The Healing Sunshine

Chapter 10


At this moment, she only felt that he was real and could be counted on.

The fear of darkness was swept away, only the faint scent of mixed smoke that was peculiar to him.

She felt him squat down.

He hugged Ji Yi with his arms, then let go, and said in a low voice, "Sorry Xixi, I went out to smoke."

"It doesn't matter..." Ji Yi looked at him with a pair of eyes, and suddenly felt more terrifying than the darkness. He immediately lowered his head, took two steps back, and bit his scalp and walked back into the house. From start to finish, I didn't dare to look back at him.

Later, my aunt knew that she was frightened, and said she was ashamed to say that she was watching Ji Chengyang go out of the gate, and wanted to save electricity, so she turned off the light on the concrete platform. As the aunt said, she touched Ji Yi's hair: "Fourteen years old, big girl, why are you still afraid of the dark?"

Ji Yi was very embarrassed, took off his shoes, went to bed and slept with his aunt.

The drivers and the two soldiers who were in the car were all arranged to sleep in the neighbor's house. Only Ji Chengyang took Ji Yi to live with his aunt. The three of them slept in a room, and Ji Yi and his aunt slept on the bed. And Ji Chengyang slept on the long old wooden sofa under the quilt.

He was near the stove, and she woke up in a daze in the middle of the night and saw her aunt turning on the light to tuck him in the quilt.

Ji Yi sat up and looked at her aunt in confusion.

The aunt smiled and said softly: "I'm afraid the quilt will burn to the fire."

She nodded lightly.

My aunt took Ji Chengyang's down jacket casually, and took the sewing box again.

"Work, scratched." The aunt knew she didn't understand her well, so she tried to keep it simple. Ji Yi went to look at his down jacket, and as expected it was scratched under the left pocket. Fortunately, there is still a layer inside the down jacket, but it is really ugly to be so worn. Facing the lamp, my aunt struggled to pierce the needle many times.

"Let me help you, auntie." Ji Yi whispered.

"Good baby." The aunt smiled at Mimi, and handed her the silver needle and black thread.

Even to the end, she began to teach her how to sew.

So Ji Chengyang woke up in the middle of the night, opened his eyes and found that the light was on. He blocked his eyes with his right arm and adapted to the light to see the two people on the bed. He wanted to ask Ji Yi if he didn’t need to go to the toilet, but he saw the little girl holding her down jacket, carefully sewing. NS…

Many years later, he was lying on a land of blood mixed with deafening gunfire. When facing the death call, he saw not angels or demons, but the night of the winter of 2000. In this deep winter, Ji Yi was in a small mountain town, in this room that can only be heated by a stove, under the dim light, how he stitched his clothes stitch by stitch.

That is…

His little girl, and his motherland.

When I was about to leave the next day, a boy named A Liang came to my aunt's house.

The boy was a little shy, looking two or three years older than Ji Yi.

The boy came here admiringly. He whispered a few words to Ji Chengyang. He said that he wanted to leave here, and not only to leave by himself, but also to lead a decent life outside with the people in the town. My aunt smiled, and the mayor who came to see Ji Chengyang off also smiled, poking the boy's forehead, saying that the child is stupid and has poor grades. The mayor also said that it is important to make more money to marry a wife in the future.

With more than 3,000 people in this town, it is already considered a big local town.

There are more than 3,000 people, not as many as the number of people on the small campus of the attached middle school.

Knowledge changes fate, but without knowledge...

Ji Yi stretched out his hand and warmed the fire on the stove. He couldn't imagine how this little brother could go out besides working.

But just relying on part-time job... can you really achieve your wish

Ji Chengyang stretched out his hand and pulled the little boy in front of him, telling him very clearly: "Only those who dare to bear their own ideals have the opportunity to become the ideals of others."

Hearing these words, the boy's eyes were bright, but after a while he was a little ashamed: "... I just want to change myself, change the fate of the brothers around me, want to make more money, and want to live a better life than others."

He laughed and encouraged the boy without hesitation: "It's not wrong."

She thought of his words.

When the two people got in the car, they asked him softly: "Why, don't you make his ideals greater?"

This is the standard education they have received since childhood.

She looked at the aunt, the mayor and A Liang who came to see off by the car, and she was a little bit reluctant to teach herself to use needles and threads.

He also looked out the window, but was answering her question: "You can't ask a person who is hungry to give selflessly, can you? It's not that only saving the world can be called an'ideal'"

She thought, humming softly.

Suddenly he saw him rubbing under the left pocket with his fingers. It was the hole she had sewed last night. She was a little embarrassed: "My aunt said that after patching, it won't look good. If you have such a good dress, you should sew it first so that you don't have a bigger opening. When you return to Beijing, you will find a professional tailor."

It snows when the car is driving, and there are very few cars that can meet on the road.

Perhaps as the driver said, this is not a scenic spot yet, so it's only young people who like to explore. Halfway through the drive, I ran into the person who broke down. The driver was very kind and got out of the car to help them deal with it urgently. The three big boys in the car came over and chatted with Ji Chengyang.

But... Actually, Ji Chengyang didn't care about them.

When I heard the driver call Ji Chengyang’s name and told him that he was almost ready to leave, one of the three older boys was suddenly surprised. He held the car window very excitedly and probed in: "Are you Ji Chengyang? Dongcheng’s Ji Chengyang? I’m Luo Zihao, Wang Haoran’s cousin, I just took a Penfa offer, and I’m your prospective junior brother."

Ji Chengyang pondered slightly: "I seem to have heard Wang Haoran talk about it."

Ji Yi wanted to laugh, lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled for a while.

The man named Luo Zihao seemed to admire Ji Chengyang's appearance, and talked with him for a long time. Because the three of Luo Zihao are already on their way home, they are particularly enthusiastic about meeting in Beijing for a small gathering in the future... Ji Yi listened and watched, and suddenly realized the kind of worship of Nuannuan.

Father Nuannuan once said casually that every circle of friends will have a soul figure, and only such a person can exist to keep that circle of friends alive. She just meant to listen, but at this moment, here, seeing how another elder brother admiredly talked to him, and even the two outsiders had that kind of admiration, she suddenly understood.

Uncle Xiao Ji... should be the so-called soul figure.

The cars of those people were finally temporarily repaired, and they should barely be able to drive to the next town.

Ji Chengyang thought of something when they said goodbye, and asked casually: "I remember, there is a person in your circle called Gu Pingsheng." Luo Zihao immediately smiled, "My good brother."

Ji Chengyang seemed to smile, and when the driver was about to drive, he threw a box of cigarettes to Luo Zihao: "The Chinese are all elites, don't be ashamed."

The car moved.

Luo Zihao was actually touched by these words, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it in from the window: "Good trip!"

The car began to accelerate and continued to drive up the winding road.

The clouds and mist are so beautiful.

And those few people who met by chance, also after turning, can't see anymore.

Ji Yi watched him take a cigarette out of the cigarette case, leaned it in his hand, and lit it with a lighter. Then, in the morning light, he slowly spit out a puff of smoke out of the window.

The wind was so strong that the snow fell within a short while.

She was a little cold, and pulled the zipper on the down jacket. In the next second, Ji Chengyang put on the hat of the down jacket for her: "Cold?" She nodded, "A little bit."

"You can see the snow-capped mountains in the afternoon." He told her.

Snow mountain.

She had expectations right away.

In the afternoon, they arrived at the place where they settled, but felt that the weather was getting warmer.

When the driver said he wanted to go deeper, the local entertainers were already a little worried. Persuasion was very dangerous. The road conditions to Aden Village were very poor and it was difficult to drive. "Last year there were two young people, just..." the hostess whispered to the driver. But the journey is not far, so is it just giving up

"In some places, it's not bad to go and see when they haven't become scenic spots." Ji Chengyang finally decided to take her there.

Ji Chengyang hugged Ji Yi and rode his horse to the mountains as his feet.

It's just a dirt road taken by people and horses, stretching into the depths of the woods, and even passing by cliffs.

Leaning on Ji Chengyang, she didn't dare to look at the scenery outside the cliff. Her entire face and head were surrounded by a scarf, and she showed a pair of eyes, listening to the guide babbling. When I really saw the snow-capped mountains, I was stunned. The colorful clusters of trees, rich red and yellow, dotted with large green areas, and from a distance, you can see the snow-capped mountains...

Almost no one.

Apart from their line, there is only another team in the distance.

When they stopped on the grassland, they saw a rainbow.

This is different from the rainbow in the city. It straddles the sky and is very beautiful.

Ji Yi remembered that he had comforted himself with the rainbow that was placed on the table with a cup of water. And now, she followed him to see the truly magnificent rainbow. She couldn't help dropping her scarf and breathing the air here: "It's so beautiful."

"Well," he laughed, "very beautiful."

Here, there is only heaven and earth, so many troubles can be forgotten.

Ji Yi returned to the reception point at night, still very excited, but finally felt uncomfortable. The accompanying doctor hurriedly checked her, took out a simple oxygen tank, and taught her how to inhale oxygen.

Ji Yi put the oxygen mask on his mouth and nose and studied obediently, occasionally taking a peek at Ji Chengyang by the campfire.

Because of the shining of the fire, the light and shadow on his body were constantly changing, dragging the figure very long, making the whole person taller and thinner. His facial features are very three-dimensional, and the side that is illuminated by the fire is really beautiful.

Especially the eyes under the black short hair.

It is more beautiful than the stars on this plateau, just like painted.

Suddenly a Tibetan child ran over, stopped in front of her, and looked at her oxygen mask. She blinked at the child and said in a vague voice through the oxygen mask: "Hello." The child grinned and ran away.

So cute. She laughed and continued to lower her head, taking oxygen.

Because of altitude sickness, lips feel very dry.

Be sure to get better soon, or else... Next time he shouldn't bring himself out to play.

next time? When she thought of this word, she took a deep breath, but it was a bit sad because the pure oxygen was inhaled too deeply.

"Sixi," his hiking shoes appeared in front of her, and when she looked up, he had already squatted down, "Happy birthday."

… I had so much fun, I forgot my birthday.

She took off the transparent cover and said with little force, "Thank you... Uncle Xiao Ji."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to call him uncle." He laughed, obviously seeing that she didn't want to call herself that much.

He gave her the hot buttered tea, saying that it had a healing effect on altitude sickness, but he drank the wine in his hand. Ji Yi looked curiously at the white wine in his hand. He seemed to understand: "This is honey barley wine."

She was curious.

He pursed the corners of his lips and smiled, "You can't drink this."