The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 15


The rainstorm came and went quickly. When we arrived at the hotel, the rain had almost stopped, and there was a smell of mud in the air. Li Sui opened the door and found that Lu Shang was asleep with a needle stuck in the back of his hand.

He didn't dare to go directly, and didn't turn on the light. He tiptoed into the bathroom and washed all the sand and rain off his body. He tried his best to keep his movements light, but Lu Shang's sleep was shallow, but he was still woken up.

"What did you buy?" Lu Shang waved to him, Li Sui climbed onto the bed with a full body of water vapor, lay down beside him, and took out a conch for him.

Lu Shang felt the shape, smiled lightly, and exhaled hot air from his nose: "Pick it up?"

"Well," Li Sui put it in his hand, "for you."

Lu Shang should have taken a shower, and the smell of medicine on his body was gone, leaving only his unique cold aroma. Li Sui put his head close to his neck and took two greedy breaths.

"Go to sleep." Lu Shang patted his shoulder with a backhand.

Li Sui immediately stopped moving, his eyes gleaming in the darkness.

He has no concept of money, nor does he care about power. If he has any hobbies, it is probably watching Lu Shang sleep. Especially after knowing his little thoughts, this has almost become an activity he must do every night. Lu Shang is not wary of him. You can bite into it with one mouth.

He didn't bite it, but closed the thin quilt and gently covered Lu Shang's neck - otherwise he would catch a cold.

As expected, the Jinsha Coast project did not progress smoothly. The heads of several departments were unable to reach an agreement for a long time. The meeting kept arguing. Lu Shang never expressed his opinion, and even did not show up for several meetings. Liu Xingming quarreled and quarreled so much that his brain was hurting. Several managers were sent by the boss above. He didn't want to offend him directly. Seeing that a week had passed and there was no progress, he was in a hurry.

Lu Shang lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, looking nonchalant, and persuaded: "No hurry, let them make noise."

"That being said, don't be in a hurry, the rainy season is about to begin, the bank has already urged it several times, and the approval will take time. Recently, the leadership team at the top has undergone a major change of blood, and there is no certainty about what new policies will be introduced at that time, there are many dreams in the night, there are many dreams in the night."

Lu Shang glanced at the empty conference room and sighed softly: "That's right, Mr. Liu, you free up your time tonight to meet someone with me."

"well… "

Li Sui brought some food into the house. Lu Shang was standing in front of the mirror changing his clothes. After being ill these days, the bones on his back became more obvious. He was caught by Lu Shang.

"Look at what?"

Li Sui quickly turned his head and said vaguely, "I brought you some food, are you going out?"

"Meet a few people on the cruise ship." Lu Shang opened the drawer, picked a tie and compared it to his chest. He was about to wear it, and as if thinking of something, he turned back and hooked at Li Sui.

Li Sui understood, put down the dinner plate and went to help him tie his tie.

"Aren't you going to take me?" Li Sui swiftly stood up the collar of his shirt, put on his tie, and tied it in a knot. How to tie a tie was taught to him by Lu Shang at the beginning, but now he is so proficient.

"It's not right for you to go."


This suit is different from the black and white in the past. The shirt is wine red, which adds a bit of anger to the owner's fair skin, and is less serious.

Hearing this, Lu Shang showed a playful expression for some reason. He raised his hand and pressed his shoulder, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes: "At your age... have you ever had sexual fantasies about anyone?"

"What?" Li Sui's eyes widened, but he didn't react for a while.

Seeing him like this, Lu Shang couldn't help laughing softly, and let go of him: "Just kidding you."

Li Sui's face was flushed. Seeing Lu Shang lowered his head to pick out shoes, he somehow understood what Lu Shang was going to do. Action preceded consciousness, and he blurted out, "I'm an adult, take me there."

When Lu Shang heard the words, he turned around and saw his blushing like this. He smiled and shook his head: "That kind of place is not suitable for you, so stay at home."

Li Sui was anxious, Lu Shang thought that his blushing was shy, only he knew that his blushing was not because of Lu Shang's teasing, but because of the sexual fantasy that flashed in his mind some images that he only dared to think about in the middle of the night , and the object of fantasy, right in front of him at the moment, wearing a shirt full of ascetic breath.

Just watching Lu Shang dangling in front of him, he felt that his breathing was getting heavier and his fingers clenched unconsciously.

Perhaps it was the result of years of suppressing himself. In his subconscious, Li Sui always felt that Lu Shang was already his property. Just like the prey caught in the mouth of the wild wolf, even if he protects it and does not eat it, others are not allowed to covet. Anyone who comes close to this piece of meat, he can't wait to rush up to bite the other party's neck.

But at this moment, when Li Sui thought that Lu Shang wanted to hug little boys and girls like Li Yan, he felt uncomfortable, and an uncontrollable possessiveness suddenly swelled.

He endured it, but he couldn't. He stepped forward and pulled the corner of Lu Shang's clothes, deliberately softening his tone: "You are not in good health, so you can't drink. Take me there." pleading.

Sure enough, Lu Shang's gaze faltered when he looked at him, Li Sui lowered his head, and instead whispered, "I haven't seen a cruise ship yet..."

Lu Shang turned his eyes and compromised: "... change clothes."

Before going out, Li Sui originally picked out a T-shirt, but Lu Shang pointed to a British-style shirt and vest and said, "You should wear that."

The bangs were combed down and paired with tight-fitting trousers. This tender dress made Li Sui feel that he had returned to the time when he first met Lu Shang. The two went out one after the other, like movie stars, seeing Liu Xingming's eyes straightened, he asked embarrassedly, "Should I go back and change my clothes..."

Lu Shang glanced at his business attire: "It's fine, it's fine."

They parked at the pier and boarded a small yacht. After driving for more than an hour, they successfully boarded the cruise ship. Lu Shang walked in front and brushed his face directly. When Li Sui passed by, the little brother in charge of the inspection hesitated a little. Lu Shang turned around and held Li Sui's hand. The little brother understood and immediately moved out of the way.

The lights on the ship were brilliant, and a few long tables could be vaguely seen from the windows. A group of people formed a circle and shouted loudly. The sound should be gambling money. A few people crossed the deck and met quite a few scantily clad beautiful women along the way. Two of them dared to touch their faces. Li Sui frowned and avoided them.

I don't know if Lu Shang had other arrangements, but Liu Xingming disappeared as soon as he got on the boat, and he didn't know where he went. There were quite a few fully armed security guards around, looking at Li Sui's face, and staring at him. Li Sui had never seen this battle before, so he was overwhelmed for a while, so he simply stepped forward and grabbed Lu Shang's arm. Lu Shang looked straight ahead, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and acquiesced to his request for help. On such a lewd occasion, Lu Shang seemed to be at ease. Obviously, it was not the first time he had come here. He also met several acquaintances along the way, and stopped to chat for a while.

This made Li Sui a little unhappy. When he passed the corner, a blonde bunny came to greet Lu Shang, and he threatened her with cold eyes.

"Isn't this Boss Lu?"

A familiar voice came from near the cabin door, and the two turned their heads at the same time, and they saw Yan Ke who was surprised.

"Yo... Xiao Li is also there." Yan Ke came over, his eyes wandered between the two for a while, probably not understanding where the performance was.

"Brother Yan." Li Sui nodded at him.

"It's so strong, I almost didn't recognize it," Yan Ke smiled and turned to look at Lu Shang, "It's rare, are you looking for someone?"

Lu Shang nodded: "Is Mrs. Anna there?"

"In there, I'll take you there." Yan Ke drank some wine, and opened two of his sleeves. Li Sui noticed that there was a lipstick mark on his neck, the colors were different, and it was obvious that he didn't leave it alone. Li Sui said nothing on the surface, but he couldn't help being shocked. He remembered that Yan Ke was married and had children.

"Oh yes, it might be a little inside..." Yan Ke suddenly turned his head and said in embarrassment, "Why don't you wait outside?"

Naturally, this was said to Li Sui. Lu Shang, who was beside him, didn't even think about it. He pushed him on the shoulder and urged, "It's alright, let's go in."

Li Sui soon knew that the half sentence that Yan Ke didn't finish should be that it is not suitable for children.

There was a strong smell of smoke in the room, but it still couldn't hide the strong smell of perfume. A man sat on the sofa in the middle, with a black-haired woman lying at his feet on the left and right, Li Sui just glanced at it and quickly turned away. Eyes, the two women were naked and didn't even wear clothes.

Without looking sideways, Lu Shang went straight across the sofa and opened the curtain. Inside was a tea room, and the environment was fairly clean. Four or five men sat on the bamboo chairs, and in the middle was a woman in a kimono, who was performing the tea ceremony in a circle. At a glance, I knew that this woman was the most important one among these people, and she should be the Mrs. Anna they were looking for.

"Lu." The woman looked up to see them and laughed immediately.

Lu Shang smiled, stepped forward to hug her, and said a foreign language, but Li Sui didn't understand.

The two quickly started chatting. Li Sui had also learned some English recently, but at this moment he realized that it was useless at all. The two spoke so fast that he didn't even catch a familiar word.

Yan Kewu found a seat and sat down, and soon a bunny girl surrounded him with a wine glass. He seemed to be willing to come. He rubbed his hands on the exposed skin of the women, his face was full of smiles. Sui was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to put her eyes.

When the two of them were talking, several men around went out one after another. Those who didn't go out also sat down on the sofa and enjoyed these peach services to the fullest. One of the men also hugged a boy with a collar around his neck, and his hands were dishonest. Reached into the boy's pants and kneaded, causing the other side to tremble while lying on top of him. Li Sui didn't intend to meet the man's gaze, but when he saw the provocation in the other's eyes, he couldn't help feeling agitated. This man obviously regarded Li Sui as the same as the collared boy.

Lu Shang's attention was all on the lady, and he didn't notice the subtle changes around him. Li Sui frowned, suppressing the unhappiness in his heart. In fact, with Lu Shang's ability, he seldom encounters people who need his full attention to deal with. This woman's identity is obviously not simple, and he can't cause trouble at this time.

As he was thinking, the eyes of the two suddenly fell on him. The lady smiled and seemed to be making a joke. Lu Shang made a helpless gesture and replied with a smile. During this period, Li Sui didn't speak, and sat next to him very competently, like a knight.

After discussing the topic about him, Mrs. Anna lowered her head and took a sip of tea, got up and went out. Lu Shang's face was as usual, he couldn't see his emotions, he just sat there, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Did it go well?" Li Sui couldn't help asking aloud.

Lu Shang stared at him for a while, shook his head and didn't answer.

The women here have full freedom of movement, and whether they can win the favor of the guests is entirely up to their personal ability, so most of them are very proactive. When guests board the ship, they recognize the rules here, and when they board the ship, they come to have fun, so there are almost no companions like Lu Shang.

While he was in a daze, a graceful girl in tulle walked over gently, put on Lu Shang's shoulder, and stroked his chest with slender fingers along his shirt: "Boss, do you want to drink?"

Lu Shang frowned instantly while holding the tea. Li Sui next to him felt his forehead heat up when he saw this. He stood up, grabbed her hand, and threw it out. He moved too far and made a "pop" sound, as if he had knocked the girl's hand flying, causing an exclamation.

Everyone turned their heads one after another, and Li Sui couldn't get off the stage for a moment. The catch just now was launched entirely out of conditions, but in the eyes of the onlookers, it seemed that he was jealous for the gold master. Lu Shang also looked up at him, Li Sui thought for a while, then he stopped doing it, and paused, "Sorry, he belongs to me."

The girl originally wanted to cry, but she looked at Li Sui, but her eyes were raw, and she didn't dress like the boys on the boat, but more like a gold owner. .

Li Sui knelt down beside Lu Shang and said eagerly, "How is it? Where did she meet you?"

"No," Lu Shang put down his teacup with a smile in his eyes, "What did you just say?"

Li Sui was slightly embarrassed: "I said it in a hurry, don't mind."

"I don't mind, but others may mind." Lu Shang lowered his head and chuckled.

The eyes around them were still focused on the two of them, as if looking forward to the end of a farce, Lu Shang pulled him closer and whispered, "Everyone is looking at you, aren't you going to satisfy their curiosity?"

Li Sui's ears turned red, and he was at a loss for a moment.

"You're one kiss away." Lu Shang reminded him with a smile.

Li Sui was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt that the eyes on him were burning several times. He faintly felt that Lu Shang knew something and wanted to explore it, but he couldn't bring up the courage. The whole tea room was strangely quiet, Li Sui clenched and loosened his palms, driven by curiosity and selfishness at the same time, that little twist was quickly forgotten by him, he leaned his upper body slightly, leaned in boldly, and kissed like a dragonfly in water. Lu Shang's lips.

It was like stealing fish, and it was instantly parted. Even so, Li Sui's heart was beating wildly to the point of losing control.

However, just as the lips parted, Lu Shang suddenly reached out and squeezed his chin, closed his eyes and kissed again. Li Sui's eyes widened, only to feel the heat between his lips and teeth, a dexterous tip of the tongue poked into his mouth, and he backed out after a gentle search.

Lu Shang squinted his eyes, let go of him without changing his face, and spit in his ear: "This is called kissing." The tone was meaningful and seemed to mean something else.

The people around were whistling enthusiastically, and Li Sui froze in place, completely paralyzed.