The Healer Demands Payment!

Chapter 58


Linghu Xie waited patiently, except for the three hundred eighth-grade spirit stones just now, there was no higher bid.

Meng Qi also rested her chin lazily, biting on the candy with a "click" and poured herself a cup of tea from time to time.

Tianwaitian's tea is also very special, it should be a relatively rare tea that contains spiritual energy.

Every time she drank a cup, Meng Qi would feel a warmth flowing from her stomach to her limbs, which made her feel very comfortable.

Except for the two of them, all the cultivators who participated in the bidding in the entire Tianzihao auction site were going crazy.

So did they get it wrong before

I don't like phoenix, not Chi Yu, but this unknown formula

So, is the formula related to the Phoenix

Or, does this formula have anything to do with the Heavenly Paradise of the Seventh Peak in this world

That's why the master here will restrict the two to only choose one.

If this is the case, then the question arises again—

How to choose

Which one to choose

Because there was an auction of entry tokens this time, almost all the top ten sects in the Four Realms arrived.

At least the ones who came were the elders who could call the shots.

For many sects, such as Burning Heaven Palace, the head of the sect simply came personally.

How to choose, everyone is a bit tangled even if they are practitioners.

According to past experience, Tianwaitiandong Tianfu Land has a huge output, and it will never let the participating sects suffer.

Treasures of heaven and earth, weapons, magic weapons, and even magic formulas, cultivation experience, etc. left by the predecessors, are all there.

Like the Dongtian blessed land that auctioned 24 tokens for entering the mountain, the value of each sect or casual cultivator who participated in the end was worth at least more than the most precious item in the Tianzihao auction.

Of course, powerful sects will gain even more.

It is said that another time, a sect obtained a magic weapon by chance, which contained the practice experience left by the seniors of their sect who fell outside thousands of years ago.

Many lineages of that sect had been severed in a catastrophe. After that time, the severed lineages were refilled, and the power of the entire sect grew by leaps and bounds.

Coupled with the fact that there are several genius disciples in the sect, they will return to the top in a hundred years.

Since then, every time the Heavenly Paradise appears, the major sects will compete for it.

They have never had any objection to the limited auction of the master of Tianwaitian's entry token, because he is very fair.

The conditions of each restriction are to maximize the profits of the various sects that can participate this time as much as possible.

It is suspected that the restrictive auction conditions given by the owner here do not exist.

So now it's a question of trade-offs.

The cultivators from various sects who came to participate in the auction were a little annoyed. Did they get it wrong before

People don't like Phoenix, it's not to tell everyone not to shoot Chi Yu.

Now this trick...

Forget it, give up.

It's not necessarily a good thing anyway, there's no need to give up the entry token behind just to gamble.

As a result, the Tianzihao auction house became quiet again.

After Meng Qi drank another cup of tea and ate a piece of pink pastry with the fragrance of plum blossoms.

Linghu, who presided over the auction, looked around sideways, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to this fellow Taoist, you have obtained this formula with three hundred and eighth-grade spirit stones. Please make a soul oath first. After deciphering this formula, you will fight with the seller." Sharing, of course, you can also exchange any of the opponent's formulas at that time."

Meng Qi: "???"

Her hand holding the teacup trembled, but before she could react, the hidden grid on the wall was reopened, and the black wooden sign was sent to her again.

This time the wooden sign was shrouded in a light blue soft light.

Meng Qi blinked, and she actually captured it again

Is it so easy

And according to what Fellow Daoist Linghu meant, if she could detoxify this formula, she could exchange it for another formula.

Only... three hundred eighth-grade spirit stones? !

It's just a lot of money, okay? !

You must know that the three thousand world magic formulas are never cheap, even the first-grade magic formulas of the biggest street goods often sell hundreds of fifth-level and sixth-level spirit stones.

Meng Qi clasped the middle finger of his right hand and stuck it to his heart.

According to the rules, she swears the soul oath.

The blue light around the black wooden sign gradually faded, and Meng Qi still felt a little incredible when he reached out to pick it up.

She left a mark of divine consciousness on the wooden sign, and spent more than 200 ninth-grade spirit stones, plus 300 eighth-grade spirit stones, in exchange for Chiyu and a spell jade brought from Falling Star Sea simple.

Today, am I the most cost-effective buyer at the Tianzihao auction

But why don't other cultivators take pictures

Just a few hundred eighth-rank spirit stones.

Even she can afford it.

Meng Qi happily grabbed the black wooden sign and admired it over and over again. She guessed that the thing that attracted everyone to participate in the auction was too precious. wasting time.

In the Tianzihao auction house, there was silence for about half the time.

The clouds and mist floated by slowly, and the cultivators were a little uncomfortable.

Ever since the Tianzihao Auction House was established, there has never been a lot that has been sold for just a few hundred eighth-grade spirit stones.

The next few things, everyone is a little bit unmotivated.

Soon, the eighth to eleventh lots were sold at a moderate price after several rounds of auctions.

Meng Qi had gained a lot, and she didn't want to leave early, so she sat in the room with relish, watching the upcoming auction.

It's a long time to know.

The twelfth lot was originally the most precious item in today's auction.

It was a broken scroll.

Linghu waved his hand sideways, and the scroll spread out in the sky.

No matter where you sit, you can always see the scroll.

The yellow scroll looks rather ancient.

Tianwaitian obviously repaired the scroll, but it can still be seen that about one-third of the content is missing.

"This is a remnant of the ancient magic circle. When it was found, it was already in dilapidated condition. It was turned into thousands of pieces and packed in two wooden boxes." Linghu smiled and introduced: "The seven cultivators who are proficient in refining weapons in Tianwaitian spent a lot of time. It took a month to restore it to its current appearance. There is still a wooden box missing, and this magic circle can be restored."

He paused, and said slowly: "According to the speculation of the seven practitioners who repaired this scroll, it is likely to be an ancient weapon refining circle that has been lost for thousands of years."

"Which one is it?" Someone immediately asked.

"I don't dare to speculate." Linghu said with a slanted smile towards the place where the voice came from: "We have invited the top forging sects of the four worlds to study together, and this is likely to be the refining of one of the ancient soul-seeking five-element swords. Formation formation."

There was an uproar in the audience.

For a long period of time in the Three Thousand Worlds, Qixiu has declined and almost never recovered.

A large part of the reason is that during the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, the instrument cultivators who could only rely on magic circles and magic weapons to protect the sect had weak self-protection capabilities.

Once the magic circle and the magic weapon are broken, the tragedy of family destruction often follows.

I don't know how many ancient weapon refining circles just disappeared in the long river of time.

Hundreds of years ago, a Qixiu sect that had been passed down for thousands of years accidentally found a magic circle scroll left by the ancestors, which recorded three magic circles that had already become legends.

Just relying on that scroll, in the past few hundred years, Qi Xiuyin has the intention of rising strongly again.

Meng Qi had never heard of the Soul Chasing Five Elements Sword, but she still knew the word ancient.

Sure enough, as soon as Linghu Xie said this, the atmosphere in the valley, which had been deserted for a long time, finally became lively again.

"Fellow Daoist Linghu, reserve price." Someone immediately urged.

"Ten thousand mysterious spirit stones." Linghu said with a slanted smile.

The finale is indeed different.

Meng Qi watched the gradually warm atmosphere in the auction room, and soon, the price was raised from 10,000 mysterious spirit stones to 100,000 mysterious spirit stones.

"120,000 mysterious spirit stones, plus a fourth-grade magic circle." Another person said.

Meng Qi had never systematically studied magic circles. When her master taught her, she always taught her what was useful.

If her cultivation base is too low and she can't learn it temporarily, she will change it and make it easier to teach her.

Up to now, the bidding has not been solved by Lingshi.

The Tianzihao auction allows additional items to be added, but at this time, the owner of the lot needs to choose.

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat when he heard the fourth-rank magic circle.

During this period of time, she has faintly discovered that the magic circles taught by her mentor are really extraordinary.

Every demon cultivator who took it out and recognized it was inexplicably horrified.

It's just that they don't know how many ranks they can arrange in the four great formations and the Lihuo formation.

If you can see your mentor again in the future, you can ask him.

Thinking of her master, Meng Qi's happy mood just now dimmed a bit.

She subconsciously looked up to the sky.

The clouds and mist filled the air, and you could still see the highest floating island in the sky floating leisurely, which was a bit peerless and independent.

In the elegant courtyard at the top of the valley in Tianzihao Auction House, a man in a white robe was lying on a soft couch with his hands down.

He didn't even bother to go to the auction, even in the sky, there was a look of tiredness on his face.

There was no one else in the courtyard except him, only his slender fingers were holding two pitch-black wooden cards and playing with them casually.

Within a few days, he broke his own principles twice in a row for the minor repair of the foundation of the individual race.

But what can be done

In order to buy him the hair of the phoenix, he worked hard to earn spirit stones, and earned a few ninth-grade spirit stones so earnestly and desperately.


It's a pity that since the establishment of Tianwaitian, it has its own strict and complete order.

Not even he can destroy it.

What's more, there are too many things about Meng Qi that he still can't see through.

For the time being, he didn't want her to know too much.

The white-robed man heard that the bidding was getting more and more fierce, and the last incomplete scroll was sold at the highest price in the audience.

His expression was still lazy, and his eyes swept down.

The girl was actually sitting in the room happily eating sweets and snacks, with no intention of leaving at all.

A faint smile flashed in the eyes of the white-robed man. He usually looked very stable, but he was actually not a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

She almost ate half of the sweets and snacks on the coffee table, do you like it that much

The twelfth lot was sold, and the valley became quiet again.

The highlight of the day finally started, and even Meng Qi looked out curiously.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time." Linghu said with a slanted smile: "Then, from now on, we will bid for a total of sixteen entry tokens this time."

"Sixteen pieces! The Seventh Peak's paradise is not small this time." Someone sighed softly.

"Brother Xuanyuan seems determined to win." Apparently someone recognized the speaker's voice and said with a smile.

"Hehehe, if you have the ambition, you dare not say it. Everyone present is yearning for it. After all, no one has ever left empty-handed." The previous person said again.

Meng Qi didn't yearn for it.

She was just curious about what would be auctioned in the end.

Hearing the words Tianwaitiandongtianblessed, she knew that this matter must have nothing to do with her.

Meng Qi stood up and quickly left the auction house.

The entire floating island was still empty.

People are still in the auction field, fiercely competing for those entry tokens.

Not long after Meng Qi walked, another footstep suddenly came from behind.

She turned her head subconsciously, and before the auction started, the man in the black suit she had seen on the floating island was walking behind her.

The man's facial features were as sharp as a knife, and his expression was quite stern.

He himself is like a sword, sharp and ruthless.

Once shot, a sword of frost and cold will deter the four worlds.

This person is the head of the Sword Cultivation Sect in the Eastern Realm and the youngest Pavilion Master of Xingluo Pavilion, Pei Mufeng.

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat when he thought of the other party's promise to practice the Dharma Association for medical treatment and fall into the sea of stars for ten years.

She saluted him politely.

The young Xingluo Pavilion Master is powerful, talented, and proud.

He is truly a strong man with extremely high cultivation talent, enough to disdain most of the younger generation in the Four Realms.

Meng Qi just thought of the other party's promise to fall into the sea of stars, and did it subconsciously.

Pei Mufeng stopped in his tracks, and returned the salute meticulously.

His eyes are like cold stars, bright and deep.

When she raised her head, she quickly glanced across Meng Qi's face, and soon looked away.

Meng Qi stepped aside and asked him to go first.

She didn't have the admiration and longing for the young Jianzong's first sword as the sword cultivators.

But I admire Pei Mufeng who is willing to search for spiritual grasses and elixir and hunt fierce beasts for the doctors and cultivators.

Pei Mufeng's expression was indifferent: "Fellow Taoist is not interested in that paradise?"

Meng Qi smiled, calm and composed: "I have too few spirit stones, so I can't afford it."

Pei Mufeng seemed to be stunned for a moment, his eyes subconsciously fell on Meng Qi's face again, and then turned away quickly.

He looked in another direction: "I'm going to wait for the auction of the elders in the door to end. Do fellow daoists have the pleasure to go to Tianwai Tianlou for a drink with me?"

have a drink

forget it.

Didn't you get drunk enough last time

Meng Qi shook her head: "Sorry, I'm also a poor drinker."

Pei Mufeng didn't force it either.

He probably regarded Meng Qi as a young cultivator just like himself, who didn't want to wait for the elders in the sect to bid for the auction.

He bowed his hands to Meng Qi again, and then walked forward quickly.

Meng Qi waited for him to walk away before continuing to walk towards the teleportation circle without haste.

Pei Mufeng still hasn't changed much, he is not interested in most things except swords.

That's why he made such a promise.


Meng Qi raised her eyes and looked forward, Pei Mufeng's figure had disappeared.

She didn't remember any entanglements between the owner of the Xingluo Pavilion and Senior Sister Lu Qingran.

But this time he said that he did it for a young female doctor.

Meng Qi raised his eyebrows, and it was rare for him to gossip: would a person like Pei Mufeng be attracted to female cultivators

It was almost noon when she opened her eyes.

Meng Qi only felt that her hands were fluffy, and when she looked down, Xiao Qi didn't know when she would come out, but was lying beside her.

"Huh?" Meng Qi stretched out her hand to hold the opponent's little paw, "What's going on?"

She cleans Xiao Qi's wound every day and applies medicine.

Although there is no way to completely stop the bleeding, the bleeding from the wound has not been so severe recently.

It is often not until the next day that a little blood oozes out.

But today, the soft white cloth covering Xiaoqi's front paws has long been soaked in blood.

Meng Qi looked at him and found that the little white tiger's gaze had dimmed a lot.

She quickly and carefully held Xiao Qi's front paw, and gently removed the white cloth that was wrapped.

"Why is it so serious all of a sudden?" Meng Qi moved closer with distress.

She was too close at once.

Xiao Qi was caught off guard, and was surrounded by the faint medicinal fragrance on her body.

The opponent's breath is warm on its little paws, and besides the light medicinal fragrance, there seems to be a faint sweet fragrance.

Xiaoqi: "..."

"But it will be fine soon." Meng Qi raised her head, smiled at it, and announced happily, "I bought Chi Yu."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to rub Xiao Qi's head, and pinched his little ears.

But when he thought of the more complicated internal injuries in the opponent's body, Meng Qi couldn't help but sigh again.

As if guessing the reason for her sigh, Xiao Qi's uninjured paw suddenly raised up, and gently rubbed against the back of Meng Qi's hand.

The soft touch brought back Meng Qi's thoughts: "It's okay."

She smiled slightly at Xiaoqi: "Although, let's take it slowly one by one, and I will become stronger and stronger, and there will be a day when you will be completely cured."

As she spoke, she couldn't help pinching Xiao Qi's ears again.

The author has something to say: There will be an update tonight! ! !

And no accidents, it should be two updates. I want to start making up for the updates I owed before, hehehehe.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-27 23:58:31~2020-01-28 15:34:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Gufang does not admire 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 2 for Cen Le Le Le Le; 1 for Frost Moonlight; The World Is Changing;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Bai Qi's heart and liver; 49 bottles of fans who like Zhengtai; Yaozai ξ Benzai 14 bottles; Lanfeng·Shuiying, Du Zhan Your Gentleness, Mengfeihua, Jessie, Jingjingbao, Momo 10 bottles; I Sudden Death 7 bottles; Mango, Watermelon, 5 bottles; Taro, 2 bottles of Huijie; 1 bottle of Mianmian Shrimp, Qishen Memeda, and kokodayo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!