The Heart of a Smith

Chapter 18


When he slept until midnight, Lu Shang's cell phone suddenly rang. He had set Do Not Disturb, and at night only people on the whitelist could call in.

Seeing Uncle Yuan's number on the screen, Lu Shang frowned slightly, put on his clothes and got up to go out.

"I just got the news that Li Jinyao is under the control of the police, do we need to take some action?"

"What's the situation with Chanzhuang?"

"According to Miss Meng, the company's account will be seized in the morning, and it is estimated that it will not be able to keep it."

"Where's Li Yan?"

"Run, this matter has not been exposed yet. He got the news before and ran away. No exit records were found, and he should still be in China."

Lu Shang pondered for a moment, his fingers habitually clasped on the armrest of the sofa, and said, "Leave us aside, don't move the others, let Zuo Chao pay attention to Liu Xingtian's movements."

Uncle Yuan seemed to pause for a moment before saying, "I see."

After hanging up the phone, the room returned to silence. Lu Shang got up and walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It was late at night, it was dark outside the window, only the lighthouse in the distance was lit lonely, the whole city seemed to fall into a deep sleep, and on the sea level in the distance, the position of the rising sun was faintly blue.

Li Jinyao was a poisonous snake. When Lu Shang's father passed away, he was inseparable from this poisonous snake. Unfortunately, the situation in the shopping mall was changing rapidly. When he came to him, he had to be in the company of this poisonous snake for some reasons. On the surface, they are in a cooperative relationship, but overthrowing Li Jinyao has always been Lu Shang's long-cherished wish for many years. For this reason, he has secretly arranged many people, even in the shipwreck incident.

Now that Li Jinyao has been arrested, he can be regarded as a long-cherished wish fulfilled. This is a rare and good opportunity. It is possible to take advantage of the situation to make Li Jinyao completely unable to turn over. Uncle Yuan has a clear mind, so he came to tell him the good news in the middle of the night. Lu Shang closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, at this stage, he can only hold his troops and do nothing. It will only work if he catches all the fish. Li Yan is still at ease. This is an uncertain factor, and he cannot take this risk.

"Is something wrong?" Li Sui came over with a thin blanket and draped it over him.

Lu Shang pursed his lips: "It's okay."

Seeing Li Sui looking at him worriedly, he said, "Bring me the computer."

"Working? Now?"

Lu Shang nodded.

A phone call disturbed the two of them, and they both had no sleepiness. Li Sui simply moved a stool and sat beside him watching Lu Shang's signature and approval documents. Uncle Yuan is an extremely rigorous assistant. He does things properly and comprehensively. All the emails sent are marked according to their priorities, and summaries are written, which looks clear at a glance.

Lu Shang picked out a few downloads in the dispatch and opened them. Some of them were flipped through and then closed, while some of them looked carefully and made comments on them one by one.

Serious men are best to see that this sentence really applies to anyone. Lu Shang has a calm temperament. Once he starts working, the only trace of weakness and morbidity will be swept away, and the whole person will appear shrewd and sharp. A simple stroke of the keyboard is very exciting.

The person involved was unaware of all this, but the bystanders were so attracted that they couldn't take their eyes off. The two were so close to each other that they could hear each other's breathing. Li Sui sat for a while, but felt hot all over, stood up and turned away. A cup of milk is hot in the kitchen.

The room was too quiet, and the two of them were alone again. It was difficult to divert their attention. Li Sui stood by the pool, and it took a long time for the restless heart to calm down. Just as he came out with the milk cup, Lu Shang stared at the computer and said solemnly, "Go and rest."

Li Sui's footsteps were stagnant, but he walked over without changing his face, and put down the cup: "I'm not sleepy."

Lu Shang took time to glance at the milk cup, but said nothing.

At first, Li Sui's attention was still on Lu Shang, but he was gradually attracted by the contents of the documents on the screen. He stared at it for a while, and couldn't help but pointed to a few unopened emails and asked, "Why don't these few? Look, isn't it urgent?"

"Urgent means they are in a hurry," Lu Shang said while typing, "It has nothing to do with me."

Li Sui said he couldn't understand it, and Lu Shang stopped what he was doing, turned his head and smiled at him: "Have you heard that sentence, the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch."

Li Sui was delighted: "You said they were eunuchs?"

Lu Shang thought about it and said, "Although the words are not quite right, the truth is the same. As a leader, you can't be anxious about things that others are anxious about. Don't be carried away by the emotions of your subordinates. You should start from the event itself. Consider the seriousness and the seriousness, and prioritize them first and foremost, and you must be good at distinguishing yourself."

Li Sui seemed to understand, but Lu Shang took time to look at him. It was too early to tell him this, so he smiled and said, "Go to sleep."

"What about you?" Li Sui showed a reluctant expression, Lu Shang looked at him as if he had thought of something, thought for a moment, and asked, "Would you like to try?"

"Me?" Li Sui's eyes lit up.

Lu Shang opened a document, turned the computer screen to him, and explained: "This is a note to a statement, which lists the operation of this company for the entire year last year, you can read it and see what conclusions can be drawn. "

Li Sui had never been in contact with finances, and when he glanced over, he felt dizzy. Lu Shang was watching, and he was embarrassed to say that he didn't understand at all, so he could only bite the bullet and grind it word by word. A note unknowingly saw that it was nearly dawn, Li Sui raised his head from the screen, and found that he had understood a little bit after half-guessing.

In fact, it is also easy to understand. No matter how advanced things are, people invent things, and the purpose of the invention is to facilitate users to calculate more accurately. Although he does not understand the specific calculation methods of some items, the literal meaning of the second-level subjects It means he always understands.

Seeing his shoulders loose, Lu Shang asked, "Any conclusion?"

"They spent a lot of money."

Lu Shang nodded: "Where is the money used?"

"There's a reception, a vehicle... and there's a finance charge here."

"Do you think it's a loss or a gain?"

"It should be earned."


"The profit is written here, and it is more than six million." Li Sui pointed.

Lu Shang smiled lightly.

"Isn't it?" Li Sui asked in embarrassment.

Lu Shang didn't answer him, he closed the computer and took his arm: "Go, take a nap and go back to sleep."

"Is it right?" Li Sui asked, seeing Lu Shang taking off his coat, he swallowed the words.

On the sea level in the distance, the faint morning light penetrated the clouds, drawn round circles of golden borders, and gradually climbed into the house through the window. Li Sui was not sleepy, and did not want to disturb Lu Shang's rest. Watching Lu Shang sleep on the bed, when he fell asleep, he got up lightly and slipped to the kitchen to make breakfast.

He has quick hands and feet, and his movements are brisk and serious. It's been a long time since the days of wandering in the past, and now these ordinary trivial things are a little more precious, and he cherishes them very much. Maybe Lu Shang doesn't understand the reason, but he knows why. These days, he always thinks of Lu Shang's unfinished half-sentence.

"Li Sui, it doesn't matter, I will sooner or later..."

Li Sui, it doesn't matter, I will die sooner or later.

He didn't say it, but since Lu Shang was discharged from the hospital, Li Sui had always harbored a sense of unease in his heart. The days are so beautiful now that they seem to have been stolen. He always felt that if there was a moment of slack, All this will be taken back by God.

The soup was ready, but Lu Shang had no sign of waking up yet. Li Sui took out the tablet, opened the library that he used frequently, and placed it on his long legs to read the pages.

At about noon, Lu Shang finally woke up. The two nurses came over to check the heartbeat and blood pressure, and recorded a lot of data. When they left, Li Sui secretly stopped the female nurse.

"Is it normal?"

The female nurse just shook her head, wondering if she didn't know or not, she just said, "I've never seen such a case. You should wait until you go back and ask Dr. Liang."

Li Sui was lost for a while.

After brunch, Lu Shang answered the phone and took Li Sui out the door.

The place they are going to is the construction base of Jinsha Coast. According to the original plan, Lu Shang should have done a field inspection here as soon as he came to Hainan. The contradictions are too great, the plan cannot be unified after a long time, and the meetings are held every day and noisy every day. Lu Shang quietly watched them arguing for so many days, all of them were exhausted and could no longer lose their temper, so he called out a few responsible persons and came to the base for a walk.

Dongyan is both an investor and a developer. Although he is the boss, he cannot do whatever he wants. After all, the investment is for profit. If he makes a rash decision, the cost will not be recovered in the future, and the shareholders will not be able to explain it.

The construction site is not too far from the city. It takes 30 minutes to drive there. On the way, the land merchants couldn't help but think, Liu Xingming is indeed a talent, if not for this. The homeland complex is too heavy, and he really wants to dig him to Dongyan headquarters.

The commissioner in charge of the reception was a beautiful woman. She talked and laughed along the way, and the musketeers in the car were getting along harmoniously. Unexpectedly, when they got to the base and got off the car, they were all dumbfounded like frosted cabbage. Word.

They had already heard about the decadent scenery here, and seeing it with their own eyes still surprised them. Rusty steel bars and abandoned bricks and tiles are scattered everywhere, potholes filled with seawater are everywhere, and there are all kinds of domestic garbage and the corpses of marine life, and there is a rotten stench in the air. The weather has been good for the past two days, but there are no people on the nearby beaches. The sea rocks are covered with green algae. Obviously, there are few tourists here.

The soil quality on the ground is also not very good. Except for the sand slick, most of the soil is brick red soil, which is loose and loose. It makes people feel that it will collapse when they step on it, and it is very insecure.

Lu Shang glanced sideways at Liu Xingming in the accompanying team. The latter was very calm, and even reached out and stepped aside a steel bar that had been poked out of the ground. Obviously, he came here often.

In fact, it is not the first time for most of the team to see this construction site. It's just that the rumors about feng shui from more than ten years ago have not been dissipated, and more or less of the people present knew about it. look. In addition, the sun was still high before the departure, and since they entered the base, the weather became cloudy and there was a little wind. There was an inexplicable mist on the sea level in the distance, which looked even more gloomy and ominous.

The female receptionist skillfully took out hard hats and rubber boots from the trunk of the car and distributed them to them. Li Sui took a set and put it on, then took off Lu Shang's and helped him put it on.

"I remember the last time I came here, there were many people on this beach." Lu Shang looked into the distance.

The female receptionist turned her head: "Yes, people often came to play last spring."

Li Sui followed their gaze. The sea water was very beautiful, the sand was very clean, and there was no rubbish at all. He couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Why is that?"

"What do you know? Last summer, a nearby cargo ship leaked and spread to this beach. For half a year, there was a layer of oil slick on the sea. Naturally, no one came to play. This spring, algae grew in the sea and gradually cleared. Go back." The female receptionist picked up a sea clam on the ground and threw it back on the beach, "These marine animals died of lack of oxygen like this."

"Is the oil so powerful?" Li Sui asked.

No one answered him, the receptionist thought for a while, and then said, "There may be another reason."

"The last time I heard an old man nearby say that this sea is very evil. Every four years, one person will be swept away, no more, no less, and it must be surprising," she paused. "This year happens to be the fourth year."

A gust of wind blew from the sea at the right time, and it was cold. The two of them were originally far away. Hearing this, Li Sui couldn't help but get two points closer to Lu Shang.

"Afraid?" Lu Shang noticed and turned around and smiled.

Li Sui is not afraid, but in this atmosphere, he always pays attention to Lu Shang subconsciously. Only by keeping people under his control can he feel at ease.

When Liu Xingming walked off the construction site, he looked like an old peasant brother, his dark skin and the iron shovel in his hand were a good match. Everyone else avoided it if he could, but he did better and dug a censer directly on the base.

"The last time I came here, are you still there?" Liu Xingming laughed and directed the receptionist to go to his car to get a few incense sticks, then turned to greet the wandering bosses: "Come here, do you want to? Bye bye?"

I had been arguing in the office before, but when I came here, I didn't say a word, as if I was afraid of angering the gods. When Liu Xingming greeted him like this, no one paid him any attention at first. Later, two superstitious ones took the lead and put on the incense stick. past.

Li Sui turned to look at Lu Shang, but Lu Shang didn't move. He didn't mean it, and Li Sui naturally wouldn't do it. Looking at the backs of this group of people, Li Sui couldn't help feeling emotional. He felt that it was not easy for these people. They wanted to make money and save face, and they were afraid of causing disaster for themselves. Maybe people are always like this. The more one climbs, the more likely they are to worry about gains and losses. If they have too much, they are afraid of their hands and feet. It is someone like Lu Shang, who is seriously ill and has no desire for everything, or Li Sui. This kind of person who has nothing, is even more willing to go out.

On the way back, Lu Shang kept silent, staring out the window, as if he was lost in thought. Li Sui didn't bother him, and silently opened his tablet and secretly flipped through those precious books.

After dinner, Lu Shang turned on the computer to work for a while, and then started to be in a daze again, but Li Sui didn't answer when he asked him to put out the hot water.

"Are you busy? Would you like to take a bath first?"

Lu Shang glanced back at him and shook his head: "I was thinking about the land during the day."

Li Sui leaned over: "Do you have any clues?"

I don't know when, Lu Chamber of Commerce discussed the work with him, and turned the computer screen towards him: "The hotel is not good, the location is a little off, and the return on investment is too low; the villa is not good, the rich are taboo, and the sales cycle is long; It’s too loose to build high-rise buildings, and commercial housing doesn’t need to be considered; the only things that can be said are resorts and amusement parks.”

Li Sui leaned closer to the computer. The above was a planning proposal and market research based on the land in the Jinsha Coast. He browsed through it and asked, "Is this written by them? Is there no reference value?"

Lu Shang concluded with one word: "Exaggerated."

Li Sui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These days, he has also slowly figured out that Lu Shang seems to be easy-going, but he is actually very stubborn, especially in his work. .

Those mysterious rumors flashed through Li Sui's mind during the day, and he blurted out: "Since there are so many bad rumors, why not just use it and build a house of horrors."

He didn't want to say a word, and it was originally just a rant. Unexpectedly, Lu Shang stared at him, and he actually began to think seriously, his eyes gradually became brighter, and he raised his hand and quickly tapped on the keyboard.

Li Sui knew that once he started working, he would not stop for a while, so he simply went to the kitchen to prepare a late-night snack.