The Healing Sunshine

Chapter 39


In Ji Chengyang's memory, many things happened in the spring of 2003.

In March, he returned from Russia. Atypical pneumonia is spreading rapidly in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. Faced with an unexpected disaster, his love with Ji Yi began quietly in this still freezing early spring;

On the 20th, the United Kingdom and the United States finally launched a military operation against Iraq. If the Afghan War is still covered by a fig leaf, then the Iraq War is a real act of military retaliation, because SARS spread in China and Ji Chengyang went abroad. The procedures encountered some problems, and after the outbreak of the war, I temporarily stayed in the country and worked as an idler;

During this period, Ji Chengyang’s father also underwent a major operation. He asked Ji Chengyang to give up his current job in front of his sons and daughters by the hospital bed, but he did not answer.

"Do you want to eat Gongbao chicken for dinner?" Ji Chengyang asked on the phone.

He is really idle. When others are avoiding infectious diseases at home, he pushes the shopping cart alone and wanders in the almost empty supermarket. Because there are few customers, there are very few goods, and there are not a few boxes of things in the several-meter-long freezer.

"Okay," Ji Yi said, breathing a little hard. She should have ran out of the classroom just now, rushing to the next class, "Can you buy more peanuts? I like to eat the peanuts in Kung Pao Chicken ."

"No problem," he replied, "I will pick you up when I finish shopping."

"Today is going to be an hour late, I added a class temporarily."

"It's okay, I can sit in the car and read the information."

The phone was closed and he continued to purchase.

This kind of material-poor supermarket is really beyond the word "purchasing".

In just a few minutes, he answered two more calls. It belonged to his second brother, Ji Nuannuan’s father. On the phone, the second brother’s words were very intense. Nuannuan had been absent from school for many days and couldn’t find it from time to time. When it comes to people, the second brother and sister-in-law are discussing, it seems that they want to send her out of the country in advance. But it happened that SARS happened, and the matter was delayed, but he was still worried, thinking that Ji Chengyang could persuade him. "She admires you better than my father in military uniforms," the second brother said. "Remember when I was a child, she always liked holding your hand and always said that I would change my father?"

He remembered, but he was a man who had never been married or had children, and he really couldn't talk to a girl who had passed puberty, especially about feelings and the future.

People from military families are not accustomed to telephone communication, and they closed the line after the matter was said.

The second call is good news, and his trip to Iraq has made some progress. Ji Chengyang threw the purchased food into the trunk of the car and went directly to the station. He happened to ran into a few reporters from major newspapers who were in charge of the current affairs department. Everyone was familiar with each other when they were stationed abroad, so he chatted a few more words.

Those people were also affected by SARS and their schedules were delayed. They helped their colleagues to do some SARS topics when they had nothing to do in the country. Someone did the topic of "School-banned scenery" in major colleges and universities. They photographed many young couples. A scene of mutual complaints against the iron railings of the school.

They are all young loves. Under this deadly epidemic, under the background of fear, they want to show the desire to stay together. "Tell me, these little couples are not really afraid of death," the male reporter flipped through the photos in the camera and showed Ji Chengyang. "I saw that there were big bags of snacks, and some kissing through an iron railing. ."

These people are all current affairs reporters, just like Ji Chengyang.

To put it bluntly, these current affairs reporters in China automatically become war correspondents as soon as they arrive on the battlefield. They follow and report on current affairs in various countries. They have seen big scenes and separated life and death. For them, the real conqueror will always be the truth in these seemingly desperate conditions.

Picture after picture, strange youthful faces.

In the camera, constantly passing by.

"Wait," Ji Chengyang said suddenly, "Let me see the previous one."

When the photo went back, what he saw was not the young couple hugging in the photo, but a young girl in the corner who was on the sidelines. The girl’s profile was in the foreground...

"The prospect of this picture is good. The little girl happened to look back at the little couple, so I took a photo."

"Send this to my mailbox," Ji Chengyang tapped the girl's profile lightly with his fingertips, "Forget it, you can sit in my office and copy the photos for me by the way."

The male reporter smiled: "What's wrong, so anxious, what has the photo touched on you?"

Ji Chengyang's eyebrows were a bit deep, and he smiled implicitly and with great demeanor: "Not only are the photos given to me, they also need to be deleted and archived."


"You are taking pictures of my girlfriend." He said frankly.

The male reporter was taken aback, and looked at each other with the two people around him. The three of them stared at the photo for a while, as if only then figured out what Ji Chengyang was talking about. Someone stretched out their arms and took Ji Chengyang's shoulders: "You can, absolutely." Despite this feeling, everyone still feels that this is a lie.

After all, Ji Chengyang is too famous in this circle.

But it also seems that she doesn't know how to associate with women, and she feels not close to women.

For example, when men sit together, they always make sexual jokes, but Ji Chengyang is used to not being involved. Sometimes people gather together and intentionally match things up and down randomly. They all cooperate. Single men and women try. Try to see if there is any intention to associate, but Ji Chengyang is an exception.

Nowadays, for nothing, there is a college student girlfriend.

Well, it turns out that people who don't show mountains and dews on weekdays are really good, everyone thinks so.

Ji Yi walked around in the book building, asking where there is a world map. When she found the shelf according to the prompts, she found three different versions, and finally chose the largest one. When the checkout came out, she received a call from Nuannuan. While putting the world map in her backpack, she pressed the answer: "Hello, Nuannuan?"

"Sixi," Ji Nuannuan's voice was choked up, calling her name indifferently, "I want to ask you a question."

"What's wrong?" She noticed something was wrong.

"Are you living with my uncle?"

The Nuan Nuan problem was like a depth bomb, suddenly dropped into the bottom of the lake, and instantly blasted all peace.

Her heart jerked: "No, we are not living together."

She did live together, but because Ji Chengyang did not want her to live in the dormitory and wanted to avoid her extensive contact with the crowd, she was allowed to live at home temporarily. But she didn't know how to explain.

Ji Nuannuan's voice trembled, and she was already crying: "I was at my uncle's house and saw your clothes. Did I read it wrong?"

"Ji Chengyang was afraid that I would live in school and contact too many people, so he let me live in his house temporarily. We are not living together..."

"Who asked you to call him Ji Chengyang!"

"Nuannuan," Ji Yi felt her heart hurt, "Listen to me slowly, you believe me..."

"Ji Yi, are you a human? How can you be with my uncle?" Nuan Nuan choked up and didn't want to hear any explanation from her. She just wanted to ask Ji Yi why he did this, "You are my best Friends of, how could it be with my uncle? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?!"

"I have always liked him, and he likes me..."

"Don't tell me this! My uncle is crazy, and you are crazy too! You have called him uncle since you were a kid, how can you live with him... You are terrible Ji Yi, you don't care about me at all, have you thought about me? I have admired him since I was a child, more than my dad... You never thought about me..." Ji Nuannuan was completely incoherent, crying and losing her voice, "How can you live with my uncle..."

Ji Chengyang in her heart has lofty ideals and a flawless personality.

There can never be any stains, unlike anyone else.

But when she discovered that Ji Chengyang and Ji Yi were together, living with a girl who was supposed to be a niece, and this girl was still her best friend. The most respected person and best friend are betraying her and deceiving her at the same time. Her faith was completely shattered in an instant, like a flood, swept away all reason and will.

It's more terrifying than the sky has fallen.

Ji Yi couldn't speak any more, tears gushing out uncontrollably.

She was standing at the front door of the bookstore, feeling at a loss, as if someone put a hand under her ribs and grabbed her heart fiercely.

She had never seen such Ji Nuannuan. All the explanations she had conceived were useless. She had imagined Nuan Nuan's countless reactions. The most feared was this kind of real anger.

Ji Yi was speechless, and even didn't dare to repeat what she said, saying that she loves Ji Chengyang, and she is afraid of stimulation.

Nuan Nuan's loss of control was completely beyond her imagination. She had never heard Nuan Nuan cry like this. The weakness and despair of her faith being shattered in an instant made Ji Yi feel that she was a sinner who betrayed her friendship.

The downright sinner.

"Sisi, how can you be with my uncle, have you thought about me..."

Nuan Nuan cried completely and collapsed, only repeating this sentence.

Ji Yi's phone slowly ran out of power, and the phone was completely disconnected.

She looked at the dark screen with tears streaming down her face, ran out of the building where the bookstore was located, and wanted to call a taxi, but in this period, taxis are simply a luxury. She ran several roads, only to see a taxi with people, and ran with the car for a long time until it drove farther and farther.

Finally ran to powerless, but at a loss, slowly squatted down on the side of the road.

Nuan Nuan's last questioning kept lingering in her mind, Nuan Nuan cried weakly and told her: "You never thought of me, Ji Yi, you never thought of me..."

Nuan Nuan's words are played back one sentence, repeatedly poking her heart like a knife.

She has never considered Nuan Nuan, and she has always selfishly hid this relationship as a secret. All of them exploded too fast, and none of them were within her vision. She always called him Ji Chengyang and refused to call him Uncle Xiao Ji. She always fought against this taboo silently in her heart, ignoring that he was her elder and ignoring that he was the warm, respectful, and beloved uncle who grew up with him. Because she always believes that her unrequited and unrequited love will slowly disappear as she grows up.

I even imagined that one day I went to Ji Chengyang's wedding. When he was drunk by his guests and friends, I told him that Ji Chengyang, I have always liked you, and I have taken you as my only goal and idol since I was very young.

These are all her ideas.

But everything has changed.

Everything began to develop in the direction of happiness. She was attached to him, immersed in the feelings that she had not dared to hope for, and ignored the essence of the matter. They were of different generations, and they got along like family since childhood. He was her uncle, but in the end he turned this relationship into a love between men and women uncontrollably.

This is an unacceptable change for anyone, and even imagine the dirtiest place...

Newspaper booths and buildings around him were closed early, and there were no idlers on the road.

Ji Yi was a little dazed because of the emotional ups and downs just now. She tried to calm herself down, looked for the nearest bus stop, and when she looked up at the stop sign, tears fell in her eyes. She kept praying to find the bus route home as soon as possible. Fortunately, there were a lot of cars going to Ji Chengyang's house in this direction. Finally, she changed to two buses and got off near Jishuitan Bridge.

When she walked to the small road in the community where Ji Chengyang lived, suddenly, a car light came on.

The car suddenly stopped in front of her.

Ji Yi stopped in a daze, turned against the light of the car lights, and saw Ji Chengyang get off the car and walk towards him without saying a word. His deep eyebrows were filled with unquenchable anger: "Why shut down? Why don't you call me first and tell me where you are?"