The Healing Sunshine

Chapter 12


Ji Chengyang worked as a reporter abroad.

She only occasionally heard something about him from Nuannuanhe's mother. There is no TV in the school, only when I go back to my grandpa’s house every weekend, she keeps watching the news every time, especially when major events happen abroad. Connection screen.

Only once, she remembered very clearly, in mid-December.

One year later, she finally saw Ji Chengyang on TV. It was late at night, with violent storms and rain. Ji Chengyang was wearing a black raincoat and standing in a shelter. His hat seemed to have been taken off just now. The upper body and even his hair were dripping with water.

While talking, he introduced the scene after the bomb attack behind him: "I believe that you and the audience friends are like me, seeing the building after the bomb attack behind me..."

Bomb attack

Ji Yi listened a little panicked, and ran to the TV, watching him carefully, wanting to see where he was injured.

In fact, it's only the upper body, so I really can't see clearly.

She stared at the screen, not listening too carefully to what he said.

It suddenly occurred to her that this was the first time she saw the people next to her on TV, separated by a screen, but in a battlefield far away. She touched the TV screen with her hand. The moment she touched it, she suddenly felt embarrassed and put her hand back.

On the TV, he made a closing remark: "...This question, I guess people all over the world who are following the Palestine-Israel conflict will think of it. Now it seems that Hamas has become the biggest variable in the Middle East situation."

The screen suddenly switched to the host and began to switch to the topic of the turbulent situation in Argentina.

She saw him that day.

It's different from what I saw a year ago.

She suddenly understood what Nuan Nuan meant when he described Ji Chengyang's "that kind of attractiveness"... The reason why his eyes look good is that there are so many thoughts hidden behind them. His faint smiles, low voices, or brilliant smiles have nothing to do with others.


He never cares what others think, and he doesn't care what success is defined by others.

In the middle of the night, he walked through the ruins of the explosion in the majestic rainstorm, wearing a black raincoat full of muddy water... She turned off the TV, went to the kitchen, and took out the freshly bought unopened coffee from the cupboard. Still brewed strictly according to what he said many years ago. He lowered his head and took a sip from his cup.

The warmth spreads and blends into the limbs.

In May, summer came suddenly.

Some people in the class even started to wear summer school uniforms, and some even turned on the fans early while the teacher was away.

The most funny thing is that, because the dust was wiped off in advance, when the fan was turned, the classroom was full of dust.

The monitor was dumbfounded and went to apply with the teacher to let everyone leave school half an hour earlier. Then he rolled up his sleeves and started cleaning the classroom with a few class members... Ji Yi stuffed the papers to be done into his schoolbag, still thinking The big question of the college entrance examination last year has been dragged to the door by Nuan Nuan.

The squad leader just straightened up, facing Nuannuan, his eyes flashed strangely.

"Goodbye, monitor." Nuan Nuan smiled.

"Well, goodbye," the monitor replied awkwardly, but didn't forget to say, "Don't forget to go back and write your chemistry homework."

"I know." Nuannuan pulled Ji Yi, flashing people.

She can even remember how Nuannuan described the first kiss after the class leader was in the teaching building half a year ago, and the actor changed after half a year. In addition to taking care of Nuan Nuan, the squad leader did not see any pain after the breakup. Ji Yi seemed to be particularly afraid of hearing this kind of separation. So I just knew that it was Nuannuan who felt that the two people were at odds, so after the peaceful breakup, he didn't continue to ask questions.

Because it was Friday, various cars had already been picked up at the school gate, and Nuan Nuan pulled Ji Yi into the car. "Go to the gap in Xinjiekou, my uncle's house." Ji Yi was stunned: "Your uncle?" Warm and happy: "Yes, he came back three days ago. I didn't tell you, I just thought Surprise you, it hurts me. Don't you like playing with him the most? Don't think I don't know."

…Is that obvious

But when the car really drove to the gate of the community, Nuan Nuan handed her a key. After telling her the address, he winked and said, "I'll go buy some delicious food for my uncle, and gifts. Go up. I called and no one answered him. He should not be at home now. You stay in the house. You should eat and drink. You are welcome. If he never comes back, he will wait until I come and eat with you. dinner."

Ji Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

She fully understands what Nuan Nuan wants to do. Since she broke up with the monitor, she has made a boyfriend from another school. Because of the frequent telephone meetings, her mother has stopped her. So today I said I brought myself to see my uncle, I am afraid I just found an excuse to be able to go out.

If there is no one...

I guess I won’t be able to eat until I’m hungry until eight or nine.

However, is Nuan Nuan's practice of throwing her uncle's key to an outsider really good

She knocked on the door for a while, and no one came to open the door.

Finally opened the lock with the key, opened the door, and walked into his house.

This is... The first time she walked into Ji Chengyang's house. It is said that this house is vacant most of the time because he is always abroad. But now I look at it, but I don’t think it’s unpopular, so someone should come to clean it often, right? The decoration of the whole house is in blue-gray and white tones. The door of the living room and balcony is not closed, just in time to see the setting sun.

According to common sense, she found slippers from the shoe cabinet and walked in.

But found that the bedroom door was half open.

Looked through the crack in the door.

Ji Chengyang actually hugged a blue-gray quilt and fell asleep slightly curled up, and on the bedroom sofa, under his own clothes, was his friend named Wang Haoran who was asleep. Didn't you even hear the knock on the door when you slept so heavily

Ji Yi stood by the door, looking at him.

She suddenly realized that she was still wearing a spring and autumn school uniform, mixed with blue and white colors, and the cuffs were still long, so it was a bit ugly when rolled up... If you change to a summer black and white plaid skirt, it will look much better.

Between waking him up or not waking up, Ji Yi took off his school uniform coat, wearing white short sleeves and blue school uniform trousers, and walked into the room quietly. Standing between the sofa and the bed, after hesitating for a while, he quietly lay on the other side of the bed to look at him carefully.

Long time no see, Ji Chengyang.

Compared to when he saw it on TV six months ago, his hair was a bit longer, and it slipped softly from his forehead, covering his closed eyes. Under the corner of his left eye, there is a small light brown mole, is it teary? It's amazing, I never found it. She touched the corner of her left eye, where there was also a tear.

Zhao Xiaoying's mother especially likes to study these, so she told Ji Yi. This is called tearfulness, and I often cry.

She liked crying when she was a child, so does he

And his eye sockets are so deep. She only recently learned that this is called European double eyelid...

Just like discovering the New World, Ji Yi carefully observed that his earlobes were very beautiful and very thin, but... This was clearly the face of Zhao Xiaoying’s mother who had no blessings in her mouth. She finally gave up observing the five senses, and then looked down, three or four buttons were opened on the collar of his shirt, revealing his collarbone, so thin... he could see such a clear collarbone.

A black rope fell from behind his neck, along the collarbone, and passed through a silver bullet at the bottom.

It seems that something has been hidden in my heart for a long time, and slowly fermented, it turned into a very secret thought.

A very small mind.

Ji Yi wanted to get out of bed quietly, Ji Chengyang suddenly stretched out his arms, and when he continued to wrap the quilt, he actually hooked her right arm supporting him...

She panicked for a moment, and the latter also woke up suddenly.

He subconsciously released the thin quilt he was holding and sat up against the bed.

"Sixi?" He was a little surprised, his voice drowsy and vague.

Ji Yi felt embarrassed and wanted to jump out of bed, but fell back in a hurry. Fortunately, Wang Haoran reached out in time to help her stand firmly: "Look, you scared the little girl."

It's over, I'm really ashamed...

Ji Chengyang got off the bed and fastened two buttons. Without asking, it is easy to guess why Ji Yi has the key here, so he didn’t ask more questions, as if he was used to treating Ji Yi as a member of his family. Don't mind her suddenly breaking in. Just when I was washing my face in the bathroom, I asked: "Where is it warm?"

He said, holding a handful of cold water in both hands and threw it on his face.

The water fell from his face. He casually wiped off most of it with his right hand, leaving only a little bit, dripping from his chin, to the collar of his shirt...

"She... went to buy you a present."

An excuse that he didn't even believe in... Obviously it was not very convincing to him.

Ji Chengyang looked down at her. After watching for a while, he didn't pierce the excuse. Instead, he suddenly said something irrelevant: "Sixi has grown a lot taller this year."

"Yes," she breathed a sigh of relief. "It's six centimeters long, and it's 1.5 meters and 55 feet."

This is the first time anyone cares about her height.

But still have to look up at him completely, he estimated that he could be 1.8 meters tall? Eighty-eight

Ji Yi speculated wildly. When Ji Chengyang and Wang Haoran seemed to wake up from their sleepy state, they were soon asked, what would they like to eat for dinner? "I can eat anything, ah—" Ji Yi remembered that there was a Muslim snack in Huokou, but he swallowed it again.

"Think of what to eat?" Ji Chengyang easily saw through, scraping from the tip of her nose with an index finger, "Don't be polite with me."

The gentle force slips from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, and there is a smell of smoke. Some of her ears became warm.

"It's not particularly expensive," Ji Yi had to explain. "I just want to eat the Muslim snacks at Huokou. Chicken gizzards are very delicious."

"Sixi," Wang Haoran smiled suddenly, "You are so good to feed."

So the two big men really decided to settle the dinner at the Muslim snack bar in Xinjiekou. It takes only twenty minutes at most to walk there from the community where Ji Chengyang lives. It's time for dinner, and the shop is very lively.

Wang Haoran brought the three people's offal soup and took the chopsticks.

Ji Chengyang has bought a plate of snacks and put it on the table.

"Ji Chengyang, why didn't I find out that you have a special set for coaxing little girls?" Wang Haoran looked at the things on the plate and immediately laughed, "You strange uncle can't plot wrongdoing, right?"

Ji Chengyang seemed too lazy to speak, and pushed the entire plate in front of Ji Yi. The meaning is very simple, this is all bought for her.

A paper bag of deep-fried chicken gizzards, four skewers of deep-fried lamb, two sugar ears, two pea yellows... This is an amount that can't be eaten to death. Ji Yi lowered his head and glanced at the chop suey soup in front of him: "I can't finish so much."

"I heard it? Xixi said I can't finish it." Wang Haoran took the opportunity to tease.

Ji Chengyang didn't even bother to lift his eyes, and put the ceramic spoon in his hand. Wang Haoran smiled and looked at him. He thought he would babble a few words back and forth, but unexpectedly, this one just said to Ji Yi, who had already held a bamboo stick in front of him and put a piece of chicken gizzard in front of him, "It seems that I forgot to let them put spicy noodles."

"It's ok."

He got up, took the paper bag of chicken gizzards, and walked to the door again. Seeing the crowds, I casually added two donkeys to the other snack window to roll around, carrying a bottle of ice-cola, and waited until the condiments were sprinkled again before returning.

Wang Haoran raised her eyebrows lightly and laughed.

That means: Say you are fat and you are still panting, do you really want to feed people and girls as pigs

Ji Chengyang just didn't see it, put the straw in the glass bottle of Coke and told her: "Eat slowly, don't worry."

Ji Yin said, obviously seeing the two seven- or eight-year-old boys at the next table looking at the food in front of him, looking at him in admiration with the envious eyes that sister you can really eat...