The Healer Demands Payment!

Chapter 65


Si Kongxing was bewildered.

Su Junmo is better, he is not good at magic circles, but he has been with the master for a long time, and he has heard a lot, and he can understand what Meng Qi said.

Just because he could understand, he beat a small drum in his heart, and asked uncomfortably: "Do you think the person who poisoned Xue Lingfeng is really so powerful?"

What Su Junmo really wants to ask is, is he more powerful than the Lord

Meng Qi's excellent magic circle knowledge covers everything, covering almost all the housekeeping magic circles of the Heavenly Demon and White Tiger Clan.

Su Junmo knew it with his feet, it must be taught by the Lord.

"Very powerful." Meng Qi nodded.

Su Junmo: "..."

He thought for a while, and then said: "If you are really so powerful, isn't it too much to deal with a little girl like Xue Lingfeng?"

"Well, it's too much." Meng Qi also nodded.

With her hand hanging on one side, her fingers continued to swipe in the air, and the thoughts in her mind turned quickly.

She has never seen this magic circle, nor does she know it.

But it seemed as if a door opened for her to a world she never thought of.

This method is so ingenious that it can be used to imprison and poison.

That can also be used for therapeutic drugs.

Meng Qi raised her head slightly, but what exactly is this magic circle

It can be drawn directly on people, and it can directly absorb aura from people for its own use.

She paused slightly, if she hadn't thought that Su Junmo would have been so rude to Xue's parents just now for her own sake.

Meng Qi even wanted to go back and study the magic circle on Xue Lingfeng's back carefully.

"...So this guy is just a despicable villain who hides his head and shows his tail, and only dares to pick on little girls!" Su Junmo was still muttering: "The medical practice will be in Xingluo City, where there are many famous masters, and there is Xingluo The Pavilion Master is here. If he really wants to make a move, he can go to Pei Mufeng, Xue Chengxuan, or other cultivators, it’s too much to find a little girl.”

"Su Junmo, do you like that little girl from the Xue family?" Si Kongxing asked suddenly.

"...What nonsense are you talking about?!" Su Junmo was taken aback, "How could I like her?!"

"Hmph!" Si Kongxing snorted softly, "Seeing how you angrily defended her, she also called 'Brother Su' affectionately, and thought you liked her."

"I like a ghost!" Su Junmo laughed angrily, "Xue Lingfeng is a little girl, I have absolutely no affection for her."

Meng Qi had long been used to bickering between the two, and her ears were full of muttering and chirping, and she was not affected in the slightest.

As soon as she returned to Ruyifang, she quickly went back to her room and closed the door.

She released Xiaoqi first, then took out a bamboo slip, and recorded everything she saw that night.

Meng Qi took out another piece of paper and drew the circle on Xue Lingfeng's back.

What exactly is this

Meng Qi has a pretty good memory, as long as it is taught by the master, even if she can't use some magic circles for the time being, she will know the names.

It seems that there is still too little to learn.

Meng Qi's fingers tapped on the table unconsciously.

Xiao Qi lay on the bed alone for a while, but Meng Qi still had no intention of resting.

She was sitting at a table with her back to the bed, on which was a lamp. The lamp post exuded a bright white light, outlining Meng Qi's slender back.

The cyan robe was tied up with a belt, and the oily black hair was simply pulled up.

Obviously this situation seems so simple to ordinary, Xiao Qi stared at it for a while, and always felt an indescribable feeling that he had never felt before.

He waited for a while, and saw that Meng Qi still had no intention of resting.

The little white tiger jumped off the bed suddenly, and its completely healed paw fell silently on the ground, then walked towards Meng Qi silently.

"Huh?" Meng Qi only felt a dark shadow flicker in front of her eyes, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Xiao Qi easily landed on the table.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold his front paw. The fluffy little paw was clean, and the wound had healed without leaving any trace.

The white hair became soft and neat again, round and round, which looked very cute.

Meng Qi couldn't hold back in the end, pinched Xiao Qi's paw, and squeezed it lightly several times.

Xiaoqi: "..."

"Go to sleep first." Meng Qi let go of Xiao Qi's paws, stroked his fluffy little head, and pinched his ears, then she withdrew her hand and turned her eyes to the paper in front of her.

Xiaoqi: "..."

He took a step forward, and his front paws had already stepped on the paper on which the magic circle was drawn.

It's just four seasons and four orders. I thought about it all the way on the way, and I didn't even sleep when I came back. Should I continue to look at it

Xiaoqi's eyes flickered slightly.

He could actually teach Meng Qi, this magic circle is really nothing special.

She can even form magic circles like four poles and stars, and the four seasons and four orders are very simple for her.

If she learns casually, she will know that those who know the magic circle have not even touched the threshold of learning the magic circle.

Really nothing!

How to think of a way to teach her...

"Eh?" Seeing Xiao Qi's paw stepping on the paper, Meng Qi quickly pulled it away, and yelled softly, "Don't make trouble."

She pushed Xiao Qi a little farther away, and spread the paper on the table again: "Go to sleep first, be good, Xiao Qi."

As she spoke, she rubbed Xiao Qi's head again.

She already has some ideas.

Master once said when teaching her the transformation of the four great formations that the study of magic circles and medical skills have something in common.

The change is born out of the original formation, and if you master the core of the original formation, you can make thousands of changes as you like.

In the same way, there are also commonalities between the magic circles.

Although she had never seen Xue Lingfeng carry this circle on his back, she thought it would not be very special.

Meng Qi rested her chin with one hand, immersed in her own thoughts.

In fact, the best way is to heal Xue Lingfeng while researching what is the use of this magic circle.

Well now...

Meng Qi was a little itchy, but she also knew that she should never go back and get involved in this matter.

The Xue family naturally has a way to cure Xue Lingfeng.

They don't trust and welcome themselves.

In order to protect her, Su Junmo and Si Kongxing offended the elders of Xue's family.

She can't go again!

Meng Qi clenched and relaxed her hands, desperately suppressing the itching feeling.

Huh? !

She stood up suddenly!

Besides Xue Lingfeng, didn't Xingluocheng also hurt a cultivator

Meng Qi made a fist with her left hand and hammered it into the palm of her right hand!

How did she forget this? !

It is said that the injury is about the same, she can't go to see Xue Lingfeng, she can always go to see another injured person.

Meng Qi was instantly elated, and happily put away the paper on the table.

"Xiao Qi, I'm going to find Pei Mufeng." She smiled and stretched out her hand to rub Xiao Qi's head, "You should go back to the animal house first."

Meng Qi didn't wait for Xiaoqi's reaction as she spoke, she quickly picked it up and stuffed it into the animal house, then put it into her storage bag together, and walked quickly towards the door.

Xiaoqi: "..."

He was lying in the animal house, a cold light flashed in his blue eyes.

Are you so happy

Isn't the magic circle researched

It was rare for him to see such obvious emotional ups and downs in Meng Qi.

Happiness was written all over her face, even when she finally bought Chi Yu and healed the wound on her hand, she had never seen her so beaming and expressive.

The time when Meng Qi's mood changed the most was obviously the time when she was drunk before, crying uncontrollably in front of her in Tianwaitian.

Lingshi can't coax that well.

Meng Qi had already walked out the door quickly.

"Sikong Xing." She went to knock on Sikong Xing's door first.

After knocking twice, Si Kongxing quickly opened the door.

"Sikong Xing, I want to go to Pavilion Master Pei, can I trouble you to accompany me?" Meng Qi asked.

"Of course!" Sikong Xing stepped forward and took Meng Qi's arm affectionately, "I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

"Thank you." Meng Qi smiled at her, two dimples appeared on the corners of her lips, "Then let's go."

She knew that her cultivation base was not high, and Xingluo City was protected by Xingluo Pavilion, so it should be considered safe, so it was better to be careful.

"Isn't your name Su Junmo?" Si Kongxing closed the door behind him.

As soon as she finished speaking, another door in the courtyard opened, and Su Junmo responded, "Where are you going? Take me with you!"

So the three of them walked out again.

At this time, the night was getting darker, Xingluo City was falling asleep, and the streets were quiet, only those lanterns that were too late to put away gave off a faint light.

"Did Pavilion Master Pei say that he would stay in the other garden tonight?" Meng Qi asked.

"Are you going to find Pei Mufeng?" Su Junmo was stunned, and they were now walking towards Xingluo Pavilion's Bieyuan in the city.

He couldn't help pursing his lips, isn't that bad

Meng Qi... Isn't she from the Lord

"Yeah." Meng Qi nodded, "Didn't Pavilion Master Pei say just now that some practitioners in Xingluo City were also injured, just like Miss Xue. I want to go and have a look."

"Oh." Su Junmo despised himself, he should have thought of it.

How could it be another man who could make Meng Qi happy beyond words.

Meng Qi is not the kind of person who sees differences and changes his mind!

The Xingluo Pavilion Bieyuan is also in the East City, and two medical repairmen were injured consecutively in the Xingluo City. The Bieyuan is brightly lit at this time, and many people obviously haven't rested yet.

After receiving the disciple's report, Pei Mufeng greeted him very quickly.

"Meng Qi?" He hastily greeted Su Junmo and Si Kongxing, then quickly walked in front of Meng Qi, and quickly looked at her, "What happened?"

"Earlier you said that there are people who are poisoned like Miss Xue, I want to see." Meng Qi said.

"Yes." Pei Mufeng nodded, "I'll take you there."

As he spoke, he turned his head and whispered a few words to the disciples guarding the gate of the other garden, and then said to them: "Let's go."

Pei Mufeng didn't ask a single word, Meng Qi appeared here in the middle of the night, wanting to see another injured cultivator, he seemed to take it for granted.

"The cultivator is a disciple of Canghai Academy in the southern border, a disciple of the Seventh Realm of Jindan, and his cultivation level is similar to that of Xue Lingfeng. After being poisoned and unconscious, he was found outside the inn of Canghai Academy. That disciple is Shen Zhengheng, the head of Canghai Academy. The most beloved disciple of the closed sect, head master Shen was furious, and suspected that it was the other sect in the southern border who had always had feuds with them, so what you and Miss Sikong saw today was that they had a dispute outside the east gate .”

Meng Qi nodded.

Pei Mufeng said so many words in one breath, explaining the cause and effect clearly.

He still didn't ask why Meng Qi was going there, and quickly led the three of them to another inn.

"Here." Pei Mufeng said, he explained to the disciples of Canghai Academy who were guarding the door, and led Meng Qi and the others into the inn.

The master of Canghai Academy and his injured disciple lived in an independent courtyard in this inn.

Hearing from the disciples that Pei Mufeng had arrived in person, Shen Zhengheng greeted him in person.

"Pavilion Master Pei." He cupped his hands towards Pei Mufeng, "But there is new news."

"These three are Su Junmo, Sikong Xing, and Meng Qi." Pei Mufeng briefly introduced the three to Shen Zhengheng, and finally pointed to Meng Qi and said, "Meng Qi is also a medical practitioner, and she wants to see the injured disciples of your sect. "

Pei Mufeng paused, and added: "Meng Qi is my friend."

The author has something to say: Aww, I forgot to ask for nutrient solution after working so hard last night! ! ! Instantly felt like losing a billion dollars! I want nutrient solution, I don't care, I was squeezed out when I participated in the activities, I was sad and wiped my tears.

I'm going to send a reading post! There are one more three thousand words in the evening, now the nutrient solution is 20868, every five hundred more nutrient solution will add one thousand words more, make a fist, I am generous!


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-01 23:40:10~2020-02-02 14:32:38~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 for Cen Lele Lele; 1 for Fuyao, Mr. Meow, 77, 25699735;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 47 bottles of Su Sumei; 40 bottles of 18879876; Kuan you. 29 bottles; Xiao Nuo 28 bottles; Chao Yi is a cloud bean control 23 bottles; Ah Ya, your Taotao Frappuccino suddenly came out, Mango Girl, Bai Qi’s heart, tamarind orange?, Gouzi doesn’t eat red beans, A cold sauce, 20 bottles of red bean rice cake; 15 bottles of jessie; eat? Still fat? , Original Dream, F Sauce, Wei Sanmao, Delicious Meow Meow, Lele’s Little Braid, 10 bottles of Chaoshou every day; Slate Peach, Gigi, Shuang Muzi, Scattered and Messed _ 5 bottles; Qing 3 bottles of Huan, Cheng Xiaoyu; 1 bottle of Meow, Duobao, Gentle, Kind, Courteous and Humble, Poisonous, the cutest, Lan, altynai., kokodayo, gorgeous Huahua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!