responsibility.

"Yeah." Meng Qi nodded.

The scent of the three cultivators is so strong, far better than the smell around when Lan Zhuxuan and others were injured that day.

She frowned and walked forward quickly.

There were two rooms, and the more Meng Qi walked in, the smell became stronger.

Chu Tianfeng and Qin Xiumo who followed her in also frowned.

Just smelling it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Li Anhe also frowned, and said: "Since they moved in, the fragrance here has become more intense."

He shook his head, and said, "Two fellow Taoists passed by Huajiang Mansion this morning. They said they could smell the scent of the wounded from the Immortal Devouring Vine, so they came here to help us treat it."

Meng Qi nodded.

She quickly crossed the room and entered the bedroom.

Xue Chengxuan heard the voice and turned to look at her.

Seeing Meng Qi, he smiled at her, stretched out his hand and gestured for silence.

In the room, three bamboo beds are arranged in a zigzag shape.

On the floor between the three beds, there was a small table with a small bronze tripod placed on it, and pale pink smoke curled up from the small tripod.

The fragrance in the bedroom should be more intense, but the sweet fragrance of white peach is dispelled by the light and slightly bitter medicinal fragrance, which is not as good as outside.

Meng Qi stared at the little cauldron for a while, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen it before.

She turned to look across the room.

There were two chairs, a man and a woman sitting side by side.

The female cultivator on the left is about 20 years old, with green hair like a waterfall, tied up by a small pearl hairpin.

She was wearing a light yellow elegant long dress with a slender waist. Even when she was sitting, she looked slender and graceful.

What's more, she has a very beautiful face.

The female cultivator met Meng Qi's gaze, and her palm-sized face instantly paled a little.

Her long and thick eyelashes trembled a few times, and it seemed that she had tried her best to force a smile: "Junior Sister Meng Qi."

This person is Lu Qingran.

Sitting next to Lu Qingran was a man in a black robe.

He wore a bamboo hat on his head, and black veils hung down from both sides of the hat, completely covering his face.

The exposed hands were long and slender, but they were abnormally pale.

The male cultivator also turned his head towards Meng Qi.

Through a layer of veil, she couldn't see the expression and eyes of the other party.

All I could see was the fingers of the male cultivator who were lazily resting on the armrest of the chair, suddenly bent slightly, and tapped the armrest somewhat casually.

Qin Xiumo had already stood beside Meng Qi in an instant.

With his fingers hanging by his side, he squeezed the formula, and the long sword of life would break out of the air at any time and attack the opponent.

Qin Xiumo didn't know this person, but instinctively felt that the man in black beside Lu Qingran was very dangerous.

A chuckle escaped from behind the black veil.

It was the man who was laughing.

Xue Chengxuan looked at the two of them in surprise when he heard Lu Qingran address Meng Qi like that.

"You..." He silently mouthed at Meng Qi, "Are you from the same family?"

"It used to be." Meng Qi said in a low voice.

She was still looking at the little cauldron that was emitting light pink smoke.

what is this

She took a breath, the slightly bitter and slightly astringent medicinal smell, mixed with a little sweet fragrance of white peach, had an indescribably weird feeling.

What exactly is it

Meng Qi turned to look at Xue Chengxuan. Since this knowledgeable Fengmeng doctor didn't respond, he should be harmless.

But she always felt a little strange, as if she had seen this thing somewhere, but now she couldn't remember it.

"This is the powder from the wings of Canglan Purple Butterfly. It has been mixed with silk fruit, Tianluojing, and..." The man wearing the bamboo hat suddenly said, "The medicinal powder made from bitter Chan bamboo."

His voice is nice and cold.

Like cold jade hitting a stone, it spreads to people's ears, as if it can make people feel a chill rising from the back injury.

He seemed to be looking at Meng Qi: "Is my method effective?"

Without Meng Qi's answer, Xue Chengxuan had already said: "The powder refined from the first three medicinal materials alone can drive away most exotic birds by burning. Adding bitter Zen bamboo, the medicinal effect will be doubled. It's just that no one has tried it before. Is this thing useful for the Immortal Devouring Vine?"

"Heh..." The male cultivator smiled coldly, "Try it and you'll know."

He knocked on the handrail again, and said casually: "Otherwise, when you hunt the five-element blue crane, these cultivators can wait, but the immortal vines can't wait. A pile of flower fertilizer, whether you can save it or not, will be the same."

Meng Qi: "..."

Not only this little tripod, but even the tone of the man's voice, she felt a little familiar.

Have you seen it in your previous life

Why can't she remember at all

There were many men coming and going around Lu Qingran, but Meng Qi actually didn't know every one of them.

But with such a nice voice, but cold and mean words, she will definitely remember it once she has seen it.

"So..." Nanxiu said and stood up.

He is tall.

Xue Chengxuan is already quite tall.

But even without the bamboo hat, this person is slightly taller than Xue Chengxuan.

"Here, you are no longer needed." He turned his head and stretched out a hand towards Lu Qingran, "Let's go."

Xue Chengxuan's face changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

After all, Xuanyun Villa has nothing to do with Fengmeng, but they are all in the western realm, and the other party asked for help, and it was injured by the Immortal Devouring Vine, which they had never seen before.

Fengmeng will naturally lend a helping hand.

He stared at the male cultivator who refused to show his true colors, and then at Lu Qingran.

He heard her called Junior Sister Meng Qi just now.

Regardless of whether they were senior sisters or not, it is certain that the two came from the same sect.

That is, they are all from the East.

The Three Thousand Worlds and Four Realms have never said which one of them is powerful enough to crush the other three realms.

It's just that for thousands of years, medical practitioners have been recognized as the strongest in the Western Realm.

Fengmeng is one of the leaders.

I didn't expect that I hadn't been to the Eastern Realm for many years. The Eastern Realm, which borders both the demon world and has been suppressed because of this, and the slowest development, unexpectedly produced so many young and powerful cultivators.

Xue Chengxuan turned to look at Meng Qi again.

Meng Qi was looking at Lu Qingran.

Lu Qingran hesitated for a while, but slowly raised her hand, and gently placed it on the man's pale palm.

She lowered her head, stood up slowly, and refused to look at Meng Qi again, just followed behind the man, and walked slowly towards the door.

When the two passed by Meng Qi's side, Qin Xiumo snorted softly, took a step forward, and stood in front of Meng Qi.

He looked at the black-robed man warily, and the feeling of danger became more and more obvious as the man approached.

As if feeling the master's nervousness, Qin Xiumo's natal long sword suddenly buzzed and appeared beside him.

The long sword was suspended, and the tip of the sword flickered with cold light.

The man also turned his head towards Qin Xiumo.

"Heh..." He sneered again, "It's interesting."

The man suddenly raised his hand and flicked his fingers.

He was obviously unhappy in his attack. Although Qin Xiumo has not recovered yet, he still has the strength of a golden core cultivator.

What's more, the natal long sword has been refined since he entered Foundation Establishment, and he has never left him for a moment in these years, and the human sword has long been connected with each other.

Even if he hadn't fully healed, the master of Qingfeng Valley, whose cultivation base was higher than his, could only stop him once with magic weapons.

But Qin Xiumo looked like a child playing house with a wooden sword in front of the man in black.

The man raised his hand slowly like that, flicked his fingers and tapped lightly.

The pale and slender fingers looked sickly, even weak.

But it hit the tip of the sword steadily and accurately.

—Qin Xiumo couldn't avoid it at all.

"Hmm—" Qin Xiumo suddenly snorted, and a stream of blood slid down the corner of his lips.

Meng Qi was startled.

"Hehe—" the man in black smiled and shook his head, "You are still far away. For the sake of your ancestor, I will save your life and the long sword of your life today. Don't blame me if you dare to be so rude next time." This seat is ruthless."

When the man in black did this, he still held Lu Qingran's hand.

She didn't dare to move, but quickly raised her eyes and glanced at Qin Xiumo.

"Let's go." The man in black clasped her hand tightly behind his back and led her towards the door.

Until the backs of the two disappeared outside the door, the room was still quiet.

Li Anhe didn't even dare to speak out.

Xuanyun Villa is the Sword Cultivation Sect.

All sword cultivators will sacrifice their natal long sword.

He is a man of knowledge, and Qin Xiumo's natal sword is placed in Xuanyun Villa, which is absolutely invincible among his peers.

When the man in black told Lu Qingran that he could save someone, he didn't pay much attention to him.

Didn't expect it to be so powerful? !

Xue Chengxuan let out a long breath slowly.

Su Junmo looked solemn: "This man..."

He shook his head: "You shouldn't be too old to listen to the voice, but you have such a cultivation level in this grade, it's amazing!"

Since birth, the Sky Demon Clan can use the shadows of stars on their bodies to continuously absorb the spiritual energy around them, and practice endlessly.

Su Junmo, who can reach the Nascent Soul stage at this age, is already an outstanding genius among the cultivators of the three thousand worlds.

Even so, he couldn't perceive the depth of cultivation of this mysterious man whose voice didn't sound much older than himself.


This is already a very high evaluation given by Su Junmo.

"But did he just say that it was for your ancestor's sake?" Su Junmo turned to look at Qin Xiumo, looking at the blood dripping from the corner of his lips with sympathy.

"Just like that, it actually hurt your natal long sword!" He was so shocked that he almost forgot to maintain his avatar as a nobleman, and murmured: "I didn't use any magic formula either... You, you, Meng Qi Qi, and Chu Tianfeng, brother Xue! Have you seen him kneading the formula? I think he just flicked his hand, and his strength crushed the Jindan cultivator. To put it lightly, this is a distraction... No! Maybe it will be even stronger Some great power!"

"By the way." Su Junmo started nagging endlessly, "Qin Xiumo, he just said about your ancestor. Who is your ancestor? Why didn't you kill you for the sake of your ancestor? Can you feel it? Are you there? Did he say it on purpose to scare people, or did he really show mercy? Were you prepared just now? Did you resist? Or was it because of your unhealed internal injuries... "

Qin Xiumo: "..."

Mom talkative!

Meng Qi had already taken out a small porcelain bottle from the storage bag and handed it to him: "Take it first."

"Okay." Qin Xiumo stuffed the medicine in the porcelain bottle into his mouth without any doubt.

Although he was injured, there was a little joy on his face: "You gave me medicine again."

He swallowed the pill in his mouth, and then said: "I still have no money, I owe it."

Meng Qi: "..."

"That person is really powerful." Meng Qi said, looking up at Qin Xiumo's natal sword.

The long sword is still floating in the air, but it looks a bit gloomy.

"He showed mercy." Qin Xiumo said, "He finally withdrew his hand, otherwise, my natal sword would have been knocked back into my body by him."

"In that case, the cultivation base will directly fall back to the foundation building stage." He narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Meng Qi didn't speak.

She quickly scanned the memory in her mind, but still couldn't remember it.

She shouldn't have no impression of such a powerful person beside Lu Qingran.

"Uh..." At this time, the three injured practitioners in the room suddenly groaned.

They had been injured for a long time, and the Immortal Devouring Vine in their bodies had exhausted their aura and began to occupy their consciousness.

The man's words are a bit mean, but if these people continue to develop, they are really no different from flowerpots.

Li Anhe was overjoyed and rushed forward.

The three cultivators slowly opened their eyes.

Although their expressions were still a little dazed, their gazes had gradually become brighter, and they were no longer as blank and numb as they were before, as if they were walking dead.

"How do the three friends feel?" Li Anhe asked.

"Uh..." A male cultivator in his forties exhaled slowly, "I... where am I? Ah!"

He suddenly yelled in horror: "I... I remembered!"

He was so terrified that he was about to jump up from the bamboo bed.

As soon as the body was lifted up, it fell back again: "Why... why do I have no strength at all? Where is my aura?! Why is my aura gone?!"

When he called out like this, the other two also checked their bodies in a panic.

"My aura is gone!"

"I... my spiritual sea is empty. I have never had such a situation since I started practicing Qi! What happened?! Where is my spiritual energy?!"

The room instantly became noisy.

The voices of the three injured cultivators were hoarse, but under anxiety, they did not care about their physical condition.

They struggled to get up from the bed, but Li Anhe couldn't persuade him, so he turned to Xue Chengxuan for help.

"Don't panic, you three." Xue Chengxuan took a step forward and comforted him: "I am Xue Chengxuan from the Wind Alliance. You were injured by the Immortal Devouring Vine earlier, and now you should... Huh?!"

Xue Chengxuan suddenly turned his head and greeted Meng Qi: "Friend Daoist Meng, come and take a look. Is it the same for the person you cured earlier?"

The author has something to say: I'm finally on vacation! woo woo woo

tomorrow! Morning! You are waiting! Hum╭(╯^╰)╮


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-16 23:51:15~2020-01-17 23:58:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 敫. Hero た 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 treasures from Ah Qi; 1 piece from Qingcizhou, your little cutie~, Xin 1118, Xuexia Qingjin, vision, Master Meow, and skam;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 42 bottles of Jinjin; 23 bottles of Wang Yaoyao; 10 bottles of Teletubbies, Cisheng, Zifeiyu, 6 bottles of Pinellia; 5 bottles of cc and Liyi ; 2 bottles of flying fish; 1 bottle of gorgeous Huahua, Shura Changsaigao, kokodayo, Master Meow, small-eyed shrimp, blue, lonely hour, and Christine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!