The Healer Demands Payment!

Chapter 89


Although Ji Wujiong said so, his tone was not ironic.

He was seriously injured, barely speaking a few words was also involved in the wound, so he couldn't help but raised his hand and pressed lightly on his shoulder.

"How are you?" Meng Qi hadn't completely recovered from the alchemy, but he actually recovered from the alchemy.

She only felt that the spiritual energy in her body was surging, and the spiritual sea that had suddenly become more than ten times larger than before could really be called a sea now.

In addition, the small silver ball was constantly rotating above the spiritual sea, and wisps of spiritual energy flowed out from the small ball and slowly flowed into the vast spiritual sea.

In fact, Jindan cultivators, of course, do not really have endless aura.

But if the inner alchemy is condensed, as long as it is not consumed too quickly suddenly, the aura will indeed slowly recover.

Therefore, there is a saying in the Three Thousand Worlds, to the effect that only when the alchemy is successfully formed, can one truly enter the path of cultivators.

During the foundation building and qi training period, it is just that the body is stronger than ordinary people, with a little more aura, and some magic formulas can be used.

Only after reaching the golden core stage, the traces of time left on the cultivator's body will slow down and fade.

Cultivators are supposed to go against the sky, after the golden core, it can be regarded as a small success at the beginning.

Waiting to go up, every time a cultivator breaks through a big realm, he will usher in a catastrophe.

When Meng Qichong said that to Ji Wujiong, there was ten times more aura in his body than before, and it was constantly circulating.

She subconsciously raised her hand, only to feel that her fingertips were slightly swollen, as if in the next moment, a spiritual energy would burst out of her fingers.

"I guess..." Ji Wujiong's expression twisted a bit when he said a word, but he still couldn't control it. He gritted his teeth and continued to talk to Meng Qi: "It should be that you have passed this test, so this is a reward."

He took a deep breath and asked again, "What did you encounter just now?"

Meng Qi was startled.

Only then did she look around, on the black cliff, the place where Ji Wujiong was sitting leaning against a boulder should be the only safe place here.

As for myself...

Meng Qi looked down at her feet, she was also stepping on black rocks, also on the top of a cliff.

Surrounded by a wider, boundless black sea.

In the sky above the sea, the wind was howling, and huge black waves rolled up crazily, slapping heavily on the mountain wall under the cliff where they were.

That momentum seemed to smash the entire cliff.

The huge waves dissipated quickly in the air and did not fall back to the sea.

Meng Qi stared at it, only to realize that the sea was not black water, but thick and thick to the extreme, as if it had become a substantial black demonic energy.

"Hiss—" She couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Meng Qi was originally standing very close to the cliff, looking down from a height, she felt dizzy.

She subconsciously took a few steps back, raised her eyebrows and looked at Ji Wujiong.

There is a gap between the cliffs where they are respectively located.

The crack is about six or seven feet wide, and below it is still a huge wave of demonic energy that is constantly rolling wildly.

"Are you injured?" Meng Qi asked.

"Hmm." Ji Wujiong changed his position to make himself more comfortable, "Small injury."

Meng Qi looked at his right hand by his side.

Ji Wujiong's fingers are actually pretty, slender and powerful, but they are sickly pale.

At this time, on the other party's pale fingers, there were still brown blood stains that had dried up.

He leaned against the boulder and talked to Meng Qi for a while, but he never stood up.

— It's certainly not a minor injury.

Even though Ji Wujiong was arrogant and arrogant, if it was really just a minor injury, it was absolutely impossible for him to lie on the ground like this and talk to himself.

Meng Qi took two steps forward.

She lowered her head to look at the sea of demonic energy under the cliff where the strong wind was blowing and the huge waves beat the sky, then she raised her eyes and looked at Ji Wujiong again: "I guess the test of the third level is the phantom array."

Meng Qi said seriously.

"Huh?" Ji Wujiong was stunned.

Meng Qi looked around again: "After I left that passage, I couldn't find you again. I didn't see you again until I saw through the phantom formation before a stick of incense."

She paused and said, "I thought it's been a month."

"Nine days." Ji Wujiong took a deep breath and said, "I'm here for nine days."

"Hmm." Meng Qi nodded, and continued to look around, "I think this phantom formation should be different from person to person. What I met was the most..."

When she said this, she suddenly closed her mouth.

Now, it wasn't just Ji Wujiong who looked at her curiously.

Even the little white tiger in the animal house opened its eyes and glanced lazily forward.

He stretched out his claws and scratched on the bamboo bed in a bored way.

Is it what Meng Qi is most looking forward to? Most desired

is that place

still that person...

The little white tiger narrowed his eyes slightly, but suddenly pricked up his two fluffy ears, as if afraid of missing a word from Meng Qi.

Meng Qi paused, met Shang Ji Wujiong's curious eyes, and continued: "...the most memorable place. I wanted to go back there and see that person again. So this time, I met him."

"Oh." Ji Wujiong responded, and asked, "The one who taught you the magic circle?"

"Yeah." Meng Qi nodded.

Ji Wujiong looked at Meng Qi, and snorted again: "Then you found out that he was just a phantom array, and you saw through the other party?"

"En." Meng Qi nodded again.

She faintly felt something was wrong.

If it's just to see through the phantom array, isn't the test a little too simple

After all, this is the Dabi barrier in the Holy Land of Medical Cultivation. The second level is more difficult than the first level, but the third level is a bit like a child's play.

And why can I enter Ji Wujiong's enchantment

This sea of demon energy should be Ji Wujiong's phantom array.

Meng Qi looked around carefully, the sky was covered with dark clouds, very close to them, as if they would fall in one piece at any moment.

In the black sea, the demonic energy was tumbling wildly, roaring, and rushed towards these two cliffs overwhelmingly, as if it would shatter the entire cliff at any moment and pull them into the bottomless sea of demonic energy.

Meng Qi took another step forward.

She has now stood on the edge of the cliff on her side, and one step forward is the chasm of the abyss.

"Have you brought your medicine?" Meng Qi asked.

"Eat it all." Ji Wujiong replied lazily.

"Oh." Meng Qi took out a small porcelain bottle from the storage bag, "This is Qibao Dan, which is very effective for internal injuries."

She took out another small jade box: "This is Xuanshuang powder, which can treat trauma."

While talking, Meng Qi raised his hand and threw two things towards Ji Wujiong: "Are you okay?"

"Don't!" Ji Wujiong sat up suddenly, but it was too late to stop him.

In the black sea, a wave of devilish energy suddenly shot up into the sky, swept up from the crack, and swept away the porcelain bottle and jade box thrown by Meng Qi in an instant.

The sea of devilish energy became even more frenzied, and there seemed to be laughter.

Meng Qi took a deep breath.

She felt a little weird just now. It seems that except this cliff is safe, as long as you leave the cliff, the demonic energy will attack you unscrupulously.

"See." Ji Wujiong sat down again, "This place is very evil."

Meng Qi gave a soft "hmm".

Anyway, she couldn't think of a better way for the time being, so she simply sat down cross-legged.

The accidental alchemy just now was due to the large amount of spiritual energy that was poured into her body crazily.

After all, those auras didn't come from Meng Qi's solid cultivation, so it's definitely not as useful to her now as the auras she got through her practice bit by bit.

But Meng Qi was also very familiar with this.

In her last life, she also relied on Professor Yun Qingyan's Star Formation to barely break through and successfully form the alchemy.

The star array plundered spiritual energy from the spiritual stones and forcibly poured it into her body.

Yun Qingyan taught her the method of resolving it, Meng Qi sat down cross-legged, squeezed a formula with each hand, and closed her eyes.

Ji Wujiong: "..."

He glanced at Meng Qi, but he was not surprised that the other party would behave like this.

This girl has always been calm, and her composure is often beyond his expectations.

The reason why he didn't remind Meng Qi not to step out of the cliff was because he guessed that she would never mess around until she figured out the situation.

Seeing Meng Qi sitting cross-legged at this time, Ji Wujiong also closed his eyes a little tiredly.

He has been fighting in this sea of devil energy for nine days and nine nights.

He didn't know where the end was, and he didn't know how far he had to kill before he could get out from here.

But Ji Wujiong knew it the moment he saw it.

If I want to leave here, I can only: kill! kill! kill!

The sea of magic energy will slowly condense monsters.

It was these formed monsters that Ji Wujiong killed.

Every time one more animal is killed, the devilish energy in the sea of devilish energy will decrease by one point, and the black clouds in the sky will increase by one point.

In this way, his aura was exhausted, and he was lying on the only safe cliff waiting to recover.

Once recovered, continue to fight.

The already damaged spiritual sea in Ji Wujiong's body did not get any worse during the nine days and nine nights of frenzied killing.

On the contrary, every time he kills one more monster, a wisp of demon energy will sink into his body, and finally return to the spiritual sea.

On the biggest breach in the spiritual sea, demon energy intertwined into a net, slowly covering the crack.

Cultivators do not need to rest.

But the continuous fighting for nine days and nine nights still made Ji Wujiong feel deeply tired.

He hadn't dared to close his eyes at all before.

Meng Qi suddenly descended from the sky, and walked slowly through the shattered dark void. Although Ji Wujiong slightly teased her a few words, there was a warm feeling in his heart.

He closed his eyes, probably knowing that Meng Qi was not far away.

Before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep like that.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the dark cloudy sky can't see the passage of time.

Meng Qi finally opened her eyes slowly.

Her eyes were already clear, but now they seemed to have a layer of warm light.

"Huh—" Meng Qi let out a foul breath, stood up and moved her body.

She has finally tempered all the aura, and it can be used by her.

Her heart moved, she flicked her fingers, and a little white light appeared on her fingertips.

The white light is bright, much stronger than the previous fluorescent light spots.

Meng Qi not only succeeded in forming alchemy here, but also advanced to the fourth rank in medical skills.

Now, even if she returns to the Three Thousand Worlds, she can be regarded as a cultivator who can protect herself and walk in the Four Realms.

"Ji Wujiong." Meng Qi put down his hand and looked at Ji Wujiong.

The black-robed man groaned and groaned softly, but did not wake up.

"Ji Wujiong?" Meng Qi called the other party again.

She raised her eyes to look at the sky, the black clouds seemed to be lower, and there was a kind of power of black clouds overwhelming the city.

Ji Wujiong still didn't wake up, this time he didn't even move his body.

Meng Qi looked around and picked up a small stone on the cliff.

She clasped her fingers lightly, and the little stone went towards Ji Wujiong.

Just as the stone rushed out of the cliff, another wave of demonic energy roared and flew up, sweeping it away.

The sea of devilish energy suddenly surged wildly again, as if mocking Meng Qi.

"Ji Wujiong!" Meng Qi could only raise her voice and called out again.

The black-robed man was still lying quietly on the ground, not responding to her.

Is it too bad

Meng Qi frowned.

With Ji Wujiong's cultivation and vigilance, even if he was poisoned or fainted from exhaustion before, he could wake up instantly.

She thought that he himself knew medicine, whether he was a medical practitioner or not, at least he knew some simple healing methods.

Meng Qi hesitated for a moment.

She leaned over suddenly and picked up a dozen small stones from the cliff.

She waved it out, and the dozen or so small stones flew in all directions.

Dozens of demonic qi rushed out from the sea of demonic qi, sweeping away all the small stones in an instant.

On the sea of devilish energy, a strong wind whizzed by, and the whistling sound of devilish energy could probably wake up a deaf person.

But Ji Wujiong on the other side of the cliff was still lying quietly on the ground without any movement.

What should we do now

Meng Qi paced back and forth along the edge of the cliff.

She looked up at the sky, and the black clouds seemed to be lower.

I don't know when it will really be depressed.

Then Ji Wujiong...

"Little friend." At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded in Meng Qi's ear.

She was no stranger to that voice. When the spiritual energy surrounded her whole body and was in pain like a knife piercing a needle, it was this voice that suddenly appeared and made her relax.

"Senior?" Meng Qi raised her head and looked around.

In the animal house, the little white tiger narrowed his eyes.

Senior again

Who is Meng Qi calling

He found out that Meng Qi would call the old man in Tiandi Bookstore Senior. I know how to call myself senior, but now I don't know who is called senior.

who is it

The little white tiger raised his head slightly.

He knew that it was impossible for him to see it, and it should be left in this enchantment tens of thousands of years ago, by Meng Qi and his medical practitioners.

Or, it is the formation repair power that created this enchantment.

"Little friend." In Meng Qi's ear, the soft voice sounded again.

Previously, she was surrounded by severe pain, and her mind was blank. She only felt that the voice was very kind, and just listening to it made her extremely trustworthy.

But he couldn't even tell whether the other party was a man or a woman.

At this time, she could hear clearly, the voice was as warm as a spring breeze, sweet and pleasant, it sounded like a woman not much older than herself was talking to herself.

"Senior, please tell me." Meng Qi knew that even though it sounded like he was not much older than himself, the ones who could stay in this enchantment were at least those who were powerful tens of thousands of years ago.

She would never be wrong to call her senior.

"Little friend is as meticulous as a hair, and he knows poisons very well. With the strength of the two of us, he passed the first test in the shortest time. I am very comforted and happy." The woman praised softly: "The Art of Bright Heart This is not among the rewards of the first level, but I will give you a volume of formulas, and you have also chosen the formulas, it is you and me who are destined."

"Thank you, senior." Meng Qi quickly bowed respectfully.

"You are good at magic circles, you don't stick to the situation, and you passed the second test in a way that I have never thought of..." The woman said here, with a smile in her voice, "Among the younger generations of medical practitioners, there is a magic circle genius who is not inferior to the formation cultivation , you can also use the magic circle for medical skills... "

She smiled like a spring breeze: "My heart is more comforted! The Five Spirit Cauldron will finally see the sun again."

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that even the Five Spirit Cauldron was specially given to her by this unknown senior.

She bowed respectfully to the void again: "Thank you, senior. The senior took good care of me, and the junior deserves it."

"These things can't be buried here and annihilated from now on." The woman smiled and said: "You deserve it, don't be humble."

She paused, then slowly said: "In the third test, you can see your nature clearly and see your heart. If you can pass the test in a very short time, you will have a clear mind and focus on cultivation. I will help you in your cultivation. Take a step forward on the great road, there is never a smooth road to medical practice, I hope you will live up to my expectations."

"Yes." Meng Qi lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes.

The person who lectured him was obviously the senior medical practitioner who left the Xinglin Holy Land tens of thousands of years ago.

"As for this little friend..." the woman's tone became light, "I'm not one of my generation. I can bear him in the first two tests, but now in the third test, he has a deep heart to kill. The phantom array can see people's hearts. The sea of demon energy and the sea of killing are his true thoughts."

"But senior." Meng Qi said hastily: "Although Ji Wujiong is arrogant and unruly, he is also..."

She suddenly didn't know if she should go on.

The time she knew Ji Wujiong was too short, but from this period of time, including the first meeting, and his treatment of Li Che, Xue Lingfeng, and even the doctors in Xinglin later, he can see that he is not the kind who kills innocent people indiscriminately. people.

But before

Meng Qi didn't know what kind of person Ji Wujiong was before that.

"Little friend." When the woman spoke to her, her voice was gentle, and it still made people feel like a spring breeze, "You don't need to worry too much, you have passed the three tests, and you can leave on your own. He is not a medical practitioner, so he shouldn't have entered this knot. The world, I keep him, just to eliminate a disaster for the world."

"Senior." Meng Qi was startled.

She looked at Ji Wujiong who was lying on the cliff, still quietly, as if he would never wake up again.

Do you really want to abandon him and leave alone

"He was backlashed by the killing heart in his heart, and he was seriously injured." The woman said slowly again: "This sea of devilish energy is also transformed by his own evil spirit. This person is lonely and unruly, and the devilish energy separates you as well. It's not my fault that you can't get close."

"Little friend." The woman said: "There is no need to worry about such a person, you can go alone. The three thousand worlds, thousands of mountains and rivers, the road of medical cultivation... are all waiting for you in front of you."

"But..." Meng Qi bit her lower lip lightly, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

She looked at Ji Wujiong who was lying quietly on the ground, the man in black robe was unconscious and really seriously injured.

The scenes that happened in the past few days flashed through Meng Qi's mind.

No matter how rebellious or aloof Ji Wujiong was, when he was in danger, he did not leave Meng Qi behind.

As terrifying as the master of Tengshemen, he didn't back down a step, and always stood in front of him.

Although he is really poisonous to the extreme, he doesn't look down on anyone, so he has to say a few words of sarcasm.

But Li Che, Xue Lingfeng, Qin Xiumo, Xue Jinwen and the others all survived under his hands.

"Little friend." The woman seemed to see her hesitation, "Even if you are a medical practitioner, you must have a benevolent heart, but there are some people in this world who are not worth saving."

As soon as she finished speaking, a shimmering door suddenly appeared on the cliff over Meng Qi.

Meng Qi didn't need to go through the gate to see the world outside.

Over there is Xinglin, the holy land of medical practice.

The apricot forest is still bustling with people, very lively.

She also seemed to have seen her friends Si Kongxing, Su Junmo, and even Pei Mufeng.

There is also sister Xue Jinwen, who has also woken up, and is standing opposite Su Junmo, her face is full of worry, she doesn't know what she is talking about.

"Passing through this gate is the end of your test this time. You and I are destined. If you get the Five Spirits Cauldron, I can teach you another Five Spirits Art. Afterwards, when you refine medicine, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Your friends, Those who are truly worthy of treatment are waiting for you there, little friend, go."

The soft voice of the woman, as if carrying some kind of temptation, made Meng Qi subconsciously take a step towards the door.

"Little friend." There was a slight smile in the woman's voice again, "You need to remember..."

Before she could finish speaking, Meng Qi stopped suddenly.

She clenched her hands hanging by her sides, her eyes were wide open, and she bit her lower lip lightly, as if she was hesitating for something.

"Little friend." The woman seemed to be startled, "Is there anything else?"

"Senior." Meng Qi raised her eyes suddenly, and looked up at the dark sky.

She seemed to be talking to herself, and also seemed to be asking the woman: "Senior... who should not be saved? Who should be saved?"

Meng Qi didn't need an answer, so she turned around and strode towards the edge of the cliff.

Ji Wujiong was lying on the opposite side, she didn't have the overall situation of the world in her mind, she only knew that she couldn't leave a companion who stood in front of her fearlessly when she was in danger.

Even if Ji Wujiong never stood in front of her.

But the two fought side by side all the way, and they are also partners in this big competition barrier.

It is also impossible for her to leave her partner and leave alone.

"Little friend." The woman's voice to Meng Qi also became serious, "Do you know that if you insist on saving him, then what you gain here may be turned into nothingness."

She said: "If he can't break through his illusion, he won't pass this test. If you insist on facing it with him, you will fail like him."

"You may fall from Golden Core cultivation base to Foundation Establishment, or even lower."

"En." Meng Qi responded softly.

She was already standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the sea of devilish energy below the cliff, studying how to get there.

"Your fourth-grade medical skills may also have been wiped out because you saved people who shouldn't be saved, which violated the way of medical practice." The woman slowed down her voice and continued.

Meng Qi raised her head suddenly: "If I don't want to save me from death, and don't use the Dao of Medical Cultivator to expel me, I will suffer a great loss of morality, and I will never make any progress from now on, and I don't even dare to say that I am..."

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she looked at Ji Wujiong, who was still unconscious, and said slowly, "Don't dare to say that I am, doctor!"

After Meng Qi finished speaking, her thin body suddenly moved forward and rushed away.

The author has something to say: Recommend Jiyou Guyan sweet pet "How charming the imperial concubine" by magpie heart article id 4450683

It’s an old author of ancient sayings. It’s still a familiar imperial concubine article. It’s being updated in a stable way. You can bookmark it~

In the previous life, I worked hard and thought hard, every step of the way, but in the end, everything was in vain.

After living a new life, Shu Qingwu looked away, and prepared to be a concubine who loves melons and plays.

She does not form cliques and favors, secondly, she does not co-operate with the Six Palaces, and thirdly, she does not curry favor with the emperor.


In the end, she was still the mother of the world, the emperor held hands, and exclusively favored the harem.

Queen Empress (muttering softly): What kind of brain circuit does this dog man have

His Majesty the Emperor (seriously): I love the Queen very much.

Queen's Empress (completely disbelieving): Is Your Majesty crazy

Computer →:

Mobile →:

App users can directly search for the title of the article "How charming the imperial concubine", or the author can click on it to read it~

Then I was really, quite happy writing, hee hee ^_^

Of course, I also hope that the little angels will enjoy watching, and when they are happy, the nutrient solution will water me =3=

Say it again, the nutrient solution is in the upper right corner of the book details page, there is an irrigation nutrient solution, the web page is under the title, and there are these words on the wap. I'm not asking for moonstones, it's not easy for babies to sign in, so keep it for yourself =3=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-20 23:52:31~2020-02-21 23:55:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 Mengmengda; a big water bottle, Junzi Muduo, Nanshan’s cat, Master Meow, and 1 Wunian;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of an ugly monster; 80 bottles of Weifeng; 60 bottles of Toreador; 22 bottles of sauce; 21 bottles of pears; 20 bottles; 38104406, vivi, li, Coco's Little Tangtang, Mo Xuanyi, Indulging Otome Little Lady, Love You, How Lucky I Love You, ︿(~︶~)︿, Don't Like Apples, Qu Ju, 35828881, Slightly Smiling Mood Okay, I don’t want to be mean, I don’t want to be despicable, 10 bottles of Zhou, Fingers Missing; 8 bottles of xh, Want Want Senbei; 7 bottles of umr.; 6 bottles of Miao Miao Berry; Shuai, Cangmo, Wuhuang, Yinchenque, please call me Xiaochunjie, Tang Sanbai, 5 bottles of only talking about money but not feelings; 4 bottles of Junzi Muduo; 3 bottles of Scorpio Moxue, Ling Ruohan; Chi Ying, Gu A 2 bottles of Gu, aa, Xin Xin Zhi Wu Xin; 1 bottle of Qiyue, Xing Xing Pao Fan, Lan Feng·Shui Ying, 29957828, Muggle Li;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!