The Healing Sunshine

Chapter 43


"It's okay, I live at my aunt's house during the festival, and when I think of you nearby, I try to find it."

Ji Chengyang leaned on the door frame with one hand, and suddenly smiled, rather helpless: "Then come in and sit down." He opened the shoe cabinet and took out a pair of guest slippers on the floor.

Liu Wanxia entered the door, just bend over to change shoes, already saw Ji Yi.

She was startled at first, and she felt familiar, but soon she suddenly realized that it was the little girl: "Hello."

"Hello." Ji Yi said softly.

She thought for a while and ran to the kitchen to pour a cup of hot water.

As soon as I was about to take it out, I realized that the hospitality seemed too crude, so I simply walked out and asked the woman who had just sat down on the sofa: "Are you used to drinking tea or coffee?" With such words, Liu Wanxia finally noticed The smell is not right, this is the attitude of the master, not the "also a guest" as she thought when she entered the door just now.

"Tea, thank you—" She couldn't remember Ji Yi's name.

"Ji Yi." Ji Yi smiled.

"Sorry, it's been too long, I suddenly can't remember it," Liu Wanxia's voice was soft and watery, "Last time I saw you, I was still wearing the school uniform of the attached high school. Did you... have you graduated from high school?"

"Graduated, almost sophomore year."

After Ji Yi finished speaking, he went into the kitchen again, and soon brought a cup of tea out and put it on the glass table.

She handed Ji Chengyang another cup of coffee.

Liu Wanxia glanced at Ji Chengyang. The latter did nothing special. He even told Ji Yi softly that if he wasn't used to staying here, he would go to the study to read a book or watch a movie, and later he would send the guests away and accompany her. Ji Yi also felt that she had nothing to say to a very strange woman, and entered the room obediently.

The two were too calm, and Liu Wanxia, an unexpected visitor, was a little embarrassed.

She just thought of Ji Chengyang sending herself to the intersection the last time when she was shopping, and she had heard him mention the name of the community, and wanted to try her luck. She believes in fate, just like Ji Chengyang and she were classmates in high school, and now they both work on the same TV station, there is a kind of fate in the dark; and she believes in hard work, sometimes the power of fate is very weak and requires some help …

She was sitting on the sofa, and with the sensitivity of a woman, she noticed that there were traces of girls living everywhere in this room. Even sitting here, you can see freshman English textbooks exposed under the glass coffee table. She retracted her gaze in embarrassment. According to what she had always known about Ji Chengyang, he was not a man who relied on his small career to make up for the lost youth. What's more, this girl behaved in the hospital. Like his relatives.

Is it a relative

Liu Wanxia guessed, slowly turning the cup in her hand: "I didn't expect her to be so big," she laughed, "When I saw her in the hospital, she was quite small."

He rarely smiled and said, "Yes."

Two-word answer.

It seemed that the topic she had found was very embarrassing.

She quickly changed the content of the conversation and began to communicate with him about the upcoming trip to Iraq. The main U.S. military action against Iraq only lasted for twenty days before it was declared to be over, and then there was a protracted tug of war.

"The most feared is this kind of period," Liu Wanxia said. "Small conflicts may break out at any time... Do you think about it and look at the situation of the war?"

Ji Chengyang was sitting on an independent dark blue sofa. When he talked about these topics, he always felt extraordinarily on the sidelines and calm. He gently rubbed the pattern on the outside of the coffee cup with his fingers, and answered her: "This kind of illegal warfare, It is estimated that apart from the American reporters, it is very difficult for anyone to enter the battlefield. In more than 20 days, they have dropped more than 2,000 missiles and more than 500 tomahawks. The Americans really want to destroy more than half of Iraq... But these are their own announcements. "Yes," Ji Chengyang can always say more when faced with such topics. He suddenly laughed, "How terrible the ground is, and only when we walk in can we know the truth. Now is the best time for Americans to feel that they have gained a lot. We won, we just went in to see what they left behind."

the truth.

This is what war reporters are pursuing, the truth about war.

"This war is still far away from the end." Ji Chengyang said suddenly.

It is still far away. When will the Americans withdraw from Iraq? No one knows. He doesn't know how long he will be in Iraq, and when will he return home next time.

Liu Wanxia talked to him for a while, and then hurriedly said goodbye. She suddenly felt that she was a little ridiculous, and came forward rashly, but there was an unexpected situation, and this situation was completely unexpected. Even if he ever thought of meeting the girlfriend in his mouth, there would be no such embarrassment.

Ji Chengyang sent her to the door and looked at the elevator of the single-family house: "I have a little girl in my house. If you don't worry about leaving her at home alone, I won't see you."

Liu Wanxia shook her backpack strap in her hand and smiled suddenly: "Yes, there is a little girl in the family who is not so relieved."

Although Ji Yi looks young, she is the kind of age between girls and women, but it is no longer a little girl who makes people really "worried" staying at home, but Ji Chengyang said so calmly. .

She had never seen Ji Chengyang like this.

Walking into the empty elevator, when the elevator door slowly closed, I saw the door of Ji Chengyang's house closed. She suddenly thought that at that time the girls in the class didn't know how much they defended this man named Ji Chengyang. The girls from the outside class came to inquire about it, and they were all sealed, and even resisted the love letters handed by the girls outside the class.

Ji Chengyang was a girl dream of many girls in the affiliated middle school at that time.

Could it be that he would really care about the temptation of youth like ordinary men

Sometimes what people see is not necessarily true.

Ji Chengyang saw the suspicion of this old classmate, and had no desire to explain. To explain this kind of thing in words, just do it to the person who wants to explain. Sorrows and joys, in the final analysis, only you know.

Ji Chengyang closed the door, took all the cups used in the living room to the kitchen, washed them and threw them into the disinfection cabinet. After setting the time, he moved to the study. Ji Yi was really obedient, holding a book on his back and lying on the bed he temporarily placed in the study, his body bent naturally in a very comfortable posture, reading a book.

She obviously heard Ji Chengyang come in without saying a word, and continued to turn over a page, actually she didn't know what she was seeing. She didn't read a word all night, mostly because of Ji Nuannuan's affairs, and at least because of an unexpected visitor sitting in the living room. After thinking about the mess for a long time, it gradually became a matter of warmth.

She is even planning to wait for Nuannuan to have an in-depth discussion, hoping to help her.

Drug rehabilitation center... Where is the drug rehabilitation center in Beijing

She didn't know that the conversation with Liu Wanxia just now made Ji Chengyang feel uneasy about her deep in the inner bottom, and even reluctantly grew stronger. At this moment, she was lying on the bed where he usually fell asleep, making no secret of the curve of her body, which tested him.

"Your guest is gone?" Ji Yi asked knowingly.

"Let's go." Ji Chengyang was also helpless.

He sat down next to Ji Yi and turned over the book in her hand. He didn't know which corner of the library he found again. The pillows were all the bookmarks in the book. Ji Yi mumbled, wanted to ask, but didn’t know how to ask, I heard Ji Chengyang’s mobile phone text message, Ji Chengyang seemed too lazy to deal with it, but Ji Yi based on the girl’s sixth sense, felt that this text message must be related to his guest. . She reached out to touch the phone in his pants pocket and took it out.

Liu Wanxia.

The prompt on the phone screen is indeed the name.

"She also texted you."

Ji Chengyang couldn't help but look at her little face: "You can see it if you want, don't hesitate."

Ji Yi laughed immediately, and turned it out to see:

Is the girl who was in your house just your girlfriend

Ji Yi read it word by word, read it twice, and then handed the phone to him. Ji Chengyang noticed that she was a little unhappy, and didn't say much. He took the mobile phone she was holding and quickly replied with the word "Yes", then took the mobile phone out of her hand and threw it on the sofa far away. superior.

The phone fell well, slid down directly along the sofa, and fell to the floor with a cry.

"It broke," Ji Yi pointed to the phone and said in a low voice, "You will really break it if you fall like this."

"You've been upset since you came back, what are you thinking about?" Ji Chengyang ignored her words and pointed out what was wrong with her directly.

"Nothing," Ji Yi was tight-lipped, rubbed his head, simply put his face on his lap, and looked up to see him, "I just saw a lot of classmates and felt very sad. Why did he graduate from high school like this."

Only when I walked over did I feel that high school was the happiest period of time.

There is pressure, motivation, healthy competition, beautiful puppies, many, many, which are beyond the time later... She originally used this as a blindfold method, but she really thought of this, but she was really surprised.

"I will go to Iraq after the May Day holiday." Ji Chengyang said suddenly.

Ji Yi was stunned and looked at him blankly: "Why are you telling me now?"

He laughed: "Didn't I tell you in advance?"

"It's not in advance..." Ji Yi was in a low mood all night, and was instantly smashed into the abyss by a word of him, unspeakably aggrieved, "You will be leaving in a few days. Is this also said in advance?"

This is not a business trip for the public to travel around the world, this is the most dangerous place to go.

Without any psychological preparation, she suddenly told her that he was leaving, going to Iraq, and facing the rain of bullets, suffering, and facing such great danger. As all the emotions surged, Ji Yi felt more and more wronged, mixed with parting emotions, and worried...

Where is the abyss, she is in hell now.

Ji Yi blinked slowly twice, trying to get up from his lap.

It was her aggrieved look that severely broke Ji Chengyang's heartstring that had been strained all night. He pressed her with his arm to prevent her from getting up, Ji Yi pouted slightly, feeling that his nose was sour and didn't want to talk.

But the position of his arm is so sensitive.

Both people felt it, she didn't dare to move, he was hesitating, that is, within a few seconds, Ji Chengyang's arm moved away. She thought he was going to let himself leave the study, and sat up from the bed with both hands propped up: "Don't do this next time... At least you have to tell me half a month in advance." She whispered.

Ji Chengyang also knew that there was a problem with his handling method, but he couldn't find the right time at all. No matter when he told her, the result would be the same. It's better to let her know at the latest, and the sad time can be shorter.

He approached her, wanting to apologize.

But when he held her wrist, the soft touch between his palms dispelled his insistence that he did not want to cross the boundary all these days. His words became actions, and he grabbed her lips deeply. Kiss her.

Ji Yi was still in despair in the news that he was going to the battlefield again.

His eyes blinked, and they closed quickly.

Ji Chengyang also didn't know exactly what he wanted, his hands repeatedly stroked her wrists, small arms, and the thin shoulders under the short-sleeved shirt. Ji Yi approached him. This was not the first time kissing. The two people often had some short-term physical contact in the past two months, but they would stop at the right time.

Now it's very different.

Ji Chengyang felt her temperature with the palm of his hand, and the blood was also warming up because of the rapid flow. He grabbed her entire waist, pressed it in his arms, and continued to calm her back with his hands.

"Next time I will tell you sooner, don't be angry anymore." He put her on his lap and sat straddling her.

Ji Yi didn't dare to look at his eyes, so he closed his eyes tightly, his eyelashes trembling involuntarily because of the tension. "Don't be angry anymore, okay?" Ji Chengyang's voice was a little low and dumb.

"Yeah." She was so stunned by her own body temperature that she could not worry about getting angry.

Ji Chengyang sighed suddenly, chuckled, and pressed his forehead on the pillow.

Ji Yi curled up in his arms, listening to him smiling, didn't know what he was laughing, his whole consciousness was lost, just sticking to him like this: "Wait for me to slow down... you try again. "

Ji Chengyang really laughed this time.

He rubbed his face against Ji Yi's little cheek: "Don't try."

Ji Yi sighed lightly.

But I also felt unreliable: "Really stop trying?"

"Don't try it anymore."

Ji Chengyang finally thoroughly tasted the pain of nowhere to vent the desire. He gave Ji Yi a gentle and soothing deep kiss, got out of bed, and put on trousers directly. The curve of the man on his back was very beautiful, and he was faintly sweaty.

He walked out of the study and soon heard the rushing sound of water in the bathroom.

Ji Yi shrank in the thin quilt, listening to the sound of water, his body getting hotter and hotter, slowly got into the quilt and hugged his knees. She still felt a little pain, but her heart was filled with happiness, and she was so happy.

Just listening to the sound of Ji Chengyang taking a bath, I thought, what can I do in the future...

Can't let him take a shower forever